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Lachica, Tarantan, Torres, Estera, Calizo, Vigo 12-STEM 2

If you could engineer an organism:

1. What would you engineer and why?

Termites. Termites are considered to be one of the most destructive pests in
the world. Termites are insects which mostly feed on dead plant matter like
woodchip, decayed wood(logs) leaf litter and soil. The group thought of making
termites less destructive in a way they would be of big help in today’s
generation. Polyesoptera (Polyethylene + Isoptera) or termites that eat plastic.
Why? Because as we all know, one of the biggest problems that we are suffering
from is plastic waste. Lots of plastics are being produced than ever, but very
little of it gets recycled. Engineering plastic-eating termites may help in solving
this waste problem and save the environment from further damage.
2. What genetic engineering method will you use to design that GMO? Explain the
Genetic engineering method that will be used is DNA recombination. DNA
coming from Waxworm or meal worm that recent studies shows they can digest
plastics, is sliced out of one organism and put it into the DNA of Termite.
3. What impact would your genetically modified organism have on the
Plastic pollution has been an ongoing problem in our country. We actually
consume about 300 million tons of plastic every year. In fact, we have been
ranked in the year 2018 as one of the world’s top three worst offenders of
plastic pollution. By dumping solid trash such as plastics, oil, grease, industrial
wastes and toxic chemicals to these bodies of water, you are already
contributing to water pollution. These will result to Death of Aquatic (water)
Animals, Disruption of food-chains, Diseases and Destruction of Ecosystems.
And we all know that the environment will not be the only one that will be
affected but also the health of the people and their bussiness. That's why we
came up from an idea of this (name of GMO). This is a type of plastic eating
organism that will help in reducing the number of plastic waste in our
environment. It will lessen the harm our plastic waste can cause in both of our
environment and health. And maybe, it can save us and other living things from
the dangers caused by these problems.

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