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Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537

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Fluoride removal from water by composite Al/Fe/Si/Mg pre-

polymerized coagulants: Characterization and application
Athanasia K. Tolkou a, Manassis Mitrakas b, Ioannis A. Katsoyiannis a, Mathias Ernst c,
Anastasios I. Zouboulis a, *
Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Technology, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Water Supply, Technical University of Hamburg, 21073, Hamburg, Germany

h i g h l i g h t s

 A Mg-containing composite (PSiFAC-Mg) coagulant was produced and characterized.

 PSiFAC-Mg was more efficient than conventional Al-base coagulants for F-removal.
 PSiFAC-Mg was efficient for F-removal in a wider pH range (6-8).
 Mg content enhanced fluoride removal at pH values higher than 7.5
 Residual aluminum concentration was under the respective legislation limit.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Fluoride, an anionic pollutant, is possibly to be found in excessive concentrations especially in
Received 9 April 2019 groundwaters and can show detrimental effects on human health, in concentrations higher than the
Received in revised form commonly applied legislation limit of 1.5 mg/L The most commonly applied method for water de-
19 May 2019
fluoridation is performed by Al-based coagulants, which however presents some important limita-
Accepted 21 May 2019
Available online 22 May 2019
tions, such as the applied relatively high dosage, producing rather excessive amounts of chemical sludge.
In this study, the use of novel pre-polymerized Al-based coagulants was examined, regarding their ef-
Handling Editor: Y Yeomin Yoon ficiency towards fluoride removal, as compared with the conventionally applied AlCl3. The novel co-
agulants were characterized by measuring the main physico-chemical properties, the aluminum species
Keywords: distribution, the zeta potential, the particles' size distribution and the produced flocs’ sizes. The results
Water treatment showed that the Mg-containing coagulant (PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15) was the most efficient, when applied in pH
Composite coagulants values relevant to fluoride-containing groundwaters; it was also the only coagulant, which increases its
Poly-aluminum-ferric-silicate-magnesium efficiency at pH values > 7. The uptake capacity of coagulants, regarding fluoride, to reach the residual/
coagulant (PSiFAC-Mg)
equilibrium concentration limit of 1.5 mg F/L (Q1.5-value) at the pH value 7.0 ± 0.1 were found 170, 134
Fluoride removal
and 94 mg F/g Al for the cases of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15, AlCl3$6H2O and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15, respectively.
Accordingly, at the pH value 7.8 ± 0.2 the Q1.5-values were found 189, 118 and 41 mg F/g Al for the same
coagulants; whereas considering the residual aluminum concentration this was ranged at 15 ± 5, 25 ± 5
and 30 ± 5 mg Al/L, respectively. In addition, (beneficial) increase of residual magnesium concentration,
when applying the coagulant PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 was 15 ± 5 mg/L.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Fluoride pollution of groundwaters is affecting more than 200

* Corresponding author. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of
Chemistry, Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Technology, 54124, Thessa- million people globally (WHO, 2011). Excessive fluoride concen-
loniki, Greece. trations found in groundwaters can be attribute to both natural and
E-mail addresses: (A.K. Tolkou), anthropogenic activities. The major anthropogenic sources are
(M. Mitrakas), (I.A. Katsoyiannis), considered the excessive use of phosphate fertilizers, as well as the
(M. Ernst), (A.I. Zouboulis).
0045-6535/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537 529

aluminum smelting and the irrigation by fluoride-contaminated membranes, the disposal of concentrate and the eventual post-
water (Pettenati et al., 2013). It is estimated that up to 0.34 mg/L treatment of water tend to make the process rather uneconomi-
of fluoride can reach the groundwater sources by the use of cal (Battula and Cheukuri, 2014).
phosphate-containing fertilizers (Rao et al., 1997). The natural ac- In the coagulationeprecipitation method, lime and alum are the
tivities which can enhance the fluoride presence in groundwater most commonly used coagulants; the addition of lime leads to the
aquifers are favored mainly by the high alkalinity and bicarbonate precipitation of fluoride as insoluble solid and raises the pH value of
content (Ali et al., 2016). Fluoride concentrations higher than 2 mg/ water to 11e12. The respective limitations are related to the rather
L can cause several health problems to humans, such as dental and higher maintenance cost, as well as to larger space (treatment
skeleton fluorosis, masculine infertility and even cancer (Ozsvath, tanks) requirements and higher residual aluminum concentrations
2009), while at concentrations up to 1.5 mg/L it is considered as in the treated water (Ayoob et al., 2008; Tomar and Kumar, 2013).
beneficial for human health. Therefore, the removal of fluoride from Among the aforementioned technologies, conventional coagu-
waters to achieve final concentration between 0.5 and 1.5 mg/L is lation is widely applied, due to its simplicity and high efficiency,
essential (Fawell et al., 2006). Pollution by fluoride is a serious using mostly aluminum-based coagulants, such as aluminum
problem in south-east Africa, as well as in the United States, Middle chloride (AlCl3) or poly-aluminum chloride (PACl) (Malhbtra et al.,
East, South America, and Asian countries, with China, India, 1997; Pinon-Miramontes et al., 2003; He et al., 2015). However, in
Pakistan, Ethiopia and Kenya being the most affected countries (Ali most relevant studies, the efficient removal of fluoride requires
et al., 2016; Rasool et al., 2018). This problem is affecting mainly the quite high coagulant doses, which in some cases may reach up to
people in developing countries, in which drinking water is obtained 300 mg/L and consequently, higher residual aluminum concentra-
from groundwater wells, usually untreated; the effective removal of tion can remain in the treated (drinkable) water (Reardon and
fluoride in these countries is considered as a challenging issue, Wang, 2000; Aoudj et al., 2012). Therefore, the development of
mainly because of lack of necessary infrastructure and expertise. more efficient coagulants, which could remove fluoride with the
Therefore, the removal of fluoride from drinking water sources application of lower dosages, being at the same time more efficient
(de-fluoridation) has received particular attention, especially dur- at a broader pH range, is considered as an important challenge.
ing the past few years. Different treatment technologies have been In previous studies, the use of pre-polymerized coagulants,
developed, such as ion-exchange (Apambire et al., 1997; Meenakshi based on iron or aluminum, have been applied and found quite
and Viswanathan, 2007), precipitation with iron salts (Biswas et al., efficient for water and wastewater treatment, regarding for
2010), activated alumina (Gong et al., 2012a, b), alum sludge example, the removal of turbidity (Tolkou et al., 2014a,b; 2015a,b),
(Sujana et al., 1998; Dassanayake et al., 2015), use of calcium agents arsenic (Katsoyiannis et al., 2017), and the reduction of membrane
(Waghmare and Arfin, 2015). Especially for the developing coun- fouling in MBR systems (Gkotsis et al., 2017), leaving very low re-
tries the Nalgonda process is the most widely applied technology, sidual metal concentrations, such as in the case of PSiFAC use, being
due to its simplicity and use of relatively low cost materials. This an aluminum-based pre-polymerized coagulant. Therefore, in the
technology is based on the combined use of alum and lime in a two- present study, a tailored (for fluoride removal) pre-polymerized
step process, involving the direct addition of lime (or calcium ox- coagulant was developed and compared with the conventionally
ide) and alum (as hydrated aluminum salts), used as coagulation applied aluminum coagulant, as well as with the already tested in
agents (Nawlakhe and Paramasivam, 1993). previous studies pre-polymerized coagulant, such as PSiFAC-Na.
However, most of the aforementioned techniques exhibit spe- The specific coagulant developed in the present study (PSiFAC-
cific disadvantages; for example, the adsorption process, when Mg) was a magnesium-modified PSiFAC, aiming at enhancing the
using activated alumina, is highly pH-sensitive and most efficient at removal of fluoride by the creation of insoluble MgF2 complexes
pH values between 5 and 6.5, therefore not corresponding to the (Martin, 1990). Mg is classified as a hard base, while F is consid-
common pH values of most groundwaters, especially those con- ered as a hard acid; thus, it was considered that this material might
taining fluoride, being usually higher than 7.5. As a result it presents exhibit increased affinity against fluoride, due to the interaction
relatively lower adsorption capacity at pH > 7 and requires the between the electron pair donors and acceptors; noting that the
appropriate pre-treatment for lowering the pH value of input wa- most favorable interactions may occur, when the acid and base
ter; additionally, the adsorption capacity is reduced after each present similar electronic character (Larson and McMahon, 1985;
regeneration stage (Tomar and Kumar, 2013; Habuda-Stanic et al., Krahlab and Kemnitz, 2017).
2014). In addition, the use of bone char as an adsorbent may not Relevant studies investigating the efficiency of adsorbents,
be acceptable is some countries, due to religious or cultural aspects containing different forms of MgO, have been previously reported
and the water in some cases, might also have unpleasant taste and (Sundaram et al., 2009; Maliyekkal et al., 2010) and the high de-
odor problems. Finally, this technology exhibits relatively low fluoridation efficiency of MgO was noticed, which was ascribed to
adsorption capacity, which imply the need for frequent replace- its high value of Iso-Electric Point (IEP> 10), thus presenting posi-
ment of adsorbent agent, resulting in higher operational costs (Zhu tive surface charges at the desired water pH range (7-8) and fa-
et al., 2010; Habuda-Stani c M. et al., 2014). voring the uptake of fluoride anions (F) (Oladoja et al., 2015).
In the case of ion-exchange, fluoride can be removed from water Therefore, the objectives of this study were: (a) the character-
with the use of a strongly basic anion exchange resin, containing ization of novel aluminum-based coagulants (PSiFAC-Na and
quaternary ammonium functional groups, but certain limitations, PSiFAC-Mg), (b) the application of these reagents for the removal of
such as the possible deterioration of water quality, the cost of resin, fluoride, investigating their efficiency in varying experimental
its regeneration and secondary waste disposal can prevent this conditions, i.e. applying different fluoride or coagulant concentra-
process from being economical. In recent years, membrane pro- tions, different (initial) pH values of water and examining the water
cesses have emerged as a preferred alternative for drinking water matrix to be treated, and (c) the determination of necessary co-
treatment; however, certain disadvantages, such as the high cost of agulants’ removal capacity, able to achieve the residual legislative
530 A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537

concentration of 1.5 mg F/L (denoted as Q1.5-value). To the best of Al species distribution - Ferron method. The distribution of
our knowledge, the use of composite pre-polymerized coagulants aluminum species was determined with the application of Al-
of aluminum was not systematically studied for the case of fluoride Ferron timed spectrophotometric method, which is based on the
removal, whereas the application of custom made PSiFAC-Mg re- different reaction times of aluminum species with the Ferron re-
agent is reported for the first time. agent (8-hydroxy-7- iodoquinoline-5-sulphonic acid) to form water
soluble complexes. These complexes absorb visible light with the
2. Materials and methods maximum being at 370 nm, hence the absorbance measurements at
this wavelength would allow the calculation of different species of
2.1. Materials aluminum (i.e. Ala - monomers, Alb - polymers and Alc - Al(OH)3 -
solids). A Hitachi UV/vis spectrophotometer was used for this
2.1.1. Chemicals purpose. The exact procedure was a modification of the relevant
The initial solutions used for the preparation of pre-polymerized method developed by Zhou et al. (2006).
coagulants were 0.5 M AlCl3$6H2O (Merck), 0.5 М FeCl3$6H2O
(Merck), and 0.5 M NaOH (Merck), or slurry of 0.5 M MgO (PMS2 2.2.2. Zeta-potential and size measurement
pure magnesia) - as the added alkaline agents. The 0.5 M polysilicic The zeta-potential and particle size distribution measurements
acid solution (pSi) was prepared, according to the literature were both conducted with the ZETASIZER Nano-ZS (Malvern). For
(Tzoupanos and Zouboulis, 2009; Zouboulis and Tzoupanos, 2009). each (adjusted) pH value, three measurements of zeta-potential
Sodium fluoride (NaF) solution (Merck) was used for the prepara- and the respective particle sizes were calculated. The tempera-
tion of simulated fluoride-polluted water. А 1000 mg/L fluoride ture was set at 20  C. The particle sizes’ distribution, produced by
stock solution was prepared by dissolving 2.210 g NaF in 1000 mL of each coagulant, was calculated by assuming that their refractive
deionized water. Fluoride-containing working solutions were pre- index is equal to the refractive index of aluminum silicate. The pH
pared by the proper dissolution of stock solution to the tap water of adjustments were conducted by the MPT-2 MULTI PURPOSE
Thessaloniki (Greece). The pH was properly adjusted by using HCl TITRATOR (Malvern).
or NaOH solutions of appropriate concentrations in the range of
1e0.01 M. 2.2.3. Particle size distribution by the volume of flocs
The EyeTech Particle Size and Shape Analyser (Ankersmid) were
used for the flocs’ size measurements. The results show the particle
2.1.2. Tested water
volume distribution and the cumulative volume of each sample.
The main physicochemical characteristics of Thessaloniki's tap
The volume distribution shows the particles in a given size range,
water, partly (around 50%) originating from groundwater sources
expressed as percentage of total sample volume, while the cumu-
and partly from surface (river) water, are shown in Table S1 (sup-
lative volume curve tracks the total volume of all size ranges, as
porting information). All simulated fluoride-polluted water sam-
they approach 100%. The flocs were created by vigorous stirring of
ples were prepared at least 12 h before the experiments and the
solution at 160 rpm for 2 min and then by stirring at 40 rpm for
main parameters of them are given in Table 1.
10 min (Tolkou et al., 2015a). The concentration of coagulant added
to 1 L of water was 10 mg/L and the pH value was accordingly
2.1.3. Preparation of coagulants adjusted, when investigating the influence of (initial) pH.
Two composite inorganic pre-polymerized coagulants, i.e. PSi-
FAC-Na1.5-10-15 (polyaluminum ferric silicate chloride) previously
2.2.4. Fluoride determination
synthesized, studied and applied by Tolkou et al. (2014a, b; 2015a,
The concentration of fluoride was determined by ion chroma-
b) and PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 (polyaluminum ferric silicate magne-
tography (Metrohm IC Anion Column Metrosep Anion Dual 2),
sium), firstly prepared and applied in this study, were produced at
using as eluents 1.3 mmol/L of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and
room temperature (22  C), applying specific experimental condi-
2.0 mmol/L of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and applying a flow of
tions, as presented in Table 2. To compare better the results on de-
0.8 mL/min. The retention time/min (unique for each ion) was used
fluorization treatment, commercially available AlCl3$6H2O coagu-
for the respective measurements, noting that for the case of F is
lant was also examined.
3.53e4.02 min. The method detection limit (MDL) was 0.1 mg/L.

2.2. Methods 2.2.5. Residual aluminum concentration

The residual aluminum concentration was determined by the
2.2.1. Coagulants’ characterization Eriochrome cyanine R standard method (Clesceri et al., 1989). Physico-chemical properties. All prepared composite (inor- Aluminum ions react with Eriochrome cyanine R dye at pH 6,
ganic) coagulants were characterized mainly by measuring the pH resulting to a colored compound with maximum absorbance at
value of final solution (using a Metrohm Herisau pH-Meter), the 535 nm. The methods detection limit (MDL) was 6 mg/L.
turbidity (using a Hach ratio/XR Turbidity-meter) and the con-
ductivity (using a Crison CM 35 conductivity-meter); their stability 2.2.6. Residual magnesium concentration
(ageing) was also frequently checked. The residual magnesium concentration was determined by

Table 1
Main physicochemical parameters of simulated fluoride-polluted waters. 5.

Water samples Water type Initial pH pH after addition Conductivity Total hardness DOC (mg/L)
of 20 mg F/L (mS/cm)

Tap water 1 L tap water* 7.5 7.31 692 280 mg CaCO3/L 0.2
1: 1 water 0.5 L tap water and 0.5 L distilled water 7.2 7.28 362
1: 5 water 0.2 L tap water and 0.8 L distilled water 7.2 7.34 174
1: 10 water 0.1 L tap water and 0.9 L distilled water 7.03 7.26 84.3
A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537 531

Table 2
Preparation procedures of inorganic pre-polymerized coagulants used in this study.

Coagulant Molar Description Procedure


PSiFAC- [OH]/[Al]: [AlCl3 þ FeCl3] þ pSi þ NaOH Appropriate amount of FeCl3 solution was added in the AlCl3 solution, under vigorous stirring. Then, the pSi
Na1.5-10- 1.5 solution was added to the resulted Fe/Al solution at predetermined ratio and the alkaline solution (NaOH) was
15 [Al]/[Fe]: added slowly in the mixture reaching the desired pH value (3e3.5).
[Al þ Fe]/
[Si]: 15
PSiFAC- [Al]/[OH]: [AlCl3 þ FeCl3] þ pSi þ MgO Appropriate amount of FeCl3 solution was added in the AlCl3 solution, under vigorous stirring. Then, the pSi
Mg30-10- 30 solution was added to the resulted Fe/Al solution at predetermined ratio and the MgO slurry was added slowly in
15 [Al]/[Fe]: the mixture until reaching the desired pH value (2e2.5)
[Al þ Fe]/
[Si]: 15

flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, using a PerkinElmer silicate.

AAnalyst 800 instrument.
3.1.2. Zeta-potential and size measurements
2.3. Coagulation performance (Jar-tests) In Table 4, the values of the initial pH of samples, of zeta-
potential, of particle sizes and of Iso-Electric Points (IEPs) are dis-
Jar tests were used for the examination of coagulants’ efficiency. played, for all the examined coagulants, by applying the same
A jar-test apparatus (Aqualytic), equipped with six paddles and coagulant dosage (10 mg Al/L) in deionized water. Fig. 1 shows the
employing 1 L glass beakers, was used for all coagulation experi- relevant diagrams of zeta-potential and particle size measurements
ments. A total volume of 1000 mL of simulated fluoride-polluted of these coagulants, as well as a comparison diagram between
water was transferred to a 1 L beaker and pH was adjusted to the them. It is depicted that the rise of pH value has resulted in the
desired value (between 6 and 8) and kept constant during the increase of particle sizes and in the reduction of zeta-potential
coagulation tests. The solutions were stirred rapidly at 160 rpm for measurements of each sample. As the pH increases, the positive
2 min, followed by slow stirring at 40 rpm for 10 min and then, the charge of the particles decreases and tends to be neutralized at the
suspension was rested for 30 min without any stirring to allow the respective IEP and then, an overall negative charge is prevailing. As
sedimentation of produced flocs (Tolkou et al., 2015a). After sedi- a result, the (colloidal) system is being destabilized and bigger
mentation, water samples were collected from the supernatant of particles are formed.
each beaker, approximately at 5 cm below the water surface, PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 is the aluminum-based coagulant that pre-
filtered through 0.45 mm pore size nylon filter and the concentra- sented the highest initial positive value of zeta-potential (50.5 mV).
tions of fluoride and other relevant parameters were determined in The initial pH value (after coagulant addition) and the respective
the filtrate. The examined coagulants doses, expressed as mg Al/L, IEP for this coagulant were 4.9 and 9.10, respectively. The initial
were in the range of 5e50 mg Al/L. particle size was approximately 189 nm, classifying it as a nanoscale
coagulant. PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 presents also a high initial zeta-
3. Results and discussion potential value (38.2 mV). Its initial particle size was 449 nm and
increases substantially (up to 4000 nm) as the pH rises. The com-
3.1. Characterization of coagulants mon commercially available aluminum-based coagulant, i.e.
AlCl3.6H2O, presents an initial zeta-potential value of 39.7 mV and a
3.1.1. Physico-chemical properties particle size value of 234 nm. The results depict that all these
Table 3 presents the main properties of examined coagulants in chemical agents can be classified as nanoscale coagulants.
this study. It is shown that the applied preparation/synthesis Fig. 1 shows that for all these coagulants, the IEP values were
method is affecting the percentage of medium-sized forms of found to be greater than 8, which means that at lower pH values an
polymerized aluminum (denoted as Alb). More specifically in the overall positive charge prevails, favoring the interaction of
case of PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15, where NaOH solution is used as the aluminum species with the negatively charged fluoride species.
alkaline agent for the polymerization of coagulant, a relatively Also, the size of the particles in all these cases was increased
higher content was found (i.e. Alb 51%), in contrast to the case of drastically at pH values around 7.0, which is most likely attributed
PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 (where Alb was 12%), using MgO as alternative to the formation of Al(OH)3 precipitates. These results, regarding
alkaline agent. Turbidity was increased, when NaOH is used, due to the characterization of novel coagulants as compared with the
the formation of several precipitated solids of aluminum, iron and
Table 4
Initial pH (after coagulant addition), zeta-potential, sizes and Iso-Electric Points (IEP)
Table 3
values for the examined coagulants, tested at 10 mg Al/L concentration in distilled
The main physico-chemical properties of examined coagulant agents and the rele-
vant Al-species distribution.
Coagulant Initial Initial zeta-potential Initial size Iso-Electric Point
Type pH Turbidity (NTU) Conductivity (mS/cm) Al-species
pH (mV) (nm) (IEP)
PSiFAC-Na15- 4.87 50.5 189 9.10
Ala Alb Alc
PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 3.5 211 23.7 44 51 5 PSiFAC-Mg30- 4.61 38.3 449 8.3
PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 2.3 98 24.5 81 12 7 10-15
AlCl3$6H2O 2 <1 21.0 100 e e AlCl3$6H2O 5.07 39.7 234 9.02
532 A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537

Fig. 1. Zeta-potential (mV) and particle size measurements (nm) as a function of respective pH values; (a) PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15, (b) PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15, (c) AlCl3$6H2O, and (d) com-
parison of zeta-potential values for the examined coagulants.

conventional one, can confirm their effectiveness as effective co- Table 6

agulants in the pH range, which is relevant to drinking water Mean flocs size value (mm) of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 coagulant as affected by the
fluoride presence in water; coagulant dosage 10 mg Al/L, pH 7.0 ± 0.1,
treatment (i.e. 7-8). T ¼ 22±1  C.

Presence of F (mg/L) Mean flocs' size value (mm)

3.1.3. Particle size distribution of flocs 0 2.3
In Table 5 the mean diameter values of the flocs produced by the 5 4.9
examined coagulants are presented, falling in the range 1e6 mm, 10 5

with the AlCl3 presenting the larger flocs under the studied con-
ditions. Additionally, Table 6 and Fig. 2 shows the effect of fluoride
presence on the size of the flocs for the case of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 and that the size of flocs differed in the absence and presence of
addition; it can be noticed that the presence of fluoride contributed fluoride. However, in their study, the floc size was decreased as the
to the formation of slightly larger flocs. These changes in the floc ratio of fluoride to aluminum increased, which is in contrast to the
size and formation were also found in a relevant study, when the findings of this study, examining the use of pre-polymerized co-
effect of fluoride on floc formation by coagulation using aluminum agulants by using magnesium oxide as the alkali regulator. This
chloride was examined (Gong et al., 2012b). change might be attributed to the presence of magnesium, in
In particular, by using FTIR and XPS spectrometry, it was also contrast to the pure aluminum chloride, which creates different
shown in this paper that the flocs after complexation/interaction kind of flocs and involves also other mechanisms for the removal
with fluoride anions were different than in the case of Al(OH)3 flocs for fluoride; i.e. in the case of magnesium-modified coagulant the
bridge flocculation mechanism seems to be more probable, while in
the presence of aluminum chloride the respective mechanism
Table 5 seems to be is rather the sweep flocculation (Dubey et al., 2018).
Mean flocs’ size range (mm) of applied coagulants in tap water for the same coag-
ulant dosage (10 mg Al/L).
Therefore, this might be an advantage of the selected coagulant, as
the larger the flocs are, the better the settling ability and thus, the
Coagulant Flocs' size range (mm) more efficient overall removal of fluoride from water.
PSiFAC-Na15-10-15 1.5e3
PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 2e4
AlCl3$6H2O 4e6
A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537 533

Fig. 2. Effect of fluoride presence in the distribution of particle sizes, regarding the addition of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 in tap water; (a) on the diameters of flocs sizes (mm), and (b) on the
cumulative size distribution as percentage of the particles sizes.

3.2. Effect of pH on fluoride removal This is also consistent with the solubility of aluminum, which is
lowest at narrow pH value 6.8 ± 0.2. The residual fluoride concen-
The coagulation is a physico-chemical process, which is highly trations at pH 6, 7 and 8 were 2.2, 1.3 and 1.6 mg/L for the case of
dependent on the solution pH (Aoudj et al., 2012; He et al., 2015), AlCl3$6H2O and 2.4, 1.7 and 2.6 mg/L for the case of PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-
especially in the case of aluminum-based coagulants, because the 15, respectively. These results indicate that for the cases of afore-
range of pH in which aluminum exhibits its lower solubility is quite mentioned coagulants the insoluble Al(OH)3 is possibly the main
narrow. The effect of pH on fluoride removal by the presence of specie responsible for fluoride uptake. The Al(OH)3 flocs is believed
aluminum coagulants was studied over the pH range of 6e8 with to adsorb F strongly and the formation of this precipitate is
constant coagulant dose (30 mg Al/L, as found during preliminary optimal in the pH range 6.8 ± 0.2 (Aoudj et al., 2012). The dissolved
experiments) and initial fluoride concentration of 5 mg/L (Fig. 3). It aluminum species Al3þ, Al(OH)2þ and Al(OH)2þ at pH < 6.8 and
is worth noting that the pH was controlled and kept constant Al(OH)-4 at pH > 6.8 can lead to the diminishing of Al(OH)3 pre-
during the coagulation tests. As it can be noticed, the maximum cipitates, resulting in turn in lower fluoride uptake. These results
fluoride removal was observed at pH around 7, when PSiFAC-Na1.5- were also confirmed by the relevant literature (Hu et al., 2005;
10-15 and conventional AlCl3$6H2O were used, while at the acidic Aoudj et al., 2012).
and especially at the alkaline pH values, the fluoride removal was In contrast, PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 exhibits a better fluoride removal
decreased, in contrast with the case of Mg-containing coagulant. by increasing the pH in the range 6e8 (Fig. 3) and the residual
concentrations at pH 6, 7 and 8 were 1.7, 1.1 and 0.7 mg/L,
This is most likely attributable to the ability of magnesium to
form the respective magnesium fluoride complexes (see also the
supporting information, Table S2); thus, acting synergistically with
Al species and improving the removal of fluoride. In summarizing,
the responsible mechanism of PSiFACMg30-10-15 for fluoride
removal is similar with the other coagulants (i.e. PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15
and AlCl3$6H2O) for the pH values up to 7. However, at pH values
higher than 7, the increase of fluoride uptake capacity can be
attributed to the formation of insoluble Magnesium fluoride com-
plexes, which can replace effectively the expected loss of efficiency,
provided by aluminum at higher pH values. Conclusively, the
incorporation of magnesium to form a composite pre-polymerized
inorganic coagulant was found to increase significantly the capacity
for fluoride uptake, as compared to the other aluminum-based
coagulants examined in this research, especially for pH values
higher than 7.2. This finding has significant implications for the
treatment of fluoride-containing groundwaters, since most of them
usually exhibit pH values above 7.5 (Thole, 2013).

3.3. Determination of coagulants uptake capacity for fluoride

The fluoride uptake capacity of coagulants was subsequently

Fig. 3. Effect of pH values on fluoride removal, for initial fluoride concentration 5 mg/L
evaluated, considering the residual/equilibrium concentration
and coagulant dosage 30 mg Al/L (T ¼ 22±1  C) for the three examined coagulant equal to drinking water regulation limit of 1.5 mg F/L (denoted as
agents. Q1.5-value) at pH values 7.0 ± 0.1 and 7.8 ± 0.1. Since fluoride uptake
534 A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537

Fig. 4. (a) Effect of coagulant dose to fluoride removal, and (b) the respective results fitting to Freundlich (solid line) and Langmuir (dashed line) models; initial fluoride con-
centration 5 mg F/L, pH 7.0 ± 0.1, T ¼ 22±1  C.

is expected to proceed through complexation by aluminum and/or corresponding for the other two coagulants (AlCl3$6H2O and PSi-
magnesium, the uptake capacity was determined by applying the FAC-Na1.5-10-15), respectively. Furthermore, it must be clarified that
following experimental conditions: the Qmax values according to the Langmuir equation are indicative,
since they were calculated by the extrapolation of experimental
✓ The same initial fluoride concentration (5 mg F/L) and different data, focusing to low residual concentrations of fluoride in order to
coagulants doses/concentrations in the range 2e50 mg Al/L, and clarify better the technologically important Q1.5-values (applicable
✓ The same coagulants' dose (30 mg Al/L) and initial fluoride for the design of larger-scale treatment systems), while there are
concentrations in the range 2e20 mg F/L. not available data, regarding the residual concentrations at the
saturation conditions of examined coagulants/adsorbents.
The results of coagulants’ type and concentration, when using a The adsorption isotherms for the initial fluoride concentrations
fixed initial fluoride concentration (5 mg/L) at pH 7.0 ± 0.1 are in the range 2e20 mg F/L, using a fixed coagulant concentration
shown in Fig. 4a. All three coagulants showed rather similar (30 mg Al/L) are presented in Fig. 5 and the relative constants by
behavior, with the necessary coagulant dose being at least 20 mg/L fitting these data, according to the Freundlich equation, are also
for achieving residual concentration of fluoride lower than the incorporated in Table 7. The respective experimental results did not
drinking water regulation limit of 1.5 mg/L. These experimental fit well, according to the Langmuir model (as R2 < 0.9), and thus
results were best fitted to empirical Freundlich model (Fig. 4b), they are not presented in Table 7, whereas they were best fitted
based on sorption onto a heterogeneous surface (Parab et al., 2005; according to the Freundlich model. In the latter case the Q1.5 values
Katsoyiannis, 2007), as well as to the Langmuir model, which is were found to be similar (the respective variation was less than 5%)
based on the assumption that all adsorption sites are of equal size with the corresponding Q1.5 values, which were previously deter-
and shape, resulting in monolayer adsorption (Table 7). According mined (i.e. with fixed fluoride concentration and different coagu-
to the Freundlich equation, the determined Q1.5 values were 167, lant doses).
135 and 96 mg F/g Al for the cases of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15, AlCl3$6H2O The lower KF-values along with the higher n-values (according
and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15, respectively. The evaluation of Q1.5 values to the Freundlich model) indicate the lower affinity between fluo-
clarify that the PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 presents the best uptake capacity ride and the created surface of precipitates and verify the hetero-
among them, which is almost 25% and 70% higher, than the geneous adsorption mechanism. When considering a constant

Table 7
Freundlich and Langmuir constants derived from the application of respective isotherms to fluoride removal; experimental conditions: initial fluoride concentration 5 mg F/L,
pH 7.0 ± 0.1, T ¼ 22±1  C).

Coagulants Freundlich model Langmuir model

qe ¼ KFCne Ce 1 1
¼ þ Ce
Qe KL Qmax Qmax

KF mg/g (L/mg)n n R2 Q1.5 mg F/g Al Qmax mg F/g Al KL R2


Coagulants' concentration range 2e50 mg Al/L, fixed initial fluoride concentration (5 mg F/L)
AlCl3$6H2O 107 0.573 0.988 135 721 0.203 0.998
PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 70 0.783 0.989 96 413 0.334 0.982
PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 126 0.686 0.995 167 750 0.096 0.985
Fixed coagulants' dose (30 mg Al/L), fluoride concentration range 2e20 mg F/L
AlCl3$6H2O 87 1.051 0.996 133
PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 57 1.158 0.994 92
PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 123 0.853 0.998 174
A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537 535

Table 8
BET fitting parameters for fluoride adsorption isotherms at 7.8 ± 0.2, according to the
equation: Q ¼ aC/[1 þ bC þ dC2]; experimental conditions: Co ¼ 5 mg F/L, pH
7.8 ± 0.2, T ¼ 22±1  C).

Coagulant a b C R2 Q1.5, (mg F/g Al)

AlCl3$6H2O 103 0.49 0.19 0.9968 118

PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 11 0.49 0.06 0.9848 41
PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 1070 8.9 2.6 0.9891 189

✓ PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 (mean Q1.5 ¼ 94 mg F/g Al)

Co ¼ 5 mg F/L: Al dose ¼ [(10e1.5) mg F/L]/[94 mg F/g

Al] ¼ 0.0372 g Al/L ¼ 37.2 mg Al/L.
However, the uptake capacity of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 at pH
Fig. 5. Adsorption isotherms based on various fluoride concentrations (2-20 mg F/L) 7.8 ± 0.2, commonly encountered at fluoride-rich groundwaters
and fixed coagulants' dose (30 mg Al/L) at pH 7.0 ± 0.1 (T ¼ 22±1  C). was improved, while the corresponding uptake capacities of
AlCl3$6H2O and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 were decreased, verifying the
results of Fig. 3. The adsorption isotherms for the same initial
number of adsorption sites (i.e. addition of a constant coagulant fluoride concentration (5 mg/L) at pH 7.8 ± 0.2 and different co-
dose), then by increasing the adsorbate (fluoride) concentration, agulants’ doses 2-50 mg Al/L are shown in Fig. 6. The respective
this is gradually cover the adsorption sites, which present lower adsorption data were found to best fit the BET model, indicating the
affinity and possibly led in multilayer adsorption; therefore, results lower affinity of fluoride with aluminum at pH 7.8 ± 0.2, due to the
in lower KF-values, higher n-values and did not fit to Langmuir increase of negatively charged surface of aluminum species
model. [Al(OH)-] and the uptake of fluoride by physisorption. The respec-
Conclusively, PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 proved as more efficient coag- tive model parameters, as well as the uptake capacity of coagulants
ulant for fluoride removal in comparison with the other examined are presented in Table 8, which indicate that the uptake capacity
coagulants, while the respective doses for decreasing the initial (Q1.5) of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 increased more than 10%, while the
fluoride concentrations of 5 mg F/L at pH 7.0 ± 0.1 down to the corresponding of AlCl3$6H2O and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 were decreased
legislation limit (1.5 mg F/L) are: more than 10% and 50%, respectively.
Therefore, the concentrations for decreasing an initial fluoride
✓ PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 (mean Q1.5 ¼ 170 mg F/g Al): concentration of 5 mg F/L to drinking water regulation limits were
modified accordingly in this case as follows:
Co ¼ 5 mg F/L: Al dose ¼ [(5e1.5) mg F/L]/[170 mg F/g
Al] ¼ 0.0205 g Al/L ¼ 20.6 mg Al/L. ➢ PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 (Q1.5¼189 mg F/g Al):

✓ AlCl3$6H2O (mean Q1.5 ¼ 134 mg F/g Al). Co ¼ 5 mg F/L: Al dose ¼ [(5e1.5) mg F/L]/[189 mg F/g
Al] ¼ 0.0185 g Al/L ¼ 18.5 mg Al/L.
Co ¼ 5 mg F/L: Al dose ¼ [(10e1.5) mg F/L]/[134 mg F/g
Al] ¼ 0.0261 g Al/L ¼ 26.1 mg Al/L. ➢ AlCl3$6H2O (Q1.5 ¼ 118 mg F/g Al)

Co ¼ 5 mg F/L: Al dose ¼ [(10e1.5) mg F/L]/[118 mg F/g

Al] ¼ 0.0297 g Al/L ¼ 29.7 mg Al/L.

➢ PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 (Q1.5 ¼ 41 mg F/g Al)

Co ¼ 5 mg F/L: Al dose ¼ [(10e1.5) mg F/L]/[41 mg F/g

Al] ¼ 0.0854 g Al/L ¼ 85.4 mg Al/L.
Conclusively, the doses of AlCl3$6H2O and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 for
diminishing an initial fluoride concentration of 5 mg/L to drinking
water regulation limits are 1.6 and 4.6 times higher, than the cor-
responding of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15. Considering also the residual
aluminum, its concentration was ranged at 15 ± 5 mg Al/L, 25 ± 5 mg
Al/L and 30 ± 5 mg Al/L for the cases of AlCl3$6H2O, PSiFAC-Mg30-10-
15 and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15, respectively. Additionally, the contribu-
tion of selected coagulant PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 for dissolved Mg in the
treated water and in the range of 2e50 mg Al/L as coagulant dos-
ages, was found to be in the range 15 ± 5 mg Mg/L, i.e. slightly
increased, which did not modified significantly the resulting water
quality and it can be considered as an advantage from the human
health point of view.

Fig. 6. Adsorption isotherms of fluoride by the application of three coagulant agents:

3.4. Effect of water matrix on fluoride removal
AlCl3$6H2O, PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 and PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15; experimental conditions:
Co ¼ 5 mg F/L, pH 7.8 ± 0.1, T ¼ 22±1  C). Fig. 7 shows the fluoride removal, using several dilutions of tap
536 A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537

particularly important parameter from the perspective of human

health and should be carefully considered, when an aluminum
coagulant is applied for drinking water treatment. According to
Fig. 8, it can be seen that the residual Al concentration remains well
under the respective legislation limit of 200 mg Al/L, according to
the EU Directive 98/83/EC, for all the examined coagulants at the
pH range (6-8) commonly encountered in most drinking water
sources. These results are in agreement with other studies, having
examined aluminum-based coagulants for the removal of fluoride,
in samples measured after a microfiltration process, as it was
conducted in the present study (Dubey et al., 2018). The use of all
coagulants in this study did not enrich the finished water with
unacceptable levels of aluminum and from this point of view can be
considered as safe for applications in drinking water treatment. The
lowest residual Al concentration was achieved at water pH 7, due to
the lowest solubility of aluminum at this pH value.
Summarizing, in the case of composite poly-aluminum-ferric-
silicate-magnesium coagulant (PSiFAC-Mg), no further flocculants
aid or polyelectrolyte are required; as a result, additional cost
benefits may arise by the utilization of this material, including the
Fig. 7. Effect of water matrix at fixed initial fluoride concentration of 5 mg/L; coagulant avoidance of specific equipment for handling the polyelectrolyte
dosage 30 mg Al/L, pH 7.2 ± 0.1, T ¼ 22±1  C. solution (e.g. dissolution and pumping systems). In this way, the
overall treatment procedure is simplified and the overall cost-
water by deionized water, namely 1: 1, 1: 5, and 1: 10 (Table 1) in effectiveness is also improved. In addition, the results showed
order to check the effect of water matrix. Fluoride removal by the that the Mg-containing coagulant (PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15) was the
coagulants PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 and AlCl3$6H2O was not affected by most efficient, when applied in pH values relevant to fluoride-
the dilution with tap water, which means that is not substantially containing groundwaters, which means that no extra cost and re-
affected by different water hardness and alkalinity. On the other agents are needed to adjust the pH accordingly.
hand, the efficiency of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 on fluoride uptake was
found to increase by the dilution of tap water with deionized water, 4. Conclusions
with the improvement being better as the dilution gets from 1: 5 to
1: 10 ratio. This effect is most likely attributed to the magnesium In the present study, the novel aluminum-based coagulant
content of the coagulant. The presence of magnesium in tap water PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 was compared with PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 (pre-
matrix along with the MgF2 can form various complexes, such as polymerized, also Al-based coagulant, but without the presence of
MgHCOþ þ Mg, already studied for the decrease of fouling in MBR processes
3 , MgCl (see Table S2 in the supplementary information),
which presents strong competition for the same adsorbing sites. and for arsenic removal) and with the conventional and commer-
Therefore, by diluting the tap water with distilled water, the con- cially available AlCl3 for the removal of fluoride from simulated
centrations of MgHCOþ þ polluted groundwaters. The results showed that the newly pro-
3 , MgCl are decreased, thus increasing the
available sites for fluoride sorption. This effect sheds also light into duced magnesium-containing coagulant was more efficient, than
the mechanism of fluoride removal by the addition of magnesium, the other two (not containing magnesium) and the fluoride uptake
providing information for the synthesis of more efficient co- capacity of examined coagulants, followed the order: PSiFAC-Mg30-
agulants in future research. 10-15 > AlCl3$6H2O > PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15. The optimum uptake ca-
pacity of AlCl3$6H2O and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 was found at pH 7,
where aluminum presents the lower solubility, while the corre-
3.5. Residual aluminum concentration
sponding of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 uptake capacity was more efficient
at pH 7, than the other two. Furthermore, the selected coagulant
The residual aluminum concentration is considered as
continued to increase its efficiency at pH values higher than 7,
where the other two coagulants started to become less efficient for
the removal of fluoride at slightly alkaline pH values, commonly
encountered in most groundwaters.
The results have been further elaborated by using the Freundlich
and Langmuir models and the Q1.5-values were determined by the
application of Freundlich model. It was shown that the selected
coagulant PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 can achieve higher uptake Q1.5 values
and lower residual F concentrations, than the respective regulation
limit at the pH 7.0 ± 0.1, i.e. Q1.5 ¼ 170 mg F/g Al for PSiFAC-Mg30-10-
15, Q1.5 ¼ 134 mg F/g Al for AlCl3$6H2O and Q1.5 ¼ 94 for PSiFAC1.5-10-
15. The uptake capacity of PSiFAC-Mg30-10-15 at pH 7.8 ± 0.2,
commonly encountered at fluoride-rich groundwaters, was further
improved (Q1.5 ¼ 189 mg F/g), while the corresponding uptake ca-
pacities of the other two examined coagulants, i.e. AlCl3$6H2O
(Q1.5 ¼ 118 mg F/g) and PSiFAC-Na1.5-10-15 (Q1.5 ¼ 41 mg F/g) were
decreased at this alkaline pH value. Additionally, for this pH value
Fig. 8. Residual aluminum concentration as function of water pH for the same co- (7.8), the adsorption data were best fitted to the BET model, indi-
agulants' dose (30 mg Al/L). cating the lower affinity of fluoride with aluminum, due to the
A.K. Tolkou et al. / Chemosphere 231 (2019) 528e537 537

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