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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity

Stage 1: The person I admire the most

A. What to do?

Write a biography of the person you admire the most. This person can be, for
example, a public figure, a celebrity, a politician, a world leader or someone
close to you, a relative.

Note: The person you choose cannot be the same chosen for Evidence 3
of this learning activity.

B. How to do it?

You need to carry out some research in order to collect the necessary
information for writing the biography. If the person chosen is a public figure,
you can surf the web in order to get the details you are going to include. On
the contrary, if the person chose is someone you know personally, you can set
up an interview in order to ask the person the questions you may have about
his / her life.

Here is an outline we suggest following for writing the biography. We have

chosen Charles Darwin (public figure), an influential scientist of the
nineteenth century, as example for the outline.

Suggested outline
1. Early life and education.
2. Voyage of the Beagle.
3. Darwin's evolutionary theory.
4. Overwork, illness, and marriage.
5. Natural selection.
6. Geology books, barnacles, evolutionary research.
7. Publication of the theory of natural selection.
8. Responses to publication.
9. Descent of man, sexual selection, and botany.
10. Death and funeral.
Stage 2: My admiration for…

A. What to do?

In this section, you will record a tape or video in which you orally present the
person you chose in Section 1. For this part of the evidence you need to
present the biography as well as explain and illustrate the reasons why you
admire this person.

I present to my character that I chose to be the famous writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez for which I
admire and for that I will present the details of his life.


In our permanent concern to provide an auxiliary medium that effectively helps the development of
Education, we present the students of the country and all people who are illustrated with the true
story of the writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

This educational material has been elaborated with didactic criteria, using a mild and simple
language so that it is an active working instrument. With him the student will be able to develop his
intellectual capacity, analytical and critical and therefore the full compression of the thematic
contents and its spontaneous free application by the student at the required moment.

The information that we present below covers the life stage of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the life that
inspired him to carry out his works, the events that were happening in his country, the life of his
parents and grandparents, his history in the Childhood and adolescence to this day. We can also see
what context he lived to write each of his works. The same as they have been programmed in
chapters properly illustrated with photographs, drawings that have to contribute to a productive,
analytical and critical compression of the facts his life.


Full name: Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez

Place of birth: Municipality of Aracata, Magdalena, Colombia

Birthdate: March 6, 1927

Died: April 17, 2014 in Mexico City

Literary genres: Novels / Stories

Most Outstanding Books: One Hundred Years of Solitude, Chronicle of a Death Announced, Love
and Other Demons, Twelve Pilgrim Tales, Love in the Time of Cholera, Colonel Has No One to
Write to You, News of a Kidnap, Story of a Shipwreck , Live To Tell It, More


I have never read his full biography but what I admire most of him is that it was the author who
made me find the taste for reading that is why I have a lot of respect.

The first book I read was Story of a Castaway, then Chronicle of a Death Announced, One
Hundred Years of Solitude and 12 Pilgrims' Tales.


The conclusion we reach is that Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a person who has written books of
great interest, an example of which is the one hundred years of solitude that I have been told is
very good and many have recommended it for me Read, as previously limos was born in
Aracataca Colombia on March 6, 1927. He received a Nobel Prize in 1982 which was the Nobel
Prize for literature. He is a scriptwriter as well as a journalist, he wrote several literary works as
the most popular or best known are: one hundred years of solitude, love and other demons, love
in times of anger, the general in his labyrinth, strange pilgrims memories of My sad whores, eyes
of the blue dog, live to tell, chronicle of a death announced, the colonel has no one to write. In if
we all must learn from him because he gives us a clear example that we should not give up for
something that can be easily solved but not, but if there are obstacles we must overcome
because if we want to achieve something there is no Nothing that can not prevent them so we
must fight for everything we want to be better every day no matter what happens.


B. How to do it?

Record an audio or a video in the device of your preference. Before start the
recording, you need to organize the information you are going to introduce.
Your presentation has to include the following aspects:

1. An introduction.
2. A description of the biography.
3. Arguments and illustrations supporting your admiration for this person.
4. A conclusion.
5. Sources (In the event you consulted any articles, the web, journals, etc.)

Note: During the presentation you need to include the appropriate

signpost language for oral presentations and also some of the
vocabulary related to responsibility and leadership.

Stage 3: Submitting my evidence

When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the files in your computer. Make sure
the files are attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your files once. Please,
make sure you upload the two (2) files when submitting your evidence.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning
guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Expresa ideas sobre productividad y responsabilidad usando el
vocabulario requerido.

 Prepara presentaciones orales haciendo uso del vocabulario y las

diferentes estructuras gramaticales requeridas.

 Expresa ideas sobre liderazgo y responsabilidad usando el vocabulario


 Combina diferentes tiempos verbales para expresar ideas, usando la

estructura y el vocabulario requerido.

 Usa expresiones idiomáticas teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y contexto


 Expresa reflexiones críticas sobre el pasado en el contexto requerido.

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