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Cigarette smoking is one of the worst thing that people can do to their bodies.

People do
it because of numerous reasons, some of them started it from an early age because they
thought it looks cool. However, smoking does not affect negatively only the smoker, it also
affects all the people around those who smoke because when people smoke in pubic places the
smoke travels everywhere through the air, and the negative effects of this smoke affects all the
people. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places.
First of all, the number of people who smoke have increased over the years and this
category who smoke in public portrays a bad example. The most exposed are the children
which are the most sensitive not only because of the health issues but because they will take
this behavior as a good example and they will start to smoke at a very young age.
Secondly, smoking cigarettes is the primary cause of pulmonary desease as cancer,
emphysema and heart desease as heart attacks etc because the smoke contains a lot of
chemicals known to be toxic as carbon monoxide and nicotine. Banning it, could prevent these
health issues.
In conclusion, there are various reasons why smoking should be banned, the most
important is the health-related one. The smoking ban will discourage the non smokers from
starting to smoke, thus preventing them from getting addicted to cigarettes and also will
encourage smokers to quit. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places as pubs,
restaurants and playgrounds.

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