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Hot Spot 5: Tests CD audioscript

Module 1 Module 2
Hi, my name’s Eva. I’m from Colombia in South Hi, my name’s Will and I’m Canadian, but I don’t
America and I live in Bogotá, the capital city. I live in Canada. I live in Denpasar in Bali,
live in a flat in the middle of the city with my Indonesia. My dad works for a telecom company
parents, my sister and my two brothers. and we live in a house in Sanur near the beach.
I go to Marie Angeles high school in the city. It’s We’ve lived here for six years.
an all girls school and it’s part of an online I go to the International school. There are children
community group. This means we can do projects here from lots of different countries. We study all
with schools all over the world on the Internet. our subjects in English and my best friend is
It’s great. My class is doing a project about the Fabio from Italy.
environment with a high school in Mumbai in Fabio and I love surfing. I started surfing when I
India. It’s a great way to practise English and was eight years old and Fabio started about four
learn about people in different countries. Every years ago. I’m really good at surfing, but Fabio is
Wednesday we chat to our friends in Mumbai on better! He can overtake me on his surfboard and
the computer. he can do rolls and spins. Surfing gives you a real
I’ve made friends with a girl called Meena. We buzz and it keeps you fit and healthy. I love
spend a lot of time chatting online after school in adventure sports like rock climbing and
the evening. I’ve learnt a lot about her life and her hang-gliding. I’ve never been rock climbing but
culture. Meena loves Bollywood films and she’s last year I went hang-gliding for the first time. It
fond of Bhangra music and dancing. It’s very was amazing! Fabio hasn’t been hang-gliding yet,
popular in India and it looks fun. She’s smart, too. but he wants to try next summer.
She wants to study science at university. She says There are surfing competitions in Bali every year
she’s very determined and she works really hard. and surfers come from all over the world. They all
I’ve never been good at science. I prefer say we have the best waves they’ve ever seen.
languages and I’m interested in journalism, but I I’ve already been to three competitions. Last
haven’t decided what I’m going to study at year’s competition was the best one I’ve ever
university yet. One day I’d like to visit Meena in been to.

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Module 3 Module 4
Anna What are you looking at, Jacob? Interviewer And today on the show we have
Jacob I’m looking at a website about tigers. Luke Collins talking about his new
They’re amazing animals. Look at this book The Mystery of Easter Island.
photo. Hello, Luke. Tell us about Easter
Anna Where are they from?
Luke Thank you, Mark. Well, Easter
Jacob You find them in Asia not Africa – the
Island is in the Pacific Ocean. It’s
most common place is India. And their
over 2,000 miles from Chile in
common habitats are forests and
South America and 1,000 miles from
rainforests. You also find the Siberian tiger
the nearest inhabited island. It’s an
in Siberia in northern Russia.
extremely isolated place.
Anna Where is this one from?
Interviewer Who were the first people to live
Jacob This is a Bengal tiger from India. They’re there?
very skilful predators. They hunt their prey
Luke It’s thought that the first people to
in the forest. In the forest, their stripes act
live on Easter Island were the
as perfect camouflage in the long grass. If
Polynesians who travelled there over
you were in the forest, you wouldn’t be
1,500 years ago. They travelled
able to see them.
across 2,000 miles of ocean. It was
Anna But tigers are very rare. They’re in danger, an incredibly difficult voyage. When
aren’t they? they arrived they found a beautiful
Jacob Yes, they are. Their habitats are threatened island covered in forest. They stayed
because people are cutting down the and the population grew to 10,000.
forests. If we don’t do more to protect the However, when the Dutch explorer
forests, their numbers will continue to Jacob Roggeveen landed there in
decrease. Unless we do more to protect 1722 he found a devastated island.
tigers, there won’t be any in the future. There were no trees or birds and
That’s a terrible thing. only 2,000 people.
Anna How can we help? Interviewer What had happened?
Jacob We can support conservation projects. Luke Well, all the forests had been cut
That’s the best thing. down and without trees the people
couldn’t make boats for fishing, and
they had no fuel. But the most
amazing thing that Roggeveen and
his crew saw were hundreds of huge,
stone statues all over the island. The
gigantic statues looked like gods or
chiefs. They appeared to be guarding
the island, but even the population
who lived there didn’t know what
they were for. Historians think the
statues might have been religious.
Interviewer What were they made from?
Luke They were carved from stone, but
the question is How were the statues
moved to the coast and high, cliff
tops where they were placed? Most
of the statues are four metres tall and
weigh four tons, but the biggest are
over ten metres tall. How did they
do it? Historians can’t agree and so
the mystery remains unsolved.
Interviewer Well, thanks for coming on the
show, Luke.

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Module 5 Module 6
Interviewer Tell us about what you eat, Rob. Lidia I really don’t like the new boy in class.
Rob I don’t think I have a very healthy What’s his name?
diet. I’m too busy to cook. I usually Jane Bob.
have coffee and toast for breakfast. Lidia Yes, Bob. He’s so antisocial and
I eat a lot of toast because it’s cheap unfriendly. He doesn’t say anything, does
and easy to make, so if I’m working he?
at home I might have toast for
Jane No, he doesn’t, but I don’t think he’s
lunch. Sometimes in the evening I
antisocial. I think he’s shy.
have egg and chips in the university
canteen. Lidia Shy! I don’t agree at all. He doesn’t look
shy to me, he looks unfriendly. He always
Interviewer Do you ever cook meals?
has his arms folded and he doesn’t look me
Rob I cook pasta because it’s easy, but I in the eye.
can’t cook anything else.
Jane Yes, I know. But that’s because he doesn’t
Interviewer What about you, Lily? know anyone. He probably doesn’t know
Lily I cook pasta, too. All students cook what to say.
pasta because it’s the easiest thing Lidia Well, why doesn’t he smile sometimes? He
to cook. My mum taught me how to just stands on his own and says nothing.
cook a few dishes before I came to
Jane Maria told me that he used to live in a tiny
university. I can cook roast chicken,
village in the country. His school was
vegetable stir-fry, spaghetti
probably smaller than ours, and maybe he
Bolognese and vegetable stew. The
misses his friends. Not everyone is as
rest of the time I eat toast, fruit and
confident as you, Lidia. It can’t be easy for
Interviewer Well, that isn’t bad. Those are
Lidia OK. OK ... You could be right. I still think
healthy meals and they aren’t too
he should try and talk to us more often,
expensive. Do you ever eat in the
don’t you? He hasn’t made any friends yet.
university canteen?
Jane Well, maybe … but he’s only been here a
Lily Yes, sometimes I have lunch there,
week. Why don’t we talk to him? Come
usually something simple, like soup
on. He’s probably having lunch in the
or salad. I don’t like eating a big
canteen. Let’s go and find him.
meal at lunchtime.
Interviewer And what kind of food do you eat,
Jed I eat quite a few burgers and I love
chips so I often eat those in the
canteen. But I try and eat a lot of
fruit. Fruit is easy and you don’t
have to cook it, so you can eat it
any time.
Interviewer Yes, that’s right. But what about
vegetables? Are you eating enough
Jed I’m not sure. The only time I eat
vegetables is when I go home, or if
I have vegetable stir-fry in the
university canteen.
Interviewer Thanks for talking to us everyone,
and now back to the studio …

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Middle Test End of Book Test
Interviewer How long have you been a member
Hi, my name’s Charlie and this is my blog. As
of the sports centre, Phil?
you can see from all the photos, I’m addicted to
Phil I’ve been a member for six months
sport. I’ve spent the past three weeks watching the
football World Cup. It wasn’t the best football
Interviewer Why did you join the sports centre?
I’ve ever seen, but I really enjoyed it. Some of the
Phil Well, I’ve always been into football
matches were spectacular and it was great to
and I play some sport at school, but
watch players like Diego Forlán. Forlán plays for
I’ve never been very fit. My friend
Uruguay and I think he’s amazing. But Spain
Joe is a member of the sports centre
were definitely the best team I’ve ever seen.
and he told me about it. He’s crazy
about health and fitness and so I I’m really into health and fitness, too. I usually go
decided to join. It was the best thing running every morning and I sometimes do weight
I’ve ever done. training in the gym. I’m crazy about football and I
Interviewer Why has it been such a good thing play for my school. Next week we’re playing a
for you? match against Coltswood High School. They’re
Phil Well, I’ve made some new friends. really good, but we’re better. I’m really looking
That’s been really good. And I’m forward to the match. If we win, we’ll go to the
much fitter than I was before. I love top of the school league for the first time. And my
food you see, but I’ve never eaten a sports teacher Mr Bell said he would take us out
balanced diet. I used to eat quite a for a burger to celebrate!
lot of junk food, you know burgers, I like spending time outdoors, too. I went sailing
chips, that sort of thing. Since I’ve with my uncle last month. He used to be a
joined the gym, I’ve stopped eating merchant sailor and when he retired he bought a
junk food. I don’t enjoy it anymore. boat. It was the first time I had ever been sailing
Now, I eat a much healthier diet, lots and it was fantastic! If I had a million dollars, I’d
of fruit and vegetables and I feel buy a big sailing boat. I’d have a permanent crew
great. of about six people and I’d sail around the world.
Interviewer What’s the best thing about your It would be an unforgettable trip.
new life?
Phil Well, I feel fitter and I look much
better. I’ve made some new friends
which is really great, but the best
thing is that I’m in the school
football team. I wasn’t good enough
for the team before, but now I am.
Interviewer Do you ever get tired of doing so
much exercise and going to the
Phil No, of course not. I love it. It’s a
new way of life for me now. I’m
healthier and happier than I’ve ever
been. I wouldn’t change anything.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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