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Delivery date: 11/November/2019


Full name of the student:

Number of people living in your house or family members:

4 people (Mom – Dad – Brother – Student)

Ecological footprint of all household members included Student (Screenshot of results). Also the
Home Average ecological footprint.




Delivery date: 11/November/2019

Average ecological footprint ≈ (5+5.1+4.7+6.3)/4≈ 5.275 gha

Average ecological footprint ≈ (2.9+3+2.7+3.7)/4≈ 3.075
Data table 1.- Ecological footprint of all household members included Student

Comparison of the results of the Home Average ecological footprint with the Ecuadorian national
average (Conclusions).

When comparing the values of each family member and their average with the average ecological
footprint of Ecuador, it is noticeable that the average ecological footprint of Ecuador is much lower
than the average ecological footprint of the given family members. Since the ecological footprint per
person is 1.17 global hectares with 1.05 planets lands.

This perhaps means that it is due to the life habits we develop (we have several houses, several
vehicles that use for very short distances, etc.) what we have taken as a role model.

It means that some habits make water waste, use electrical appliances too much, walk in the car more
than the bill and produce too much garbage. All this means that we need more and more territory to
cover our domestic needs.

So we are using many more resources and generating more waste than the planet can provide and

In other words, we are destroying resources at a speed that exceeds their natural regeneration rate. In
conclusion, we take more than nature can give us and eliminate more waste than the planet can

Comparison among family members.

Student: Mom: Dad: Brother:

5: huella ecológica 5.1: huella ecológica 4.7: huella ecológica 6.3: huella ecológica
2.9 tierras 3 tierras 2.7 tierras 3.7 tierras
Delivery date: 11/November/2019

It’s noticeable that the person who consumes the most ecologically productive
area to provide all that person consumes is the brother of the family while the person who consumes
the least is the father of the family. This means that the brother (the highest value) of the family uses
many more resources and generates more waste than the planet can provide and process.

Describe a plan to reduce the ecological footprint of the family (tips to reduce your footprint).

In order to reduce the amount of food thrown out, it is proposed to classify these types of waste and
use organic waste in seeds and fertilizer for sown land for these same seeds.

Another proposal for the family is that one day a week designates a single driver and take all family
members to their destinations, using all a single car back and forth is avoiding carbon emission of each
one when going by bus or in their own car and only with a single car emit the minimum possible CO2
emission. It is proposed to do this at least one day a week for two months and then if there is no
problem with everyone's schedules, continue it and thus reduce our ecological footprint.

Reference list.

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