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Platinum-Group Metals


The Extractive Metallurgy of South

Africa’s Platinum Ores
L.A. Cramer

The extraction technology for platinum- processing area. Within the pyrometal- raphy of the BIC, the predominant PGM
group metals (PGMs) has changed dramati- lurgical field, the early blast-furnace tech- mineral types and the PGM associations
cally in the last 80 years, and the changes are nology has been replaced with electric can vary significantly3–5
likely to continue for years to come. This submerged-arc furnaces. In refining, the The Merensky reef is a fairly regular,
article will review advances in PGM extrac- classical “bucket chemistry” has moved tabular orebody of 60–90 cm width in
tion, including developments in semi-autog- to solvent extraction and molecular-rec- the west and 100–300 cm in the east.
enous and fully autogenous milling; flota- ognition technology. From 1920 to 1990, Grades vary from 3–9 grams per tonne
tion equipment applications for treating high- the technology also moved from Europe (g/t) PGMs with associated nickel and
chrome ores; increases in power densities for to South Africa; all of South Africa’s copper values. Nickel can assay as high
future smelting furnaces, and new methods PGMs were refined in the country for as 0.2% with copper at 0.1%, however,
for meeting rising environmental standards. the first time in the early 1990s. The some of the nickel is non-sulfide nickel,
future of the industry holds further tech- and it is, therefore, not recoverable by
nical challenges that will undoubtedly current flotation techniques. The orebody
Platinum-bearing ores were first dis- lead to even more development in the is marked by small chrome bands and so
covered in South Africa in the lode de- next 20 years. is easily identified underground; these
posits of the Waterburg District in 1923 bands hold a high concentration of the
by Adolf Erasmus and then on the PGMs. Mining is done by rather labor-
Maandagshoek farm by Andries The Bushveld Igneous Complex intensive, hand-held drilling and blast-
Lombaard in 1924. Hans Merensky iden- stretches from Rustenburg and the ing techniques due to the limited scope
tified the platinum-iron alloy from Pilanesburg Mountains in the west to for automated machinery in such nar-
Lombaard’s panning, and, shortly after- the Lydenburg District in the east. The row slopes (typically 85 cm in height).
ward, the Merensky reef was discovered eastern and western edges of the saucer The more common PGM minerals in the
within the broader Bushveld Igneous are well delineated, but in the center, the Merensky reefs are braggite [(PtPdNi)S],
Complex (BIC). That complex today existence of the layered mafic rocks at cooperite (PtS), moncheite
hosts the world’s largest reserves of plati- depth is questionable. Part of the com- [(PtPdNi)(TeBiSb) 2], and kotulskite
num group metals (PGMs). The Bushveld plex has dislodged and lies north at [(PtPdNi)(TeBiSb)2].6 Later mineralogi-
ores contain platinum, palladium, Potgietersrus; this area is home to the cal investigations found less moncheite
rhodium, gold, ruthenium, iridium and Plat reef. The local equivalent of the and kotulskite but more laurite
osmium (the PGMs), as well as nickel, Merensky reef, the Plat reef is substan- [(RuFeOsIrPt)S2] and Pt-Fe alloy.7 Some
copper, and cobalt in economically re- tially thicker and somewhat more vari- of the less common base metal sulfide
coverable quantities. able in its characteristics due to the dif- minerals are mackinawite (FeS), vallerite
Three broad ore types are found within fering degrees of reaction between the (Cu3Fe4S7), cubanite (CuFe2S3), bornite
the BIC and exploited for their PGM ore and its footwall rocks during forma- (Cu2S~CuS~FeS), and pyrite (FeS2).
values: the Merensky reef, the UG2 reef, tion. The Merensky and UG2 reefs, which The UG2 reef, which dips similarly to
and the Plat reef. The first two reefs are outcrop for large distances, have been the Merensky and the UG2, tends to be
found in relation to one another with the traced for 150 km in the east and 200 km somewhat thicker than the Merensky in
generally wider UG2 reef lying below in the west.2 The reefs dip into the earth the west at 65–150 cm. Unlike the
the Merensly reef by anywhere from 15 at typically 9 to 23 degrees. Associated Merensky, which widens significantly
meters to 330 meters.1 These two reefs with these reefs are a number of chrome in the eastern limb, however, the UG2
outcrop on both the eastern and the west- reefs, such as the MG1/2 and the LG6; reef is of similar thickness in the east and
ern edges of the oblong saucer of the these reefs are exploited solely for their west. The thinnest UG2 reefs are found
BIC. Exploitation has been focused on chrome value. With chrome-to-iron ra- within the Rustenburg area. Grades vary
the western edge of the complex, where tios of 1.5–1.6, a competitive grade of from 3–8 g/t PGM, with generally much
the grades were found to be highest in ferrochrome can be produced from these poorer nickel and copper values than
the Merensky reef. ores. Only recently has the lower quality the Merensky reefs.8 Mining methods
The high demand for platinum jew- chromitite, with Cr/Fe ratios of 1.35, are similar to those used for the Merensky
elry in the 1920s created boom condi- from the UG2 reef, been utilized as a feed reefs; but recently the room and pillar
tions that quickly spawned a large num- source for ferrochrome smelters. methods of chrome mining have been
ber of mining companies. Today, only The sulfide and PGM mineralogy in the used effectively by some companies for
two of these survive within Anglo Plati- BIC is complex. A large number of sul- the shallower parts of the UG2 reefs.
num Corporation: Waterval (Rusten- fides, arsenides, tellurides, and alloys have Reef widths of at least 1.6 meters are
burg) Platinum Mines, Ltd. and Pot- been identified. The primary base metal necessary in these areas. The PGM and
gietersrust Platinums Ltd. minerals are chalcopyrite, pendlandite, base metal mineralogy in the UG2 reef
In the last 80 years, PGM extraction and pyrrhotite. The PGM association with parallels the Merensky reef but at much
technology has evolved from crude mill- the base metal sulfides, the various ox- lower levels. Valuable minerals also have
ing and gravity concentration to highly ides, and the silicates is significant in significantly smaller average grain sizes
computer-controlled large-capacity mill- determining minerals-processing recov- and require fine milling for full libera-
ing and flotation circuits in the minerals- eries. Across the reef types and the geog- tion. The potential for valuable mineral

14 JOM • October 2001

enclosure in the chromites and silicates
is generally higher with consequent ROM Ore
Crushing & Primary Secondary
negative minerals processing perfor- Screening Comminution Comminution
mance. UG2 reefs typically contain 25–
50% more rhodium than the Merensky
reefs, and in the eastern BIC, the plati- Rougher Scavenger
num-palladium ratio falls from the 2.5 Flotation Flotation
found in the western BIC to 1.
The Plat reef in the northern area near
Potgietersrus is much wider, reaching Cleaning Cleaning
widths of 50–90 meters in places and
outcropping with a steep dip of 40–45
degrees. As a result, this reef is easily PGM Gravity
mined by open-pit methods, albeit with Smelting
Refining Concentration
rather high stripping ratios of 7 or more.
Grades are lower on average, at 2– 5 g/t,
Figure 1. A typical concentrator flowsheet.
but with higher nickel and copper grades
of 0.2–0.3% and 0.15–0.20%. The PGM
mineralogy is more complex and tellu- used initially to treat the Merensky ores. can designs and utilizes an 8.56 m diam-
rides and arsenides are more common Because these ores did not screen easily eter by 3.06 m SAG mill for primary
than in the Merensky or UG2 reefs. Sper- dry, the installed wet-screening opera- comminution.9 Typically, Merensky ores
rylite (PtAs2) is the most common PGM tion created a separate flotation circuit are milled to about 60% passing 74 mi-
mineral. Platinum-palladium ratios are to treat crusher fines. Semi-autogenous crometers. When PGM prices are high,
typically 1:1 within the Plat reef. Be- (SAG) milling developments in the South however, it is often good business to
cause the host rock for the Plat reef min- African gold industry brought these maximize revenue by milling at higher
eralogy is more varied than in the milling circuits to the Merensky ores. A than designed capacities while sacrific-
Merensky/UG2 reefs, the rock hardness few circuits are single-stage milling op- ing recoveries. Merensky ores have bond
and competency and the associated erations (Impala Platinum), but most cir- work indices of about 21 kW h/t at the
gangue mineralogy varies considerably. cuits have two stages of milling and, in coarser sizes and up to 25 kW h/t at the
This has obvious impacts upon the min- some cases, a third regrind operation finer 200 mesh size. Mills as small as 2.45
erals-processing operation. has been added. Circuits with several m ¥ 3.06 m (450 HP) are still in daily use,
stages of milling also follow each stage but the newer installations are utilizing
with a flotation step to recover any liber- the larger units, some with diameters of
A wide variety of comminution cir- ated minerals. While most SAG milling up to 7.11 m (3.5 MW).
cuits are used across the South African operations are based on the typical South Some UG2 circuits have evolved from
PGM industry as a result of the various African gold practice of mills with length a simple conversion from the conven-
ore characteristics and the historical tech- to diameter (L/D) ratios of greater than tional Merensky circuits, thus retaining
nical developments. Conventional wet 1, Northam Platinum Mines has success- crushing and ball milling. However, UG2
screening, crushing, and ball milling was fully applied the pancake North Ameri- ores are more amenable to a primary
fully autogenous (AG) milling stage, as
Table I. Typical Comminution Circuit Data these ores consist of the more friable
Final Grinds chromitite proportion and a variable
Sizing BWI @300 mm BWI@ 75 mm Mill (% Passing number of competent norite stringers. In
Ore Type Mill Circuits Device Kwhr/tonne Kwhr/tonne Sizes 74 mm) most instances, this material is sufficient
Merensky SS SAG, Cyclone 21 25 450 HP 55–65 for grinding media in the primary stage.
C/BM/BM, to Thus, new UG2 circuits have tended to
C/BM/BM/BM, 3.5 MW be AG primary milling and secondary
SAG/BM ball milling. Flotation is again done in
UG2 C/BM/BM, Cyclones 18 21 350 HP 50–65 stages between the milling circuits. A
AG/BM, to recent exception to this has been the
C/RM/BM 3.2 MW Kroondal operation, where the primary
Plat Reef AG/BM/BM, Cyclones 18–25 23–27 2.6 MW 55–75 comminution stage uses a rod mill. Here
C/BM/BM to
and at one other conventional plant,
6.5 MW
dense media separation is used to sepa-
Note: Some Merensky and UG2 circuits have a fines-removal circuit in the crushing/screening plant that separates the
higher-grade fine PGMs for a separate flotation treatment. rate the barren norite stringers from the
heavier chromite reef before milling and
flotation. In one of the older converted
Table II. Typical Flotation Circuit Data plants, mills as small as 2.45 m ¥ 2.45 m
Main Stream Mass Typical PGM (350 HP) are still in regular use, but the
Flotation Residence Pull Recoveries more modern plants are utilizing larger
Ore type Circuits Times* Cell Sizes (%) (%) units of up to 4.89 m in diameter (3.2
Merensky R/S/Cl/ReCl, 30 to Wemco 56 to 2.5–4 85–90 MW). The recovery of chromite slimes in
R/Cl/RCl & 60 minutes Outokumpu the flotation concentrate is a potential
S/Cl/RCl 130 m3 problem during the smelting operation
UG2 R/S/Cl/ReCl, 30 to Wemco 56 to 1–3 80–85
such that the UG2 primary grinds are
R/Cl/RCl & 60 minutes Svedala 30 m3;
S/Cl/RCl OK 70 & 130 kept coarse and the bulk of the finer
being installed PGMs are floated into a high-grade, low-
Plat Reef R/S/Cl/ReCl, 40 to 30–50 m3 3–5 Plus 80 chromite concentrate before secondary
R/Cl/RCl & 80 minutes milling and flotation. According to the
S/Cl/RCl mineralogy, final grinds for the opti-
*Typical pulp densities are 30–40% solids in roughing and sscavenging and 10–20% solids in cleaning circuits. mum flotation of the UG2 ores should be

2001 October • JOM 15

however, some cleaning circuits have
S02 to practiced lower pH conditions as an aid
Atmosphere to gangue rejection. Low-pH scaveng-
Flotation Flash or Electric Arc
Concentrates Spray Dying Furnace ing of the final tailings streams is not
practiced, but has been considered by
most operators at one time or another as
Slag Milling
a means of increasing the recovery of the
& Flotation
slow floating pyrrhotites. Various col-
Matte lectors, activators, frothers, and depres-
Converting sants are in use. Xanthates (sodium isobu-
Slow-Cooling Tailings tyl, sodium-normal propyl, and sodium
of Matte ethyl) and dithiophosphates (ethyl, bu-
Acid Plant
tyl, and isobutyl) are the most common
Base Metal collectors. Copper sulfate is used exclu-
Refinery S02 to
sively as an activator for the slower float-
PGMs Atmosphere
ing pendlandite and pyrrhotite miner-
Figure 2. A typical pyrometallurgical flowsheet. als. Depressant and frother use varies
enormously with the particular gangue
mineralogy; the most common depres-
Nickel Pressure sants being the carboxymethyl cellulose
Matte Ammonia and guar based reagents.
The use of gangue and, particularly,
talc depressants can have a significant
Copper Pressure Solution Purification impact upon not only concentrate grades
H2 but also upon PGM recoveries. In the
past, gravity concentration (corduroy
PGM's tables) was used as a primary recovery
Reduction technique for the heavy PGM minerals
Copper EW
in the Merensky ores. Although this pro-
cess was discontinued in the 1970s, high-
Cu Cathode grade gravity concentrates were still re-
Cobalt Briquetting covered from the flotation concentrates
Evaporation Recovery & Sintering
and bypassed the smelting and base
metal refining operation. Anglo Plati-
Ammonium Sulfate Co Metal Ni Metal num is the only operator that still uses
this technique and sends so-called
Figure 3. The Impala Platinum-Base Metal Refinery. metallics direct to its PGM refinery. Typi-
cal flowsheets are appended in Figure 1.
finer than for Merensky ores. 10,11 In prac- factorily and the addition of a pebble Depending upon the age of the flota-
tice, most operations have final grinds removal and crushing facility did not tion plant, a wide range of flotation equip-
that are not significantly different than solve the problems completely. Newer ment can be in use. Recent trends have
for Merensky ores and tend toward 60% circuit additions have reverted to the been to use larger cells in the tank cell
minus 200 mesh. In some circuits, tried and tested crushing and two-stage design. Impala Platinum’s new
chromite is removed between the pri- ball-milling circuits with good success. Merensky circuit uses the largest cells at
mary and secondary milling stages and The newer mills are 6.73 m in diameter at present–—Outokumpu 130 m 3 tank
sold into either the ferrochrome or 6.5 MW, and the older mills range from cells—as roughers/scavengers. The high
chrome chemicals markets; in these cases 4.28 m to 6.11 m in diameter. Final grinds specific gravity of the UG2 ores and the
the effective final grind on the ore is are finer than for the Merensky Reefs at coarse primary grinds have limited the
somewhat coarser. Typical bond work 75% passing 75 mm. use of such large tank cell designs in
indices are 18 kW h/t at 300 mm and 21 UG2 circuits, but 70 m3 tank cells are
kW h/t at 75 mm. planned for such duty in the soon-to-be-
Plat Reef ores are similar to the A wide variety of flotation circuitry is commissioned Anglo Platinum UG2
Merensky ores in many ways but, as in use across the South African PGM plant in Rustenburg. The same plant will
noted earlier, footwall geological pro- industry as the primary method of val- use 130 m3 tank cells on the finer grinds
cesses have brought the reef into contact ues recovery. Often interspaced with the in the scavenger section. Long residence
with different host rocks, such as dolo- comminution steps, the primary rough- times are typical of the flotation plants
mites, granites, quartzite, ironstone, ing and scavenging operations are because of the high value of the recov-
gneiss, and shale. These contacts have complemented by several cleaning ered material; residence times greater
altered the ore hardness and compe- stages. To minimize the chromite car- than 60 minutes in the main stream of
tence to a degree such that the milling ried forward into the pyrometallurgical flotation are not uncommon. Cleaner
characteristics are both highly variable operations, UG2 ores frequently have residence times have also been increased
in some areas and also significantly more cleaning stages than Merensky ores in some cases and have improved con-
harder than in the Merensky ores. Work or Plat reefs. Even so, UG2 concentrates centrator recoveries. With higher power
indices of greater than 25 kW h/t are are high in Cr2O3, at about 3%. Because inputs in the flotation cells, at least one
frequently encountered. The primary flotation concentrates of less than 1% company has specified power intensi-
milling activity in the Plat reef area Cr2O3 are desirable in smelting, most ties of no less than 3 kW /m3 for rougher
(Potgieterust Platinums Ltd.) has missed operators carefully blend Merensky and scavenger applications.
designed throughputs as a result of un- and/or Plat reef concentrates with UG2
expected hardness and competency concentrates to achieve 1% or less in the
problems. The initial AG/BM/BM cir- overall smelter feed. Flotation is most The early smelting techniques used
cuits have never performed fully satis- commonly performed at a pH of about 8; the Rustenburg area utilized four blast

16 JOM • October 2001

trates from the three ore types has a large
Milling Mag Sep Leach PGM's impact on the percentage of matte aris-
ing from each tonne of concentrate (matte
fall) and the consequent furnace matte
Cu Removal Primary Secondary Residue compositions. However, typical furnace
matte grades are 10–20% Ni, 10–15% Cu,
0.5% Co, 30–40% Fe, and 20–30%S. The
Pb Removal Smelter Se Removal
iron- and sulfur-rich nature of the mattes
requires a costly converting step. Fur-
Co Removal Co Sulfate nace slags are normally granulated,
milled and floated to recover any pos-
sible PGM values; at one operation the
Nickel EW Ni Cathode Copper EW converter slag is also milled and floated
rather than returning the various spinels
Sodium to the electric-arc furnace. This practice
S Removal NaOH Cu Cathode has been one of the ways in which the
pyrometallurgical operations have con-
Figure 4. The Anglo Platinum-Base Metal Refinery. tained the shift toward more UG2 ore
treatment and the resultant higher
chromite grades in the furnace feed
HCI & Cl2 Gold SX Au streams. Smelting UG2 concentrates
PGM Pressure poses two basic problems: the low level
Concentrate Leach of matte-forming materials (giving rise
Palladium Pd
to high slag losses) and the refractory
nature of the chrome spinels in the fur-
Platinum Pt
Residue nace operations. Most furnace opera-
Recycle tions have at one time or another met
Ru Ru with difficulty in managing the furnace
during periods of high UG2 concentrate
Iridium SX Ir treatment; the spinels (magnetite and
chromite from the converter slag return
Values and/or from the feed materials) tend to
Rhodium IX Rh
lie between the matte and slag layer.
Metal Preparation This can lead to conductivity problems
in the melt and to a frozen furnace if not
handled correctly and quickly.
Figure 5. A typical solvent extraction flowsheet for PGM refining. CONVERTING
Pierce Smith converters are currently
furnaces and Great-Falls-type convert- furnaces utilized at present are the 39 preferred for iron and sulfur removal.
ers. In the 1960s, electric submerged arc MVA six-in-line copper-cooled furnaces Anglo Platinum, however, is in the pro-
furnaces became the preferred technique at Impala Platinum and Rustenburg cess of changing to Ausmelt furnaces for
because of difficulties of preparing com- Platinum Mines. These measure about the converting operation. High-sulfur
petent pellets for the blast furnaces and 8.2 m ¥ 25.9 m and can process about mattes, produced from the furnace
the higher temperatures needed to main- 35,000 tonnes per month of concentrates; mattes, typically contain 46–48% Ni, 27–
tain fluidity of the relatively high MgO theoretical power requirements are 900 28% Cu, 1–3%Fe, 1% Co and 22–23% S.
slags. Typical concentrate compositions kW h/t for Merensky concentrates and Anglo Platinum continues treat its con-
are listed in Table III. 1,100 kW h/t for UG2 concentrates.13 In verter mattes with the slow-cooling pro-
Temperatures of up to 1,450∞C are practice, the larger furnaces have oper- cess; this process, developed in conjunc-
required in slags, with even higher tem- ated at as low as 650 kW h/t for mixed tion with Johnson-Matthey in the 1960s,
peratures needed for pure UG2 concen- concentrates, but a typical design figure allows a high percentage of the PGMs to
trates. Rectangular six-in-line furnaces is 750–850 kW h/t depending upon fur- be collected into a magnetic alloy. The
and circular three-electrode furnaces are nace size and heat losses.14 Plans are in slightly higher iron and sulfur levels in
both in use, although the six-in-line is place for a 160 MVA six-in-line furnace the matte for slow cooling also improve
more popular. Although power densi- at Pietersburg to service the eastern limb cobalt recoveries across the smelter sig-
ties of up to 180 kW /m2 are normal, with of the Anglo Platinum expansion. nificantly. This magnetic PGM-rich al-
the increasing amount of UG2 concen- Slags are tapped from the furnaces loy is collected at high efficiency after
trates being treated, higher power den- continuously, while mattes are tapped matte crushing, milling, and wet mag-
sities (as much 400 kW /m2) are being intermittently for transfer to the con- netic separation such that PGMs are re-
considered in new designs. Soon to be verting operation. Limestone or burnt moved before base-metal leaching. The
commissioned is the Lonhro 12 m diam- lime is added as a flux to most opera- other SA producers leach the total matte
eter 27 MVA circular three-electrode fur- tions, and concentrates for feeding are stream and the PGMs are recovered in
nace designed at a maximum of 250 kW either flash dried or spray dried before the base metal refining residue.
/m2 and reported capable of handling pneumatic transfer to the furnaces. The Converter off-gases are cleaned prior
feeds of up to 4% Cr2O3. The largest amount of base metals in the concen- to acid manufacture at two of the four
operating smelters; at the smaller smelt-
Table III. Concentrate Compositions ing complexes, sulfur dioxide from the
Concentrate % SiO2 %MgO %FeO %CaO %Al2O3 %Cr2O3 converting process is emitted directly to
Merensky* 30–40 10–20 25–35 <5 <5 <1 the surrounding atmosphere. All future
UG2 40–50 20–30 10–15 <5 <5 <5 installations in SA will be expected to
* Plat Reef concentrate is similar to Merensky concentrate.12 achieve much higher environmental

2001 October • JOM 17

standards. The bulk of the sulfuric acid confidential. Each of the three major PGM must be done against the background of
produced is utilized to manufacture operators—Anglo Platinum, Impala increased flotation recoveries if the op-
ammonium phosphate based fertilizers.15 Platinum, and Lonhro Platinum—have erations are to remain competitive. Sev-
Overall smelting recoveries are in the developed a unique approach to refin- eral potential treatment routes have been
range of 97–99% for most PGMs16 and ing the individual PGMs. PGMs from documented and are worth more de-
typically 95–97% for copper and nickel. Northam Platinum are being refined in tailed examination. Both pyrometallur-
Cobalt recoveries are as low as 20% or as Europe. Anglo’s refinery is based on gical20 and hydrometallurgic21–23 routes
high as 50% for the higher iron mattes. A solvent-extraction developments done can be considered.
brief pyrometallurgical flowsheet is ap- in conjunction with Johnson Matthey in
pended in Figure 2. the 1970s. The Lonhro and Impala refin-
eries are based more upon the classical 1. I.J. Corrans et al., “The Recovery of Platinum-Group
BASE METAL REFINING Metals from Ore of the UG-2 Reef in the Bushveld Complex,”
PGM chloride chemistry and involve XIIth CMMI Congress Johannesburg (Johannesburg: South
There are four base metal refining repeated precipitation and dissolution African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1982), p. 629.
2. C.B. Beath, C.A. Cousins, and R.J. Westwood, “The Exploi-
operations in South Africa, and each is steps to purify the metals. However, the tation of the Platiniferous Ores of the Bushveld Igneous
Complex with Particular Reference to the Rustenburg Plati-
tied to a particular PGM producer. Anglo use of the new molecular recognition num Mines,” VIIth CMMI Congress (Johannesburg: South
Platinum’s unit has a capacity of 21,000 technology is reported to have improved African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1961), p. 221.
3. K.S. Liddell, L.B. McRae, and R.C. Dunne, “Process Routes
tonne per annum of nickel, Impala’s unit palladium extraction circuits at the Im- for Beneficiation of Noble Metals from Merensky and UG-2
has capacity for about 12,000 tonne per pala Platinum refinery. A typical Ores,” Extraction Mmetallurgys ’85 (London: IMM, 1985), p.
annum nickel, and the Lonhro and flowsheet (Figure 5) for the solvent ex- 4. C.F. Vermaak and L.P. Hendriks, “A Review of the Miner-
Northam units are much smaller (3,000– traction process18 is appended; the pre- alogy of the Merensky Reef, with Specific Reference to New
Data on the Precious Metal Mineralogy,” Economic Geology,
5,000 tonne per annum) and only pro- vious classical chemical approach has 71, (1976), p. 1252.
cess to the final products of copper metal been documented elsewhere.19 5. J.P.R. deVilliers, H.J. Brynard, and L. Viviers, A Mineralogi-
cal Investigation of Ores from the Merensky Reef and Their
and nickel sulfates. All of these leach Feed materials typically contain 30– Flotation Products, Mintek Report No. 1966 (National Insti-
operations are sulfate-based and are 50% PGMs in the base metal refining tute for Metallurgy, 1978), p. 5
6. G.A. Kinston and B.T. El-Dosuky, “A Contribution on the
hybrids of the Sherrit-Gordon sulfuric- residue. Anglo Platinum’s gravity con- Platinum-Group Mineralogy of the Merensky Reef at the
acid pressure leach process. Impala Plati- centrate is somewhat lower in PGM con- Rustenburg Platinum Mine,” Economic Geology, 77 (1982) p.
num has opted for hydrogen reduction tent than the typical refinery feed. 7. C.F. Vermaak and L.P. Hendriks, “A Review of the Miner-
alogy of the Merensky Reef, with Specific Reference to New
for nickel metal, thus producing an am- Metallurgical efficiencies are very high Data on the Precious Metal Mineralogy,” Economic Geology,
monium sulfate waste stream. Anglo for all methods, as might be expected for 71 (1976), p. 1266.
8. L.J. Corrans et al., "The Recovery of Platinum-Group
Platinum uses nickel electrowinning and, such high value products. Although re- Metals from Ore of the UGZ Reef in the Bushveld Complex"
thus, produces a sodium-sulfate waste coveries exceed 99.5%, for some of the (Johannesburg: South African Institute of Mining and Metal-
lurgy), p. 629.
stream. Brief flowsheets are appended elements, particularly ruthenium, 9. R.A. Snodgrass, M.P. Hay, and P.J. DuPreez, “Process
for the Impala and Anglo Platinum op- rhodium, and iridium, the level of re- Development and Design of the Northam Merensky Con-
centrator,” XVth CMMI Congress, Johannesburg
erations in Figures 3 and 4. The now cycle is very high. Therefore, inventories (Johannesburg: South African Institute of Mining and Metal-
closed Hartley Platinum operations of the precious metals can be extremely lurgy, 1994), p. 352.
10. K.S. Liddell, L.B. McRae, and R.C. Dunne, “Process
opted for a sulfate leach using high and pipeline times of one to six Routes for Beneficiation of Noble Metals from Merensky and
Outokumpu technology for the nickel months are common, depending upon UG-2 Ores,” Extraction Metallurgy ’85 (London: IMM, 1985),
p. 795.
leach and copper technology from the the metal. 11. I.J. Corrans, R.C. Dunne, and S.A. Allison, “The Recovery
SA platinum operations.17 High-purity products are produced of Platinum-Group Metals from the Chromite Reefs of the
Bushveld Complex,” XIVth International Minerals Processing
The primary issues driving the base to meet market expectations; most refin- Congress Toronto (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Mining,
1982), p. II-10-19.
metal refining economics are the reagent eries routinely produce metal that is 12. L.A. Cramer, “Cu-Ni-PGM Smelting and Refining” The
consumptions for sulfur removal, the 99.99% pure. Even 99.999% pure metal is SAIMM Pyrometallurgical Colloquium (May 1997), p. 3.
13. The Successful Development of an Industrial Process for the
selection of hydrogen or electric power produced for some applications. The Recovery of Platinum-Group Metals from the UG-2 Reef, Mintek
as the nickel production method, and bulk of the metals are produced as finely Application Report No. 1 (Johannesburg: Mintele, 1987), p. 7.
14. R.T. Jones, “Platinum Smelting in South Africa,” South
the treatment of PGMs. Security issues, divided sponge, but Good Delivery bars African J. Sci., 95 (Nov/Dec 1999), p. 532.
pipelines, and losses to residues requir- and grain are also prepared. 15. R.P. Plaskett, and D.A. Ireland, “Ancillary Smelter Op-
erations and Sulphuric Acid Manufacture at Impala Plati-
ing retreatment or recycling are impor- The rise of syndicated crime within num Ltd.,” J. SAIMM, (August 1976), p. 6.
tant because of the relative value of PGMs the South African society has lead to 16. K.S. Liddell, L.B. McRae, and R.C. Dunne, “Process
Routes for Beneficiation of Noble Metals from Merensky and
in these circuits. increasingly tight security measures at UG-2 Ores,” Extraction Metallurgy ’85 (London: IMM, 1985),
With typical recoveries for the base all refineries. Anglo Platinum’s refinery p. 799.
17. G.W.G. Montgomery and T.N. Holohan, “Development
metals in the high 90 percent range, there is designed in three increasing levels of and Design of the Hartley Platinum Base Metal Refinery
is little room for improvement. Metal security and all access to the processing Flowsheet,” SAIMM Colloquium ‘Trends in Base Metal Smelt-
ing and Refining’ (Johannesburg: South African Institute of
quality is generally suitable for the stain- area is only through a strip-search facil- Mining and Metallurgy, April 1997), p. 2.
18. C.F. Vermaak, “The Platinum Group Metals, A Global
less-steel market, but the electrowon ity. Video cameras, searches, airlocks, Perspective” (Randburg, SA: Mintek, 1995), p. 90.
metal is generally of a higher purity than and control procedures are used to pre- 19. A.F.S. Gouldsmith and B Wilson, “Extraction and Refin-
ing of the Platinum Metals,” Platinum Metals Review, 7 (4)
the hydrogen-reduced metal. Copper vent theft. (Oct. 1963), pp. 136–143.
quality cannot compete with the high- 20. Mintek patent application in RSA no. 82966 (February
grade solvent extraction-electrowinning 21. C.A. Fleming et al., “A Process for the Simultaneous
circuits in the copper industry. Leaching and Recovery of Gold, Platinum Group Metals and
Base Metals from Ores and Concentrates,” EDP Congress
Refining capacities are under review To remain competitive, the South Af- 2000, ed. B. Mishra (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 2000), pp. 419–
at several of the SA PGM producers rican PGM producers must maintain a 431.
22. UG Plus International Inc. patent “Dry Chlorination of
currently to align the base-metal opera- metallurgical focus on their area of high- PGM Bearing Chromite Ores” (South Africa: 1996).
tions capacities with the major PGM pro- est loss, that is, in the concentrator op- 23. S. Duyvesteyn, H. Liu, and W.P.C. Duyvesteyn, “Recov-
ery of Platinum Group Metals from Oxide Ores—TML Pro-
duction expansions planned over the erations, and on their high precious metal cess,” U.S. patent application 896,675 (June 1992).
next several years. The opportunities for inventories in the refineries. The deple-
technological improvement and reduced tion of the low-cost Merensky reserves
Larry A. Cramer is feasibility study manager of Anglo Platinum
unit costs are important considerations. and the increasing exploitation of the Corporation, Johannesburg, South Africa.
UG2 reefs also challenges metallurgists
PRECIOUS METAL REFINING For more information, contact Larry Cramer,
to develop suitable cost-effective meth- Anglo Platinum Corporation, 28 Harrison St.,
The details of the South African Pre- ods for treating high-chrome concen- Johannesburg Gauteng 2000; phone: 27-11-373-
cious Metal Refining processes are highly trates from the flotation process. This 6306; e-mail

18 JOM • October 2001

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