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Simple-Ideas Occasional
A publication dedicated to the study and celebration
of common sense and repeatable experiments

Robert L. Nuckolls, III

Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Number 1, Rev A, December 19, 2010

What’s a Simple-Idea?
A simple-idea should have a simple definition. objects before will readily discover how the parts fit
Referring to Webster’s dictionary for ‘simple’ and together In perhaps a few minutes. Having achieved
‘idea’ I will suggest: A standard of perfection readily that understanding they might begin to ponder how the
understood by any competent observer. nut and bolt can be used as components of a larger
“Standard of perfection” sounds like (and is often used)
to speak about nebulous and complex subjects or Another simple idea expands on a notion of optimal
systems. In the context of this and subsequent essays, proportion. For example: Too little fertilizer and the
our standard for perfection is a discovery of the least plants languish; to much fertilizer and the plants will be
complex components of any invention either physical poisoned and destroyed.
or intellectual.
Hundreds of years ago, Willam of Ockham wisely
Simple ideas require little explanation. Any competent observed, “entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter
observer will readily grasp and then be able to use necessitatem”. The words translate to, “entities should
simple ideas as components for larger concepts and not be multiplied beyond necessity”. In modern
systems. vernacular, “Don’t make anything more complicated
than it needs to be for the idea to be completely
Simple ideas can be concepts. For example: Charles functional.” This simple idea has significance
Kettering once stated, “Knowing is not understanding. throughout the spectrum of competent observers.
There is a great difference between knowing and We’ve all heard of the KISS principal . . . “Keep It
understanding: you can know a lot about something and Simple Stupid.” The idea has been a feature in many
not really understand it.” studies in philosophy and has been give the title of
“Ockham’s Razor”.
Simple idea? Sure! Students everywhere are often
graded on their ability to Excellent examples of this idea are found in the art and
memorize a host of facts and science of cooking. A chef studies how combinations
successfully regurgitate them of ingredients go together to craft pleasing tastes,
on an exam; but 100% on the appearances and textures. A skilled chef must
exam reveals no discovery understand the science of how ingredients interact with
of how those facts might fit each other to achieve the successful recipe. He or she
into or enhance the student’s also strives to discover the minimum numbers and
life experiences. optimal proportions of ingredients that produce the
most pleasing result. Finally, the processes by which
Consider a bolt and matching the ingredients are combined require experimentation
nut. A competent observer and careful observation and tracking of outcomes. The
who has never seen these fully developed recipe for success is a process that can

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is properly
cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

be repeated over and over again with a high probability Check out the Antikytheran
of achieving the same outcome every time. Mechanism on the Internet.

Ockam’s Razor codifies what all competent observers Modern mortals ponder
know about optimization. For example: A really good remnants of these
recipe that calls for two or three spices or flavors would achievements with awe and
not benefit from adding a dozen more spices. wonder. Some have suggested
that these things could not
A recipe for success is often limited by the best-we- have come into being without
know-how-to-do for any given period of time. For the assistance of extra-
example: Engines that power modern vehicles have terrestrial or omnipotent beings: “The puny intellects of
significant gains in power and efficiency over engines ancient history were not
popular in the 1950's. Yet they’re crafted from a fewer capable of understanding
parts, offer greater reliability and wear out more slowly the simple-ideas and
than their half-century old ancestors. Every year or so, processes behind the
some “chef” in the arts and science of engines discovers creation of such
a previously untried process. Perhaps it uses newly marvels”. Some humans
discovered ingredients. Maybe it’s just a more refined are fond of supernatural
combination of the past ingredients. In any case, it’s an attribution to things they
advancement on the best-we-know-how-to-do. don’t understand while
simultaneously doing
I suggest that the entire universe, both in terms of the their level best to obscure
physics and human relationships operate on simple- or deny the simple-ideas
ideas. It has been said, “there is nothing new under the that lead to understanding.
sun” and I agree. Every simple-idea discovered to date
and yet be discovered has existed long before mankind I suggest that the competent observer will come to an
came along. It will still exist when and if mankind alternate conclusion. The people involved in the design
becomes extinct. and fabrication of these ancient wonders were skilled
craftsmen. It was all in a day’s work. They had
A teacher’s success depends on the ability to assist understanding of the simple-ideas and working
students in their own first discovery of simple ideas. A knowledge for creation of the tools and processes by
teacher then guides student in understanding their which those ideas were molded into recipes for
assemblage into successful systems beneficial in the success. Perhaps not easy, but for them it was certainly
past, present and new opportunities for the future. simple.

History and archaeology may yield evidence of simple- Countless simple-ideas and the technologies have
ideas that were placed into useful practice centuries become hidden from us due to an innate perversity of
ago. the human species. Inventors killed, their writings
destroyed or stolen, libraries sacked or destroyed,
Consider the fabrication of ancient pyramids . . . stones whole cultures wiped out by natural calamity.
weighing many tons Fortunately for us, simple-ideas cannot be created or
stacked to great heights destroyed. What ever the ancients knew, it’s still out
with fits that will not there waiting to be re-discovered.
admit the thickness of a
playing card. The Simple-Ideas Occasional is not an attempt to
persuade anyone of anything. Simple-ideas are
How about the fundamental truths that any competent observer will
observations and thought understand - they do not require persuasion. Simple-
processes behind the ideas cannot be property. The neatest thing about
Mayan calendar? simple-ideas is that they are rudimentary, fundamental,
inarguable, and easily understood by any competent

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is properly
cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

observer. While huge collections of simple-ideas may only when stripped of all superfluous complexity. A
be assembled into wonderful inventions, every simple-idea is the fundamental building block from
invention no matter how complex or mystifying may be which more complex systems may be crafted. A simple
disassembled into its component simple-ideas and any idea is easily understood and stands on its own merits.
one idea is easily recognized and understood by It matters not whether you endeavor to be a great chef,
competent observer who chooses to do so. golfer, musician, engineer, scientist, base-ball player,
doctor, or teacher. Your success will hinge on a
Simple ideas are not about individuals but they can discovery, understanding and assemblage of the
define and guide individual behaviors. All simple-ideas simple-ideas (some may say “fundamentals”) of your
have always existed - long before they were discovered chosen craft.
and added to the human’s bag of tricks. They will exist
long after human are gone. As we move forward in the The Enemies of Simple Ideas
discovery, discussion and exchange of simple-ideas, let
us be mindful that many individuals among us perceive There are individuals with whom we share this planet
benefit in obscuring or even denying their existence. who are demonstrated if not avowed enemies of certain
They may offer up their own perverted concepts of a simple ideas. How can this be? Simple-ideas are not
simple-idea. Such ideas do not stand up under the inherently dangerous. They are not created nor can they
illumination of common sense, examination of fact, or be destroyed. They cannot be forever hidden because
the guidance of that wise philosopher, William of simple-ideas are pervasive. They exist everywhere
Ockham. waiting to be discovered, used, and perhaps forgotten .
. . only to be discovered again in other persons, places
These individuals are never teachers who take pleasure and times. Who in their right mind would take up the
in the sharing of discovery and understanding. They are sword against something that cannot be destroyed?
instead propagandists using powers of persuasion and
despotic progressives using force of office and law to Easy, there are individuals of at least ignorant if not
convince listeners that some things are just too complex dishonorable intent for whom simple-ideas are a threat.
for ordinary folks to understand or control. These These individuals seek to hold power over others. They
individuals anoint themselves as intellectually and extort value from the production of others without
socially superior elitists. Transformation to their exalted having to honorably exert themselves intellectually or
state produces a miracle. They’re suddenly endowed physically. I don’t know if these individuals understand
with duty and power to wield control over knowledge that a simple-idea cannot be destroyed . . . or whether
and skills they do not possess, property they do not they simply strike out at some idea which places their
own, and lives of people who were born into liberty. positions of power at risk. But strike out they do and
This is called descent into tyranny. some times in bizarre ways..

Over the course of publishing planned monographs for For example:

The Simple-Ideas Occasional, I will endeavor to make
a case for an earlier assertion that the whole universe Consider this list of simple-ideas that speak the
runs on simple-ideas. I will illustrate and demonstrate relationships between individuals in a civilized society:
that the understanding and value of any simple-idea is
well within the grasp of any competent observer who • You cannot bring about prosperity by
exercises common sense. Finally, I will illustrate and discouraging thrift.
demonstrate tools of analysis and understanding that
honorable individuals may use to expose statists, social • You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening
engineers, mystics and charlatans who use their self- the strong.
serving, self-elevated status to justify dishonorable
behavior against other individuals. • You cannot enrich the poor by impoverishing
the rich.
Referring back to the opening paragraphs of this essay,
may I suggest that the epitome of perfection is the • You cannot establish economic security on
simple-idea? The simple-idea is worthy of the name borrowed money.

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is properly
cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

do to publish the list with no attribution. Or perhaps a
• You cannot help the wage earner by pulling simple admission that they were found on a piece of
down the wage payor . paper lying on the sidewalk. Or perhaps crafted
personally based on examination of their own life
• You cannot build character and courage by experiences. After all, he was ‘just a reporter’ and
taking away man's initiative and perhaps not expected to display the talents of a
independence. competent observer.

• You cannot further the brotherhood of man by This expenditure of ink, paper, printing and cost of
inciting class hatred. distribution is but one of millions of examples of ‘tis so,
‘taint so arguments over insignificance while the real
• You cannot keep out of trouble by spending value goes unrecognized or obscured. The entire
more than you earn. context of the Time article is aimed at discrediting Look
magazine’s attribution and ignores the value of the
• You cannot help men permanently by doing ideas.
for them what they could and should do for
themselves. You cannot make a simple-idea go away or diminish its
significance by bad-mouthing discoverers or incorrectly
The competent observer of simple-ideas will consider attributing the discovery to another individual. Bad-
these thoughts and readily confirm their validity. Look mouthing the messenger is the lazy, cowardly way to
magazine attributed this list to Abraham Lincoln in an further a dishonorable goal of obscuring simple-ideas.
piece printed over 50 years ago. Time magazine But then, cowardice is a common trait amongst
followed up soon thereafter: dishonorable individuals. They are most comfortable
never having to consider honorable behaviors supported by simple-ideas in open forum. To have an
honest debate on relevant matters in front of
The author in Time cites the paper trail that disproves everybody puts them at great risk for exposing their
the basic premises of the Look article attributing these true nature.
words to Abraham Lincoln.
The most egregious behavior of the Time author was to
Suppose the author of Look magazine had attributed title the piece “Dishonest Abe”. Assuming there was
these ideas to a beggar he met on the street? Better yet. willful mis-attribution of the list to Abe Lincoln, it had
Suppose Look was reporting on the claim of some nothing to do with the veracity of the president. While
archaeologist that the list had been deciphered from justifiably proud of counting coup on the competing
ancient rune stones unearthed in Minnesota? How magazine, the Time author was notably silent on the
might the two articles have been different? How might value of ideas offered in the list while demonstrating
this have affected the responses from elitists of the his own skill at generating clouds of floobydust.
Whether discovered and illuminated by Abe Lincoln,
It’s easy to imagine self-exalted individuals ancient Vikings or plain Joe Citizen, that list of simple-
discounting the list in its entirety because it was the ideas is pretty damned good! Too bad they were
product of some individual’s “drunken delirium”. Or hidden from many by a storm of attribution floobydust.
praising the wisdom of ancient visitors to the North The student of simple-ideas soon comes to understand
American Continent. Words uttered or written by that it doesn’t matter who discovers a simple-idea or
individuals with without certifiable credential or how it is brought to light and shared. Yes, correct
sufficiently elevated celebrity are suspect if not attribution is interesting but it’s not about people, it’s
discountable out of hand by the elitists. all about ideas.

We can never know now but perhaps the author of the Modern examples of reverence for credential or
Look article understood this and wished too hard for celebrity abound. The words of a popular singer or
noteworthy attribution of these ideas. It just wouldn’t movie star carries more weight with some individuals

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is properly
cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

than the words of a good teacher. The movie star’s disinterest, ulterior motives or simple ignorance. The
whole career hinges on the institutionalized lie. value of a simple-idea as an ingredient in a recipe for
success is lost every time it is successfully obscured or
They make $millions$ for an ability to convince movie ignored.
goers that they are someone who does not and probably
could never exist. If convincing in their roles as Success in this endeavor depends on a willingness and
individuals who never were, then it follows that they ability to consider ideas on their own merit and to
are equally convincing in their promotion of bad ideas. cultivate personal skills as competent observers. Only
It is easily demonstrated that Hollywood and then will our culture be capable of peering through the
Washington have a great deal in common when it fog of institutionalized dishonesty that is threatening to
comes to institutionalized lying with profound benefits destroy the phenomenal recipe for success that brought
to the liar. this representative republic into existence. Our recipe
for success was codified over 200 years ago in a
Bad ideas of presidents have been embraced to the document that was but 6 pages long.
point of threatening the security and economy of an
entire planet. Some presidents have enjoyed elevation
to virtual sainthood by awards of a Nobel Prize. If a
Swedish committee charged with giving away buckets Our founding fathers agreed in great measure with
full of somebody else’s money thinks a particular recipe William of Ockham and demonstrated a solid
is worthy of great reward, then it automatically follows understanding of the power of simple-ideas.
that the recipe is based on rock solid ideas . . . . yeah,
right. As a critical component of good education, simple-
ideas have been discarded or simply lost in the
As we take this journey of discovery together, let us be operation of government schools. If our society is to
mindful of attempts by fellow citizens to throw up lots regain the greatness it once held on the world scene, it
of dust around a simple-idea by calling for investigation is up to a new class of teachers and students to
of the speakers and writers. They’ll attempt to discredit discover, understand, and learn how to assemble
simple-ideas by throwing mud at anyone who offers simple-ideas into recipes for success that benefit us all.
them up. They’ll attempt to dismiss ideas because they
were not the product of individuals with sufficient The design goal for these essays is to cultivate an
credential or celebrity. They will also throw up clouds appreciation for how simple-ideas became
of dust disguised as “fact checking” to hide their own indestructible fibers in the fabric of a culture that
inability or unwillingness to discuss a simple-idea in thrives in a free-market exchange of value and a state of
terms of its face value. It matters not that this reluctance communal liberty secure in their persons and property
is driven by protection of deeply held beliefs, ordinary by the force of honorable law.

Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Nuckolls, III. This document may be reproduced in any form or venue when authorship is properly
cited and the work is not exploited for the purpose of securing a profit or obscuring context.

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