Steps Community

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Project Experience on Social Action

For my Pre- introduction and Men’s Interviews I
had the voices of different men of all ages talking
about their Mental Health. I used this
information and points because Men’s Mental
Health was one of the main topics in my social
action. I also wanted to have the publics opinions
so people watching the documentary could
relate to a normally not trained view rather than
a professional telling them their view, this would
also make the documentary have a mixed view.
Thing was quite a good experience as I got to hear a lot of different view, so
good and some bad.

In my introduction I had one of the co-
founders of S.T.E.P.S give some facts and
statistics to back up the political points
of the documentary that stated the
government wasn’t doing enough for
Mental Metal and how rural
communities were suffering due to this. I
also took photos of the rural community
of Draperstown were S.T.E.P.S is based. She also talked about the lost and the
effected Metal Health has on everyone’s families and friends. This information
related to everyone in Draperstwon as there has been multiple suicides in the
town or neighbouring towns. Therefore, I had the shoot of the person
disappearing to signify this.

Interview 1:
For my first interview I interviewed one of the Co –
Founders of steps. The first topic I talked to her about
was the experience she had losing two of her cousins to
suicide. I felt there need to be a real-life emotional story
to increase the impact of the message I was sending with
this documentary. The second topic we talked about was
how her and her cousin set up S.T.E.P.S as the suicide
rates in the town were getting worst. This was meant to show the impact steps
as done for the community in reduce suicides. The fourth topic she talked
about was what S.T.E.P.S does for the community and advise on Mental
Health. She gave statistics on numbers of people who have and not have
Mental Health problems along with the number of people and the age range of
male and female they have had in counselling as the GP waiting list was to
long. She gave advise like, to get help earlier as they can help you resolve your
problems before they get worse. She also talked about the government not
funding Mental Health as much as they should and how the public are going to
have to get improved to save lives. Finally she gave information on who
S.T.E.P.S help the community for example doing classes on exercise to bring
people together and how they train members of the public in suicide
prevention in case they came across someone in distress. This interview was to
inform people on S.T.E.P.S work and advise them on what to do if they were
ever in a situation where, they felt their Mental Health was getting to much for
them. In my experience of filming this interview I felt very emotionally and that
I could always turn to S.T.E.P.S if I had any problems.

Interview 2:
For my interview with a S.T.E.P.S counsellor I
asked him question that I thought would help or
inform families or friends of those who have
Mental Health problems. There are questions I
asked that would help those with the Mental
Health problem themselves. An example of a
question I asked was, What are the signs that
someone is struggling. In the experience in
filming this, I feel reassured that the information
given would people someone watching this video.

Interview 3:
Finally, for my last interview I interviewed one of S.T.E.P.S
classes instructor. She talked to me about how by using yoga
she relieves some of the anxiety of everyday life from peoples
lives. She also stated that yoga help relax the mind and that
people are in a calm environment and they do not have to do
anything they’re aren’t comfortable with. She talked me
through her timetable and the different times and classes she
has at S.T.E.P.S. I feel more informed on the lengths S.T.E.P.S
are willing to go to help people of the community and I feel

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