Embedded Systems: B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April - 2017

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Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1430

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 29 April, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) i. Explain the working of ABS in BMW 850i with a neat diagram. 8M
ii. Explain the requirement analysis in detail with an example in embedded system
b) i. Define UML. 7M
ii. Describe the importance of UML in embedded system design.
iii. With your own example, describe the Structural and Behavioral Descriptions in
embedded system design.
2. a) With the help of block diagram, explain the hardware and software architecture of GPS 8M
Moving Map.
b) Explain in detail the challenges in Embedded Computing System Design applications. 7M
Unit – II
3. a) With neat block diagram explain the architectural features of 8051 Microcontroller. 8M
b) Explain TMOD and TCON registers with its bit pattern. 7M
4. a) With an examples, explain different addressing modes used in 8051 Microcontroller. 7M
b) Interface 8051 Microcontroller with stepper motor and write an assembly program to 8M
rotate stepper motor 180 degrees in anticlockwise direction. Assume motor step angle as
1.8 degree per step.
Unit – III
5. a) Explain in detail the tasks and task states in RTOS with help of suitable diagrams. 7M
b) With an example, briefly explain the following of inter task communication constraints: 8M
i. Mail Boxes
ii. Pipes
6. a) Explain Saving Memory Space in embedded systems with suitable examples. Describe the 8M
various techniques that help to save the memory space.
b) Describe Semaphore with an example and describe the counting semaphores and 7M
Unit – IV
7. a) Explain in Detail: 8M
i. Cross–Compliers
ii. Cross–Assemblers
b) Analyze the goals of software testing process and its outcomes in detail with suitable 7M
8. a) Considering a Cordless Bar Code System as your host, explain the scaffold software 8M
testing with diagram.
b) With an example, discuss the objections and limitations of testing embedded software 7M
code on host machines.

:: 2 ::

Unit – V
9. a) With suitable figures, describe the 32 bit architecture of ARM Processor. 7M
b) Describe the I2C Bus of network configuration and electrical interface with neat 8M
10. a) Tabulate the basic requirements of Elevator system. 5M
b) Write an example case study on Internet Security issues in Internet enabled embedded 10M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1607

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 02 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) With neat diagrams explain different active attacks and passive attacks. 7M
b) Using play fair method, key=RPMLDSAXICHKQUYEWOZGBFTVN, Encrypt the plaintext: “I 8M
see you there”.
2. a) With neat diagram explain symmetric cipher model. 7M
b) Encrypt the plaintext “Attack At Dawn ”using Hill cipher with the key: 8M
2 4 5
9 2 1 
 
 3 17 7 
Show the calculations and find the cipher text.

Unit – II
3. a) What is the difference between a block cipher and a stream cipher? 7M
b) What is the difference between diffusion and confusion? 8M
4. a) Write notes on following block cipher modes of operation: 9M
i. Cipher Block chaining mode
ii. Cipher feedback mode
iii. Output feedback mode
b) Mention the different block cipher design principles involved in designing the DES 6M

Unit – III
5. a) Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for the following data: 8M
p=17, q=31, e=7, M=2.
b) Determine all the points on the curve E23(1,1). Add P and Q on the same curve, where 7M
P=(3, 10) and Q=(9 , 7).
6. a) With neat diagram explain Message Digest generation using SHA-512. 7M
b) Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime q=97 and primitive root α=5. If 8M
user A has private key XA=36 and user B has private key XB=58, compute the secret key of
user A and user B.

Unit – IV
7. a) Draw and explain X.509 certificate format. 8M
b) Why does PGP generate a signature before applying compression? 7M
8. a) What are three threats associated with user authentication over a network or Internet? 7M
b) What are the services provided by IPSec? List the applications of IPSec. 8M

:: 2 ::

Unit – V
9. a) Draw the SSL protocol stack and briefly explain the two important concepts of SSL. 7M
b) What is the need for dual signature in SET? How duel signature is constructed? 8M
10. a) What is a firewall? What are its characteristics? 7M
b) What is a virus? List the phases which a virus goes through. Also list the different 8M
approaches of antivirus software.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1519

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/11A)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 04 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Give and explain the output of each of the phases of a compiler for the following 12M
example statement: Total = count + rate*10.
b) Define the following: 3M
i. Token
ii. Pattern
iii. Lexemes
2. a) Eliminate left-recursion from the following grammar: 8M
S Ab | a
A  Ab | Sa
b) What are parse trees? Write the different conditions that a tree must satisfy to become 7M
a parse tree?
Unit – II
3. a) Define Handle? Explain Handle pruning. 6M
b) Construct LL(1) Parsing table for the gramar shown below: 9M
T → id + T | id
4. a) Discuss the rules to find FIRST and FOLLOW for the construction of a predictive parser. 6M
b) Construct SLR (1) parsing table for: 9M
E → (L) | a
L → EL | E
Unit – III
5. a) What are quadruples and triples? Explain with example. 5M
b) Write the SDD for simple type declaration: 10M
L->L,id /id
and construct the dependency graph for the declaration int id1,id2.

6. a) What is Three-Address code? Draw the syntax tree and dag for the assignment. 10M
statement a : =b * -c + b * -c. Represent the same in the three-address code sequences.
b) How to construct a syntax tree for the expressions? Create a syntax tree for the 5M
expression a - 4 + c.
Unit – IV
7. a) What are type systems? Give the algorithm for structural equivalence. 8M
b) What are activation records? Illustrate the general fields of the activation record. 7M


8. a) Write a Pascal program with procedure swap and explain how the parameter passing 7M
method call-by-value is used?
b) What are Type Systems? For the given simple language specify the type checker 8M
P → D; E
D → D; D | id: T
T → char | integer | array*num+ of T | ↑ T
E → literal | num | E mod E | E*E+ | E ↑
Unit – V
9. a) With a diagram explain the process of code optimization. Also give the classification of 7M
b) Explain the use of loops in flow graphs. 8M
10. a) Construct directed acyclic graph (DAG) for the input string(a+b)*(a-b))/d and also write 8M
the 3-address code, triples and quadruples.
b) Explain the concept of peephole optimization. Demonstrate the removal of unreachable 7M
instruction using this technique.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1520

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 06 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Define the following terms: Enumeration, packages with their standard UML notations. 5M
b) Draw a class diagram for each group of classes: school, playground, principal, school 10M
board, classroom book, student, teacher, cafeteria, restroom, computer, desk, chair,
ruler, door, swing. Add associations and generalizations and show multiplicity wherever
it is applicable.
2. a) With neat diagrams explain sterotypes and constraints. 5M
b) Explain the concept of role taking the instance of a person. Also explain the relationship 10M
of a class with standard notation and examples.

Unit – II
3. a) Define and Explain ‘Use Case’. Give a simple example of an Use Case with Variations. 8M
b) Draw the UML Class Diagram for the following Dependency Relationships: 7M
i. Mailbox depends on MessageQueue
ii. Message doesn't depends on Mailbox
iii. Connection depends on Telephone, MailSystem, Message, Mailbox
iv. Telephone depends on Connection
4. a) With diagrams explain the following: 8M
i. Multiplicities
ii. Composition
iii. Association
iv. Interface Specifier
b) Consider the case study ‘Voice mail system’ and provide State Diagram for ‘Connection’. 7M

Unit – III
5. a) Discuss the date class with suitable code segments for the following by using Java 7M
i. Constructor for current date
ii. Prints specified date in a standard format
iii. Tests if this date is after the specified date
iv. Tests if this date is before the specified date
v. Compares two Date objects for ordering
b) What are interfaces? Illustrate with an example, an implementation of ‘Icon’ interface 8M
type to display a Message and to display image icon.
6. a) What is the significance of overloading? Write a Java program to overload the following 8M
operators in a date class:
i. Operator ‘+’ : returns a date by adding a specified number of days to date
ii. Operator ‘-’ : returns a date by subtracting a specified number of days from a date
iii. Operator ‘>>’ and Operator ‘<<’ : to read and write a date
b) Illustrate with an example, the use of Comparable and Comparator interface. 7M

Unit – IV
7. a) Explain the ‘context’ and ‘solution’ for the Iterator Pattern, give the diagram for the 8M
b) From the below given requirements identify the pattern that can be used and draw the 7M
diagram for the same:
i. Invoice contains line items
ii. Line item has description, price
iii. Interface type LineItem
iv. Product is a concrete class that implements this interface
v. Bundle = set of related items with description+price
vi. E.g. stereo system with tuner, amplifier, CD player + speakers
vii. A bundle has line items
viii. A bundle is a line item
8. a) What are Layout Managers? With a diagrams show different types of Layout Managers 7M
avialable in JAVA.
b) Explain the ‘context’ and ‘solution’ for the Template Pattern, give the diagram for the 8M

Unit – V
9. a) What are Collections Framework in Java? Menion few of its interfaces and classes and 6M
their puropose.
b) For the below given context identify the pattern and provide solution and draw the 9M
diagram for the same.
i. A class (the real subject) provides a service that is specified by an interface type (the
subject type)
ii. There is a need to modify the service in order to make it more versatile
iii. Neither the client nor the real subject should be affected by the modification
10. a) Explain the ‘context’ and ‘solution’ for the Prototype Pattern, give the diagram for the 7M
b) Write Sequence diagram for starting 2 Threads and state diagrams for showing different 8M
Thread states.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1521

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 09 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Explain the terms CLR, CTS, BCL, and JIT. 5M
b) Explain the process of compiling source files with csc.exe and also depict the 10M
usage of csc.exe response files.
2. a) Explain Single–file and Multi-file Assemblies. 6M
b) Illustrate the workflow between source code, a given .Net compiler and .Net 9M
execution engine.
Unit – II
3. a) Explain the Method Parameter modifiers. Demonstrate each modifier with an 7M
b) When interacting with databases the columns in a data table may be empty, 8M
provide a C# data type to handle the same?
4. a) List and explain the String format character and Access Modifiers available in C#. 5M
b) Create a namespace “StudentNamespace” for Student where marks is entered 10M
and another namespace “CGPANamespace” for assigning the cgpa.
Use both the namespace to display the student marks and cgpa

Unit – III
5. a) What is encapsulation? Explain how is encapsulation enforced in C#? 5M
b) Differentiate Exception and errors in C#? Explain following 10M
keywords: try, catch, finally, and throw with an example.
6. a) Explain following : 10M
i. Creating Read-Only and Write-Only Properties
ii. Creating Static Properties
iii. Method Overriding
iv. Sealed Classes
b) Develop a C# Program which demonstrate handling multiple exceptions. 5M

Unit – IV
7. a) Define Delegate. List the functions of System.Delegate class. Give syntax of each. 8M
b) Define Assembly. Explain how to create a single file assembly in C# language. 7M
8. a) Write a program to demonstrate multicast delegate invocation in C#. 7M
b) Write a program to demonstrate the methods of AppSettingsReader class of 8M
System. Configuration namespace.


Unit – V
9. a) What is the Data Reader in ADO.Net? Explain with example. 5M
b) What is Command Object? Write a sample code for upadate, delete and 10M
inserting records to database table using Command Objects.
10. a) Explain any four methods of dataset class. 6M
b) Develop a program to connect database and read EMP(name,id,salary) table. 9M
Display all employee list.
DB connection details(Server= localhost database = “EmployeeRecords” user
name ‘SYSADM’ password ‘123).
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1606

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Information Technology)
Date: 02 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) What is meant by handover technique? What are the different types of handover? 9M
b) Differentiate between infrared and Radio transmissions. 6M
2. a) Explain IEEE 802.11 MAC packet structure with a neat diagram. 8M
b) Discuss how valid configuration of Hiper LAN MAC frames is done with a neat diagram. 7M

Unit – II
3. a) Explain the different GSM mobile services offered from one terminal to another 9M
b) With a neat diagram explain how intra MSC handover happens. 6M
4. a) Explain Hidden and Exposed terminal problem in Mobile networks. 6M
b) Compare and contrast between TDMA, FDMA and CDMA. 9M

Unit – III
5. a) Discuss the following terminologies of Mobile IP. 10M
i. Mobile node (MN)
ii. Correspondent node (CN)
iii. Foreign network Foreign agent (FA)
iv. Care-of address (COA)
v. Home agent (HA)
b) Explain how HA of the current location is informed in the registration. Discuss in detail. 5M
6. a) Differentiate between wired networks and ad-hoc wireless networks related to routing. 6M
b) Explain the working of Destination sequence distance vector routing protocol for 9M

Unit – IV
7. a) With an illustration discuss the applications of push–based data dissemination 8M
b) Define context–aware computing. List and discuss some of the essential context 7M
parameters used while developing context-aware applications.
8. a) Define Hoarding. Explain the technique of incremental data hoarding. 7M
b) Why quality of service should be taken care in data management? Discuss in detail. 8M

Unit – V
9. a) Explain the protocol architecture of WAP. 8M
b) Discuss the features of J2ME? 7M
10. a) Draw master slave architecture in a piconet of Bluetooth device and also explain the 8M
states in which a Bluetooth device can be found .
b) Explain WTLS in detail. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1423

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/11A)
(Common to Electronics and Communication Engineering &
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 02 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) What is memory segmentation? Illustrate the memory segmentation of 8086 with 8M
relevant figure and mention its advantages.
b) Explain the different addressing modes supported in 8086 with examples. 7M
2. a) Describe the 8086 minimum mode operation and illustrate the timing diagram for a 7M
memory read cycle with a neat figure.
b) Illustrate 8086 microprocessor internal architecture with a neat figure of its block 8M
Unit – II
3. a) Explain the function of the following instructions of 8086: 6M
i. DAS
ii. XCHG
iii. ADC
iv. JNE
v. ROR
vi. SUB
b) What is the difference between a macro and a procedure? Write an assembly language 9M
program find whether the given 16 bit number in AX is even or odd.
4. a) Explain ASSUME, EQU and ORG assembler directives. 6M
b) Explain SCAS and MOVS with examples. Write an ALP to sort given set of N numbers in 9M
descending order using bubble sort algorithm.
Unit – III
5. a) Design an interface between CPU 8086 and two chips of 32KX8 ROM and four chips of 32K 8M
X 8 RAM according to the following memory map?
ROM 1 and ROM 2 → F0000H – FFFFFH
RAM 1 and RAM 2 → D0000H – DFFFFH
RAM 3 and RAM 4 → E0000H - EFFFFH
b) Sketch a neat figure to show the necessary circuit for interfacing DAC to 8086 through 7M
8255 PPI and write an Assembly language to generate a triangular wave.
6. a) What is key debouncing? Illustrate the working principle of interfacing a matrix keyboard 8M
to a 8086 with relevant figure.
b) Sketch a neat figure and Illustrate the interfacing of multiple seven segment displays to 7M
the 8086 microprocessor using a multiplexer.
Unit – IV
7. a) What is an Interrupt? Explain the different types of Interrupts. 8M
b) Explain the DMA controller operation in a microcomputer system with the help of a neat 7M
figure showing its block diagram.
:: 2 ::

8. a) Describe the 8254 operation with a neat figure of its block diagram and explain its 8M
b) Discuss the characteristics of DRAM and explain the interfacing of DRAMs to a 7M
Unit – V
9. a) Illustrate the operation of Intel 8251A USART with its block diagram and some of its pins. 8M
b) Explain the features, signals and registers of Intel 80386 microprocessor. 7M
10. a) Illustrate how Intel 386 uses the selector to access a descriptor to compute the physical 7M
b) Design the hardware interface circuit for interfacing 8251 with 8086. Set the 8251A in 8M
asynchronous mode as a transmitter and receiver with even parity enabled, 2 stop bit, 8-
bit character length, frequency 160KHz and baud rate 10K. Write an ALP to transmit 100
bytes of data string starting at location 2000:5000H.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1424

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/11A)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 04 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Explain how differential PCM(DPCM) transmission and reception is done for audio 9M
coding and its advantage over standard PCM.
b) In DM system, voice signal is sampled at rate of 32,000samples/sec. The maximum 6M
signal amplitude Am=2v.
i. Determine minimum value of step size required to avoid slope overload
ii. Determine quantisation noise power if voice signal bandwidth is 4kHz
iii. Determine SNR required
2. a) State the need for non- uniform quantisation in PCM system. A compact disc CD 8M
recording system samples each of two stereo signals with 16bit ADC at 44.1kbps:
i. Determine output SNR for full scale sinusoid
ii. Bit stream is now added with error correcting bits, clock extraction bits, control bits
These additional bits amounts 100 % overhead. Determine bitrate of this system.
b) State the limitation of delta modulation and how do ADM help to overcome these 7M
Unit – II
3. a) With neat block diagram explain generation and reception of DPSK signal and Illustrate 10M
for bitstream 10010011, complete DPSK operations involved.
b) In digital Comm system bit rate of NRZ data is 1 MBPS and carrier is 100MHz. Find 5M
Symbol rate transmission and bandwidth requirement of the channel in the following
ii. 16PSK
Indicate application that employ each scheme.
4. a) Explain with block diagram, QPSK transmitter and receiver structure. Draw the 8M
constellation diagram.
b) An digital modulation system transmits binary data at the rate of 2.5 mega bits/s. During 7M
the course of transmission, white Gaussian noise of zero mean and power spectral
density 10–20 W/Hz is added to the signal. In the absence of noise, the amplitude of the
received sinusoidal wave for digit 1 or 0 is 1µV. Determine the average probability of
symbol error for the following system configurations:
i. Coherent BPSK
ii. Coherent BFSK
Compare the Pe results and comment with constellation diagram.
Unit – III
5. a) A discrete memory less source with alphabets x1 and x2 with respective probability ¼ 8M
and ¾. Determine.
the entropy of the source H(S) and Find the entropy of its third Extension.
b) A message is coded in binary code, the probabilities of transmission of the two symbols 7M
are 0.45 and 0.55 respectively. In the channel of communication the symbol 1’s are
distorted into 0’s with the probability of 0.1 and 0’s distorted into 1’s with probability
0.2. find the probability that:
i. A received ‘0’ has not been distorted
ii. A received ‘1’ has not been distorted
:: 2 ::.

6. a) Briefly explain the properties of entropy. 8M

b) A fair coin is tossed repeatedly. Let 7M
A={event of getting 3 heads out of 5 trials}
B={event of getting 5 heads out of 8 trials}which event conveys more information?
support your answer with numerical computation of repective amount of information.
Unit – IV
7. a) Comment on the number of error detectability and correctability of block codes. 5M
b) The parity check matrix of particular (7,4) linear block code is: 10M
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 
 H = 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 
i. Find generator matrix
ii. All possible code vectors
8. a) With an example define Hamming weight, Hamming distance and Minimum distance. 8M
b) Prove that “The minimum distance of a linear block code is equal to the minimum 7M
hamming weight of a non zero code vector.”
Unit – V
9. a) Explain viterbi decoding algorithm. 6M
b) For the convolution encoder with generator g1=[1,1,1], g2=[1,0,1], draw trellis, state 9M
diagram. Find encoder output for input message m=[1 0 0 1 1].
10. a) Write importance of state diagram and trellis diagram. 8M
b) For the convolution encoder with g1(X)=1+X, g2(X)=1+X2, draw state diagram and 7M
encoder diagram.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1425

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 06 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Determine whether the systems given below are: 8M
i. Linear or Non-Linear
ii. Time Invariant or Time- variant
iii. Static or Dynamic
iv. Causal or non-causal
y  n   x  n 
y  n   x  n   x  n  1
b) Find the response of the system described by the difference equation: 7M
y  n   y  n  2   x  n  1 with y  1  1, y  2   0 and x  n   u  n  .
2. a) Consider the input signal x(n) and impulse response h(n) given below: 8M
x n  1 ; 0n4
=0 ; othrwise
h n  1 ; 0n6
=0 ; othrwise
Computer the output y  n   x  n   h  n 
b) Find the frequency response for the LTI systems represented by the following impulse 7M
i. h n    u n
ii. h  n     n     n  1
Unit – II

3. a) Find the N point DFT of the following sequence x  n   a nu  n  . 7M

b) Find the 8 point DFT of a real sequence x  n   1, 2, 2, 2,1,0,0,0 using Decimation in 8M
frequency radix 2 FFT algorithm.
4. a) State and prove Parseval’s theorem for DTFT. 7M
2 n 
b) Determine the DTFS representation for the sequence x  n   cos  . 8M
 8 
Unit – III
5. a) State and prove the following Z transform properties 8M
i. Time reversal
ii. Time shifting
Find the inverse Z transform of the following X  z  
b) when |z|<1/2 and 7M
 1
2  z  1  z  
 2
when |z| >1.
:: 2 ::
6. a) Draw the block diagram of direct form –I and direct form-II realization for a digital IIR 8M
Filter described by the system function H  z  is given by:
8 z 3  4 z 2  11z  2
H  z 
 1  2 1
 z   z  z  
 4  2
b) Realize an FIR filter with impulse response h  n is given by 7M
h  n     u  n   u  n  4   using Direct Form realization.
Unit – IV
7. a) Design a lowpass Butterworth digital filter using bilinear transformation with 3-dB cut off 8M
frequency at 50 Hz and attenuation of atleast 10dB larger than 100Hz. Assume sampling
frequency of 500Hz.
b) Design a FIR-Bandpass filter of length 9 for the following ideal characteristics. Use 7M
hamming window.
H  eiw   1; w  0.6
 0; otherwise
8. a) Design a low pass Chebyshev IIR filter for the following specifications: 8M
Passband edge frequency =1kHz
Stopband edge frequency =3kHz
Sampling frequency = 10kHz
Passband ripple=1dB
Stopband ripple=40dB
b) Design a linear phase FIR filter of length 11 to meet the following characteristics. Cutoff 7M
frequency is 100Hz, Assume sampling frequency as 400Hz. Use hamming Window.

Unit – V
9. a) List and explain the advantages of multirate signal processing. 6M
b) The input signal x  n  is down sampled by factor-M. Obtain the relationship between the 9M
Fourier transform of the output and the input. Also comment on the aliasing effect of
Down sampling.
10. a) Obtain the three-branch polyphase realization of a length-7 FIR filter using minimum 6M
number of delays.
b) If the input signal is d  n    z y g h t e u o p. Find the output for the following: 9M
i. Decimation by factor of 2
ii. Interpolation by a factor of 2
iii. Decimation by 2 followed by interpolation by 2
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1426

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 09 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Derive an expression for dielectric constant, characteristic impedance and Guide 7M
wavelength of Microstrip line.
b) Derive the wave equations of TE mode propagation in rectangular waveguide. 8M
2. a) Write down the different bands in microwave range along with corresponding 7M
frequencies. Enlist the advantages of microwave frequencies over lower frequency
b) What is a cavity resonator? Obtain the expression for Q-factor of a cavity resonator 8M
Unit – II
3. a) Derive the S-Matrix of two hole directional coupler with necessary diagrams and 10M
b) The three port circulator provides an isolation of 25dB in anticlockwise direction and 5M
insertion loss of 0.5dB in clockwise direction. If the VSWR=1.2, find all the scattering co-
efficient of the 3-port circulator.
4. a) Justify the need of S-parameters in the Analysis of Microwave Circuits. List the 7M
properties of S-matrix.
b) Give the Comparison between E-plane Tee and H-plane Tee. 8M

Unit – III
5. a) Explain the operation of two cavity klystron amplifier with constructional and Applegate 8M
b) In a two cavity klystron amplifier, the two cavities are identical and each tuned to a 7M
frequency of 6Ghz. A DC voltage of 4KV is applied between the collector and the
cathode. The drift space length Is measured to be 3.2cms and cavity gap measures
1.5mm. The DC beam current is measured to be 45mA and DC beam loading resistance
Rb=84Kohms. The cavity wall resistance of the catcher cavity is 90Kohms and load
resistance RL=100Kohms. Calculate:
i. DC beam velocity
ii. Gap transit angle
iii. Beam coupling co-efficient
iv. DC transit angle in the drift space
v. Maximum magnitude of the voltage developed across the cavity gap by the input
RF voltage
6. a) Describe the operation of gyrator with necessary diagrams. 8M
b) A reflex klystron oscillator is to be operated with 1 3/4 mode of operation with a beam 7M
voltage of 300V and magnitude of repeller voltage is Vr=150V. If the repeller space is
0.8mm, find the frequency of reflex klystron oscillator.

Unit – IV
7. a) Explain Pi-mode operation in magnetron. 7M
b) An X-band pulsed cylindrical magnetron has the following operating parameters. Anode 8M
voltage Vo=26KV, beam current Io=27A, Magnetic flux density Bo=0.336Wb/m2, radius
of cathode cylinder a=5cm, radius of vane edge to center b=10cm. find the cyclotron
angular frequency, cut-off voltage for a fixed Bo, and the cut-off magnetic flux density
for a fixed Vo.
8. a) Explain the operation of Gunn diode and its different modes of operation. 8M
b) Explain the operation and applications of IMPATT diode. 7M

Unit – V
9. a) With the help of neat block diagram, explain how low VSWR(<20) is measured using 7M
double minima method.
b) Two identical 20dB directional couplers are used to sample the incident and reflected 8M
powers. If the output of the two couplers are 2mW and 0.1mW respectively, determine:
i. Incident power
ii. Reflected power
iii. VSWR
iv. Return loss in dB
10. a) Explain in detail the measurement of impedance using microwave bench. 10M
b) Explain the principle of measurement of microwave power using Bolometer method 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1018

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology &
Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 11 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Explain the role of an entrepreneur in economic development. 8M
b) Evaluate the contribution of Schumpeter’s Theory of Entrepreneurship. 7M
2. a) Explain the characteristic of a successful entrepreneur with reference to any Indian 8M
b) Explain the qualities of an entrepreneur. 7M
Unit – II
3. a) Discuss the role of National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business 8M
Development (NIESBUD) for development of entrepreneurship.
b) What is the role of Industrial development bank of India in development of 7M
entrepreneurship in the country?
4. a) What is the role of MSMEs in development of entrepreneurship? 8M
b) What are the objectives of SIDO? Discuss the services offered by SIDO. 7M
Unit – III
5. a) Enlist the problems of Women Entrepreneurs in India. What are the initiatives taken by 8M
the Government to overcome these problems?
b) What are the reasons for women to become an entrepreneur? 7M
6. a) Discuss the functions performed by women entrepreneur in India. 8M
b) What role does the associations are playing in the support of women entrepreneur in 7M
Unit – IV
7. a) Explain various ways to identify the project. 8M
b) Write the importance of Financial Analysis in Project Management. 7M
8. a) What is Project Appraisal? Discuss the various methods to be considered for Project 8M
b) Discuss the parameters and importance of Social cost benefit analysis. 7M
Unit – V
9. a) Explain the importance of training for entrepreneur? Do you think that the feedback is 8M
the only way to assess the performance of trainers? Discuss.
b) What factors should be considered while designing appropriate training program to 7M
inculcate entrepreneurial spirit?
10. a) Define performance. How the training programme can be evaluated? 7M
b) Do you think training can be an effective instrument to develop the skills of 8M
entrepreneurs? Why?
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1220

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 04 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Prove that [Ybus] = [A] [Yprim] [A]. 7M
b) Find the bus admittance matrix of the system shown in Fig.1. Given that all the lines are 8M
characterized by a series impedance of (0.1 + j0.7)/km and a shunt admittance of
j0.35x10-5mho/km. Using base values of 220KV and 100MVA, express all impedance and
admittance in per unit.

2. a) Define per unit system. Bring out the advantages of per unit computations. 5M
b) For the system shown in fig. 2(b), determine ZUS using building algorithm. (all units are in 10M

Fig. 2
Unit – II
3. a) With a flow chart explain the steps for the load flow solution by the Gauss – Seidel 10M
iterative method.
b) Write a note on the advantages of bus admittance matrix in a load flow analysis. 5M

:: 2 ::

4. a) What do you mean acceleration of convergence? Explain. 3M

b) Consider the power system shown in Fig.3. The data for the system is given in below 12M
tables. Obtain the bus voltages at the end of first iteration, by applying Gauss - Seidel

SB EB R(pu) X(pu) BC/2
1 2 0.10 0.40 -
1 4 0.15 0.60 -
1 5 0.05 0.20 -
2 3 0.05 0.20 -
2 4 0.10 0.40 -
3 5 0.05 0.20 -

Bus. No. PG(pu) QG(pu) PD(pu) QD(pu) |VSP|(pu) 

1 - - - - 1.02 00
2 - - 0.60 0.30 - -
3 1.0 - - - 1.04 -
4 - - 0.40 0.10 - -
5 - - 0.60 0.20 - -

Unit – III
5. a) Briefly explain FDLF solution method for solving load flow equations. 5M
b) A 100MVA, 11KV generator with X’’=0.20p.u is connected through a transformer and line 10M
to a bus bar that supplies three identical motor as shown in Fig.4 and each motor has
X’’=0.20p.u and X’=0.25p.u on a base of 20MVA, 33KV.the bus voltage at the motors is
33KV when a three phase balanced fault occurs at the point F. Calculate subtransient
current in the fault.

6. In a five bus power system, bus 5 is slack bus, buses 1 and 3 are PQ buses; buses 2 and 4 are 15M
PV buses. Write down the power mismatch equations for solution by NR method. Clearly
indicate the structure of the Jacobian. Modify the above equations for solution by:
i. Decoupled method
ii. FDLF method
Unit – IV
7. a) Derive an expression for fault current in a double line to ground fault at the terminal of 7M
an unloaded alternator and hence draw the sequence network.
b) A salient pole synchronous machine having Xd=0.6p.u. and Xq=0.4p.u. per phase is 8M
operated from an infinite bus of voltage 1p.u. If the excitation voltage is 1. p.u. Find the
SSSL and the angle at which it occurs.

:: 3 ::

8. a) Define the following terms: 5M

i. Steady state stability
ii. Transient stability
iii. Dynamic Stability
iv. Steady state stability limit
v. Infinite bus
b) A three phase 50MVA, 11KV, star connected neutral solidly grounded generator 10M
operating on no load at rated voltage gave the following sustained fault current for the
faults specified:
Three phase fault – 2000A
Line to line fault – 1800A
Line to ground fault – 2200A
Determine the three sequence reactances in ohms and in p.u.
Unit – V
9. a) With a neat diagram explain Equal Area Criteria. Derive an expression for Equal Area 7M
b) A turbo generator 6 pole, 50Hz of capacity 80MW working at 0.8p.f. has an inertia of 8M
i. Calculate the energy stored in the rotor at synchronous speed
ii. Find rotor acceleration if the mechanical input is suddenly raised to 75MW for an
electrical load of 60MW
iii. Suppose the above acceleration is maintained for a duration of 6 cycles, calculate the
change in torque angle and rotor speed at the end of 6 cycles
10. a) Derive swing equation for a synchronous machine. 8M
b) A two pole, 50Hz, 11KV turbo alternator has a rating of 100MW, power factor 0.85 7M
lagging. The rotor has a moment of inertia of 10,000kg.m 2. Determine the values of
inertia constants H and M.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1222

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 09 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) With neat diagram and wave forms Explain VI characteristics of BJT and IGBT. 9M
b) For the transistor switch of Fig.1. 6M
i. If the manufacturer specified β is in the range 8 to 40, calculate the minimum
overdrive factor
ii. Obtain the power loss PT of the transistor

2. a) Explain how to turn OFF an SCR using class-B commutation circuit. Also sketch the device 9M
current and voltage waveforms during the turn off process.
b) Draw the electrical equivalent circuit of a power MOSFET and explain why they are 6M
preferred in inverter applications.
Unit – II
3. a) An RL load is connected to a half-wave controlled rectifier. Sketch the output current and 9M
voltage waveforms, and explain the circuit’s operation. Also mention, what effects will
the connection of a free-wheeling diode across the load will have on the rectifier
b) A single phase half-wave controlled rectifier is operated from a 120V, 50Hz supply. A 6M
resistive load of 10 ohm is connected to the rectifier. If the average output voltage is 25%
of the maximum possible average output voltage, determine:
i. Firing angle required
ii. RMS and average output currents
iii. RMS and average SCR currents
4. a) Discuss the effect of source inductance on the performance of single phase fully 7M
controlled converter, clearly indicating the conduction of various thyristors during one
b) A single phase fully controlled thyristor bridge rectifier supplies a load consisting of R, L 8M
and Eb. The inductance in the circuit is so large that the output current may be
considered to be virtually constant. Assume the SCR to be ideal with supply
voltage(rms)=220V, load resistance=0.5ohm and output current =10A.
i. Firing angle if Eb is 135V,
ii. Firing angle if Eb is -135V,
iii. Which source is supplying power in i. and ii.

:: 2 ::

Unit – III
5. a) Explain the operation of three phase full controlled rectifier with RL load with neat 8M
circuit diagram and wave forms.
b) A three phase fully controlled converter is connected to a resistive load. Show that the 7M
average output voltage is given by:
3 3 
Edc  Em cos  , for 0   
2 3
6. a) Explain the operation of single phase dual converter with neat circuit diagram and wave 7M
b) A three phase fully controlled bridge converter is connected to three phase ac supply of 8M
400V, 50Hz and operates with a firing angle α=π/4. The load current is maintained
constant at 10A and the load voltage is 360V. Compute:
i. Source inductance
ii. Load resistance
iii. Overlap angle

Unit – IV
7. a) Draw the schematics of step down chopper and derive an expression for output voltage 7M
in terms of duty cycle for a step down chopper.
b) A step down dc chopper has a resistive load of R =15 ohm and input voltage E dc = 200 V. 8M
When the chopper remains ON, its voltage drop is 2.5V, the chopper frequency is 1 kHz.
If the duty cycle is 50%, determine:
i. Average output Voltage.
ii. RMS output Voltage
iii. Chopper Efficiency
8. a) What are the salient features of cycloconverters? And what are the major limitations of 5M
b) A D.C step down chopper connected to a 100V d.c source supplies an inductive load 10M
having 40mh in series with a resistance of 5Ω. A freewheeling diode is placed across the
load. The load current varies between the limits of 10 A and 12A. Determine the duty
ratio of the chopper.
Unit – V
9. a) What are the different pulse width modulation techniques available for voltage control 7M
of single phase inverter? Explain any two of them.
b) Draw and explain the operation of Mcmurray inverter. 8M
10. a) Explain the operation of single phase full bridge inverter for R load with neat wave 7M
b) A single phase inverter full bridge inverter is operated from a 48V battery and is supplied 8M
power to a pure resistive load 10Ω. Determine
i. The output voltage for fundamental and the fifth harmonics
ii. Output rms power and output fundamental power
iii. Transistor switch ratings
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1324

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 02 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Highlight the general flow of PPC activities. 8M
b) Discuss the potential impact that each of the following may have on the design of a 7M
planning and control system. Will the impact change if the organization is more focused
on products rather than services?
i. Location proximity to customers
ii. Introduction of new technology impacting the design
iii. Customers demanding faster delivery
iv. Customers demanding lower prices
2. a) It is often said that the operations management is a transformation process. Do you 8M
agree with this statement? Support your answer with reasons.
b) Provide a three period moving average forecast for the following problem: 7M

Unit – II
3. a) Differentiate between periodic and continuous inventory review systems. Provide 7M
suitable examples for each.
b) An auto parts supplier sells Hardy-brand batteries to car dealers and auto mechanics. 8M
The annual demand is approximately 1,200 batteries. The supplier pays $28 for each
battery and estimates that the annual holding cost is 30 percent of the battery’s value. It
costs approximately $20 to place an order (managerial and clerical costs). The supplier
currently orders 100 batteries per month.
i. Determine the ordering, holding, and total inventory costs for the current order
ii. Determine the economic order quantity (EOQ).
iii. How many orders will be placed per year using the
iv. EOQ?
v. Determine the ordering, holding, and total inventory costs for the EOQ. How has
ordering cost changed?

:: 2 ::
4. a) A company makes bicycles. It produces 450 bicycles a month. It buys the tires for 8M
bicycles from a supplier at a cost of $20 per tire. The company’s inventory carrying cost
is estimated to be 15% of cost and the ordering is $50 per order.
i. Calculate the EOQ
ii. What is the number of orders per year
iii. Compute the average annual ordering cost
iv. Compute the average inventory
v. What is the average annual carrying cost
b) Upon closer inspection, the supplier determines that the demand for batteries is 7M
normally distributed with mean 4 batteries per day and standard deviation 3 batteries
per day. (The supplier is open 300 days per year.) It usually takes about 4 days to receive
an order from the factory.
i. What is the standard deviation of usage during the lead time?
ii. Determine the reorder point needed to achieve a service level of 95 percent.
iii. What is the safety stock? What is the holding cost associated with this safety stock?
iv. How would your analysis change if the service level changed to 98 percent?
Unit – III
5. a) Briefly explain the aggregate planning strategies. 7M
b) Consider the following problem of assembly line balancing: 8M
Task A B C D E F G H
immediate predecessor - A B C D E F G
Task time (min) 0.9 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.1
Assuming that 55 minutes per hour are productive, compute the cycle time needed to
obtain 50 units per hour as the output.
i. Determine the minimum number of workstations required and assign tasks based on
longest candidate rule
ii. Compute line utilization
6. Consider an aggregate plan with demand requirements of 500, 400, 700 and 400 units for 15M
periods 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The initial work force is 300 production units. The
production cost of the workforce is $ 5 per unit. The inventory cost is $3 per unit per period,
and the backlog cost is $7 per unit per period. The hiring cost is $6 per unit and the firing
cost is $8 per unit.
Use the graphical approach with four periods and show aggregate plans for:
i. Constant inventory of zero (where no backlog is allowed)
ii. Constant work force
Unit – IV
7. A computer systems consulting company is under contract to carry out seven projects, all 15M
with deadliness assured in days from now. The consultants are a small group and they work
together on each project, so that the project will be started and completed sequentially.
Under the terms of contract, the consultants will receive Rs. 24,000 for each project
completed on time, but they will incur Rs. 40,000 in penalties for each project completed
late. Each project has an, associated duration, which is the anticipated number of days
required to carry out the project as shown below:
How should the projects be sequenced in order to maximize net revenues?
Project ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Duration ID 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Deadlines (d) 6 12 30 19 12 18 24
8. a) Define LOB and highlight its benefits. 8M
b) Consider the following single machine-scheduling problem. 7M
Job (J) 1 2 3 4 5
Processing time (t) (hrs) 15 4 5 14 8
Find the optimal sequence, which will minimize the mean flow time and also obtain the
minimum mean flow time.
:: 3 ::

Unit – V
9. Use graphical method to minimize the time needed to process the following jobs on the 15M
machines shown (for each machine, find the job which should be scheduled first). Also,
calculate the total time elapsed to complete both jobs.
Job 1 Sequence A - B - C - D - E
Time (hrs). 3 4 2 6 2
Job 2 Sequence B - C - A - D - E
Time (hrs). 5 4 3 2 6
10. Discuss the functions and forms of dispatching. Provide suitable illustrations. 15M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : A1325

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 04 May, 2017 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit - I
1. a) Discuss the mechanism of fluid film lubrication. 3M
b) Design a journal bearing to support a load of 4500N at 600rpm. The bearing liner is made 12M
of bronze backed babbit and the journal is of hardened steel. Oil rings are used to
lubricate the bearings. Take ambient temperature as 210C and the oil temperature in
bearing as 800 C. Assume the suitable data if required.
2. a) Explain: 6M
i. Static Load Carrying capacity
ii. Dynamic Load carrying capacity
iii. Equivalent load carrying capacity of an anti-friction bearing
b) Select a deep groove ball bearing for a shaft of diameter 20mm running at a speed of 9M
1000rpm. The required bearing life is 5000 hours at reliability of 99%. The radial load is
2.5KN and the axial load is 1.2KN. The minimum operating temperature is 400 C and
inner race rotates.

Unit – II
3. The following data is given for the piston of a four stroke diesel engine: Cylinder 15M
bore=250mm, material of piston rings=grey cast iron, allowable tensile stress=100N/mm 2,
allowable radial pressure on cylinder wall=0.03MPa, thickness of piston head=42mm, number
of piston rings=4. Calculate:
i. Radial width of the piston rings
ii. Axial thickness of the piston rings
iii. Gap between the free ends of the piston ring before assembly
iv. Gap between the free ends of the piston ring after assembly
v. Width of the top land
vi. Width of the ring grooves
vii. Thickness of the piston barrel
viii. Thickness of the barrel at open end
4. The cylinder of a four-stroke diesel engine has the specifications are: cylinder bore=150mm, 15M
maximum gas pressure=3.5MPa, cylinder material = Grey cast iron FG 200 (Sut=200 N/mm2),
Factor of safety=5, Poisson’s ration=0.25. Determine the thickness of the cylinder wall. Also,
calculate the apparent and net circumferential and longitudinal stresses in the cylinder wall.

Unit – III

5. a) Derive an expression for beam strength of a spur gear tooth with usual notations. 3M
b) Two spur gears are to be used for a rock crusher drive and are to be of minimum size. 12M
The gears are to be designed for the following requirements: Power to be transmitted is
18kW, speed of pinion 1200 rev/min: velocity ratio 3.5 to 1, tooth profile 200 stub
involute. Determine module and face width for strength requirements only.
The material for pinion and gear is SAE3245(ςo=515 MPa).

6. A pair of parallel helical gears consists of a 20teeth pinion meshing with a 40 teeth gear. The 15M
helix angle is 250and the normal pressure angle is 200. The normal module is 3 mm.
i. The transverse module
ii. The transverse pressure angle
iii. The axial pitch
iv. The pitch circle diameters of the pinion and the gear
v. The centre distance
vi. The addendum and dedendum circle diameters of the pinion

Unit – IV
7. a) List out the characteristics for the following gears: 5M
i. Skew bevel gears
ii. Hypoid gears
b) Design a pair of bevel gears to connect two shafts at 600. The gears are alloy steel of case 10M
hardened and precision cut with form cutters. The gear ratio is 5:1. The power
transmitted is 30kW at 900rpm of the pinion. The teeth are 200 full depth. The pinion has
24 teeth. Suggest suitable surface hardness for the gear pair. The material for pinion and
gear is SAE2320(ςo=345 MPa).
8. a) Write a short notes on single-enveloping and double-enveloping worm gear drive. 5M
b) 1kW power at 720rpm is supplied to the worm shaft. The number of starts for threads of 10M
the worm is four with a 50 mm pitch-circle diameter. The worm wheel has 30 teeth with
5 mm module. The normal pressure angle is 200. Calculate the efficiency of the worm
gear drive and the power lost in friction.

Unit – V
9. a) Explain various types power screws. 4M
b) A double-threaded power screw, with ISO metric trapezoidal threads is used to raise a 11M
load of 300kN. The nominal diameter is 100mm and the pitch is 12mm. The coefficient
of friction at the screw threads is 0.15. neglecting collar friction, calculate:
i. Torque required to raise the load
ii. Torque required to lower the load and
iii. Efficiency of the screw
10. a) Briefly discuss the main requirements of the slide ways. Also, explain in brief the main 9M
factors that predominate in machine tool beds.
b) Write short note on design for strength and rigidity of machine tool elements. 6M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1326

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 06 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I

1. a) State the laws governing three basic modes of heat transfer. 6M

b) Derive the general three-dimensional conduction equation in Cartesian coordinates and 9M
state the assumption made.

2. a) Discuss the three kinds of boundary conditions needed for the analysis of heat 6M
conduction problem.
b) A plane wall is 150mm thick and wall area is 4.5m2. If its thermal conductivity is 9M
9.35W/m°C and surface temperatures are 150°C and 45°C, determine:
i. Heat flow across the wall and temperature gradient in the flow direction
ii. Conduction thermal resistance

Unit – II

3. a) An electric current is passed through a plane wall of thickness 150mm which generates 7M
heat at the rate of 50000W/m3. The convective heat transfer co-efficient between wall
and ambient air is 65W/m K, ambient air temperature is 280C and the thermal
conductivity of the wall material is 22W/m K. Calculate:
i. Surface temperature
ii. Maximum temperature in the wall
b) Find the heat loss from a rod of 3 mm in diameter and infinitely long when its base is 8M
maintained at 1400C. The conductivity of the material is 150W/m K and the heat transfer
co-efficient on the surface of the rod is 300W/m2K. The temperature of the air
surrounding the rod is 150C.

4. a) Calculate the temperature recorded by a probe of length L=20mm, k=19W/mK, D=3mm, 7M

when there is an external heat transfer coefficient of h=50W/m2K, an actual air
temperature of 500C and the surface temperature at the base of the probe is 600C.
b) A steel ball of 50 cm diameter initially at a uniform temperature of 450 0C is suddenly 8M
placed in an environment at 1000C. Heat transfer coefficient h, between the steel ball and
the fluid is 10W/m2K. For steel Cp=0.46kJ/KgK, density=7800kg/m3, k=35W/mK. Calculate
the time required for the ball to reach a temperature of 1500C. Also find the rate of
cooling after 1 hr. Show graphically how the temperature of the sphere falls with time.


Unit – III

5. a) With the help of Buckingham’s π- theorem, show that for a forced convection heat 8M
Nu  C.Rem .Pr n .
b) A sheet metal air duct carries air-conditioned air at an average temperature of 10oC. The 7M
duct size is 320mm×320mm and length of the duct exposed to surrounding air at 30oC is
15m long. Find the heat gained by the air in the duct. Assume 200mm side is vertical and
top surface of the duct is insulated. Use the following properties:
Nu  0.6  Gr.Pr  for vertical surface
ii. Nu  0.27  Gr.Pr  for horizontalsurface

Take the following properties of the air at mean temperature of 20 oC as given below
Cp=100 J/kg k; ρ=1.204 kg/m3; µ=18.2×10-6 N-s/m2; 𝜗 = 15.1 × 10−6 m2/s; k=0.256
W/mK and Pr=0.71.

6. a) Discuss the physical significances of: 6M

i. Reynolds number
ii. Prandtl number
iii. Nusselt number in forced convection
b) Air at 2 atmosphere and 2000C is heated as it flows through a tube with a diameter of 9M
25mm at a velocity of 10m/s. Calculate the heat transfer per unit length of tube if a
constant heat flux condition is maintained at the wall and the wall temperature is 20 0C
above the air temperature all along the length of the tube. How much would the bulk
temperature increase over a 3m length of the tube?

Unit – IV

7. a) A heat exchanger is to be designed to condense an organic vapour at a rate of 8M

500kg/min. which is available at its saturation temperature of 355K. Cooling water at
286K is available at a flow rate of 60kg/s. The overall heat transfer coefficient is
475W/m2C Latent heat of condensation of the organic vapour is 600kJ/kg. Calculate
i. The number of tubes required, if tubes of 25mm outer diameter, 2mm thick and
4.87m long are available
ii. The number of tube passes, if cooling water velocity (tube side) should not exceed
b) An Open pan 20cm in diameter and 8 cm deep contains water at 25oC and is exposed to 7M
dry atmospheric air. If the rate of diffusion of water vapour is 8.54x10-4 kg/h, estimate
the diffusion co-efficient of water in air.

8. A counter flow double pipe heat exchanger using super heated steam is used to heat water at 15M
the rate of 10500 kg/hr. The steam enters the heat exchanger at 1800C and leaves at 1300C.
The inlet and exit temperature of water are 300C and 800C respectively. If the overall heat
transfer coefficient from steam to water is 814W/m2 K, calculate the heat transfer area. What
would be the increase in area if the fluid flow were parallel?

Unit – V
9. a) Define black body and highlight the significance of black body radiation. 8M
b) The temperature of the filament of a light bulb is 2500 K. Assuming the filament to be a 7M
blackbody, determine the fraction of the radiant energy emitted by the filament that falls
in the visible range. Also determine the wavelength at which the emission of radiation
from the filament peaks.

10. a) State the following laws of relating to thermal radiation: 6M

i. Planck’s Law
ii. Kirchoff’s law
iii. Wein’s displacement law
b) Two large plates are at 1000K and 800K. Determine the heat exchange per unit area, 9M
i. The surface are black
ii. The hot surface has an emissivity of 0.9 and the cold surface has emissivity of 0.6
iii. A large plate of emissivity 0.1 is inserted between them. Also find the percentage
reduction in heat transfer because of introduction of the large plate
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1330

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Date: 09 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Do you think that Operations Research has any limitations? Discuss. 5M
b) Solve the given LPP by graphical method. 10M
Max Z  3x1  5x2
x1  4
2 x2  12
3 x1  2 x2  18
x1 , x2  0

2. a) Discuss the steps in operations research. 5M

b) Solve the given LPP by BIG M Method 10M
Max Z = 3x1  x2
2 x1  x2  2
2 x1  3 x2  3
8 x2  4
x1 , x2  0
Unit – II
3. a) Explain the concept of Hungarian method of solving assignment problems, 5M
b) Solve the following transportation problem to minimize the cost. 10M
Distribution Centre
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
Plant P1 19 30 50 12 7
P2 70 30 40 60 10
P3 40 10 60 20 18
Requirement 5 8 7 15
4. a) Differentiate transportation and assignment models. 5M
b) Find the optimal assignment and the corresponding maximum profit: 10M
Men A 5 11 10 12 4
B 2 4 6 3 5
C 3 12 5 14 6
D 6 14 4 11 7
E 7 9 8 12 5

:: 2 ::
Unit – III
5. a) What is sequencing? Write the procedure to graphically schedule 2 jobs on ‘m’ 7M
b) Determine the sequence that minimizes the total time for performing the following jobs 8M
in the order CAB. Find the idle time for each machine in hours:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 4 6 7 4 5 3 6 2
B 8 10 7 8 11 8 9 13
C 5 6 2 3 4 9 15 11
6. The rate of arrival of customers at a public telephone booth follows Poisson’s distribution, 15M
with an average time of 12 minutes between successive customers. The duration of a phone
call is assumed to follow exponential distribution, with a mean time of 4 minutes:
i. What is the probability that a person arriving at the booth will not have to wait
ii. What is the average length of the non-empty queues that form from time to time
iii. What is the probability that an arrival will have to wait more than 10 minutes before the
phone is free
Unit – IV
7. a) The annual demand for an item is 3200 units. The unit cost is Rs.6 and inventory carrying 4M
charge is 25% per annum. If the cost of one procurement is Rs.150, determine:
i. Economic order quantity
ii. Number of orders per year
b) The following mortality rate have been observed from a certain type of light bulbs: 11M
Week 1 2 3 4 5
% of bulbs failing by the end of week 10 25 50 80 100
Individual failure at the end of week 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.3 0.2
There are 1000 bulbs in use and it costs Rs.2/- to replace an individual bulb which has
burnt out. If all the bulbs are replaced simultaneously, it would cost 50 paise per bulb. It
is proposed to replace all bulbs at fixed intervals whether or not they have burnt out and
to continue replacing burnt out bulbs as they fail. At what intervals should all the
bulbs be replaced?
8. a) Explain different types of inventory models. 6M
b) A Fleet owner finds from this past experience that the cost/year of running the truck 9M
whose purchase price rises to Rs 60000/- are given below:
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maintenance 10000 12000 14000 18000 23000 28000 34000 40000
Depreciation 30000 45000 52500 56250 58000 58000 58000 58000
At what age the truck is to be replaced?
Unit – V
9. a) Explain the principle of dominance with an example. 5M
b) Solve the following game by odds method: 10M
Strategy Player B
B1 B2
Player A A1 1 5
A2 4 2
10. a) What is dynamic programming problem? List the major steps in solving dynamic 6M
programming problem.
b) Solve the following game. Also find value of the game: 9M
Player B
Player A I - 4 6 3
II - 3 -3 4
III 2 -3 4
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1338

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Date: 11 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Differentiate between composite materials and other engineering materials. State the 7M
specific advantages of composite materials.
b) List and discuss different types of reinforcing materials used in making of composites. 8M
2. a) List the various applications of composite materials. 8M
b) Classify composite materials based on nature of reinforcement. Discuss continuous and 7M
discontinuous reinforcement.
Unit – II
3. a) Explain how the glass fibers are prepared. 7M
b) List out the properties and applications of glass fibers. 8M
4. a) What is whiskers? Enumerate its applications and advantages. 7M
b) Write the properties for the following: 8M
i. Kevlar fibers
ii. Carbon fibers
Unit – III
5. a) Under what conditions open moulding process are used? 3M
b) Explain a method used for producing bath tub using thermoset polymer as matrix 12M
materials and continuous glass fibres as reinforcing materials. What are pre pegs?
Explain the advantages of using prepegs as starting materials.
6. a) Explain autoclave bag moulding process used to manufacture polymer matrix 7M
b) With sketches explain how pultrusion can be used to produce constant cross sectional 8M
profiles of PMC’s.
Unit – IV
7. a) Explain solid state diffusion technique. 7M
b) What is cladding? Explain the different methods of cladding. 8M
8. a) Explain liquid metal infiltration in metal matrix composites with neat sketch. 8M
b) Explain the knitting in manufacturing of metal matrix composites. 7M
Unit – V
9. a) Explain generalized Hooke’s law for any materials. 7M
b) Write a short note on load friction shared by the fibers. 8M
10. a) Explain iso-stress condition in an element. 8M
b) Determine the equivalent stress system along the material axis (1-2) for a lamina with ply 7M
angle of 45o, if the stresses along the reference axis (x-y axis) are: Sx=200MPa; Sy=50MPa;
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1327

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 09 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Derive the following for two nodded bar element: 11M
i. Shape functions
ii. Strain displacement matrix
iii. Element stiffness matrix
b) Determine the load vector in Newton due to surface traction for the bar shown in Fig.1. 4M

2. For the Finite Element Analysis of the structure shown in Fig.2: 15M
i. Specify the type of element to be used indicating its degrees of freedom.
ii. Create finite element model showing element numbers and node numbers.
iii. Compute Element stiffness and global stiffness matrices
iv. Specify the displacement and force boundary conditions
v. Obtain displacement field and identify maximum displacement with location
vi. Calculate nodal reactions and Element Stresses

Bronze Aluminium Steel
A = 2400mm2 A = 1200mm2 A = 600mm2
E = 83GPa E = 70GPa E = 200GPa

:: 2 ::
Unit – II
3. For the three bar truss shown in Fig.3, determine the nodal displacements and the stress in 15M
each member. Find the support reactions also. Take modulus of elasticity as 200GPa.

4. The bending moment (M) and transverse deflection (w) in a beam according to the Euler— 15M
d w
Bernoulli beam theory are related by  EI  M  x  for statically determinate beams, one
dx 2
can readily obtain the expression for the bending moment in terms of the applied loads. Thus,
M(x) is a known function of x. Determine the maximum deflection of the simply supported
beam under uniform load using the finite element method.

Unit – III
5. a) Why the three noded triangular element is called CST? Explain the strain displacement 5M
relation matrix for the CST.
b) For the two dimensional plate shown in Fig.5, determine the deflection at the point of 10M
load application.

6. a) Derive strain-displacement matrix for an axi-symmetric triangular element. 8M
b) For a four noded rectangular element shown in Fig.6, determine the following: 7M
i. Jacobian matrix
ii. Strain-displacement matrix
iii. element strains
iv. Element stresses
Take E=210GPa, μ=0.25, ε=0, η=0, ,δ-={0,0,0.002,0.003,0.005,0.004,0,0}T. Assume plane
stress conditions. All dimensions are in mm.

:: 3 ::

Unit – IV
7. a) A furnace wall is made of fireclay brick (k=1.04 W/mK). In steady state the inside and 8M
outside surfaces of the wall are at 5500C and 500C, respectively. A schematic of the
furnace wall is shown in the Fig.7. Determine the conduction shape factor and the rate of
heat conduction per meter length of the furnace.

b) A horizontal pipe of 10cm radius and 5m length is buried in a masonry brick work at a 7M
depth of 30cm. If the pipe wall is at 600C while the earth’s surface is at 50 C, calculate the
rate of heat loss by the pipe, by estimating the conduction shape factor. The thermal
conductivity of masonry brick is 0.69W/mK.

8. a) Derive shape functions for two noded one dimensional heat transfer element in global 6M
b) Compute the temperature distribution in the rectangular fin shown in Fig.8. Heat 9M
generated inside the fin is 400W/m3. Neglect convection heat transfer. Assume Steady
state conduction and consider two elements.

Unit – V
9. a) How do you solve the equilibrium equation by considering the dynamic terms in the 5M
formulation? Explain.
b) Derive the consistent mass matrix for one dimensional beam (Transverse vibration of 10M
beam) element.
10. Determine the Eigen values and frequencies for the stepped bar shown in Fig.9. Take 15M
E=30x1010N/m2, specific weight = 8500kg/m3.

Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1515

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 29 April, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) With a neat diagram explain the OSI reference model. 10M
b) Explain connection oriented and connectionless services. Give the differences between 5M
2. a) i. What is switching? Explain the types of switching. 10M
ii. What are the advantages of digital transmission over analog transmission?
b) Television channels are 6MHz wide. How many bps can be sent if four level digital signals 5M
are used? Assume a noiseless channel.
Unit – II
3. a) The following character encoding is used in a data link protocol: A:01000111; 8M
B:11100011; FLAG:01111110; ESC:11100000. Show the bit sequence transmitted (in
binary) for the four-character frame: A B ESC FLAG when each of the following framing
methods are used:
i. Character count
ii. Flag bytes with byte stuffing
iii. Starting and ending flag bytes, with bit stuffing
b) A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the standard CRC method described in the 7M
text. The generator polynomial is x3+1. Show the actual bit string transmitted. Suppose
the third bit from the left is inverted during transmission. Show that this error is
detected at the receiver's end.
4. a) Explain CSMA/CD protocol. 6M
b) Measurements of a slotted ALOHA channel with an infinite number of users show that 9M
10 percent of the slots are idle.
i. What is the channel load, G
ii. What is the throughput
iii. Is the channel underloaded or overloaded
Write an explanatory note on bluetooth.
Unit – III
5. a) i. Explain the shortest path routing algorithm with an example. 10M
ii. What are congestion control policies adopted in Data Link, Network and Transport
b) For hierarchical routing with 4800 routers, what region and cluster sizes should be 5M
chosen to minimize the size of the routing table for a three-layer hierarchy? A good
starting place is the hypothesis that a solution with k clusters of k regions of k routers is
close to optimal, which means that k is about the cube root of 4800 (around 16). Use
trial and error to check out combinations where all three parameters are in the general
vicinity of 16.
6. a) Write an explanatory note on RARP, BOOTP, and DHCP. 6M
b) i. Explain leaky bucket algorithm. 9M
ii. A Computer on a 6Mbps n/w is regulated by a token bucket is filled at a rate of
1Mbps. It is initially filled to capacity with 8Mb. How long can the computer transmit
at the full 6Mbps?
:: 2 ::

Unit – IV
7. a) Explain three way handshakes for establishing a TCP Connection. 9M
b) A client sends a 128-byte request to a server located 100 km away over a 1-gigabit 6M
optical fiber. What is the efficiency of the line during the remote procedure call?
8. a) Explain upward and downward multiplexing in transport layer. 6M
b) With a neat diagram explain UDP datagram. What are the advantages and disadvantages 9M
of UDP?
Unit – V
9. a) Explain in detail about DNS name spaces. 9M
b) What is MIME? Mention the MIME header description. 6M
10. a) Explain how user can access an application program located on a remote machine using 8M
b) Discuss the components of network management on the internet. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1719

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/11A)
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Date: 06 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Explain aircraft conceptual design process. 8M
b) Write a note on aircraft requirements and configuration options. 7M
2. a) Explain airfoil geometry with neat sketch. 8M
b) Explain initial takeoff weight build-up and empty weight estimation. 7M
Unit – II
3. Explain typical airfoil pressure distribution and airfoil field flow circulation. 15M
4. a) Write a note on wing tips with diagrams. 8M
b) Explain tail arrangement and draw different aft tail variations. 7M
Unit – III
5. a) What are various landing gear arrangements considered in the aircraft design process. 8M
b) Explain various types of shock absorbers used in aircraft design process. 7M
6. Write a note on loads on an aircraft. 15M
Unit – IV
7. Derive expressions for pitching moment equation and trim. 15M
8. Write a short note airline operating and maintenance costs. 15M
Unit – V
9. What are the different elements of lifecycle cost? Explain. 15M
10. Write a note on Empty-Weight Estimation and Refined sizing. 15M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : A1718

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Date: 04 May, 2017 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit - I
1. a) Differentiate between film cooling and transpiration cooling. 8M
b) With neat sketch explain the working principle of turbo jet engine. 7M
2. a) What are the limiting factors in gas turbine engines? 5M
b) What are the methods of blade cooling? 10M

Unit – II
3. a) Explain thrust vector control methods. 8M
b) Briefly explain thrust augmentation through after burner. 7M
4. a) With a neat sketch explain working principle of scram jet. 10M
b) Write a note on ram jet performance 5M

Unit – III
5. a) How are rockets classified? 5M
b) Explain different propellant grain configurations. 10M
6. a) What is a nuclear rocket engine? How does it work? 10M
b) Mention the advantages of liquid propellant rockets over solid propellant rockets. 5M

Unit – IV
7. A rocket projectile has the following characteristics 15M
Initial mass = 200Kg
Mass after rocket operation = 130Kg
Payload, non-productive structure = 110Kg
Rocket operating duration = 3 sec
Average specific impulse of the rocket = 240 sec
i. Mass Ratio
ii. Propellant mass friction
iii. Propellant flow rate
iv. Thrust
v. Thrust to weight ratio
8. Explain different nozzle configurations and its flow effects. 15M

Unit – V
9. a) Explain Electric propulsion with neat sketches. 8M
b) Explain the working of solar sail. 7M
10. a) Explain ion propulsion technique with neat sketch. 8M
b) Describe the preliminary concepts in nozzle-less propulsion. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1735

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 11 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Explain the correction factors which are applied to endurance limit. 8M
b) What is stress concentration? How is it evaluated? Mention the methods of improving 7M
fatigue strength of shafts with holes, grooves, splines and keyways.
2. a) Illustrate the modified Goodman diagram and elaborate on its significance in design of 6M
machine components.
b) A steel rod of ultimate strength 600MPa and yield strength 400MPa is subjected to a 9M
cyclic torque ranging from 350 Nm to -100Nm. Calculate the diameter of the rod using a
factor of safety of 1.8. Given, Torsional yield stress = 70% Y, Average endurance
limit = 50%u, and shear stress concentration factor = 1.3.
Unit – II
3. a) Explain Coffin Mansion’s relation of fatigue behavior. 8M
b) Write a note on effect of Temperature on Fatigue. 7M
4. a) Explain in brief: 7M
i. Low cycle and high cycle fatigue
ii. Cyclic strain hardening and softening
b) Explain how effect of notches on fatigue failure can be experimentally studied. 8M
Unit – III
5. a) What is fatigue crack growth? 5M
b) What is brittle fracture and ductile fracture? 10M
6. a) What is inter-granular fracture? 5M
b) What are the three regions of crack growth curve? 10M
Unit – IV
7. a) What is stress intensity factor? 5M
b) Explain the plane stress and plane strain conditions. 10M
8. a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of stress-life approach? 10M
b) Write briefly on Non Linear Damage Rule. 5M
Unit – V
9. a) What is damage tolerant design philosophy? Explain. 8M
b) Name different non-destructive methods of testing components. Explain the principle of 7M
working of any one method.
10. a) Write the procedures followed while designing against fatigue. 9M
b) Write a note on fatigue design of composite structures. 6M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : A1212

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/11A)
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Date: 29 April, 2017 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. Explain the major differences between closed-loop control versus open-loop control. 15M
2. The manipulator has a rotating joint followed by a linear (prismatic) joint. The whole mass of 15M
links is concentrated at the centre of mass. Derive the dynamic equations of the manipulator:


Unit – II
3. a) Draw the signal flow graph and find C(s) /R(s). 8M

b) Find C(s)/R(s) Using Mason’s Gain Formula. 7M

4. a) Find C(s)/ R(s) using Mason’s Gain Formula. 8M

b) Construct the signal graph for the following set of system equations: 7M

:: 2 ::

Unit – III
5. Explain steady state errors and error constants. 15M
6. a) Define Routh’s Stability Criterion. 5M
b) Explain the procedure in Routh’s Stability Criterion. 10M

Unit – IV
7. Draw the bode plots for the system shown in the Fig.5 below, where: 15M

K  s  3
G S  
 s  s  1 s  2  

8. Explain the Nyquist criterion and derive it. 15M

Unit – V
9. Obtain the state transition matrix for the system described by the following state model. 15M
  0

1   x1  0
 x1         u (t )
 x   2  3  x2  1
 2
10. a) Define State Transition Matrix and List its Properties. 5M
b) Examine the observability of the system given below: 10M
0 1 0 0 
X   0 0 1  X   0 u
 
0  2  3 0
Y  3 4 1X 
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1710

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/11A)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 09 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Explain the impact of Air transportation industry on personal and pleasure travel. 8M
b) List the elements Air transportation system, explain any two in detail. 7M
2. a) What are the different types of passenger transfers encountered in airports that 8M
affects the passenger handling capacity, explain them briefly.
b) Write a note on Ideal aspects of an Aircraft. 7M
Unit – II
3. a) Explain the Earths physical issues affecting surface, core and continents 6M
b) What is the purpose of demand forecasting? Give brief account of different 9M
methods of forecasting.
4. a) What are the structure and functions of ICAO and IATA, Explain in brief. 8M
b) Write a note on International air service agreements. 7M
Unit – III
5. a) Explain briefly the Instrument landing system, Microwave landing system and 9M
Satellite based navigation system.
b) Write a note on Automatic Flight control system. 6M
6. a) How the cost of aircraft should be compatible with the operational 8M
b) Explain the terms associated with effectiveness in service quality of an aircraft. 7M
Unit – IV
7. a) What are the components of airline planning process? 9M
b) ‘Getting the right sized aircraft for the job with payload –range capability’ Discuss 6M
8. a) List the characteristics of Runway. Explain any one in detail. 8M
b) Write a note on aprons. 7M
Unit – V
9. a) Narrate the salient features of stage-3 and stage-4 procedural systems in Air 8M
traffic control system.
b) Write notes on categories of airspace in connection with ATC. 7M
10. a) What are the separation minima followed in case of ATC operations, discuss. 8M
b) What was the state-of-the-art practices in the fields and the emerging capabilities 7M
when FANS committee was constituted.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1015

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Common to Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Civil Engineering)
Date: 29 April, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) “HenryFayol is known as father of modern management”. Do you agree? Discuss the 8M
contributions of Henry Fayol towards management. Do you think these principles are still
valid today? Justify your answer.
b) Critically evaluate Herberg’s two factor theory. Compare it with Maslow’s need theory. 7M
2. a) Explain the principles of organization in detail. 7M
b) Explain the features and advantages of “line and staff organization”. State the causes of 8M
conflict between the line and staff. Mention the suggestions for achieving co-operation
between two.
Unit – II
3. a) What is the importance of plant location? Explain the various factors to be considered in 6M
locating the plant.
b) Discuss various types of plant layout in brief with suitable examples. 9M
4. a) Explain the various steps involved in method study in detail. 9M
b) Ram, takes 3 hours and 25 minutes to write an end of month report. Ram is rated at 95% 6M
(work pace is 95%) and the office has a personal time allowance of 8%. There is no delay
time or fatigue time.
i. What is the Normal time for writing an end of month report
ii. What is the Standard time for writing an end or month report
Unit – III
5. a) The following table lists the jobs of a network along with their time estimates: 15M
Activity to tm tp
1-4 3 9 27
1-3 3 6 15
1-2 6 12 30
4-5 1 4 07
3-5 3 9 27
3-6 2 5 08
5-6 6 12 30
2-6 4 19 28
i. Draw the project network, identify the critical path
ii. What is the probability that the job will be completed in 35 days
iii. What due date has 90% chance of being met
6. a) What do you mean by SQC? What is role of charts in control quality? 8M
b) Quality circles are basically Japanese concept do you think that it will work in India Justify 7M
your answer. What are the objectives and benefits of QCs.

:: 2 ::

Unit – IV
7. a) Explain the different functions of stores manager in detail. 7M
b) Discuss the various selective inventory control techniques with their applicability in the 8M
8. a) Discuss the various wage incentive schemes in brief. 7M
b) Explain the different method of job evaluation methods? Which method do you suggest 8M
for blue collar workers in automobile industry? Which method do you suggest for white
collar workers in software industry? Justify your answer.
Unit – V
9. a) Explain are the basic assumptions of theory X and theory Y. Which assumptions are 8M
most suitable for Indian software company?
b) Discuss the significance of fatigue. How do you overcome it? 7M
10. a) Discuss various Hawthrone experiments with its contribution. 8M
b) Explain the different factor affecting morale. How can manager build morale of 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1122

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 02 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) What are the main objectives of a structural engineering while designing steel 8M
b) Write a brief note about the various serviceability limit states considered by the codes. 7M
2. a) Write a brief note on different types of structural steel. 8M
b) Explain the limit state of strength and limit state of serviceability. 7M
Unit – II
3. a) Describe the merits and demerits of welded connections. 5M
b) A tie member of a roof truss consists of 2 ISA 100mmx75mmx8mm connected on either 10M
sides of a 10mm thick gusset plate. The tie member is subjected to a pull of
300kN.Assuming shop weld design the connection. The 100mm leg of the angle is
connected to the gusset plate.
4. a) Describe lug angle briefly. 5M
b) A single unequal angle 100mmx75mmx8mm is connected to a 8mm thick gusset plate 10M
with 4mm welds at the ends of longer leg. Assuming yield strength and ultimate
strength as 250MPa and 400MPa evaluate the tensile strength due to net section
rupture. Assume length of connection as 225mm. Calculate design tensile strength due
to block shear and gross section yielding.
Unit – III
5. a) Describe the design procedure of battening. 5M
b) Design a laced column with two channels held back to back of length 10meters to carry 10M
an axial factored load of 1400kN. The ends are restrained n position and not in
6. Design a simply supported beam using suitable ISMB section for an effective span of 6m 15M
subjected to a factored UDL of 25kN/m. assume it is laterally supported throughout apply
necessary checks.
Unit – IV
7. Determine the design loads on the purling of an industrial building near Bangalore given: 15M
Class of building: general with life of 50 years.
Terrain: Category2, Maximum dimension: 40m.
Width of building: 18m.
Height at eve level: 12m.
Topography: θ less than 3°.
Permeabilility: Medium.
Span of truss: 18m.
Pitch: 1/4.
Sheeting: AC sheets.
Spacing of purling: 1.4m.
Spacing of trusses: 5m.
:: 2 ::

8. a) With neat sketches explain different types of roof trusses. 7M

b) A roof truss shed is to be built in Bangalore for an industry. The size of shed is 20mX5m. 8M
The height of building is 12m at the eves. Determine the basic wind pressure.
Unit – V
9. Design the central section to carry a super imposed load of 50kN/m and two concentrated 15M
loads of 200kN each at one third points of span the effective span of the plate girder is 20m.
Assume that the girder is laterally supported throughout its length.

10. Design an end bearing stiffener and its connections. The flange plate is 500mmx40mm, web 15M
plate 1800mmx10mm, maximum shear force is 2600kN.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code : A1123

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 04 May, 2017 FN Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) What are the objectives of site exploration? 5M
b) With a neat sketch, explain the procedure for conducting a Plate load test. How do you 10M
use the results of this test in designing foundations?
2. a) Explain the factors effecting soil disturbance while sampling. 5M
b) Explain the pressure meter test with a neat sketch. Also write the limitations of this test. 10M

Unit – II
3. a) Briefly explain the following terms with sketches: 5M
i. Rotational failure
ii. Wedge failure
b) An embankment is 5.4m high with side slopes of 1.5H : 1V. The soil has C= 20kPa, Φ=50 10M
and γ=15kN/m3. If the Fellinius angles are α=260 and β=350, determine the factor of
safety of the slope using method of slices.
4. a) Explain the Friction Circle Method for the stability analysis of finite slopes with a neat 8M
b) Determine the factor of safety with respect to cohesion for a submerged embankment 7M
10 m high and having a slope of 400. The properties of soil are c=40kN/m2, Φ=100 and
γsat=18kN/m3. Given stability numbers for different slope angles are as follows. Also find
the critical height of slope:
Slope Angle 15 30 45 60 75 90
Sn 0.070 0.075 0.108 0.138 0.173 0.218

Unit – III
5. a) Explain Active earth pressure, Passive earth pressure and earth pressure at rest condition 7M
with a neat sketch.
b) A 5m high retaining wall has backfill with C=5kN/m 2 Ф=300 and ϒ=17.5kN/m2. Determine 8M
active earth pressure before and after the formation of tension crack. Also find the
location of resultant earth pressure. Draw pressure diagrams.
6. a) Discuss the design principles of the design of retaining walls. 7M
b) Determine the active pressure on the retaining wall shown in Fig.1. Take  w=10kN/m3. 8M


Unit – IV
7. a) Explain different modes of failure of a shallow foundation with a neat sketch. 7M
b) A square footing carries a load of 800kN and is located at a depth of 1.5m below ground 8M
level. The W.T is at the base of footing. The properties of soil are C=20kN/m2, Ф=250,
ϒd=16kN/m3, ϒsat=20kN/m3. Determine the size of footing. Take FS=2.5, Adopt local shear
bearing capacity factors NC=14, Nq=5.6, Nϒ=3.2.
8. a) Briefly explain about allowable settlement of structures. 7M
b) Determine safe bearing capacity of a sand having Ф=360, ϒd=16kN/m3 and ϒsat=20kN/m3. 8M
A circular footing is placed at a depth of 1.5m below G.L. & F.S=2.5. Adopt Terzaghi
bearing capacity equation. GWT is at footing level. Footing has a diameter of 1.5m:
Ф Nc Nq Nϒ
350 57.8 41.4 42.4
400 95.7 81.3 100.4

Unit – V
9. a) Explain the load transfer mechanism in pile foundations with a neat sketch. 5M
b) A concrete pile of 45cm diameter is driven to a depth of 16 m into layered sand as 10M
shown in Fig.2. Calculate the allowable load on the pile. Assume Factor of safety=2.5,
δ=0.75Φ, Nq=95 and Nγ=40:

10. a) List the different types of well foundations. Explain the different components of a well 8M
foundation with neat sketch.
b) Explain the process of sinking of wells. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1720

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Aeronautical Engineering)
Date: 02 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) What are the various steps involved in the finite element analysis. 5M
b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of FEM over. 10M
i. Classical method
ii. Finite difference method
2. a) How do you select the order of the interpolation function? 5M
b) Using generalized coordinate approach, find the shape functions for two noded bar 10M
Unit – II
3. a) Write short note on Galerkin’s method. 8M
b) State and explain the principle of virtual work. 7M
4. Using Ragleigh–Ritz method determine the expressions for deflection and bending moments 15M
ina simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire span. Find the
deflection and moment at midspan and compare with exact solutions.


Unit – III
5. a) Derive stiffness matrix for a CST element by direct approach. 8M
b) State and explain the principle of minimum potential energy. 7M

6. Determine the nodal displacements at node 2, stresses in each material and support 15M
reactions in the bar shown in Fig.2 due to applied force P = 400 × 10 3N and temperature rise
of 30oC. Given:
A1 = 2400 mm2, A2 = 1200 mm2, l1 = 300 mm, l2 = 400 mm , E1 = 0.7 × 105N/mm2,
E2 = 2 × 10 5 N/mm2, and α1= 22x 10−6 /C and α2= 12x10−6 /C :


:: 2 ::

Unit – IV
7. a) Explain band width minimization with an example. 7M
1  1 
b) Evaluate the integral 1  3er  r 2  dr using one point and two point Gaussian 8M
 r 2
8. Determine the Cartesian coordinate of the pointP(ξ=0.5,η=0.6)shown in Fig.3: 15M


Unit – V
9. a) What are axisymmetric Solids? Write down their Stress strain Relation. 5M
b) Briefly explain the following stages of FEA: 10M
i. Pre-processor
ii. Processor
iii. Post Processor
10. Name some of the standard FEA packages and write a short note on pre and post processors. 15M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1124

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 06 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Unit – I
1. a) Define reservoir. List the various types of reservoirs and explain the criteria for the 7M
selection of suitable site for a reservoir.
b) The monthly runoff volumes in million m3 for a period of 24 months (2 water years) 8M
recorded at a stream gauging site are as follows
3,6,16,30,18,15,10,8,6,4,3,1,2,5,17,28,20,15,12,7,5,4,3 and 2.
Determine the size of the reservoir proposed at the gauging site if it is to maintain an
assured supply of 8.33 million m3 per month. The water year may be taken as June to
2. a) With a neat sketch explain the different storage zones of a reservoir. 7M
b) Enumerate the factors affecting selection of type of dams. 8M

Unit – II
3. a) Explain with the help of a neat sketch, the components of the zoned embankment dam 6M
with their function.
b) Discuss in brief the causes of failure of earth dams with neat sketches. 9M
4. a) Explain the stability requirement of a gravity dam by graphical method. Also list any four 7M
b) A masonry dam 10m high is trapezoidal is section with a top width of 1m and bottom 8M
width of 8.25m. The face exposed to water has a batter of 1:10. Test the stability of the
dam. Find out the principal stresses at the toe and heel of the dam. Assume unit weight
of masonry as 22.4kN/m3. For water 9.81kN/m3 and permissible shear stress of

Unit – III
5. a) Enumerate the various types of canal drops and explain why are drops are constructed in 7M
an irrigation canal
b) Describe briefly with neat sketches the development of different types of canal falls 8M
6. a) List types of canal outlets and describe non modular outlets. 7M
b) For a canal head regulator with a broad crest and sloping glacis at the downstream write 8M
down the discharge equation.

Unit – IV
7. a) What is a diversion headworks? What are the functions of diversion headworks? What 7M
are the types of diversion headworks?
b) Discuss the causes of failure of weirs on permeable foundations and their remedies. 8M
:: 2 ::

8. a) Explain the Bligh’s creep theory for the design of weirs on permeable foundations. How is 8M
the Lame’s theory an improvement over Bligh’s theory?
b) Fig.1 shows the selection of a hydraulic structure founded on sand. Calculate the average 7M
hydraulic gradient. Also find the uplift pressure at points 6, 12 and 18m from the u/s.
Find the thickness of the floor at there points taking specific gravity of floor material is


Unit – V
9. a) Describe various methods involved in the design of transition and fluming of a siphon 8M
b) Discuss various methods used for energy dissipation below spillways. 7M
10. a) Explain an Ogee spillway with a neat sketch. How it is designed? 8M
b) Name the different types of cross drainage works. Explain how you would avoid one type 7M
of cross drainage work and prefer to adopt another type by changing alignment of the
canal taking off from a head work.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A1125

B. Tech VI Semester Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2017
(Regulations: VCE-R11/R11A)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 11 May, 2017 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer ONE question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Unit – I
1. a) Write notes on “Fire flow demand”. 8M
b) Discuss the factors affecting per capita demand of water. 7M
2. a) Explain the following with the help of neat sketches: 8M
i. River intake
ii. Lake intake
b) The census record of a town is as follows. Calculate the population after three decades by 7M
arithmetical increase method and geometrical increase method:
Year 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015
Population 81420 125000 170000 220000 230000

Unit – II
3. a) Explain the Lab. procedure recommended to determining the “optimum dosage” of 7M
b) Town requires 6MLD of water. Bleaching Powder containing 35% of available Chlorine is 8M
to be used as disinfectant. Calculate the annual requirement of Bleaching powder with a
suggested Chlorine dosage of 1.5mg/lit.
4. a) With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of a Rapid gravity filters. 7M
b) Design a set of rectangular settling tanks of continuous types for a city water works 8M
having population of 2 Lakhs and supplying water at the rate of 200 liters per day per
head. The detention period may betakenas2hour and horizontal velocity of flow as
0.30m/sec. Also sketch the designed settling tanks.
Unit – III
5. a) Define sewage. Write notes on characteristics of domestic sewage. 8M
b) With the help of a neat sketch explain a manhole. 7M
6. a) Explain with the help of a neat diagram the working of an automatic flushing tank. 7M
b) With the help of a neat sketch explain carbon cycle of decomposition. 8M
Unit – IV
7. a) Explain various physical and chemical unit operations and processes employed in waste 7M
water treatment.
b) Draw a typical flow diagram of a sewage treatment plant for a city. List and explain the 8M
function of each unit.
8. a) Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of high rate trickling filter. 7M
b) Determine the size of a high rate circular trickling filter for the following data: 8M
Sewage flow=4.5MLD
Recirculation ratio=1.5
BOD of Raw sewage=250mg/l
The BOD removal in primary clarifier=30%
final effluent BOD desired=30mg/l
:: 2 ::

Unit – V
9. a) Explain the working of an oxidation pond with a neat sketch. 8M
b) Describe the Hardy cross method of pipe design. 7M
10. a) What is a septic tank and explain the principle of working with a neat sketch. 8M
b) List out various types of valves and explain any one of them with a neat sketch. 7M

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