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University of Utah Reading Clinic ASSESSMENT BATTERY ee SUMMARY OF STUDENT'S PERFORMANCE - EARLY GRADES 3 ae Se) Date [4/161 ae Examin: ETTER RECOGNITION 280 (26)|Case(/26)| (726) _| (726) 40)” 13, 19 13 o WORD RECOGNITION READING LEVEI ~) oH em) | “¢ (6 G1-0ct[ 45) 50 60 27 ; x G1-Mar| x Gt-End X se 86 | Ps I LETTER | PHONEME |_Nonsense Word Flusn ORAL NAMING | SEGMENT. [~ Correct [Whole Words] READING FLUENCY | FLUENCY |LetterSounds| Read | FLUENCY Current (#CPM) 24 0 7 Grade Level Expectation (#CPM)| 58 43 AT ‘Ton-1 Tutorial Level] Gi Sept ES 3-4) Picture Sons fluency, or the ability to correctly identify letter sounds and the ability to correctly blend letter sounds ‘small words in print, meets expectations for mid kindergarten and ‘your child's oral reading accuracy, or the ability to recognize words in text correctly, meets ber. ‘the ability to read with satisfactory speed, meets expectations for mid Kindergarten d's word recognition automaticity, that is, the abilty to identify isolated words accurately, quickly, ‘expectations for G1 Sept. for beginning 1st grade and listening comprehension, that is, the abiity to Jaloud by someone else, meets expectations for at least G2. battery indicates that your chila's instructional reading text evel is below his/her ‘one-on-one reading intervention no less than four times per week, for ion, ‘you 2 private tutor list. When a tutoring slot is available, we will contact you. In for no less than 15 minutes (for procedures, see to build fluency (for procedures, see text at his/her instructional level (see Assessment Findings \er(s) to ensure that classroom texts provide an th atleast 90% accuracy and a satisfactory rate of University of Utah Reading Clis wv we Y READING INVENTORY (ERI SUMMARY OF STUDENT'S PERFORMANCE Receiving ‘Number of Tutor. SPED Services? Sessions (at Exit) ERI PROCEDURE, Give student the four letter/sound tasks. IP the student scores less than 16 on Lower Case Name Recognition, Early Steps™ is not recommended, IF the student scores 1 give the student the Devel 6 or better on Lower Case Name Recognition, lopmental Spelling task and the B: jaby Bear passage. LETTER/SOUND ASSESSMENT Lower Case Naming (26 Ae Production (726) DSA score 13-28 DSA score >29 Text Level _ Criteria | | Bert tes zal < 60% Gh-Ostase | _ Barty Seps®™" 3-4 60-86% GI-Oct ace, OR <20 GL-Octwpm Ber eet Oe tect oc se AND Sater hee | (eOkeFarniy _299%C10s sc AND 2061.04 p [Early Steps" 7-8 | 290% Gl-Oct ace. AND> 25 G1-Oct wpm f | 290% G1-Mar ace, AND > 30 G-Mar Early Steps™ 9-19 | =90%G! ai Early Steps™ 11-12. > 90% G1-End ace. AND > 40 G1-End wpm. ed to purchase the following »: | reading. Boston: Allys sd Baco ling (ISBN; 0-0" 4°) art a of ah Reaag Cin 1 al esterSound Sere shot SSSESSMENT (8) oa ORT Bede or 1 ome 3 Chadutm #Correct | RECOG! AS | Meteo fs xt ok ah, | 14s | | | fs Pe te parece te A y #Correct : a of bE Me x eg fee ge Ans Pe (V OAT | Mo bc ao | te ki Aw Ni fol/o/ | Bee og * x sah | LL | | . | WHS | | yak z 8 CHOSUY HM | scores | ¢ | Fe T | 20 ps | wo 2s oO a a aa names leflers as aranged. i:"Can you tell me another sound for that letter?” Ievowel sound. be /o/ asin “gate. A University of Utah Be of Utah Reading C oe indi akLY READING INVENTORY (ERD) tial Developmental Spetiing Seat Sheet — Procedure: [Eaucator modes spelling with san “we a oT © f° Boing to write the word, mat The cat sat on a ae ae Ne COMTet word i nt given) What Le Educator hands the enc ee try to write them, Remember, first, wh: : ee Okay, the first Word is back. This 4S your back. : ‘The educator dictates the rest ofthe ate or elongate the sounds inthe words, Y- Educator observes spelling and copes words in Upper Case Student to identify letters that are unreadable ONote: If student fails to provide at discontinue this subtest) Student anempis to in sooring grid. Educator may ask ‘SCORES FOK SAMPLE SPELLINGS sian Afi} arian | orem apoins | spuine | Sut BA BK + acaak [BKB | ee ma | J Bie, poe Z riuanre | rer mane re | | SF ST. CR | SAR SED CAR] Stan CTE, | sist |smene | SAR so_| Eg Gn? |e" Jovan |e | 9 Gina” | CUB Me 10, owo,no0e, | rq, 5 wo” | Rov.won | RoE Rone ( 7 6 FiCEN 7 mere [cracmm france | PEN( PAR pec, | PIKING, PEKING, Bos. PECKING SID, CID, SoD, SAD, SODE, SIED, SIAD SADE GIND, GRINED, University of Utah Reading Clinic EARLY READING INVENTORY (ERD) Number of — Tator__ ___Sessions (at Exit) ERI PROCEDURE Give student the four letter/sound tasks, IF the student scores less than 16 on Lower Case Name Recognition, Early Steps™ is not recommended, IF the student scores 16 or better on Lower Case Name Recognition, give the student the Developmental Spelling task and the Baby Bear passage. LETTER/SOUND ASSESSMENT Upper Case | Lower Case Naming | Naming (26) 26) Production ((26) DSA Spelling Score Word Study Level Criteria Picture Sorts DSA score <12__ evel Criteria [Bent Steps 1-2 | <60% Gi-Oet ae. \ | Harty steps" 3-4 60-84% Gi-Oet ace. OR <20 G1-Oetwpm Early Steps™ 5-6 acy, os, neronten | a Sapo SE) 05% GL-Ocace. AND>20.61-0ct wo Early Steps 7-8 > 90% G1-Oet ace. AND > 25 G1-Oet wpm. | 290% Gl-Mar ace, AND 230 GI-Mar PP Mg 2 Early Steps™ 9 ~ 10 ea 2 90% G1-End ace. AND > 40 G1-End wpm, the following books: ; Boston: Allyn and Bacon (ISBN; 0-321-08763-1) (ISBN: 0-06-444013-3)

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