Analysis of Low-Velocity Impact Damage in Reinforced Carbon Fiber Composites by HTS-SQUID Magnetometers

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I , MARCH 2001

Analysis of low-velocity impact damage

in reinforced carbon fiber composites
by HTS-SQUID magnetometers
A. Ruosi, M. Valentino, G Peluso, G. Pepe

Abstract- Composite materials are susceptible to damage signature of the damage may not have visible surface
which can be induced by service loads and accidental impacts. manifestation. On the other hand, even such a tiny damage
The detection of any signature produced by damage is critical to may affect the structural integrity of the material, since, due to
maintaining the integrity of aircraft parts during routine stress and strain, their effects propagate during use, altering
maintenance. A high critical temperature SQUID magnetometer the strength or the stiffness of the component. For a common
has been successfully employed in the evaluation of the behavior impact energy and impactor, a damaged specimen has a
of multi-ply carbon fibers reinforced composite panels for
considerable strength loss in compression [ 11. Thus, no matter
aeronautical applications under low-velocity impacts.
Measurements of the induced magnetic field have been carried how small they are, damages should be detected and
out above specimen damaged with energy impact from 1 to 40 J. accurately sized as soon as possible in order to facilitate
A quasi-linear behavior in two different regimes between the monitoring of its growth [ 2 ] .
SQUID’S response and the energy of the impact has been found. The delaminated areas are larger in the interfaces that are
This suggests a correspondence to the detection of intrinsically farther away from the impact side [3]. Very often in
different damage that occurs in the laminates at different aeronautical applications this is the only side which is
energies. possible to inspect. This makes the detection of the anomalies
a challenging task both for visually inspection and detection
Index Terms-Composite materials, HTS-SQUIDS, low- by probes.
velocity impact damage, nondestructive testing Several nondestructive inspection techniques exist for
testing CFRP. Among them thermography and ultrasounds are
probably the most effective methods for testing at the
manufacturing level.
Eddy-current techniques currently used have a poor
Because of their high strength and stiffness to weight sensitivity to evaluate low-velocity impacts in such a complex
ratios, which facilitate high load-carrying capacity, carbon materials. Within this electromagnetic approach to the
fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) are widely used in problem, emerging technologies such as eddy-current testing
aerospace applications such as panels in aircraft wings, tails by HTS-SQUID magnetometry could enhance both the
and fuselage skins. detection and the investigation of damage in composite
However, due to the brittle epoxy matrix in which the materials due to the SQUID’Ssufficiently high sensitivity.
carbon or graphite fibers are embedded, the laminates are This paper deals with the detection of damage in n-ply
susceptible to internal damage caused by impacts during their CFRP panels (where n =16) caused by low-velocity impact,
loading use. The damages can be brought about by dropping a using an HTS-SQUID based eddy-current nondestructive
tool during maintenance, by hailstones, by bird strikes, by system.
stone, by runway and so on. During an impact the fibers The damages, artificially produced by a drop weight
absorb part of the energy and distribute some of the load in an machine are caused by impacts with energy ranging between
area as well as through the laminate thickness. This excess one to 40 Joules. The specimen, with different thickness, have
energy may lead to delamination, sub-surface matrix cracking, been damaged both below and above the point in the load-
fibedmatrix debonding and fiber fracture, which in turn can displacement curve where the fibers start fracturing [4].
cause reductions in static residual strength.
An early and accurate detection of these defects can be a
difficult task, especially for low-velocity impact when a 11. EXPERlMENTAL SET-UP

Manuscript received September 20,2000 A picture of the eddy-current NDE system based on high
The authors are with lstituto nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFM) Dip of critical temperature SQUID is shown in Fig. 1. The main
Physics Universitd “Federico 11” P. V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli Italy characteristics of the 3-channel system set-up in our
This work has been supported in part by INFM within the project:”Eddy
Current Non-destructive Evaluation using Superconducting Devices” co- laboratory are summarized in Table I. For more details refer
ordinated by Prof. G. Peluso, and by the EC through the INTAS 97-0894 to [5] and [ 61.
project “Scanning high-Tc SQUID system” co-ordinated by Prof. 1’. Seidel

1051-8223/01$10.00 0 2001 IEEE

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Fig. 2 illustrates the relevant details of the multi-ply

carbon-fiber composite investigated in this work. For clarity
the details of the fiber orientation are shown only for a single
sequence of plies. The carbon fibers in the it"-pIy lie in the x-y
plane and make an angle a, with the x-axis. The angles a,
repeat for N plies. A composite structure requiring greatest
strength along the x-direction might have N=2, cll=45", a2=-
Fig. 2. Details of the cross-ply carbon-fiber composite panels
inspected here.

Samples tested consisted of square carbonlepoxy woven

fabric cross-ply laminates 70 mm in side of different
thickness. The 150 pm basic layer consists of 6-pm diameter
unidirectional T 400 carbon fibers with a content by volume
of 55%, embedded in a epoxy resin HMF 934 matrix. The
quasi-isotropic lay-up has a stacking sequence of four cross
plies (al=45", a2= - 45", a3= - 45, a4=45) sandwiched
between two 210 mm thick woven carbon fiber cloth
embedded in the same polymer matrix. The plain wave fabric
can be approximated as two unidirectional plies oriented at
right angle to each other. As a result, the laminates have a
stacking sequence (0/90)/45"1-45"/-45"/45"/(0/90) where each
layers is repeated N times (N = 1-4) [3].
The impact tests were performed with a drop weight
machine which provides dynamic and kinetic parameters such
as contact force, impact velocity and displacement perforation
Fig. I Picture of our 3-channel IiI'S-SQUID-based NDE system energy.
For sufficiently low-velocity impact, the behavior of CFRP
is independent of the loading rate [7]. This property enables
us to simulate the dynamic response by static tests. The
hemispherical impactor has a diameter of 12.7 mm.
The specimens investigated in this work have been
damaged with different loads.

Magnetic field slensitivity SQUID 70 fT1H z " ~ As a first step we detected surface-maps of the modulus and
magnetometer (s,hielded) phase of the magnetic field above the samples for a wide
Magnetic field s'ensitivity whole system 300 fr'l H Z " ~ frequency range of the eddy-current. From these
(unshielded) Dl00 Hz measurements (not presented here) we obtained the value of
3 dB Bandwidth 26 kHz the frequency where the response related to the damage is
Dynamic range (unshielded) 130 dB maximum. This optimum frequency is around 12 kHz for the
Slew rate 1 kHz io3 ws 4 mm thick specimen damaged with no perforation and about
Scanning range 200 x 200 mmL 5 kHz for the ones of the same thickness, fully penetrated.
Minimum steD in x-v Blane 100 um
This optimum frequency decreases with the panel thickness
since the eddy-currents are not required to deepen into the
Positioning system maximum speed 50 mm/s
material to detect the damage as for the thicker samples.
LN2-room temperature distance 5 mm In Figs. 3 and 4, the line-scans above the mouth of the
Circular coil diameter 4.5 mm defects, retrieved from the surface-maps of the amplitude and
phase along the x-axis B, are shown for 4 mm thick samples
damaged with different impact energy (see Fig.2).
The different behavior of the curves in terms of amplitude,

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shape and slope are strongly related to the difference in the matrix failure or delamination corresponds to a change in
damage. As a comparison, the same measurement has been slope of the curve. At this initiation of the damage there is a
performed above a undamaged sample with the same decrease in material stiffness but very little or no visible
characteristics. damage is observed upon superficial inspection (samples Lz,,
The change in the peak to peak amplitude or in the slope of Mzr, NZl, SA L / ) .
the central part of the curve of the SQUID response in Fig.3 The threshold energy at which this damage is first
are both a good gauge of the damage severity into the detectable is about 1 J in this range, but damages of even
material. The reproducibility and accuracy have been lower energy have been detected in thinner panels. At high
successfully tested on samples damaged with similar impact impact energy (samples LI, L3 , L , ) fiber failure is observed
energy ,&, , L Z ~Mz,
, N2, L d to occur in a region with significant force oscillations [3]. In
The increase in the slope of the curve slope, s, with the this range all layers are progressively broken and the damage
energy of the impact follows a quasi-linear behavior for two is clearly visible in the surface which is farther away from the
different ranges of energy . The first goes from about 1 J to impact side.
12 J and the second from 12 J to about 32 J. In Table 11, we We clearly distinguish between these different behaviors of
show the slope of the curves normalized to the one of the non- the materials and the existence of a threshold energy level
damaged sample, so, (s/so-I),and the related impact energy. below which no fiber failure is discernible.
After the perforation, the impactor bends the broken layers
until the penetration process is completed (sample HI). This
threshold energy of the fibers fracture initiation is a possible
40 useful indicator for defining permissible limits of impact
0 L3 severity in relation to ensuring continued load- carrying
capacity of the structure.


-40 0 0 0

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Fig.3. Linescans of the module of Bx as a function of the Sample E damaging Slope kE
displacement along the x-axis above the mouth of the defects in a # (J) dB/dx
panel damaged with different impact energies. int 0 0
L2t 1.24 0.050 0.002
0.2 L I Mzt 1.28 0.066 0.003
0.0 N2t 1.31 0.068 0.003
- -0.4
-8 -0.8
-1.0 M2 19.36 0.065 0.014
-1.4 N2 19.15 0.062 0.014
-1.6 L3 24.28 0.618 0.015
-1.8 L4 31.56 0.728 0.023
.15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 HI 54.55 2.191 0.046

x (")
Fig. 4 Lincscans of the phase of B, as a function of thc
displacement along the x-axis, above the mouth of the defects i n a
panel damaged with different impact encrgies. For impact energies below this threshold value, internal
damage has also occurred even though no visible damage is
By comparison between our measurements and the load- observed on the impacted surface.
displacement curves obtained by the instrumented impact In this work we did not carry out any microscopic analysis so
tests, we believe the different slopes are related to the we cannot verify the type of damage that occurred internally
intrinsically different damage of this material. in the sample (e.g, matrix cracking, delamination, etc).
Indeed, for a low value of the load the curves show a
linear response of the material. It has been suggested [3] that
the onset of the incipient damage, usually in the form of

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In this paper, we have discussed a damage detection method We are grateful to G. Caprino, V. Lo Presto and L. Vicente
in carbon fiber reinforced polymers commonly used in Forte for their work on the artificial damaging of the
aeronautical applications. Multi-ply panels affected by low- specimen and for the helpful discussions on the behavior of
velocity impacts have been investigated. CFRP. Thanks also to D. Salinas, and A. Montanino for their
We successfully performed measurements of the magnetic help and suggestions during this research.
field, produced in the sample by distortion of eddy-current
distributions due to the damage, using an HTS-SQUID REFERENCES
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[6] A. Ruosi, M. Valentino, G, Pepe, V. Monebhurrun, D. Lessclier, B.
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