West Civ Distance Online Learning SPR 2020 - 2 - PERSIANS

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Please read the section on the Persian Empire in chapter 2 of A History of Western Society by McKAY,
Buckler, Hill, and answer the following questions carefully.

[Grading: each question or question-segment is worth 2 points; see question # 1 as an example.]

1. The Iranians settled in which region [2 points] and gradually coalesced into which two main ethnic
groups [1 point each] ? (4 points total)

2. The Creation of the Persian Empire:

a. Which great prince created the Persian Empire, and which group of people did he overthrow
first ? Within how many years did the Persians transform themselves from a subjected people
into the rulers of a vast empire ? (6)

b. Why did he strive to conquer regions to the west and to the east of Media-Persia, and
which regions were these (to the far west and the far east) ? (2)

c. What did he do to or for the Jews that he encountered in Babylon, after he captured the city ?

3. Who were the primary gods of the Iranians ? (4)

4. Who were the Magi ? (2)

5. What was the basic teaching of Zarathustra (and of Zoroastrianism) ? (4)

6. Which Persian emperor attacked the Greeks ? (2)

7. What was a satrap and a satrapy ? (4)

8. Why did the Persians establish a form of "pony express" (a relay road) ? (2)

9. Why was this Persian Empire considered "enlightened", that is, what policies did Cyrus and his
successors follow ? For example, how was this empire different from the Assyrians ? (2)

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