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Megan Sherrill

OU Athletics
Incident/Crisis Management Protocol

The procedures outlined below provide a framework for handling communications when a crisis or negative incident
occurs that is identified as having the potential to compromise the reputation of the institution internally or
externally. These guidelines are put into place to minimize the level of long-term damage to the image and
reputation of the University of Oklahoma Athletic Department.

The University’s approach is to uphold the University’s dedication to excellence through a combination of
comprehensive education programs and accountability. The education programs serve as a guideline for the rules
and procedures outlined by the Big 12 Conference and NCAA to maintain institutional control. Accountability
comes through open communication and responsibility of each individual's actions. Through these tools, the
University strives to decrease the number of compliance violations and retain open communication to ensure
transparency and trust with the public. The communication process must be timely and consistent when
communicated with all audiences to reduce confusion and panic.

Response to the media must be timely​. Individuals that are dedicated to reporting the details of the incident should
make themselves always available for comment and the relaying of messages. In the case of crisis situations, the
response given by the designated individuals should be relayed to the media or other interested parties in a timely
manner, so the message does not get spun in a bad direction.

Open communication includes parties both externally and internally​. Internal audiences should receive the same
level of transparency as external audiences. It is important that internal subjects remain informed and educated on
crisis situations and have the opportunity to react accordingly. To assist in avoiding internal conflicts, it is
emphasized that all internal subjects be aware of the Big 12 Conference and NCAA procedures and expectations.

Messages must be consistent and display overall positivity​. It is the role of public relations professionals to
remain consistent with the overall messages that are being released to reduce confusion amongst the public. It is also
important for these professionals to display an overall positive message to the public. While displaying positivity is
important, the truth is vital. Positive outlook messages are not meant to diminish transparency, but rather minimize
panic within the audiences.


1) When a member of OU Athletics suspects that an incident has taken place that could attract the media’s
attention in a negative manner or damage OU Athletics reputation, that individual should immediately meet
or contact the OU Athletics Marketing and Relations Team department that is designed to handle and create
an action plan moving forward.
2) The OU Athletics Marketing and Relation Team will coordinate with the President of the University of
Oklahoma, the Athletic Director as well as the Board of Regents to determine the next necessary steps that
align with the Crisis Management Protocol
● Initial steps shall be to gather the parties involved to speak about the reputation of OU Athletics as
well as the University.
● Requests and information sent to the OU Athletics Marketing and Relations team so they may
begin a press release to the public.
3) To maintain good relations with both Internal and External publics for OU Athletics, the Marketing and
Relations team will provide information and guidance to University and Athletic leadership that brings
perspectives from both publics to light. Major OU Athletics leadership to meet with the Marketing Team
early on to establish a sense of order and plan for the media.
4) Streamlining information and establishing point of contact is imperative to making sure misinformation is
not spread from OU Athletics to the public. Having one spokesperson will present a clear and well
organized message.
Criteria for a Main Contact/Spokesperson
● Constantly available when needed from leadership or media
● Knows the information of situation and the facts surrounding the case
● Understands OU Athletics and its mission and vision
● Has experience responding and working with the media
*If more than one spokesperson must speak to the media or public, said individuals need to establish what the clear
message beforehand anticipate questions and comments the media or public may address*
5) The OU Athletics Marketing and Relations Team will work on creating media kits and press releases that
accurately display OU Athletics stance on the given situation. With a media spokesperson at the forefront,
OU Athletics leadership will also need to address the situation as quickly as possible.
6) The briefings and strategic plan for the event must be done promptly so all parties at hand are equipped to
accurately represent OU Athletics to the best of their abilities and uphold the mission and vision of OU
Athletics and the University of Oklahoma.

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