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Type of mini-lesson: Personification poetry

Materials: paper, writing utensil

Grade level: 1st
Utah Common core: Writing Standard 4: With guidance and support from adults,
produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and
purpose. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3
Writing Standard 5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and
strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
Essential questions: What is personification poetry?
Personal objectives: SWBAT to understand personification and how to use it in a
Pre-Assessment: We are going to learn about what personification poems. Does
anyone know what personification is?
Introduce the lesson: Personification is something I didn't learn until high school.
Personification is when you give an object human quality. Let's talk about an example
have any of you seen Beauty and the Beast? Well, do you remember what happens at
dinner? I am going to show you a video and I want you to try and remember what each
object does. (Play video clip) What do you remember? (Write down on board). Call on
an individual to answer or do a Think Pair Share.
Discuss the process: Think of an item in your house that you love. It can’t be a pet or
person. Maybe it is your favorite toy or stuffed animal. Close your eyes once you know
what object you want to do hold your thumb to your chest. Now I want you to tell your
partner. Go back to your sets. (Model what I did for my bed)
Apply the process: Now I am going to give you a paper and I want you to write what
you think about for your favorite object. Now, what are you going to do when you get
your paper? And what are we using, that big long word? If you finish before the time
you can write about another object. For a student with disabilities and ELL students, I
will give them a picture dictionary and allow them to draw pictures or help them
write/spell. I will go and finish my graphic organizer with the ELL and special ed
Independent writing/ Conference: I give my students 15-20 minutes to write. During
this time, I walk around and conference with each student as they fill out the graphic
Share: After 20 minutes, I will model sharing and then I will have them share with their

Work sheet
I Touch (Feel)
I Hear
I am a
I See
I Smell
I Taste
Personification Poem







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