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Peer tutors:*

You should not have your phone/ laptop out at any time unless you are using it to

connect with the person you are working with. If I see you with your phone or laptop

out, I will ask you to put it away If you take it out again I will take it and you can have it

back at the end of the class. If there is an emergency they please have your parents

call the school. You should not take pictures of the people you are working with (the

only reason you might be able to be if you are using it as a way to connect with the

person you are working with ( If this is the case do not post it to any social media and

make sure that there are no names anywhere in the photo)). If you do post something

on your social media or send a picture to someone that is mocking the student you are

working with. You will receive an “F” for the semester and will be taken out of the class.

If you have any questions fill free to contact me at _____________________________

Fill out, Cut and Return by ( ___ /___ )


I have read the tech policy above and I understand the consequences if I break the rules

Student name (printed): _______________ Student signature: _____________ Date: __/___

Guardian name (printed):_____________ Guardian signature: _______________ Date __/___

* this is not part of the document

Students with disabilities:*

You are only allowed to have out your computer/phone if you ask me and I say it is

fine. You may also have out your phone/computer if it is free time. If you use your

computer/phone inappropriately (ex. bullying, looking up inappropriate things, Etc.)


1st time: I will talk to you

2nd time: We will go talk with the principal (and possibly parents)

3rd time: We will go talk with the police officer on campus with the principal and your


Depending on what happened the punishment might include suspension.

We will be discussing appropriate internet activities during our life skills. If you have

any questions please feel free to talk to me in person or contact me at _______________

Fill out, Cut and Return by ( ___ /___ )


I have read the tech policy above and I understand the consequences if I break the rules

Student name (printed): _______________ Student signature: _____________ Date: __/___

Guardian name (printed):_____________ Guardian signature: _______________ Date __/___

* this is not part of the document

Dear Parents/Guardian,

I may take photos or video for what we’ll be doing in class, for projects, or during

field trips. I will send out information if or when filming or pictures may take place. If

you would like the photos then please contact me. I will publish the photos onto my

class web site so you can see what we do in my class. The yearbook may also comes

in to take pictures if you are not comfortable with your student being in the yearbook I

will inform the yearbook teacher when student are allowed to coming and take

pictures. If you have any questions or if you need more information, please feel free to

contact me via email________________ or the school phone ____________________

make sure to fill out the information below and return. If you take pictures in our class

please be considerate of other students situations.

Thank you!

Please Fill and Return to School by ( ___ /___ )


Student Name: ________________ Guardian Name: __________________

Yes, my child may be photographed and filmed. And I grant authorization to be

published on your website.

No, my child may not be photographed or filmed. And I do not grant authorization to be

published on your website.

Parents/Guardian Signature: _________________________ Date: ___/____

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