Fairy Tale

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“A Demonic Creature”

Once upon a time, in a mysterious village, up on the church bell, there was a
huge gargoyle. Its terrifying appearance and deafening scream chased away the
villagers from church. Every Friday 13th, this maleficent creature took a kid to
Nowhere. Once the kid was taken, the kid was never found.

The creature had been motionless for a couple of days waiting for Friday 13th
to commit its evil. Families, kids and all citizens were very scared. Yet the day had
come. All the villagers, terrified and sick of this evil creature, set up a march with
torches to banish the gargoyle from the village. The streets were painted with fire.
Screams and curses from the fearless inhabitants could be heard to villages near.
Despair and fear were all around the event when this gigantic creature spread its
wings and started flying above the citizens’ heads. Its immense wings’ power and
energy made people fly away.

-“This will not work,” said the preacher to the woman protecting her child “This
demonic creature is indestructible. It is way high. We could never reach it.”

-“I have an idea, yet I know you will not allow it.” Murmured a bizarre man. His
pale face and his terrible eye bags make him look way enigmatic. “This evil creature
wants a kid, and it is not coming down unless it is for grabbing one. Let’s put all the
kids in a circle so when it gets close, we set it on fire. I know it is dangerous, but we
must work together.”

The kids joined the circle waiting for the gargoyle to come down, and when it
happened, the villagers could set the gargoyle on fire.

Screams of joy and happiness from the villagers appeared after beating
together that evil creature.

By: Mónica Rodríguez Bogantes.

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