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Computer Architecture & Assembly Language

Tutorial # 1

Q1. Fill the blanks in the following questions:

1. There is a one-to-one correspondence between _________________ and

2. Advantages of programming in high-level language are: __________________________,

___________________________________ and ________________________________.

3. Advantages of programming in assembly language are: ________________________________

and ___________________________________.

4. The processor consists of two main units: __________________ and _______________.

5. Given an address bus of 20 bits and data bus of 16 bits, the maximum memory size that can be
interfaced with the CPU is __________________ bytes and the maximum number of bytes that
can be read in a single read/write cycle is __________ bytes.

6. _______________ RAM is slower than ____________ RAM but is denser and cheaper.

7. The need for a memory hierarchy is due to


8. Cache memory is faster than ______________________ but slower than

9. ______________________ is a register that holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched
from memory.

10. The _________________________________________is considered as an interface between

software and hardware and consists of _______________________,
________________________________ and ___________________________________.

11. _____________________________is a program that manages the resources of a computer for

the benefit of the programs that run on that machine.

12. _____________________________is program that translates from high-level languages to

assembly language.

13. _____________________________is a technology in which a single chip contains hundreds of

thousands to millions of transistors.

Q2. Consider an 8-bit register that has the binary number 10010110. Determine the decimal value of the
number if it represents:
(i) An unsigned number.

(ii) A signed number in sign-magnitude representation.

(iii) A signed number in 1’s complement representation.

(iv) A signed number in 2’s complement representation.

Q3. Perform the following arithmetic operations assuming that numbers are represented using 8-bit 2’s
complement representation. Indicate in your answer when an overflow occurs.
(i) FF + FF

(ii) FE – 80

Q4. Fill the blanks in the following questions:

(i) Assuming unsigned number representation, (F1) 16 represents the decimal number =

(ii) The decimal number 1020 is represented in binary as .

(iii) The binary number 01100011 represents character ………. . Note that the ASCII code of
character A is …….. and that of character …….. is 61H.
(iv) Assuming 4-bit 2`s complement representation, the smallest (negative) number is …….. in
binary and …… in decimal and the largest (positive) number is ……. in binary and …..
in decimal.

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