Chapters 4-6 Quiz Answer Sheet Name - (Last, First) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

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Name ________________________________________ (Last, First)

STATISTICS ─CHAPTER 5-7 Quiz Name___________________________

1. A discrete random variable is a random variable that:

a. is derived from a random population c. can assume any value in one or more intervals
b. is determined by random probability d. consists of countable values

2. Which of the following is true for the probability distribution of a discrete random variable x?
a. Σ P(x) < 0 b. Σ P(x) = 1 c. ΣP(x) = 2 d. ΣP(x) > I

The following table lists the probability distribution of a discrete random variable x.

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P(x) .04 .11 .18 .24 .14 .17 .09 .03

Use the above information to answer questions 3 and 4.

3. The probability that x is greater than 3 is:

a. .67 b. .24 c. .57 d. .43

4. The standard deviation of the random variable x is approximately:

a. 2.97 b. 14.19 c. 6.91 d. 1.72

5. The number of combinations for selecting 7 elements from 10 distinct elements is:
a. 70 b. 120 c. 3 d. 100

6. Which of the following is not a condition of the binomial experiment?

a. There are only two trials
b. Each trial has two and only two outcomes
c. p is the probability of success, q is the probability of failure, and p + q = 1
d. The trials are independent

7. Eight percent of all college graduates hired by companies stay with the same company for
more than five years. The probability that in a random sample of 12 such college graduates
hired recently by companies, exactly two will stay with the same company for more than five
years is:
a. .1294 b. .2301 c. .1835 d. .3305

8. Thirty two percent of adults did not visit their physicians, offices last year. Let x be the number
of adults in a random sample of 15 adults who did not visit their physicians’ offices last year.
The standard deviation of the probability distribution of x is approximately:
a. 3.26 b. 4.80 c. 3.20 d. 1.81

9. Which of the following is not a condition to apply the Poisson probability distribution?
a. x is a discrete random variable c. The occurrences are random
b. There are n identical occurrences d. The occurrences are independent
10. For λ = 4.2, the probability P(x < 2) is:
a. .1323 b. .2103 c. .0780 d. .8677

11. Each box of 500 light bulbs contains on average seven defective bulbs. The mean number of
defective light bulbs is:
a. 7 b. 2.646 c. 49 d. .4182

12. Which of the following is an example of a Poisson experiment?

a. Rolling a die 10 times and observing for a number
b. Finding the probability that a salesperson who sells .7 bedroom sets per day sells 3 today.
c. Tossing a coin 20 times and observing for a head or a tail
d. Drawing without replacement three yellow marbles from a box that contains 7 blue, and 11
yellow marbles.

13. For a continuous random variable x, the probability that x assumes a value in an interval is:
a. in the range zero to 1 b. greater than 1 c. less than zero d. greater than 2

14. For a continuous random variable x, the total probability of all (mutually exclusive) intervals
within which x can assume a value is:
a. less than 1 b. greater than 1 c. equal to 1 d. between 0 and 1

15. The probability that a continuous random variable x assumes a single value is always:
a. less than 1 b. greater than zero c. equal to zero d. between zero and 1

16. The total area under a normal distribution curve to the left of the mean is always:
a. equal to 1 b. equal to zero c. equal to .5 d. greater than .5

17. For a normal distribution, the z value for an x value that is to the left of the mean is always:
a. equal to zero b. negative c. less than 1 d. positive

18. If the area under the standard normal curve from 0 to z is .3508 and z is positive, then z is:
a. 1.00 b. 1.40 c. 1.04 d. 2.04

19. Usually the binomial distribution is approximated by the normal distribution when:
a. the sample size is at least 30 c. np and nq are both greater than 5
b. np and nq are both less than 5 d. nx is greater than 30
20. Football is the favorite sport to watch on television for 40% of all adults. The probability that
in a random sample of 500 adults, 193 or more will say football is their favorite sport to
watch on television is approximately:
a. .2517 b. .2483 c. . 74 83 d. .7517

21. A population contains eight members. The total number of samples of size 3 that can be
drawn (without replacement) from this population is:
a. 40,320 b. 56 c. 6 d. 210

22. The sampling error is defined as:

a. an error that occurs during collection, recording, and tabulation of data
b. the difference between the value of a sample statistic and the value of the corresponding
population parameter
c. an error that occurs when a sample of less than 30 elements is drawn
d. an error that occurs when a sample of more than 30 elements is drawn

23. An error that occurs because of chance is called the _________ error.
a. nonsampling b. sampling c. mean d. probability

24. An error that occurs because of human mistakes is called the _________ error.
a. nonsampling b. sampling c. mean d. probability

25. The mean age of all students at a university is 24 years. The mean age of a random sample of
100 students selected from this university is found to be 23.6 years. The difference 23.6 – 24
=.4 is called the _________ error.

a. nonsampling b. sampling c. mean d. probability

26. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is:
a. always equal to the sample mean c. always equal to the population mean
b. sometimes equal to the population mean d. always equal to the sampling procedure

27. For a continuous random variable x, the population mean and the population standard
deviation are 80 and 15 respectively. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample
mean for a sample of 25 elements taken from this population is:
a. 16 b. 3 c. 80 d. 15

28. If the population from which samples are drawn is normally distributed, then the sampling
distribution of the sample mean is:

a. not normally distributed c. normally distributed if n is 30 or larger

b. always normally distributed d. normally distributed if n is less than 30

29. To apply the central limit theorem to the sampling distribution of the sample mean, the
sample is considered to be large if n is:

a. greater than 50 b. 50 or larger c. larger than 30 d. 30 or larger

30. A population has a normal distribution with a mean of 48 and a standard deviation of 9.
Assuming that n/N is less than or equal to .05, the probability that the sample mean for a
sample of 25 elements selected from this population will be more than 51.15 is:
a. .4599 b. .9599 c. .0401 d. .7814

31. The time spent commuting from home to work for all employees of a very large company has
a normal distribution with a mean of 42 minutes and a standard deviation of 12 minutes. The
mean time spent commuting from home to work of the sampling distribution of the sample mean
for a sample of 16 employees of this company is:
a. 42 b. 10.5 c. 2.625 d. 3

32. The time spent commuting from home to work for all employees of a very large company has
a normal distribution with a mean of 42 minutes and a standard deviation of 12 minutes. The
probability that the mean time spent commuting from home to work by a sample of 16
employees of this company will be between 43.26 and 49.35 minutes is:
a. .3301 b. .6557 c. .4929 d. .9929

33. The number of elements in a sample with a specific characteristic divided by the total number
of elements in the sample is called:
a. the sample mean c. the sample distribution
b. the sample proportion d. the sampling distribution

34. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample proportion is equal to:
a. the population mean c. the population proportion
b. the population mean divided by n d. the population proportion divided by n

35. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample proportion is equal to:
a. the population standard deviation divided by the square root of n
b. the population standard deviation divided by n
c. the square root of pq/n
d. pq/n

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