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Tomato Transplant Morphology Affected by Handling and Storage

Article  in  HortScience: a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science · November 1991
DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI.26.11.1377

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2 authors, including:

Daniel I. Leskovar
Texas A&M AgriLife Reserach, Texas A&M University


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H O R TS C I E N C E 26(11):1377-1379. 1991.

Tomato Transplant Morphology

Affected by Handling and Storage
Daniel I. Leskovar1 and Daniel J. Cantliffe
Vegetable Crops Department, Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
Additional index words Lycopersicon esculentum ethylene, fruit size, root growth,
shoot growth, yield
Abstract. Shoot and root growth changes in response to handling and storage time in
‘Sunny’ tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) transplants were investigated. Trans-
plants, 45 days old, were stored either in trays (nonpulled) or packed in boxes (pulled)
for 0,2,4,6, or 8 days at 5 and 15C. Also, 35-day-old nonpulled and pulled transplants
were kept in darkness at 20/28C for 0, 1, 2, or 3 days. At SC, pulled transplants had
longer and heavier stems, a higher shoot : root ratio, higher ethylene evolution, and
lower root dry weight than nonpulled transplants. At 15C, pulled transplants had more
shoot growth than nonpulled transplants. Nonpulled, initially 35-day-old transplants
had heavier shoots and roots and higher (7.0 t·ha -1) yields of extra-large fruit than
pulled transplants (4.1 t·ha-1), but there were no differences in the total yields of
marketable fruits.

Containerized transplants are used exten- northern United States prefer tall (12 to 16
sively in tomato production regions (Risse et cm) transplants that are at least 6 weeks old.
al., 1979; Weston and Zandstra, 1986). In Growers in Florida prefer short (10 cm)
Florida, transplants still in the trays used for transplants that are 5 weeks old.
transplant production are generally shipped Studies on shipping containers, storage
directly to growers. Field establishment gen- time, and temperature have been reported for
erally occurs 1 to 3 days after plant arrival. bare-root tomato transplants (Risse and Mof-
Transplants shipped out of Florida are hand- fit, 1984) and for transplants grown in
pulled from the tray, packed at high densities Speedling trays (Risse et al., 1979). Storage
in waxed fiberboard boxes, and transported between 10 and 13C for less than 10 days is
at 14C in closed containers. Planting into the generally recommended for tomato plants
field may be delayed from 1 to 7 days, de- (Hardenburg et al., 1986). Plant survival and
pending on weather conditions and distance fruit yield reductions were reported for bare-
to market. root transplants packed at high density, 1250
Transplant age at shipping is determined plants per wooden crate compared to 1000
by regional preference. Growers in the plants per crate (Risse et al., 1985). How-
ever, those studies did not consider trans-
plant growth during storage. Knowledge of
Received for publication 24 July 1990. Florida these growth changes will be useful to op-
Agricultural Experimental Station Journal Series timize transplant handling and storage before
no. R-00798. We are grateful to Speedling, Inc., transplanting them to the field.
for the support of this research and to S. Sargent The objectives of this study were to de-
and K. Bergsma for their cooperation in the lab- termine the effects of a) transplant handling
oratory. The cost of publishing this paper was de-
on shoot and root growth changes during ex-
frayed in part by the payment of page charges.
Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must
tended low-temperature storage and b) trans-
be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate plant handling following reduced-temperature
this fact. storage, on early growth and fruit yields.
‘Current address: Texas Agricultural Experiment Prolonged storage at low temperature
Station, Texas A&M Univ., Uvalde, TX 78801. (Expt. 1). ‘Sunny’ tomato plants were grown
taken as described for Expt. 1. Transplants
were planted in the field on 17 Aug. 1989
at Parrish, Fla. Raised beds, 0.2 m high,
were spaced 1.8 m apart, with each bed 0.8
m wide. Plants were spaced 0.50 m within
the bed. Standard cultural practices, fertil-
ization, and pesticides were used (Hoch-
muth, 1988). Fruits were harvested at the
mature-green stage from 10 plants at 75,93,
and 115 days after transplanting and graded
by size (U.S. Dept. Agr., 1976).
A randomized complete block design with
treatments replicated four times was used,
and data were analyzed by ANOVA.
Experiment 1. Pulled transplants stored at
5C had a 13% longer SL, 14% more STDW,
22% higher S : R ratio, and smaller RFW
and RDW than nonpulled transplants (Table
1). During the first 24 h of storage, pulled
transplants cooled more slowly than those
not pulled (Table 2). After 1 day of storage,
pulled-transplant shoot and root tempera-
tures were ≈ 1.5C higher than nonpulled
transplants. Shoot growth promotion in pulled
transplants possibly was a response to a higher
air temperature in the shoot and root envi-
ronment than in nonpulled transplants and
due to high respiration heat generated by the
high packing density (Risse et al., 1985).
Conversely, the root growth limitation in
pulled transplants could have been due to the
rial was oven-dried at 65C for 3 days, and excess moisture around the roots, reducing
dry weights of leaves (LDW), stems (STDW), oxygen diffusion rates (Miller, 1986). Tem-
and roots (RDW) were recorded and shoot : peratures between 10 to 13C were reported
root (S : R) ratios were calculated. Mea- to suppress root growth (Hardenburg et al.,
surements were taken just before storing the 1986). Data from this experiment indicate
plants (0 day) and after 2, 4, 6, and 8 days that shoot and root growth continued even at
of storage. lower temperatures.
Ethylene evolution after 8 days of storage At 15C, shoots of pulled transplants grew
was determined at 1, 2, 3, and 5 h for four more than those of nonpulled transplants
transplants from each handling treatment and (Table 1). Leaf and stem growth increased
storage temperature. Individual transplants from 0 to 4 days, with a decrease after 6
were cut at the hypocotyl base, weighed, and days (data not shown) when lower leaves
placed in a 35-ml test tube. Test tubes were began to turn yellow. The partitioning of the
for 45 days at Speedling, Inc., Bushnell, Fla. then sealed with a serum cap and kept in the significant handling method × time inter-
in polystyrene trays with 200 (18 cm3) in- light at 23C. The test tubes selected had min- action for RDW (Table 1) indicated that RDW
verted pyramid cells. Greenhouse transplant imal void volume, thus facilitating ethylene for pulled transplants increased to 56 mg at
production practices were standard proprie- detection. Seedlings were not damaged dur- 4 days, declining to 43 mg after 6 days. Con-
tary procedures of the supplier (Beirenger ing sample preparation, and samples were versely, nonpulled transplants maintained root
and Bostdorff, 1989). Handling treatments withdrawn hourly for 5 h. Ethylene was growth (57 mg) up to 6 days, declining (43
were transplants that were a) kept in trays measured with a gas chromatograph (HP mg) at 8 days. The root growth decline on
(nonpulled) and packed in waxed fiberboard Model 5710A; Hewlett-Packard, Orlando, pulled transplants may have resulted from
boxes and b) hand-pulled (pulled) from trays Fla.) equipped with a flame-ionization de- the combined effect of pulling and packing
and packed upright in waxed fiberboard boxes tector and activated alumina column. compaction and high moisture levels. After
at a density of 850 plants per box. Boxes A randomized complete block design with 6 days, transplant separation was difficult as
were 22 × 45 × 52 cm (height × width 10 replications (one plant per rep) per han- a result of roots growing into adjoining root
× length). Plants from each treatment were dling treatment was used at each storage time. cells.
kept in dark rooms at 5 or 15C for 0, 2, 4, Data for each storage temperature were tested Ethylene evolution (nl·g-1·h -1) measured
6, or 8 days. Air temperature at the leaf and s e p a r a t e l y b y a n a l y s i s o f v a r i a n c e after 1 h of incubation was 2.5 (SE ± 0.3)
root-media levels were recorded hourly using (ANOVA). Treatment effects were parti- at 5C and 2.2 ± 0.2 at 15C for nonpulled
a Grant Squirrel meter/logger (Science Elec- tioned into orthogonal contrasts. transplants and 5.3 ± 0.3 at 5C and 2.1 ±
tronics, Dayton, Ohio), with 16 thermistor Brief storage at high temperature (Expt. 0.2 at 15C for pulled transplants. Similar
probes placed on each of the pulled and non- 2). ‘Sunny’ tomato plants were grown for 35 trends were observed after 2, 3, and 5 h of
pulled transplant boxes, at 5 and 15C. Stem days, as previously described, in polystyrene incubation. Increased ethylene production of
diameter was measured with a digital caliper trays with 128 (30.7 cm3) inverted pyramid pulled transplants kept at 5C was probably
below the cotyledonary node. Stem length cells. Treatments were the same as Expt. 1 due to the additive effects of excess mois-
(SL) was measured from the shoot apex down (nonpulled and pulled), except pulled trans- ture, chilling temperature, and physical stress
to the base. (lower hypocotyl level). Leaf area plants were packed at a density of 550 plants/ (Abeles, 1973). In tomato seedlings, anaer-
(LA) was measured with a LI-3100 leaf area box. At 35 days after seeding, plants from obic environment in the root zone due to
meter (LI-COR, Lincoln, Neb.). After roots each transplant group were kept in a closed water logging increases ethylene synthesis in
were washed, they were blotted and root fresh container at 20/28C (night/day) for 0, 1, 2, the shoot (Bradford and Dilley, 1978). Un-
weight (RFW) was determined. Plant mate- or 3 days. Shoot and root measurements were der these conditions, ethylene has been sug-
gested to control root growth (Jackson, 1985), tables, and florist and nursery stocks. U.S. Dept. transplants in returnable shipping containers.
and in our experiment, roots of pulled trans- Agr. Agr. Hdbk. 66. Trans. Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng. 27:45-48.
plants grew less (lower fresh and dry weights) Hochmuth, G.J. (ed.). 1988. Tomato production Risse, L.A., T. Moffit, and H.H. Bryan. 1979.
guide for Florida. Florida Coop. Ext. Serv., Inst. Effect of storage temperature and duration on
than nonpulled transplants kept at 5C, but
Food Agr. Sci., Univ. of Florida Circ. C98. quality, survival and yield of containerized to-
RDW for the two groups was the same at Jackson, M.B. 1985. Ethylene and responses of mato transplants. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
15C (Table 1). plants to soil waterlogging and submergence. 92:198-200.
Experiment 2. Pulled transplants stored at Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 36:145-174. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1976. United
20/28C (night/day) had shorter SL, lower LA, Lyons, J. 1973. Chilling injury in plants. Annu. States standards for grades of fresh tomatoes.
LDW, STDW, and RDW than nonpulled Rev. Plant Physiol. 24:445-466. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Mktg. Serv., Washing-
transplants (Table 1). The significant han- Miller, D.E. 1986. Root systems in relation to ton, D.C.
dling method x time interaction for S : R stress tolerance. HortScience 20:963-970. Weston, L.A. and B.H. Zandstra. 1986. Effect of
ratio (Table 1) indicated that nonpulled Risse, L.A., D.W. Kretchman, and C.A. Jawor- root container size and location of production
ski. 1985. Quality and field performance of on growth and yield of tomato transplants. J.
transplants had higher S : R ratios (4.0 and
densely packed tomato transplants during ship- Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 11:498-501.
4.3 at 1 and 2 days) than pulled transplants ment and storage. HortScience 20:438-439. Wien, H.C. 1990. Don’t cool tomato transplants.
(3.8 and 3.7 at 1 and 2 days). The shoot and Risse, L.A. and T. Moffit. 1984. Shipping tomato Amer. Veg. Grower 38:34-36.
root growth decreases in pulled plants could
have been due to the interaction of high air
temperature, darkness, and the physical ef-
fects of pulling and packing. Plant survival
was 100% and, therefore, not affected by
transplant handling or storage time. Reduced
plant survival was reported for field-grown
transplants packed at high density [1250 plants
per crate (Risse et al., 1985)] and for con-
tainerized transplants stored for 10 or 15 days
at either 4.4, 12.8, or 21.1C (Risse et al.,
In the first and second harvest, nonpulled
transplants yielded more (3.7 and 3.2 t·ha-1)
extra-large fruits than pulled transplants (2.2
and 1.9 t·ha-1). Similarly, nonpulled plants
produced more total extra-large fruits than
pulled transplants. Extra-large fruits ac-
counted for 12% (7.0 t·ha-1) and 7% (4.1
t·ha-1) of the total marketable fruits for non-
pulled and pulled transplants, respectively,
with P = 0.01 for F test. Differences in
yield for medium and large fruit and for total
yield were nonsignificant (data not shown).
The results of these experiments indicate
that transplant maturity and handling af-
fected transplant growth after 4 days of stor-
age at either 5 or 15C. Nonpulled 45-day-
old transplants maintained better shoot and
root characteristics than pulled transplants.
Considerations should be given to minimize
the effects of pulling and packing young
transplants. Transplant storage temperatures
should be selected to avoid the possibility of
chilling injury or fruit disorders, such as cut-
facing, present in transplants conditioned at
10 to 18C before transplanting (Wien, 1990).
However, this response may differ among
varieties and physiological age of seedlings
(Lyons, 1977). If planting is delayed beyond
2 days, storage at lower (i.e., 8 to 9C) than
ambient temperatures would be desirable to
retard shoot growth and early flower devel-
Literature Cited
Abeles, F.B. 1973. Ethylene in plant biology. Ac-
ademic, New York.
Beirenger, L. and R. Bostdorff. 1989. Innovative
transplanting production systems from Speed-
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Prog. & Abstr. p. 146.
Bradford, K.J. and D.R. Dilley. 1978. Effects of
root anaerobiosis on ethylene production, epi-
nasty, and growth of tomato plants. Plant Phys-
iol. 61:501-509.
Hardenburg, R.E., A.E. Watada, and C.Y. Wang.
1986. The commercial storage of fruits, vege-

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