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(Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number System
R Maskur1*, M Syazali1, L F Utami1)






APRIL 2020

Praise for the presence of GOD ALMIGHTY, for all his blessings and gifts I am still
given health and safety, and who have made it easy for writers to be able to complete this critical
journal review. The critical journal review of this "Introduction to technique" I have compiled as
much as possible and of course in accordance with the book that I read, so that it can expedite
this critical act.
Hopefully this can provide broad insights for readers and can be used for everyday life
and can become new knowledge for us all. But not separated from all that, the author realizes
that there are still many shortcomings both in terms of language and in terms of content.
Therefore, I hope the reader to provide constructive criticism and suggestions so that the writer
can improve this critical for the future.


FOREWORD ............................................................................................................ ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I : Introduction........................................................................................ 11

1.1.Bacround..................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Objectives Of Writing CBR ...................................................................... 1

1.3.Benefits of Critical Journal Review............................................................ 1

1.4. Journal Identity.......................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II : SUMMARY OF CONTENTS.......................................................... 2

2.1.Research Puepose....................................................................................... 2

2.2.Research Subject......................................................................................... 2

2.3.Research Closing........................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER III : Closing............................................................................................. 4

3.1.Conclusion.................................................................................................. 4

3.2.Advantages & Disadvantage of Journal..................................................... 4

3.3.Sugestion..................................................................................................... 4

REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 5


 The rationale for CJR's importance is to help students be more active in reading various
journals and choosing articles. And can improve the quality of student skills in improving skills
when criticizing or when assessing a journal. And help students later in making titles and making
if there are tasks related to the journal.
Can also practice skills in typing because at this stage of criticizing work, the task must
be typed. And can help students patience in comparing which journals are good for criticism or
review and which ones are not worthy of being rivaled.

1.2 . Objectives Of Writing CBR 

1. To complete one of the calculus assignments

2. To publish a journal
3. To assess the weaknesses and strengths of the journal
4. To enhance mutuh in merivew journals
1.3.Benefits of Critical Journal Review
• To strengthen knowledge about calculus
• Improve student skills both in reading journals and typing
• Improve skills in choosing journals that are worth reviewing

1.4 Journal Identity

Title :Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number
System Material
Volume : 22 No.2 (2014)
Year : 2019
Author : R Maskur,M Syalazi
Series Number: 1155012081

2.1. Research purposes
This study aims to develop an Islamic nuanced calculus module with an open approach to
the real number system. The research method used is research and development (R&D) with the
4D model. The 4D model consists of four stages: defining, designing, developing, and
disseminating. During the development phase, an assessment is carried out to determine the
module's eligibility.
The conclusion is that the Islamic nuanced calculus module with an open approach to the
material of a real number system is valid and appropriate for use as teaching material and
attractiveness are in the criteria of interest

2.2.Research subject
slamic calculus module with an open approach to the material of real number systems.

2.3.Research methods
The type of research used in this study was Research and Development (R & D). The
developmentprocedure used was the 4D model by [40] with four stages, namely (1) Define; (2)
Design ; (3) Development; and (4) Dissemination.

2.2.1Defining Process
1.1 First step analysis
1.2 The process began with data collection using questionnaires at Raden Intan State Islamic
University Lampung, Teknokrat University and Lampung University.
1.3.Student analysis
This student analysis was used to find out the student's needs for the product being
1.4.Task analysis
Task analysis was done by identifying the main parts to be taught and systematically
compiling relevant topics. The material presented is real numbers, logic, and quantifiers;
inequality and absolute value; rectangular coordinate system and equation graph.
1.5 Conceptual analysis
1.6 The results of concept analysis for calculus courses are looking for sources, references or
books related to calculus on real number system material such as calculus books written
by Koko Martono and Nanang Supriadi, the ninth edition of calculus volume 1 by Dale
Varberg, Edwin J. Purcell and Steven E.
1.7 Specifications of Learning Objectives
The learning objectives in the development of this module refer to the college curriculum.
2.2.2.Designing Process
2.1 Media
The media used in the development of this module is print media designed using Microsoft

Word 2007, Corel Draw X7 for making covers, and Geogebra in making graphics.
The format used in the development of this module is the Islamic Nuance Calculus Module
with an Open-Ended Approach to Real Number System Material. The open-ended approachin
the module lies in the open process, namely, there are problems that have many
The steps of this approach include orientation, debriefing material, presentation and execution
of questions, presentations, and conclusions.
2.3.Initial Design
The calculus module with Islamic nuances with an open-ended approach to the material of
realnumber systems uses B5 paper size; scale spacing 1.5; fonts Cambria, Arial, Franklin
GothicHeavy, Lucida Handwriting, and Century751 SeBd BT; the font size varies from 9-36
pt, and the verses of al-Qur'an are entered through the available Add-Ins programs.

2.2.3.Development Process
3.1 Expert Validation
The calculus module with Islamic nuances with an open-ended approach to the material of
realnumber systems that have been designed then validated the initial stage by 5 validators,
namely 2 material expert validators, 2 Islamic material expert validators, and 1 media expert
3.2 Product Trial
The limited product trial of module’s attractiveness was conducted by distributing a
questionnaire of attractiveness to 10 students of Raden Intan State Islamic University

2.2.4.Dissemination Process
The final stage in this research and development module is dissemination. The Islamic-
Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number System Material tha
has been feasible will be disseminated through the website at

2.3. Research Result

Based on the results of the exposure that have been stated, the Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module
with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number System Material is declared valid and feasible to be
used as teaching material in the learning process. The feasibility of the product obtained an average
of 3.61 from limited trials with the very attractive criteria.
Based on the results of the research and several findings in the field, the authors suggest the
following (1) Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number
System Material is hoped to be developed with wider methods. (2) This calculus module was tested
with a limited test of 10 students of Raden Intan State Islamic University Lampung so that the
development of the next module could be developed using a wider trial. (3) the product still has many
shortcomings in its development so that the development of the next module can be developed with a
better open- ended approach, in order to motivate and increase students' interest to be actively
participating in mathematics.


The results of the development carried out by this researcher were to produce Islamic-nuanced
Calculus Modules with an Open-Ended Approach to Real Numbers System Material. This
research and development module uses the 4D model development procedure, namely with four
stages, including:
(1) Define;
(2) Design ;
(3)Development; and
(4) Dissemination.

4.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Juornal

The subject matter is already in the theory, but its hard for us (probably for other readers)
to understand some part of this journal since most of the part is presented as a paragraph which
makes it kind of boring. The result is easily understood since it is based on the topic. The
deficiency is located in the Method, where the step by step explanation where it should be
presented as a paragraph which makes it less attractive. in the subject of the study, the required
points of activities that are not discussed in detail make the reader confused what to do.

4.3. suggestion

After reading this journal, many of the readers are still confused. Because this journal has
too much material. And the ingredients are also difficult to understand. Therefore there are
published if the journal is written in simple language so that readers can be understood by what the
contents of this journal.


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