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The Knights of Virtue are all sitting around the table at the pub in Prontera

after one of the battles against the mummies in the pyramids at Morroc. They
were all drinking to celebrate the safe return of every one.

“That was a great battle,” Commander declared. He took a huge swig of his
beer and spilt half of his mouthful down the front of himself.

“It won’t be our last in that place” Baby blue added in.

Baby Blue looked at Eat the Pressure and his charming smile that melted her
hard heart. Baby Blue put her mug down on the table. I need to get this off my
chest before I crumble Baby Blue thought to herself as she looked around the
table for her victim. She locked eyes with her dear brother Commander, who
was sitting next to her. Grabbing hold of his wrist, Baby Blue looked toward
the door. Commander looked at Baby Blue’s face and could tell that
something was eating at her and it must be big, so he followed her out side.

“I am going to go off to fight Dark Lord. I know I can’t do it alone. I need you
and the others to come with me.” Baby Blue paused as she looked around for
more words. “We are much strong than our parents were.” She said half-

“Are you crazy Baby? Our mother and your father died trying to get him. And
they were the best this town has seen.” Cocking his head to the side
Commander looked at her skeptically. “I think there are other issues on your
mind. You are just afraid to talk about it.”

”We are better than they…are. I just know it.” Baby Blue said looking at the
ground trying to ignore what her brother had just said.

“There is something else on your mind.” Commander pointed out as he looked

at her face and into her lost eyes. “I am your brother, Baby, I know you too
well for you to go hiding anything from me. You can talk to me, you know.”

“Well, actually now that you seem to be pushing the topic, there is something
on my mind. I think I am falling in love with Eat. Well I don’t think. I know I love
him.” Baby Blue paused for second. “I can’t love him.” She quietly blurted out
with tears forming in her eyes.

“My sweet little sister, why can’t you love him?” He questioned her lovingly,
“What have you go to lose by loving him?”

“I have my heart and soul to lose. I am afraid that if we get together and get
married that it will be the end of me. I will have no fire in my heart. Nor will I be
as light hearted with some matters. I am also afraid that when we go to battle
that I will worry about him too much and I will get myself killed. I am not ready
to hang up my sword yet; I have had my heart broken once…. Never again. I
promise Lil Baby and my self.”
“Jack…. he really... hurt you….a lot didn’t he” Commander said

”Yeah….” Replied Baby Blue, with her head down, while looking at the
ground. “I don’t know how I let him hurt me so much. He was the only one that
felt like the real deal. I thought it was for keeps...”

“If I ever see Jack, I will…” Commander said in an angry voice.

“You will do nothing.” Baby Blue snapped at Commander. “We all need to
remember that he is Lil’s dad and that she needs a father in her life. Even if
he is a scoundrel and he is never around.” Baby Blue told Commander in a
stern voice. “He will come back to see her.” Baby Blue paused and sighed,
“Well I hope he does”

“Well what are you going to do?” Commander asked.

“I don’t know. But I love Eat too much to let him go” Baby Blue Said. ”But I do
know one thing, why don’t we go back inside and have another drink with
every one. What was said just now stays between us, ok?”

“OK, I agree let’s go inside. You were kidding about the stuff with Dark Lord.
Right? ” Commander questioned Baby Blue as he opened the door.

“No I wasn’t. I want to do it; I need to do it. For mother, for father and for

Commander put is hand on her should and said with concern. “Look, promise
me that you’ll think about it and talk with every one else before you do
anything stupid.” Commander paused. ”Remember you have a child to worry
about as well.”

“I know. Ok. I promise.” Baby Blue said with a smile.

The two re-entered the bar and sat back down at the table with Beagle,
Ekalut, Mike, Mwiff, Greaver, Jelly Time, Eat and Alter Ego. Baby Blue looked
at Eat the Pressure and smiled to herself. Every one at the table called for
another couple of rounds. They started talking about the battle, and how they
found the skull ring, and all the rotten bandages that Baby Blue picked up.
Greaver asked Baby Blue how Lil Baby was going at magic school and if it
was a good idea that she should become a wizard. Baby Blue told Greaver
that she did not want Lil Baby to be like her mother or to be like her aunt and
that wizardry was the only option left. Beagle brought up the battle of Dark
Lord and Baby Blue’s and Commander’s parents and the group started to talk
about how good Violet and Parker were. After an hour or so of talk, Baby Blue
stood up on her chair carefully.

“Every one listen up.” She yelled loudly. ‘I have an announcement to make.”

Baby Blue paused for a second so she could get her balance
“Well come on we’re listening.” Jelly Time replied.

“My announcement is that I think I am too drunk to stand on this chair. My

main announcement is that most of you are going to think I am nuts, but I
have decide that I am going to kill Dark Lord. I know I maybe drunk, but I have
thought about it and it is what I want. All are welcome to join me in the best
battle this town has ever seen.”

“Get down from there and stop being stupid.” Eat frantically said.

“I am not being stupid,” Baby Blue snapped at Eat.

“Come on Baby get down before you hurt your self” Eat continued.

“OK I will get down.”

Baby Blue started to get down when she lost her balance and started to fall.
Eat caught her right before she hit her head on the corner of the table.

“Baby I think that it is time that you should head off to bed.” Eat said.

“Yeah I agree with you.” Commander replied.

“Same here.” Beagle added in. “Can you take her there?”

”What room is she booked into for the night?” Eat asked.

“I am in room five.” Baby Blue said while holding up four fingers.

“Ok let’s go.” Eat said. “Put your arm around my neck and I will carry you up

Eat carried Baby up the stairs and into her room. Where he placed her on the
bed, so she could lie down. Eat sat on the edge of the bed and took off Baby
boots and put them beside her bed so she could put them on in the morning
and he also took her hair out of the plait so she would be comfortable while
she was sleeping. He stood up, leaned forward and planted a little kiss on her
forehead. He turned around and started to head for the door.

“Don’t go.” Baby Blue softly whispered. “I want you to stay the night. Spend
tonight with me.”

Eat turned around and looked at Baby, and he wished that what she had just
said was true.

“You are drunk Baby.” Eat tried to reassure himself that she would never love
him. “You don’t know what you are saying.”
“No, I do love you. That is what I was talking to Commander about out side.
Well the Dark Lord thing was brought up but mainly it was about you. I love
you but I am not sure what I want to do about.”

Eat moved quickly to the side of the bed, hanging on to her every last word.

“I have loved you since whenever.” Eat started to utter. “You have no idea
how long I have wished for you to say those words.”

With Eats last word, Baby Blue grabbed him by the ruff of his collar and
kissed him passionately. Eat collapsed onto the bed, kissed Baby Blue on her
forehead, and looked at her deep blue eyes. He ran his hand through her long
blonde hair. Baby Blue took off Eats shirt and ran her hand down his chest,
Eat laid down on the bed beside Baby Blue, and they had a romantic night full
of passion.

In the morning Baby Blue rolled over and went to sit up and got a head rush.
She put her hand to her head and tried to remember the night before floor.
Then she looks down at her self and noticed that she was totally naked. All
that covered her was the sheet from the bed in the motel room. She looked
beside and gasped. There was Eat, still asleep. She lifted up the sheet and
saw he was naked as well. She grabbed the blanket that was at the bottom of
the bed and pulled it over Eat as she grabbed the sheet that covered him, and
stood up. She gathered her clothes off the floor and got dressed. After she
had finished doing up her muffler and boots. She sat down in the chair that
was in the corner in the room and looked at Eat on the bed. Baby Blue then
stood up and walked over to the door. She heard movement behind her so
she turned around. She saw that Eat was stirring. She took off her boots
again, sat down on the edge of the bed, and lent over to kiss Eat. Eat kissed
her back and opened his eyes and looked at her.

“Good morning sweetheart.” Eat said with a smile. ”Sleep well?”

“As a matter of fact I did.” Baby Blue looked at his face and into his green
eyes. “We need to talk.”

“I thought that would be the case.” Eat looked away from Baby Blue so she
could not see the disappointment or the frustration in his face.

“Last night. Well… it really shouldn’t of happened. I was drunk. And well I was
full of emotions and I was acting through my heart not my head.” Baby Blue
said as she also turned her face away from Eat so he couldn’t see the tears
welling up in her eyes.

“But you said you loved me, you said it twice not just once.” Eat said as rage
started to come over him.

“I wasn’t lying about what I said, but I can’t do this.” Baby Blue said as she
tried to block out her heart. “I am sorry if I hurt you Eat, but I just can’t do this
Eat stood up in annoyance, forgetting that he was stark naked. He picked up
his pants.

“So, What I am not your type? Now is that it?” he asked as he pulled up his
pants and chucked on his mink coat. “I am sorry if I am…not the womanizer
that that Jack was that you seem to be so whelmed up over still.” He shouted
at her as he grabbed his boots.

“Don’t be like that eat” Baby Blue said as she started to cry. “it’sIt’s not how
you think.”

“How do you want me to be?” he shouted at her loudly as he stormed over to

the door. “I don’t get you. First you want me now you don’t.”

“Don’t shout at me,” She told eat as tears rush out her eyes. “Please don’t
leave like this.”

“Oh you don’t want me to go.” Eat said as he stormed back over to Baby Blue.
“Well sweetheart, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” He said calmly.

Eat kissed her one last time for is own sake then he walked over to the door
and walked out the room. He looked up the hall and saw Commander walking
out his room. Eat slammed the door behind him and walked down the hallway
in the opposite direction and down the stairs. Baby Blue curled up on the bed
and cried.

Commander walked into her room and for the second time in his life he saw
Baby Blue, in her most vulnerable state. He closed the door and walked over
to the bed. Baby Blue sensed he was there, move, and put her head on his
lap. After a few minutes she calmed down enough to talk.

“I messed it all up.” Baby Blue told Commander.

“What happened?” Commander questioned.

“Eat and I made love last night and this morning I told him I couldn’t be with
him, and he started to yell and he stormed out. I cannot believe what I said. I
am an idiot.” Baby Blue said as she started to get up. “I need to get away from
every thing and do some thinking.” She looked at Commander.

“What about the next battle on the third level of the Pyramids?” He asked

“Well I will stay till then. After that I am having a break. I need to clear my
head. I will go home back to the cottage.” She replied.

“Can you wait 3 months?” He asked as he wiped her eyes.

“Yeah what are we doing till then?” Baby Blue asked as she wiped her nose
on her sleeve.
“Just lying low. I have heard that Jack is close so maybe he will stop here and
you can ask him if he wants to see his daughter.’ He replied.

“Oh, great, just what I need right now.” Baby Blue said sarcastically. “Well I
am off for a ride. Don’t wait up for me I will be a while.”

“Ok.” He replied.

Baby Blue and Commander walked out the room and headed down the stairs.
Eat was sitting at the table with his back to her. She stopped at the end of the
stairs and looked over at his direction. She noticed that Greaver and Beagle
where sitting with him. She waved at Greaver and Beagle, and headed out the
door and mounted her Peco and rode off.

For the next two weeks there was nothing but silence between Baby Blue and
Eat. Everyone in the guild guessed that something had happened between
them and stayed well away from both of them while they were near each other
in case something exploded.

Baby Blue was the first to break the ice. Eat was sitting out side reading a
book. Baby Blue walked out side the motel and walked over to where Eat was

“Where is every one?” Baby Blue asked Eat.

“I don’t know.” Eat replied without looking at her. “I think they went for a ride.”

“Ok.” She replied. “When they get back can you tell them I went to the next
town because Stella is there and I need to escort her here?”

“Yeah, ok.” Eat replied wondering why her sister needed an escort. “Do you
think you should go?”

“It isn’t up to you if I go. I am a big girl and I can look after myself.” She
snapped at Eat.

“Would you like me to come with you so I can help if you get into trouble?” he
asked her trying to be nice.

“No I don’t.” She replied. “I don’t need you to escort me.”

“How long will you be?” he asked.

“Why do you want to know?” Baby Blue snapped at him.

“In case Commander asks.” He snapped back.

“Oh.” Baby Blue said. “Umm I guess I will be heading back later tonight. Tell
Commander not to wait up. Stella and I can look after our selves.”
“Yep” Eat said. “It won’t be him waiting for you.” He continued to mutter under
his breath.

“Pardon? I didn’t hear the last thing.” She questioned him.

“I said I will tell him for you.” He lied.

“Ok” Baby Blue said as she mounted her Peco. “I am off then. I guess I will
see you when I get back.”

“I guess so.” Eat said with his head back into the book.

Baby Blue rode off to the next town. It was not a proper town. It consisted of
three huts and a hotel. It was a bit like the place where Baby Blue was
staying. The town that Stella Blue had stopped for the weekend was
surrounded by woods and the though of Jack and his guild being around the
area gave her the shivers. She was not going to give them a chance of
highjacking her sister. As Baby Blue approached the woods she slowed down
and drew her sword. She wanted to be prepared for anything. The woods
were dark and very quite, she could hear every little noise that was made.
She reached the other edge of the woods and looked back. She knew it was
going to be hell going back with only her sister and her self at dusk. Baby Blue
put her sword away and rode to the motel.

“Hey Stella.” Baby Blue yelled out as she approached the hotel. She could
Stella sitting under a tree.

Stella stood up and dusted her dress off. She was now a priestess. The last
time the sisters saw each other Stella was still an acolyte. Baby Blue was
proud of her sister for fulfilling her dream.

“Hey there Baby. How are you?” Stella asked her older sister as they hugged.

“Well I have been better.” Baby Blue replied

Baby Blue and Stella Blue sat down under the tree and Baby Blue told her
sister about what happened between her and Eat. Stella hugged her sister.
Stella told her sister about the trials she had to go through to become a
priestess and of all the new people she had meet.

“Well you ready to go. It is getting dark and we have those woods to go
through.” Baby Blue asked her sister.

“Yeah. Let me get my pack then I will be with you.” Stella Blue said as she
walked back in to the pub.

Baby Blue stood up and got dizzy. She rested against the tree for a second
before walking to her Peco. Stella walked back out side and handed Baby
Blue her sack.
“Hey are you ok? You don’t look to good.” Stella questioned her sister as she
looked at her.

“Yeah I am ok. I just haven’t been my self lately.” She told Stella as she put
the pack on the side of the Peco. “Do you want me to walk with you or is it ok
if I ride?”

“Nah it is ok you can ride.” She replied.

Baby Blue mounted her Peco and started to head towards the woods. Stella
Blue was following behind her. Baby Blue slowed right down as the entered
the woods. It was about a two hours before they would reach open road
again. Baby Blue heard a noise and so did Stella Blue.

“What was that?” Stella Blue asked Baby Blue.

“Shh. What ever it was we don’t want to attract it.” Baby Blue said looking at

Baby Blue dismounted her Peco and drew her sword, as the sound was
getting louder, and was coming for them.

“Stella, stop walking for a second.” Baby Blue ordered her sister. “Here hold
him for a second, I will walk a head if I yell out get on the Peco and ride
straight ahead and don’t stop till you get to the hotel then get Commander and
come back for me ok?” Baby Blue re-ordered Stella.

“I am not leaving you.” Stella told Baby.

“Yes you will. You will do anything I say.” Baby Blue snapped at Stella. “Now
just stand there and be quite for a second so I can find out what it is.”

“Fine.” Stella replied. “Ok.”

Baby Blue walked a head little and then paused. The sound seemed to be
footsteps, and they were getting closer. She walked a little more and could
hear voices in the distance. She could not make out what they were saying or
who they were.

“Stella, get on the Peco now.” Baby Blue whispered.

Without a sound Stella mounted on the Peco. Baby Blue ran a head a lot and
then she recognised the voice and stood in the middle of the path.

“What do you think your doing coming after me?” Baby Blue yelled out.

Baby Blue heard Eat the Pressure’s voice.

“I am not.” Eat yelled back. “He made me come. I am in lots of trouble now
because of you.”

The next thing she knew she was standing face to face with her brother, who
seemed quite outraged.

“Get on your Peco now.” Commander instructed her. “Stella get on my Peco

Without a word from either of the girls they did as they were told. Not a word
was spoken between any one in the guild until they got back to the motel.

“Every one, inside, now!” Commander told everyone. “Not you Baby Blue.”

“What made you think that you could go off by your self without telling
anyone?” Commander yelled at Baby Blue.

“Well… umm… I didn’t know I had to report to you or anyone for that matter,
and I wasn’t going to let our sister stay I that place why that bastard is
around.” She yelled back at him. “And I did tell someone. I told Eat.”

“I don’t care. It is not safe for you to go through those woods. And why the hell
didn’t you take Eat?” He asked her angrily.

“Think about it dear brother of mine. I have hardly spoken one word to since
that morning and now you expected me to take him with me.” She said
Commander. “Plus Stella is a Priestess now, if I had gotten into any trouble
she could have helped out.”

“Don’t drag her into this. It’s time that you two suck it up Baby. Everyone in
this guild is sick of walking on egg shells.” Commander started to explain.
“None of us know what to say or if we can ask both of you to come on a ride
with us. I think you need to go on the break sooner so you can sort out your
head and let Eat sort out his.”

“Ok, I will pack up my things and head off to the cottage first thing in the
morning. Will you keep an eye on Stella for me? I just worry about her that’s
all.” Baby said.

“Sure I can, she is my sister too remember?” Commander said in a slightly

less grumpy tone. “I was wondering if you want to leave Lil Baby too. I know
that you need some time to your self and I know you cant do that if you have
to look after a child. You can trust that I will take good care of her.”

“Umm I guess she can stay with you but promise me that you will take good
care of her and not to forget that she is only a child still.” Baby replied.

“Yes, yes. Now go pack up your stuff.” Commander ordered.

Baby Blue nodded and then walked into the hotel. Commander followed
closely. As Baby ascended the stairs up to her room she felt a little dizzy and
grabbed hold of the rail.

“You ok Baby?” Greaver shouted out.

“Yeah just a head spin.” Baby replied.

Baby walked into her room and packed up her stuff, and then she collapsed
on the bed.

She awoke the next morning. Man that sleep was the best one I have had in
ages. She thought to herself. She the collected her stuff and walked towards
the bedroom door. She paused at the door for a moment and looked back at
the bed, in which she shared a night with Eat. It will be good to get him and all
this out of my head. She then continued to walk down the stairs. No one was
awake yet. Should I wait and say goodbye? She decided against it. She
placed her pack down on a table and walked back up the stairs and walked
into Lil Baby’s room. She walked up to her daughter, leaned over her and
kissed her on the forehead.

“It’s for the best honey, and your uncle Commander and Aunty Stella will both
look after you.” She whispered.

Lil Baby mumbled something that was not understandable. Then Baby walked
out of the room, picked up her pack and walked out the door. She mounted
her Peco and rode off into the direction of her parent’s old cottage. Eat arose
from his bed and could hear the Peco’s making a noise. He pulled his boots
on quickly and went down to see what the matter was. He walked up to the
Peco’s. One, Two, Three, Four … He counted in his head.

“Where is Baby’s Peco?” He said out loud.

“She’s gone for a while.” Commander said as he walked up behind Eat.

“Where too?” Eat asked.

“The cottage, but we aren’t following her either. What ever is wrong with her
needs to be sorted out and to do that she needs her space. She couldn’t get
that here with you and everyone else around her.” Commander replied.

“When will she be back?” Eat questioned.

“Not sure, but we have Lil Baby till then.” Commander replied.

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