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SPV Grid Tie - Without Battery

Design & Simulation Tool

(0.3KWp - 100KWp)
Version 1.0

Solar Power Plant Grid Tie Inverter Distribution Board

Tool Designed & Developed by

Innovation/ TEDA


1) This solar system calculation tool has been developed only for the
guidance of Installers and Contractors. The tool is supplied in good faith
and without warranty of any kind by  Tamil Nadu Energy Development
Agency (TEDA).

2) TEDA does not represent that the tool or any information or calculations
or design derived from the tool is accurate or complete or applicable to
your circumstances and application and accepts no liability thereto.

3) Installers and Contractors shall make their own independent design

calculations to arrive at system configurations.  TEDA will not be liable to
any person in relation to the contents of, or use of, or otherwise in
connection with this calculation tool for any direct,  indirect, special or
consequential loss or for any business losses, loss of revenue, income,
profits or anticipated savings, loss of contracts or business relationships
or loss of reputation or goodwill
SPV plant capacity sizing

Total Electrical Load

Hours of Total available Shadow free area (please enter
Load Total Load (Terrace/Ground/others) = Sq. ft area)
Description (W) Nos (KW) Operation KWhr/day
per day
0.000 0.00
0.000 0.00 Average Annual Energy (please enter
Consumption = KWhr/ Yr units)
0.000 0.00
0.000 0.00
% of Max. Installable SPV capacity -
0.000 0.00 allowed by your local DISCOM W.R.T (please enter
your Monthly/Yearly Energy = 100 % %)
0.000 0.00
0.000 0.00
0.000 0.00
0.000 0.00 (please enter
Sanctioned Load by DISCOM = KW
0.000 0.00 value)
0.000 0.00 (please enter "Description" &"Load"
Total 0.000 #DIV/0! 0.00 , "Nos")

Maximum. Installable Capacity of SPV Power

Plant (W.R.T. Shadow Free Area) = 0 Wp

Maximum. Installable Capacity of SPV Power

= 0 Wp
Plant (W.R.T. Annual Energy Consumption)

Maximum. Installable Capacity of SPV Power

Plant (W.R.T. Electrical Load) 0 Wp

Recommended - Installable Capacity of SPV

Power Plant = 0 Wp

Solar Powerplant Capacity (please enter the

(You are willing to install) = Wp Capacity)

If No of panels installed are more - System will work better and battery life will increase
If No of panels installed are less - System output will be less during cloudy period and battery life may decrease

Solar Panel Watt peak (please enter the Tool Designed & Developed by
= Wp
(Select as per market availibility) Capacity)

No of Solar Panels to be installed = #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Innovation/ TEDA
SPV panel selection and Generation Simulation @ various Irradiance and Temp. Reference Values
Solar Power plant Capacity 0 Wp
Solar Panel - Capacity (each) 0 Wp
Tips No of Solar Panels #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
SPV Panel Data Sheet will have the following parameters
* STC - 1 - (NOCT - 25C, 1000W/m2) - Data
* STC - 2 - (NOCT - 47C, 800W/m2) - Data
Always select the SPV panel based on STC -2 - data

Please enter - Solar Panel details Please enter - Cell Temp., Irradiance & Hrs of Operation
Solar Panel Details SPV Panel - Generation Simulator (South Orientation)

Module Make Cell Temperature @ operating condition Deg celcius

Module Type Irradiance @ operating condition W/m2
Module Wattage P 0 Wp Hours of Operation of the plant per day Hrs

No of Cell Nos Actual - Open Circuit voltage Voc #DIV/0! Volt

Single - Cell area (Length x Breadth) Ac m2 Actual - Voltage @ Maximum Power Vmp #DIV/0! Volt
Module area (Length x Breadth) Am m2
Actual - Short Circuit Current Isc #DIV/0! Amp
temperature coefficient - open-circuit voltage % / Deg celcius Actual - Current @ Maximum Power Imp #DIV/0! Amp
temperature coefficient - short-circuit current % / Deg celcius
temperature coefficient - rated power % / Deg celcius Actual - Maximum Power Pm #DIV/0! Wp

Maximum System Voltage Volt Actual - Module Efficency ηm #DIV/0! %

Module Efficency ηm % Actual - Cell Efficency ηc #DIV/0! %
STC - 1 - (NOCT - 25C, Irradiance - 1000W/m2)
Actual - Performance Ratio #DIV/0! %
Rated Power Pm 0 Wp Actual - CUF/ Day #DIV/0! %
Voltage @ Maximum Power Vmp Volt
Current @ Maximum Power Imp Amp Actual - Solar power Generated / day #DIV/0! KWhr

Open Circuit Voltage Voc Volt

Short Circuit Current Isc Amp
STC - 2 - (NOCT , Irradiance - 800W/m2)

STC 2- NOCT Deg celcius

Rated Power Pm Wp Tool Designed & Developed by

Volatage @ Maximum Power Vmp Volt
Current @ Maximum Power Imp Amp

Open Circuit Voltage Voc Volt

Short Circuit Current Isc Amp Innovation/ TEDA
Grid Tie Inverter & Solar String Sizing Reference Values
Solar Power plant Capacity 0 Wp
No of Solar Panels #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Inverter - Surge Voltage = % (please Inverter - Surge Current = % (please STC - 1 - (NOCT - 25C, Irradiance - 1000W/m2)
Compensation select %) Compensation select %)
Voltage @ Maximum Power Vmp 0.00 Volt
Current @ Maximum Power Imp 0.00 Amp
Now, Select Inverter, which compensates the SPV plant capacity & your Load Open Circuit Voltage Voc 0.00 Volt
Short Circuit Current Isc 0 Amp
Please Enter - grid tie- Inverter details Please Enter - No of SPV string & No Panels in series Simulated - Voltage & Amperage
Inverter Details SPV String - Capacity Simulator
Temperature of Cell @ operating condition 0 Deg celcius
Make No of SPV String 1 No Irradiance @ operating condition 0 W/m2
Inverter - Capacity VA
Total No of Inverter - required #DIV/0! ### No of Panel in Series Nos Voltage @ Maximum Power Vmp #DIV/0! Volt
Phase Phase No of Panel in parallel #DIV/0! ### Current @ Maximum Power Imp #DIV/0! Amp
#DIV/0! Nos Total No of SPV Panels #DIV/0! ### Open Circuit Voltage Voc #DIV/0! Volt
Short Circuit Current Isc #DIV/0! Amp
Input - Voc Voc (min) Volt Voc (min) #DIV/0! Volt
Actual input - Voc
Voc (max) Volt Voc (max) 0.00 Volt

Input - Vmp Vmp (min) Volt Vmp (min) #DIV/0! Volt

Actual input - Vmp
Vmp (max) Volt Vmp (max) 0.00 Volt

Input - Isc Isc (min) Amp

Actual input - Isc
Isc (min) #DIV/0! Amp Tool Designed & Developed by
Isc (max) Amp Isc (max) #DIV/0! Amp

Efficency %
Power Factor
Max. Inverter output #DIV/0! KW Innovation/ TEDA
SPV Grid Tie - Without Battery - Design
* #DIV/0!
* #DIV/0!


Solar Power Plant

Make 0 Grid Tie Inverter
Capacity of Panel 0 Wp Make 0
Total No of Panels #DIV/0! ### Capacity 0 KVA
Distribution Board
No of Strings 1 No Quantity #DIV/0! ###
No of Panel in Series per string 0 Nos Total Capacity #DIV/0! KVA
No of Panel in parallel per string #DIV/0! ###
Total Capacity #DIV/0! KWp Tool Designed & Developed by

Innovation/ TEDA
Paranthaman. M

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