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PRINCIPLES OF Oit Well PRODUCTION Prinotptes of of Well Production Coppiht 1908 by Mera i, oe ERR Gra Pineda te atin ttn of Anco, Fe, eran thr may not bs rpeduod a any form wiht ‘elon hopes tary of Congres Gtay Cont Neb 01508 uss To PAT and WALLY PREFACE In onder to make wun recommendations consoring the mannes in Jn onde eT shoul be pred, uo profcton engines Dele heh ar gop oth prince governing he mavens of aoa ae efron he well bead. Only wth uch sg eae corrsly apply the avaiable cogent teh aa alls on tn prec mpeaeations of Ue production «tte- sia cl ty prise well A srvey ofthe Batre shove a peg contbeable rome of tchleal material bas bes tas Sul tke penser of production eoginceing bare mesial ft Fane oot "There are sme exallant papers devote to the funda ental pen eta ase inva wel pestormance fr exam a ype lame de wen veil 00,48 Pr lator orth patna of deeporell pape, ey of tne bok to gar tater bowers 0 covers con ne Pun of ef wel reduction tenis and ini ce a be abd in desig how beet to producthal 12 sot aera prin well Ta order to ae the Ek Cr a na es four major emiiont have teen made iin ress nor once, Thes ao is, ay Sacuion of tA a ny practon; eond, an cule of enbeing eee ed en acted wi tbe marae separation of ga one wae te ina eaten of formation mimtlaton, which f pow, 8 fro oy seagate tat wnrans «Rooke el nd fou ‘SBlnad scsoune of pruaton equipment ine eet cone woo he esorvoe enn that a eel o prouton einer peed in Chan. 1 a Gon sways tstinclry purely rom peas ft asf nvomary beware high degen of cole Termaae a lnoce of enrol encnering ban atiained, The rgd were ct ao skeet doubly nec Hf lve cooperon S28 se ening ave» be elstained between the arts ‘poche ondary. iit es overed in Chap. 1 are appa, oatatively CONTENTS Ta The Babar of Hyoaron Gan 10 14, Pree Yolme-Tenperatare Dea for Hydeocloa Stam 3f {io OW Grey 27 1 Intantaceus Wate/O Ratan Gani Ratio Formulas 27 12 Bottog-bl Staind Flowing Present Stn lr sd Drage Fat 22 1.13 Heeraiprmntce Curves 2) moPertormance of Productive Formations 62 21 tartan Pa Raat wo ist 4 Pointers Rdatoaiy 57 BB inp Ras Wan TR. at $2 Shp fT td Hn of Drews o G0 Rati Ste feel Cot Rwy 27 Shape of IR sotto Drove os Ga/O Rt: Snel Forno 2 24 Prlatity eer Hote: Depa dive Fa 65 $5 Gav Rata try: Does ie a 38 Conan £220 Enet of Drawdown on Wete/00 Ratio. 69 211 Wate Ct atry 74 3. mowing Wen Performance) 75 BM latodaetinn 78 $B Detrfonton af Ino Peormten 76 33 Vertali Peformance Polina sd Carper #2 24. Veith Perea’ Ran 55) VetinLN Petaemace: Othe 30 35 Aw on tteTutng Dei 12 4. rowing Well Pertormance (i) 14 44 tatoo 118 £3) ow eine in Vertiat Twos Pow 115 43" Pesaran Carve om Rtn nl Cart in tHe 45, Sipps wo Pow Rete: Optima Gu/Lgeid Rs 190 so Serer nen een © Bon Pedormane t $B Sa el mt evi ti 6 ts of Bean Chane fd ‘#10 Beet oS Pre oa ong Wel Eency 164 S. vtowing Well Pestorinance (im 148 ‘51, Intodetion 165 2 lading Fro pine Vert Flow 146 5 Produtos Foren ou a fot 54 Tilt «Sal Change athe Pru Gas/ Lie Rasy 169 Si Mending and intormitters 160 61 Iotodution 08 (GD Too Amolaetedine Cpe 167 2° Conion seni or Aamo Heading 69 64 Pomatin Heil 00 68 Talog Heating 170 ER Dict ft Ets {GB Inte Ct Pig We {EB Type of Wallon Wie Inti Iaealato eAppobe 177 69° Tabing Regueton Pring) 1 ey Anon Teading 74 7. mopsinotylen of Gastatt 179 nh an Ep nove al ee a pacer ores Ep Mat an Pet Hier 1 PP nmufeniine We He Neocon Ve 5 : vaivesand String Desig 108 ‘ime ‘en Yale & che 22 43, Gas Flow! Differential Valves 20 14 Rigi Be Dae 8 carbo Role ators Yalves 317 4, prangertirtand Chambertitt 225 10. sucker noarumping 246 1 Ce a 04 ono tn Pablo 250 ingle Rol See 254 s sar od Pam: Aafia Hod Pig See Pole 105 Are ead Teer Ted Sting ia Sucker Rod Ps Bee Tee eecipmnat OL Pe Pene Panes Lg wea ofa aon Pup en 109 Agitting 270 Ie Hamar 27 iy Coutts th, RI wet tnumene are PRINCIPLES OF ie Rete a Sees 27 OIL WELL PRODUCTION 18 cation of Aan Pad Lee SD Downton wing Pe, Pegg Wade sp 72. Production Bonomice 208 121 avout 299 122 Some Debtiony 29 125 Newocae Propet, 300 124 Prosctdoy Valo EDV) 902 225 eu ataon 0 125 Bet of PDV on Prefect Ansys. 305 127 Mateo Beer sor 124 Lng tam Ca 20 129" Acelaain Pfc Te 1240 Sheree oe acre in Prodan Rate 6 1 The Question a Tanyas 121 Costus emian) Dict Rats sip 1248 The Funston [exp (~a) his prio esos ers: Newnes Prt 239 Eis sermiatnof Desn Crt Asedntnn Pees 32 Matta Asis 8 Problems 340 Name index sos SubjectIndex 987 RESERVOIR ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS dayton 11 Introduction norton i bof ting, ering nd the petformanee of individual wells the Prodeton Slough gap the pilfered nthe Bow fe theagh Porous odie end snustundertand and be abet sn soe ofthe tech Tin this chapter thee tems ac eet "Baia requirement of knowledge inthis fld. "No attampt hasbeen ‘mado to cover the tems uly oF Frou. The objective has bees to 2 Pence of al ell prcton Proen them ina rasnabiy senile manner—alibough the sithr he ‘ok heltated to appl intl, qualtatve argument in onart wvdd plex mathanaior—aod in mch away tat the pricing geet ‘rap th undelyng principles evaved and apply thas pene cs ‘bon thinking through hit owa problema 1-2 Porosity "Tha porsty of poroa medim ie dtnd ae {otal pore valine is sale of rs Povsty~ ial valine Gere Fabia) a eisets | O-D 2 he aymbo wed to denote hin quantity I the Grek ater pi, Poy early cred weil ton (020) wet erentge (620 parent). Hovingdeiod porosity, eit ow necsnry to mows som limiter ‘ions and to mak soca exiatations’ 2. ‘Tqyock sample sted mat be large enough to contain many sand ‘zion and aay pars in oder to be eps 2 A taclred sare (i, «fnotared limestone) bas ders {pe of pore space fom sandatone Iti puma to ext eee, ‘satomatially, bu this sot atesmptad har and esos en rnctare prot and itergranslr pero wil be gnc, wil rms in varibleporosy. Tn sme intaaes, the eae may rhch he poradiy vara crow the fil nay be dlenoed ra oc, i/o rom aot raion, o nl og ealyas, sod alors made or sch vations in ny eaeslations Te gens so coca ‘Mformation is avaiable and an average, perhaps weghed intone ne of meron taken is used asa eid wide vale a in povety ‘In the ol nda, intaret oained to te lta eae to ow tothe wall bare thoagh tho fovention, ‘lsoion must be made etme aul prvi, whish'sdatoad op Be (11, and efi peony, whesn only ae nterensnated ee oo 1s ganar, pray at wie in the ptt adusey can ‘be taken to moat afer poe, Revers engineering fundamentals 3 een Ete TEs er be rerasrtaiee di om x 20 = 0x 0 ef eft a0 ep ene se stp nw rena ee poy en for al uns oh ne sain 1 Ma Suan par wea in ol al ae le ies nian eas ge geri aa ce ‘intrest akan da ee ‘vole saturation Sz dated by the ogsation ™ “volume fd bg water a a sity, ho tin sad ot a = Gulp ne ida i and water ae te nly fide present the volun Sed dn pre, Bede athe volume fled by ol tua ean the fia ore vale, e ther of Se tnd to nrg a he, ray sical Sein t00.5 for producing icone nate nun 1 tk Sl hen eres typi ange emp hg ere Ba Sr isis dons tbiahacnsapay ae, Sn reine | 4 Pate ft pet REESE gM te my edn ANY ol ook, i dion to Fost The ress rton dfn eT eta Sled y ese oe : ‘otal pore volume rs mation oni rata, henry hoes ie i” —— i ~ Shea 03 n ‘he volume of lin pce ie veees Teneo ovine a ata he saturations wil ees ‘tho water saturation ter dig te agin en th ie re eee ci eg etme ee tts dma tt dit ie pony 1S. and S49 + 8,67 =~ sy re thi a SEITE el ad eatin xpd ia tra re 14, Permesbity emai SSDS, te pry, an hear arctic ‘ease with which fs ota i owe tanga Reret angnerng fundamentals & ook, ‘Tho permeability ie fonetion ofthe degre of interoonestion Took eisai the rok for enum in Fig 1-1 ze uated wo aes an bautmed, aye ware pore. deny Sui wil Sow fm noth to soa ach more renly {hrugh sample @ an throgh seme b Whore the flow la rect by the Son Cerise NU Henny Davey card out tbe vioaeer woth on permeality whan feestiatng te Tow of maior through ter sands 1), eed {reas eon the wle of permexbiity io {io of atntey in enon as the dere Tho ‘dre (nd) one town ey ial the commonly ued uit inte TElaey, the permeates of pay wands (a) ‘aryng frm about 1 4 1000 md (001 to Yearey) oe higher ig, Lt Roky oh me a ee cay th concent of pet- RE penne moi and to eo ow i dese, oe Tide” the folowing expen Suppom scyiadrcal cumple reat dhe pore tock fly satarated with oq of vies (eo ocr eviaal een othe rock sale and be Wt a Ge tte into tube in auch a ay that thee ow god Heid eal ‘owe the wal a Ufa ead the coe,” Now fore throu the ete Fan on end tothe oer the ase gid that was used to entra 3 (We F ig -t Dingannale npommain tpreniity eprint et bo the ow at (sme/ust ne of hod hea he cere’? the pcm prentrn te Bai db he dowzaram see em eviecly wll inseam wilh Ps ~ 2) and with rm gnome with inating Wonty (0) of he Sasi and with aad oe eneth LT find expritentally that for» partiule saa ee epreeon Qu/A(Ps ~ Ps) i conan aay hy his rook a adepeneat othe Tid ud ofthe preamse ferential "ey preter ec tb end of eh 6 Pino of well prdeton ‘pred and ofthe ae dimensions ofthe core asl, provided oly ‘hat Qin nts aretha turblant Bow ocean,” ‘Theives ey ae * on here is an tronic property of tho rock tll. Egoaion 1-7), which | Keown as Doras eputin, shova tat ifthe oer face oy aad ‘postnt,Q wil nreae as fosaue; tat te higher tie a oh the mare retiy wil lgu flow though the Sore Tho factor ax daied by Ea, (7) i tare the permeaiy f the ‘ck sample, and it an be shown by eoderng the imo og factor on th left-hand side of he equation that han he dneetcae t tes, ‘Uafortmatey, the eatem of it that ant be play te obtain & in dain nonstandard one If Q's mesmunad fy sabe entimeters, ad Py and Py im atmomperes, then te eco ne of 5 in duces; mapping this ret by 100) gree toe serves vl "Tha Fltonshin between darian area is 1 daey = 10499 em approx) os 4, tenilionth of equa oatinetr, and a midarey te one-ton- sath th. me ‘The parmoabty at dierent pass fn the ace rsrvir 0ck my aE over wide iit, and ther protably ede oit ie tetany ‘eseae the peneabies of laid! ere mumps to neoeetay Roush wong, ft ay bv mai hat when yl ng theo fhe wells driing the eater wl be Fatvely poor produces ae tai of daily production per fot of ort ray (thaw mona foetins [Ray vay dvationaly. Ia many ded bees tbe py. sone ll woe jnlaltydepoie in ruehiy horns layers, the vertalpereashiey (Gr Bareabity erpendealae to the bedding plana) icone og {aa the horizontal (or that purl oth ein lass). Thea seus 1s may, bave happened during dpesition thatthe rad. gait se eed with heir long axesn the una geal dvetion og by coment ‘ctos): in uc a aoe thre wl bo difleenes la the partis ers ontnoning fendameniae 7 eee pouty forte mgs tn ano mo of tae “lowever for sme gas ela Oe Hat aly ro. 2 DD. 40D Perea ey ao. Janing ofthis ecton that hare it 20 ye por yi ow der 2 ora ue Samet arm fore eto the ge 8 Typ feria prety and pai mi! sig, 18 rol ncn with grit, ae recmmbiy sane in aba, pey win ale ant been foquently ronal wide area, Ii pnb to oan stewie nl oF nan warn oes of el St ee mabe 1.5.‘ fecivo and elatve Forme es secon ey See ‘The. permeabity, roving cough a porous rook. ‘Tbe great ly, eonpate ite a wo Bly ely Se hare wl be at eo prea, forte dow of nthe ent alee “aso eostaning 8, ‘hugh arose eth canoe ek in whi conan wale is abort Ser ana ofthe fw chanel. THe probe by numba of workers (8-7), tho fst ovganind werk on the subject beg evred out by Wyokot and Botot “Toexplain the ides, sppose tht core of porous material isttaratd with water atid norte ine tube in each away thst there i god seal Trtwean tho wall of tho tube and the core. An all-watar mixtare le passed rough th core, tho ol ao being bald eontaat at, (valime/ ‘ni time) andthe water rate at Qs (Fg. 1-4). In the easly sage ofthe ‘specimen, although a total vokime Q. + Q. wll leave the core per unit tice, the nia ol ater rl of tia effluent will not be Q./Qe- Brew. tually, however, w sablzd sata willbe reached in which ci sad water leave the ore st the rstea of @. and Qs. rom the figures for the vols of oll and water ajote inta the cre before this etablined sate ‘Me. 14- Diagram hag perineal eerinton of ete parma ‘attain and tho volumes that ave eft the coe i poasile to deter. ‘ino th al saturation 5, and the water sataraion Sin the core onder ‘tabilzed conditions After conditions have rabid, the wptrata (injection) ‘prs Py and th downstream (one) preeire Py ate ‘eature, and using the eetam of unite outlied in the precoding scion, the following two quanti sr ella eG TAPS nent APPS ‘here wand eat the viscosities of tool and water, respectively. ‘The faperinent may be repented ting the eume of but diferent iapat oll ‘ed wer rater, hong @y-+ a constant.” ‘The reeling valves f nd fy, ae debited by Ea, (1-0), may be plotted again, (r 8), a8 shown in ig. 1-5. Te shuld be noted thes th vane of fy when S20 ‘ed, let wil be equal to 8 the pennaailty of thn care (See. 1-4); similiy, the vue of ky when S, iat and 5, 0 will equal k (plate 4 fend Bof Pig 1-5), "The experiments may be rran using the same core butanol of difer cnt vinosty; the total throughout ate d+ Gy aay be altered the @ sod it oo Si’ aoe ost rope very mpialy a Sy arses sinicly be ey ‘say, a sonal water 1, dere ey feos. TAL “ Araya at Be ec an with cn cmon here aati em ana rap oo wa word Delow 8 ation cae iC can nok moe : Ses caursgee Sole a aoe ‘SE te ia tar ec Sew, 08 20 ici fo al prcton sl rant resp shred nb ta an SE yieS eStats erg det natn Teac, Jf appears to be tc tha eat ss tr a nea fee wr nt re cn ae a, mc am bthse Sistine ‘oon ie A Pt a SSS eh etteercereraey Reset ensinening fundamentals UL carves canbe made (Fig: 1-7). The quaniis kw and hy ae called the ‘ela permeates to water and t0 oly mapetively Ie shouldbe otd tf and Kalra in Ue range Oto 1 and th, fom (130) above, bet he SI a) ‘Usfortanatly, lative pemesbity curves are found to depend marke lly onthe fermation; if Une ia czasion to oe thes exrves (oi Foose tad), tho cures forthe partlar formation ender say Should be detained experinentaly. If this isnot pombe, reearn Into be mud to tows experimental curves abled inthe Kimatare. ae eat he ie Ye ° amin ig 7 Rae pemaaity ere te iret, ‘Up to this point a water sytem has been undo consideration, Tt 1s alo poniie to diamine curves for gaeall and gasrater ayer. For thse ystems the ratvepecronallty carves buve the genral capo own ia Rg. The inportat points in this nse ae te following? 1, Although i ope rapidly sy acreasnrom mr, sal tara tion of ion the other hae, ten have rately le fest ony 2. Chal ol Sand eto! gaa Sy satrations ext. Mowers ‘th oa oll atuaion negara eam wot acral Ds sme ab ‘the eral oll turin ina water eytam, eventhough Be sme ‘ice has bee ue. The teal gas eatin Sy is guerally of the ‘der of 8 to 10 pu xa 1 Bot yao yw fa than oequl oot, ad bythe SI cs) 12 incineration “4. Teappeas tha her / ead oer with he degre of cosailaton of to rock. Tg, in general the fa porous asd (ertnbin the rock, the bigher wil beth relate penalty to a8 oomgered wich tha tool at given gas startin ewe Pinoa, rl 8, pps-70, 3 Due point vee in sonnei withthe gui arrest wat ot apparent forth waterless, abd thet the questin of eonnsie ae pee ° otetein §———T ig. 1-5 Typ anes ear ge water, Te has been found tha inode to blain ga tie perme Tilty carver wih ve real agreeing with ek practi i ees ary torus tha experiments with De contae water tration preset in Uocom in tirana he oonatswator maybe regard na part ofthe ok, and the straight prablity menarements of Se. 1 should be “nad in the pres of connate water so Tit ee reason tht at ted il sotuntion ase asia give in tare of the hydrocarbon {led pore space, ont aumplian thatthe onsale water ean immobile ‘haste only characte af wlioh to reduce the efectve pray. 1 Tan am in see i rt at ‘Boers nay tyke ont eater mrt wv hn he eal EIS autre tho re they eter owl ati. ‘XihnrtcoePochsnste tr puss a we te on ‘ses mnt want ies Se) esr engin ean ith lative: & eletine pares ity experiments a ro etn el eotnlgri nl te mt ser Sacer wg el acento ar a, sla ere erent ea tha re nena oe ea, cee Sto move he Sher ae eed okie Ln se eure ngneing fundamentals 1B sicasy forthe etal pre (109 pia). Th curve of Wg. 1-11 in noma a te taper prams ewe. "The eel teperture and proms of tho ightr parain hydro casos ate soa Ja Table Mig LL Prarrotepetan dga frthae Consider now mistare of hydronarbina Tt ie found tat the presuretanpertare Telaiomip ean no longer be epee by & ‘Spe vapor prone ear, but laksa pa the form Sustrated n ie TIE. ade the ecvslop, gat and gud ean ext in equim, the 16 inchs ff wl ration ube 1-1 ole Sas for praia dons cored San cmps Fork earl epeReeeag’ en rset vn. 1anPeommtenpwni ng ia non expontnns of tho ga aed gid the paren 5 TSS sets ain et Wig eel on ipsa Pe det envelope ine haart mise he tanger yan exn a fh oe DUET oon am ger inn niga tapers aE ware. sr nasiand th nha baron irae aoe ert bau happened to he ets pit consis hs evresir angering andementale TT qu coo, ech a sh proms By eter ls a SENSE fei. et prewar om ch see 11 Ce operate beng ind content, Tor the fink 3 ay eet eareponfing prem akon she ble 72e, eat Fe plat omard oc and Or 6S tendonmest of the Bl, tbe press i at i eet oan and, Ga prac, te poi Samat, son oat bee Cn in P12 bien hon by todas Ue) iho wy ee quid gain omens o form ate Go Fla heed arte to inornme a he peas Tt Ba and i a proaeotinuig fund cat fore nes of ti oe uo revaperize, tht by the time Cs Ae ae uc daappesing and at ghar than Co ao dow pin. ee fora vdoante fhe prem elnel Py St a ago conden et oe aN A Set be eerie Pee inom Hoey, thn condemn ay reer, oo ae ogi he rts etme an STE Tan Stearn tie enon Seyret may lh 18 nin of i wail radon Coma 1 an 2a evidently very dnl, and by wally rise sng he'ompurstare om fs pit us be bed at which the jag the eres rom tat oad far eas 1 to that oie fr css 2. reer rnare a whehti onus is known ashe tempers, Te semeeonding pint C in the eal pn, and tbe carerpnoding wat Mhown in Tele 12) If Ue producing gaol ati fs elt SER ay, renter shan 10000 ex F/O), the proportion of Tah Pe er de tah and be eteal temperate wl ee. THis asim thy ranror temporstre (between 80 ad 200°, as rah) aan by bo abe the cia, andthe eld willbe a copdennte 08 Bereta hae producing gue aio are Tes than, ea, 2000 (Rhu, the peroniage ofthe ght hydrocarbons wil be riatvely Tom BEY oat thes the etal Werte wi be hbo tan the sed Elpratre; bene, Profeton I taking ple from a nol Tipo, Nile oo that espor dig tay ret in a gross pe E.R of sondonste pool, since tbe Hep th poo, tho Biher ie TEBE Cle and wo Uw restr th canes tat the revevar temperate {Sahove neil, Hors thon ant be netieped that each hydroatbon. ice Ca are iogerrng us or erode Wil ave it own peer (eee Mn anvelope, ste eitsion not gute swipe as Hg, 12 italien at laos, 8 'The Rehavior of Hydrocarbon Gases det gus obey the mel-knows laws of Boye and Car, which 7 tb ummaviaed fe the form Pays Fave “ a9) srhare Py, Vs Tyre the pest, yl, and temperature a he ga 0 TEEVLa2 By etsin ste Tn bq (1), Peas Pe are aot “othr are abate tmperatives. The abeate tm: arose sully ivea ia doprece Rankine, the suber of Gores ig 40 pus che sumer 0 egress Fabre Tt bat cue vlan ny raed i eh a iar eiin (oa SOUL OP Beg a ht en nt edo iy fh ot (targa ma ar mse nt By TB ew Sete pein. evrsieongineingandamentals 19 tec fund tat aca! gus shows evntions trom the above lm, ‘ee fa Kane are aliwed fr inthe il indy by inroduing § a meet, empenty, ga deviation Sate recede prey ictor vaste with the peuo-educed lea lie poe Mig 3 Com utr str qa, (At Sting Ke Mia Coot TMB vn ou lng ihn ied eg Fe fr inn ben Given Sung a aks © CN ir fe ay eC) Dom Bh = cm icin of i al production [Atl prasres th compre ator lowe to uit and aa act conon ace aoally ten a defied by Pa = stmoapbasieprerae (147 ris) T= sn COT) Za so that Ba. (1-18) becomes MV. _ Pal ao" ZT Q wher Py x sone in pla and Vor the volume of ge mene Mee Siiton In oder to determine Zs oom Fig 118 vas of cl Jax i- se ‘ony tt) ‘ies. Approsinate msn rms atunctin tasty. Co ES al ane Dp Me oman 1) ‘the pemdo reduced press and temperature mit be obtained, |The aera premue i dedeed to be equal to the sto premare ae ga dived ly the prsdocrieal pret ad atboogh SR" Go) a geen rr for dntermining thi Inter quuaity fom the esate af tay Be Fae a duced epee ie ha ate! tempertae (5) divided te ead! temperaare, andthe Inter may bot ros Fi Pas once the ga gravity known (1). uamnte 1-8. Comput te vitae of nour ptt ab 200 i and 22°F RIEgEN yoo ea dime) eeety sen rom Me 4 pri pr = 89 Bion P18, umn pete = OR vn ina mh ey a gustan nina cried sae Sant a ate on san tein nea me ftom oe Em Sin Rae Ain iy ion 19 Prsoue-Volume-Temperatare Dats Teaniieecasbon Sytem aop i , F8 aa aed ‘charweterintics cmt roman wok sent ot one eB, ete egos a2 1 a ve a par ed “oe a tam min Te sah Si at toe ey nena “erat Feet earn a a we se nd mney wf sa ech enn hte oie reattiie ‘ecg aon, 0 Princip of i wl pradetion Atl prwsre th osprey factor acl to unity, and ea acVconon ce usally taken a defied by ‘Pa = atmospheric prea (147 pl) a0) rhe Py sunsred in pia ad Vor i the volume of ge mene at TEE Eton In oder to determine Zs fron Fig 1-18 values of wal vu3t6. Appoint coast’ panes tation t= (Coe el ine pp oti r) See") ia ge rr for doting this Iter quantity fom the eye ef the asunder coaiertin, god einai fay ts SamEoun a knee o the eu aevity (H) (Pig. 1-10. Sil Te a dace neperatay he actaltemparaiae (5) divided er doiel tmpartre, andthe ater vay bo taken ros Fie ag ouce the ga gravity know (1) eampte 1-8. Comgut the tame of our epee a 2E0 pi and 20°F Ramat lowe dma) eeenviy on ‘rom M1, pci yom 9 le Bion re Suerte = 8 Fone ca, 1.9 Proanure-Volume-Temperstare Date Tor tiydrccasbom Systems exmpaton of one of eyo, aaa eat ee 4 Dunes compet aw Sint, in production work: pido eens ag ft (8) i ea on tan mn as Mae a otra = pgeng reneeaenegs theres wets ee tan abo site sea we se en se ety 8 wo era eh tn etnm ih te 22 Prine of ol wll prdvaion sod piston outlined ne. 17. Suppo 1000 cof gaan 1 bof ol SRE ius the cylinder at etmompbare conditions Now advanen the Pinon tot piner, pedal meaning the pear onthe ion, nd the volute of fea gar Tomsiing In tho eyindr. Convert tie ‘Shue of re ga to wandard eons ad abtract Uo rl trom {ooo cafe (Oe orignal smut of fre ga) Tho aner rant be the ‘ote of gu neared at andar coins) hat as dimolved nthe Cah geoph gavin tion a the l gaint be prwsare wllok ‘emewat ike that ahowa in Fig 1-10, . Fn Mig 16 Gwinn of pes ‘The volume of gun sltion in tool at any promure ad temper tural th ax sbi (eis reamed i SC of gu (ht lor fe at 107 pein und 7) pr aera of wocbonk of (the Sigaiinnee of {he phos Pstcktack oil be explained blow). ‘worth aoting hat a geterl te curve off npn the prssre is sagt over mat of length (AD of Mg. 1-16) but that oly {urven dows tothe origin (04 af Dig. 0). Aa a mate of practical SEmportano, note to tha tho Hii producing gual i from an Understurated ld will gives saasare of to ntl vale of the ga ‘elubty (hat he vlus ae above che bubble pint. "One the feos gat mataton inthe formation vin above the arial, teproduing ‘u/ol ratio wl no Lager bes det measre of (we Bet.) ‘Thee i complictin inte above experiment de to the fact that sage fee ga vlume (aurea nlandard conditions) decreas, tht ‘Wd ytame Increase, plot ofthe ol yolume agit proure wil ‘beam showa ia Fig I-17. ‘TW ade to tho following deinen ‘Tha el formation sume fat (B.) i deed aa the cao of the ‘elume of oll (le the gas in slain) ah rervole tomyeratre aad evr egiering fname 2 rary tn vf a lar eosin sai se tt ate than o eal to wnt, Th, fm ei ioe Bee ede of eo ala i Gnawa a oe apa 7 9 gn Oh Se vin, Note toe ‘Sait ay re Swe ES pra ave te Hebe it Serna velo ‘e ae vig tt ation va at fect ena Ce aera nw ozueniegaenmrtfoattier ar pate nn non of 0 ley ume mL ample 7A po BTU a SS a= Sheer po, suomdnnman ite ene ed vi = il pe eet TORS Cee aly se ad wv sansa i at 1D Reet ngineing fundamentals 25 g 3 s Sua 1/0 pe ai ecg em 2S, Singe wily of ga rade Be (Ate Katy Cow SV 4Pr Deal Pod rasa Po iat eo cnn Pree ve mye ee ot ety. Ae Big 1a, Pedi ar cd Mie Lat ony of ste rte A Bn 1 Cn AMR) Pi 2 te ot cated pn nari ren 2 Cty a ae "coy ate ee ‘tes pre ots Pig, 120, ate flee of viet wth pm for ei 4 stove aii ra Uae D1 Cre I erst engnerng fundamentals 27 i vsonty and gan very vals at reve cosition hoa bo ‘aearred whenevee ponte; but io vale ir wall, te ain of ures reprodod in Fig 121 1-2, 28 (am Bal ref.) 1-24 tad 1-25 rom Kata ta, re 2, pp. 178, 176) may be ued. 1-10. Oil Gravity (gravis re commonly expand in agree APY, the defisiton bag cart = HS — ims or Yom this defn it i ovdent that watr san APT gravity of 10° ‘an tht the liter Ue cruo, the higher he API grevity. "The tema ‘amy, madi, and Kgl rade saver approximately the ranges 10 to 30, ‘20'to "and over 30° AP, reapartivdy. Get cole al 1.11 Instantancous Water/Oil Ratio ‘and Gae/Oil Ratio Formulae Instantaneous water/ol ratio (WOR) formula Consier a horsotl,bomagenoos formation producing oly ol ad ater (0 fe fa) Thon th volume of ol eign alt coceseo: ‘Sonal ara pert time in Ue dieton of decesing ress ning Eat a tia dp io wits forthe prssare drop P,~ Ps cron the short di noe ai” Biniaty, the yleme of water eroing ni eo soaional ‘en per unt tine in the deeion of darasng frou a sep oak on) ae is) aq (1-17 and (1 tho presre drop i the clay der slghtly fom that in the water ovng tothe tock of eal for, which ee lato pay when fide fow through smallametar tubes nad pore, orever, ths diferesco may, in neal, be bolted, vo dviing Dy. (051) by (7) romain Se Bae 1 Ke 19) ‘The exorssion on tho left-hand se ie the ratio of the ratn at which ‘aer and ol, rapetively, dow through th frmition. Busy an wat (ip ty eg mae ema, ese ty) ton ens Ly poe amend a ed wane is SN HE AL oy (apm) non (yee) aa ccere eves vier sri ot sonp oso oy,, ozstatersr sive ert er soap co 90 ay NSS ANS al al ig, 1-85 Yoni zy tara uth my na or Ti tan wk at Bt One) een in ee 1.9, cil srska when i a produced (bora of the ‘Rickth fom atige) soe soca oat willbe q/B Gas 00 Th ster hand, ha alow sluilty in water and water bas lw o> ‘realty; been, toa hse degre of approximation, gemany be to 8 uals rutace mater ain "Thu, Serato of water to of neared Rasret eninering omamentals 3 st hc, Se ae Bete one tom Ba, 130) Ceara) WOR = Bek Be om) wae aa) ftom By. (1), Thi the flononsn wali rato ermal: rome ulus tha may be dev fom tis formula wil be disown (Chap. 2 Instantaneous gar/ol ratio (GOR) formula Conder htisoaa,hanogmena formation producing oly il and free ts (oo water produotien lbough eannato wate may be present inthe {Crmtion; ee So. 8) Then the volume of ol ering «unit cos fection acu per unt tne is the direction of decreasing press eae na sd hat of an wake na ‘where the peste drop dpaermthe data dis these fr both the ‘Bend the gue if capllney fe are neglected, Diving, keke a2) “Tino the ratio of the rate nt wish gus and oll ow through the frma- fina. "The sao tak ot mate Wi be (os shave) q/By ad he mriace fice aa rate be g/B, (ae Sex. 1-2. Tomer, i nition to tho fies ane prodved frost formation ash bre! of titan ll will, ‘eine vous Ry of ga when it brought from formation to woek- ‘a condition othe total mace gaol ation Be Be ie Ra “hon from Ba (20, (Gurion GOR = Bt Fe a2) n+ BEe aan 2 Principe of eal procton “Thin he sstantnen u/s ai frm: poe concussed 0 ‘bis fora il be posated in Chap. 1.12 Bottom-hole Static and Flowing Pressures: ‘Skin Effet and Damage Factor In the diaeusion of permaabity it was noted that fw our in 8 ‘sn, perme mek whuurver »prewur diferent exit the ee Boe being expend Ry Dury’ equa. Convery, before Sow edhe pis peer dient] must eit) i wl (0 aoe a whch ling a ow of fue through the farses tothe Pe bor, che prewar ie he formation a to fot ofthe well mar be TEE GA2 dae prema te te formation at some detanee fom the well ‘Fa pane fa te formation atthe foto's protucing-vel is knows. as Be ete: e flowing peers (Bowing BIIP, pall he wel in ‘rodacng eld wore ned in ventaly (pera after afew wesks £0, Pity many ost, depending om the feld characteristic) the Fru throughout the Sed woukt equi This exualation i Sed byte fw of fui from ars of hgh pein o areas of ow, {Duing te pemare in the farar and ralaing I in the ar, The ‘Gham prose i Kaown asthe fad wat prouare p- Th eld le prerre is nornaly fed at some datan lvl le eo way ‘it blow rome fed dats euch nna love, aod an appa preere ‘Soge with depth is worked xt foreach fl to pemitpreaures nob ‘ecnl at the data lvl tobe erst oth eve Tn practic, teense ofthe long st ne that wold be required foe the fe andthe attendant le a io, ld wae prenrres are ‘Shy, if oer, recorded, Tosend,individeal well Balools wai Frnt (tl IER po) are sed, Tg can be, and wet ‘easy th ipl edpdieat of coring a the odvival wel Govin ‘ter wal th Geld predating) and recording the botiow- Bae prmze otisuoely or at nteryl ane atabc, "Tha are, however, wo ‘Ewbecks to Wis procedure: the stn hat onside eng ims ‘Say be rue before she prea tbl, andthe ead ia ha he ‘BAe may acres slain, intefreee fm surrounding predates Enung the Ddton-le presse ofthe clse-in well fall alow ter ‘Startain hatin sine.” For hoe races, metods ba Don developed Thesandman ta po ie ra ‘hitter rca iter pl ora daunin te emrati ey ice km aoe yom He ne 8 Re eau wih «peasy Seated BMP win (48) 8 vk nero an SE. Revere engine fundamentals 3 i an ei (eet seater dain on exept to obs Se forthe ations bolts pram ofthe dian we sete ion loon oth mato of extrapolation ten str toda shoul be mid tne he reng avert nee beagle ply sas” Most fhe teoros on which TES Binds bee rrp gl wel oan nl ear, aru! wl tenors ree tn nen ‘eft eure Caner tre » eae well nh te ontr ol 8 Teel ear mre Be. 15, From ibe ptf view ft se ee yl bore lh welding te pee ler aa se Tul the ol in moving etn prom a the boundary 1.26 Pemuredtn and poioig wll ot ante of ear role ‘mina he bottmole flowing prmare From te pit of view o he nan at Cand te promure that would be ved Ja appving = "eee tales equation, for iatance we Pion, eB, wp 47-481) ETRE ALEC enue st in obtained under equim cociionst ‘Ptretare between the rage of py d that of Pease. The errno EET HSesGaey, homeves tam ov an analy apna a site ‘ore, rain Jeanie pronur (ened ae” by Hoe ETO Methods of conecting his xtraplaed vale op. bare bes ‘Nenevad (0610), but oae apps to be completely siecle Feet anon of wel intererene aa Sl ooking more th Tas yedducing wel wil freer complicate the ictare "Bethea io, it say bald that thejerapolaton meio’ wil sive labloand eninge ata anew well that oot yt ean Sdn etis drainage aren. Yurbernor, a many alder wel the tte recring in rat mond rem wow tm ew ardor aspen m0 Prints ofl wal production ‘method ves rl that are aul even i dope of inecaacy it lknowa'to exis ina anltative way the rasta ean be extomely| informative, Figure 1-27 and 128 for example, show lines of equal preemro,baod on fain wall ttle prose mrveys forthe Woy then Field in the provineo of Saskatchewan, Canad, of March, 1056, find Septerer, 109 (20). Te wil ote tat mated pres lo Revere ensneing fundamentals 35 Suppo «producing wll in led aby lowering Mask liner 6 hat ow fei gs and water ita the wel bore stopped. Ol sad gaa Jn the fornstion wil ont o move ita she reson lower prossine ‘round the wall tae, and this procer wil costae wat the Presure tHroaghout the formation i enaact. Tt can be shows tha, Tor the ‘on of single wel prodscing fom an indnit homageacoas rors fontaning only ol (eo Us thar ino free gat ovement, & pat of ig. 1.27 tar ma, Wepre leona, Mae, 08, (fer He nd Teter Garay pe Mir Ren, Por of Season) ‘aus developed inthe nortwestara coma of the fel inthe cour of 18 mont, ndizating that wthdeaa rr hi sein of hl ae ‘bean elatieto th remainder af the Sel, to Bigh ‘Tha sharp prwere trdiente existing wilhin he eld a of eptember 195, imply tha here ‘ra considerable moroment of formation uid rm Ue snuhern to Ue ‘bvtorn ead of the Sld (Dares ew) at abot that time, “With thaw genta mara asa nrtion, » bre deeipin of lome' method of analysing the prenrebeavior ofa shut in well wl now be given (0). ‘Me 13h map Yep Pal, utnctona, Seen, 1890. (te ‘ond Fr 3c Dt Mr Raa, Par of Bah log (7 + 0/4 agua pia tight ae, where sth production tine cf he wall roe to shan 9 tn timo since te well mas tn nee ‘sed inthe mame unis an 7), ap ithe bottam ole posure ecrded ig. 1-30, In pate, a aoaly dato me Ue wel umulative production divided by ita production rate immeiatly pra “Whe the clos tie Want, + )/8in al to sity and Jol (T+ 0} in ero, ‘Thus as extnpolaion ofthe above ae uni ‘ts the ans along mich log (P+ 1/0 sero wl ve ual of the 1% Prine ol al production peasre a nite dosed ine, whieh in the cave of single well ino rare urls mb te vale of Pu (OF 7). Moreover ican be ig it Ptetbg +e pra sows tht the slope of thin aright line x dependent of te frtnton Denoebilty, the mistonship bing stp tne = 10.624 peedeoge 28 whee = prodetion eae otosktank DOV 1 permenboy, d 1 aration st thine, 6 f= ol vac, entipeins Zell formation volume factor 1 tateag sample taken from Homer (18) and wig measo- neste ade rel B10 ia Casa Fil, Colom, Marri the ‘ated, Tenmpl 1-0 Wo Dit), Camb war ema eA" ede 8 apa en ec as Pray eM tr eens ae Fe ae nan ct neni a and ein a lay Toe Stel premay cr dino ae i te aig shorn Table etd. Thu Te Soe Sen dam ten uit ni BE dae = 000 ie taht err to tdaprmare spore + Maman SRST ae ra hrm Ti 190 Bee evra aging fundamentals 3 abe 2 Prune dp at frm wl CD, Cane Pal (tr Move et 16) ‘baton prema aeons | ote, = va fe nwa 1 1.98 Cimered promise batey crm Camby Cit (Afr Home, wi we ppt sci manera ms a ieheae cians aces wage Selecta aaaeerrnaranen ae ‘Tian ~ 1108, or #2 pa/eyet lg. a Eas ve = BET et 00 Revers nginering fundamentals 9 in the formation sad a not lfc by the aftrprodution. A typical near the infueac. of aferroduetion on the shape ofthe Se #/0 ee» plato shown In Fig 13 ee lie Bowe int te wel during the afterredaetion peo com itm he immoliate wsundings ofthe wo bref the forma SEBEL the well bore has bes damaged in any way tthe dingo on toy me nu er cae rranig In pac, hylan {Siu Sif le or by reitance of the reenter sts to ow or {Phthas fee improve i sme way (0, by eidatog, ctr, ot ‘Eukjoa sis damage or iprovemeat soul show up nthe shape af tho : ql = S| us — 2 ie | is || oom, i he] uss ( ae Ref tee i ig | oa 4 & HD] is iB = | us ae pe] hae ‘ig. 131 Infos of aeaduton on pr li-ip ce, Hf oz sey pa of ul ear, Ths omer of he i and ag | tae Sz ROG GS batap cue soa pean ein fh eee tens dope Cringe’) fe he vty the wl bre offen a Gente ante expan i eras fe a that Rae, nash bw be pers at polio nied thas ae 11 ie mpi, formato improve has ered dont Se mma ef ag ar rd 11 Sino, om dng har sone tal Aton tg th (tae meaenres that are into expres the dee of formation ace ‘id cut og at the reser wi sont hee ret se A are wl Hatta ewes Hw Hone ces he eater par of ‘Th enn rato CP (2) opin rao PR 29/6 rey alam af that te ‘The completion foctor OP (24), a/ae X 100 iat Me satfadbr ee va ae _ ‘whore g in the production mte (at s fixed drawdown; seo Sec. 2-8) of the AeA =| frit iit seer ae et Le gs 81 Remriptoouncn ura, Bein eure Sa Fo, cn Fi Sahn RE LS inl coe, Pro ean) 42nd fit wl proton acta wll and ri th production rt (othe se do) of SESE sono contain nel rng my tin conn mt and he ain flr ar sikedby tbe eqation Pate slat) 26 seine bll-op carve ae formation damage, ae ee the wells story. For thi veaon azong ofr <0 ar dre an expesiznn are roid when nterpeting foratin- ‘SERS parumctere elite from presrure build-up avers 1-13 Reservoit-performance Curves meee engier saintai n ee p 10 le Agari mcr ara uc caves ae ont made tna cr Ty tre umd onl he webs dng Pa ’ geleta aly earn, lsh plated gat ine, ly tly nan a of the ling fran a ask (he 150) G0) ‘Proware at cra data vl, based on ivdual woll ere ‘it pacing eats DU/y or B/moath. ‘Guanine ol production (Gand rato, SC 81 Caml wwe arate gaol eto (cumulative gs divided by eumlative ot Giatavat mato (WOH, BALL, or waier eat (water rte avided By owe production ras) Camintive water produced Narber of productive wells ‘Theos peforanes carves and ho esrvois engine’ seats of hon St very rea astanos to the progation engine, boty TRS pant of ow of ertimating iva wel press and ee foo ee Bir view of ndrstanding and appreciating he havior tho pol ara whale ur eginering ondamentae $3 1-16 Production-rate-decline Curve Preducin-nt ding curves ae widely used troaghoat the producing ‘ino tho ol industry in sing neividal well apd old performance din forcatngfotre Boba. "When oxtimates are tase on the ttathinatiol or eapleal terbnigust of producto rate deine curve {Engng it should arayn be vometbered that this only is merely & ‘Souvenience, © melted th ie smeanbe 4 mathemateal oF guaphiea {Cente ta iba no basin inthe physi! laws governing the fw of ‘od pu throwgh th formation. Suh curves can be dr fr ind ‘ual wll fort graap of wal wikia pos or forall the wel a pool {hen fore: the eure of oltproducion rata on the reecvalepe eomasoe pop (ig, V2) ia type example.” Te wil be acued in 1 { i 3 Is ig a8 Type godin aly in wba follows atone will ly i bing eomsdered. However, it must {eremenbered thatthe anageis pplie equally to a group of wall the ‘nl oso forth saarpton ito avd ropeating the quliing pose Ce oup of wall afer every uae of the word "ol" ‘Borate hs cbvious way to pot produson miei gana ine, thi ‘wis Gn fat method wood, Te was fund Dat, folowing w peti doing Thich the produstion rate was stead (at or naar the well allowable, ot {he satet dena), there eae a tne whan tho wal ecu no Ina Inske is aDowable, ced the proicton rete dropped f fly egal, or deine month ty month. Apel plot of prodution rate usin {tn ehown in Fe 1-3, wil an average urve hat bon shown by Imonnd of the dashed He Mideatiy, i some rular (rather) “Tre can be gven oth erred pat the dashed ln, twill be posible tg extnpinte tia nthe bre and no make preditant sto what the Cutie producing i fo nataney 3, B68 10 yon tne, tho Untanre paved as frouoton rate rx auzultive all production found thatthe detng part of he eure Bootes a resonable sight A Prana of wll prneton ih no ee, sng to etrplae (ig 1-8). Was en ne, whe ee fergie production tomo ti ih ne uy be waite senate am tne mand earconsnt. 1th rotting anid 8 Bea a Be mane a is wn, te ser te sve oto in am fh rues eo 2 tpn i 8s ec 134 ‘yp et poate emai prttin, the stato production (Ue sro, sy) tothe pres day (Hie bm aa om / va on atenatng 0 wih ee a a--9 oat tom Be gem es (1-80) ‘om Fig, Lit inerdent atthe slop ofthe ne bina he Pos ‘Bron die periods ogni, and m may be wisn a — wl ‘npaative 'Soblting In a, 1-3), Le aa) Revere mgincering fundamentals 45 i pote contac ae oti sominal) proutin Te Ba (21) a= -Wte os 1 Sho production dine commences when the wall’ oxmalative it Qe (ig, 158) aod if th steady production rate pitt that time was ae « carers Subtiaing ina (2) and rearangng, oan tet 039 ori mod the cumulation pradution during he dine prado to IM gees ton the iia nde ren production rate ied by th tinuous dine role Prom By (80), Bea integrating, bea Whe 0) hry af oooetant If the deaine pod commences at te fe (Fig. 18) and ifthe steady prodtin fat prior to at ine was go pete oth ante ting Substituting in Ba (1-30, ng ng WE = 19 35) o 1 peel-Me—toh 39) guaton (35) shows that, forthe type of prodution rate deting, ‘lt of proscton rat neon seperti peri = aight lin, Sf ine nu nin et er. TByuaton (1-6) eanbio he production rato at any inant to be fond aoe tential pofuction ate glnkown. Sapp foray thatthe produtien 2s detinncomameaoes a oan asthe wel Pu ch ‘productive, a that sre." egution (1-30) rons a= seme (1) 46 Pinot of ol wal roduton ‘Th production mle alter 1 yee wil be given by am wen (-) ‘The production rte aftr 2 yar wll bo given by = gen (-2) = hen (-) en(- Thee) Thus, a ne whi ples that erat of the prducion rte ah nd of ony yor ‘hat oe bpnnng of he ame yr Sa aay th sae. ‘hi ati in re (tnt writen ac 1" and in clo the anual production dela eB seid oan Mig 1.95 yp etal ein geo al tn ale (may bo expres 8 dessa o a wpeountagn),. Evidently {he equation connecting the anata end sh eoninaous deine rates is emt a1-d 38) "This type of production rate dosing, ew ofthe properties of which Ihave Hee proved abo, x Eaawa by wri names gorithm decline (om Ba. (135) aud Pig. 1-3]; exponent deste rom Ba. (2) a0 ig, 18H), woigt dei (hom Pig. 124 or Fig, 138); omstnbrae ‘ete (rom foc ha te dsb eto bor dina conta or Prope ‘onal dati from Ha. O87. "efor the us of te equaonitatated by mean fan exam it should bo noted ayn ha aly ang to Ba. (187), 1 your Was Senda the interval of fine hig of cour, i ok mitaton om he ‘ethod. Tt woud bave be ald vo have erplyed a day, 0 week, 8 TRonfh or « sntary au the unt of finn” eimporan, howeves, in ‘clauses to be edoastont inthe mount, If yearn chwe, thon Reverse ensinering fundamental $1 reduton tt mate expend nates, a en ay fa mont chown then routines mast be cope es) ‘nly a, eae day % 9042 a enon." Pty wots ces {iv cotneion etn antl sf monty dale wee dnd beens ‘onal and otly cota daoe rae Ihe ste ney ‘cline t,he, tH (eS tpt aa tno Sint month dt ~ dna the tn mond mata = eh eh erst — ay orl ad wo Tin {be eno 12 monte Whe proud mis agi "Bute oe Sigg cota one oe bad SASL Sh ee lh oh aa -0-aym (39) Sia, if ithe monthly and Us anual continuous destin rate exp (2) = foo (—Ba™ Sap (~1y) vo tat peer (40) eam -9 Aw ht cae in ot 10 /2ay In ie o 60 ay a, {he ol the nt year” thegury at menily din ste aoe Sy ot ly enna don mmf te somone a of tn ‘Tt ltt ewe ad aie penn Yalan my dei rate By aan, Prom Bs. 090, woe tna tings png ei 4, 6208 Thom By 40, = sons

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