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  Report Card

  Name of the Student:  Zahra Aprilia  

  Year and Section:  10 Natural Sciences

Grading Period:    

  Class Advisor:  Mrs. Sabrina School Year:  2022-2023  


  Subjects 1 2 3 4 Grading Systems  

  Science  A  A+     A+ 90 - 95  

  Algebra  B+  A     A 85 - 90  

  Language A  A+     A- 80 - 85  

  English Literature  A- A+     B+ 75 - 80  

  History  B-  A+     B 70 - 75  

  Writing  A-  A+     B- 65 - 70  

  Computer Science  B+  A     C+ 63 - 65  

  Physical Education  A-  A+     C 60 - 63  

  Training Learning Education  A B+     C- 58 - 60  

  Music A A    D 55 - 58  

  Arts  A  A     E- NA  

Attendance 1 2 3 4 Teachers Comment

  Days Present  120 117       

  Days Absent  0  3      

  Total Days Of Present  120 117       


    1 2 3 4 Parents Signature  

  Quarterly Grade / Average Grade            



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