News Letter: December, 2019 - March, 2020

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December, 2019 – March, 2020

Good Financial Growth
 Good month for investment
December, 2019 by the end of 2019
 Bushfire burns almost every
The month of the November is another good month for state of Australia.
Australian stakeholders, as market rising by 2.65%, If price  Market rise , best time to
hold throughout the December, Then 2019 is the one of invest
the best year in the calendar for ASX so far.  Current Situation due to
Analysis of residential properties in each major Australian
capital cities shows that the prices of residential properties
look set back in the record of 2017

New Year with Bushfire Crisis

January, 2020

The Common Wealth Home Government first Home Loan Deposit Scheme (announced in 2019). The
demand becomes high. So the next batch of registrations can’t occur until February.

Tragedy of bushfire, as bushfire has burnt across every state of Australia

IASB on 23 January, 2020 has issued narrow scope amendments to IAS

. Committee’s agenda decision on de nation of lease – Decision making rights (IFRS 16 Leases) Agenda
papers 2-2A

Committee’s work in progress - Agenda paper 3

The best way to help is to donate the cash. If the organization to which you donate is registered for tax,
then government will be refunded your 32% of your tax.

 For detail Refer:

 Image Resource BBC NEWS
COVID-19 Crisis

March, 2020

Golden opportunity for investors

February, 2020 The major impact of COVID-19 on world economy gave

major fluctuations on Australian Stock market and
The market has been rise by 15.8 points. So the best
impact on share market prices
time for the investors to buy share and invest.
Another significant for Australian market is that ASIC announced relief measures to industry to assist
Australian market dividend is higher than world timely advice.
standard dividends, so investor tends to prefer to
receive the large portion of their share as market Due to COVID-19, government have release
gains as dividends information to support the individual, Company or
business who is in financial crisis.
IASB on February 3, 2020 published a podcast on its
meeting for amendments to IFRS 17 Insurance IFRS IC agenda from Oct, 2019 to March 2020 now
Contracts. The Podcast provides an update on the have been compiled by IFRS foundation.
board’s discussions on the matters raised by the Australian government passed temporary
stakeholders when providing the feedback on the amendments to insolvency and corporation laws
amendments to IFRS 17 which were proposed in the regarding current situation of COVID-19 to avoid
Exposure Draft. unnecessary insolvencies and bankruptcies.
For detail Refer: If it is concluded that the going concern basis is not
 appropriate, then the financial statements will be
wsletter/ prepared on another basis (often referred to as ‘break-
 up’ basis). IAS 1.25 then requires disclosure that the
financial statements have not been prepared on a
going concern basis, together with the reasons why
the entity is not regarded as a going concern.

For Detail refer:

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