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2020/03/29/21:25:09 Circuit: Zero number of points in rawRead()

2020/03/29/21:25:09 MainActivity: Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9

Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
doAnalyses: Timestep too small
run simulation(s) aborted
Circuit: *--------------Netlist------------------
CPU time since last call: 0.000 seconds.
Total CPU time: 0.000 seconds.
Current dynamic memory usage = 0,
Dynamic memory limit = 67108864.

2020/03/29/21:25:14 Circuit: Zero number of points in rawRead()

2020/03/29/21:25:14 MainActivity: Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9

Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 9 and 9
doAnalyses: Timestep too small
run simulation(s) aborted
Circuit: *--------------Netlist------------------
CPU time since last call: 0.000 seconds.
Total CPU time: 0.000 seconds.
Current dynamic memory usage = 0,
Dynamic memory limit = 67108864.

2020/04/13/12:30:59 MainActivity: onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo: Unable to resolve

host "": No address associated with hostname

2020/04/13/13:43:31 MainActivity: onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo: Unable to resolve

host "": No address associated with hostname

2020/04/13/13:44:11 MainActivity: Warning: v1: no DC value, transient time 0 value

Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 29 and 29
Note: starting Gmin stepping
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 17 and 22
Warning: Gmin step failed
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 29 and 29
Warning: Gmin stepping failed
Note: starting source stepping
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes 29 and 29
Warning: source stepping failed
doAnalyses: Matrix is singular
run simulation(s) aborted
Circuit: *--------------Netlist------------------
CPU time since last call: 0.000 seconds.
Total CPU time: 0.000 seconds.
Current dynamic memory usage = 0,
Dynamic memory limit = 67108864.

2020/04/13/13:45:01 MainActivity: onFailedToUpdateConsentInfo: Unable to resolve

host "": No address associated with hostname

2020/04/13/13:46:22 Circuit: At least one GND element is required

2020/04/13/13:46:22 MainActivity: At least one GND element is required

2020/04/13/13:46:49 Circuit: At least one GND element is required

2020/04/13/13:46:49 MainActivity: At least one GND element is required

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