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Education for Undocumented Students: DACA

Noelia Alanis

South Texas College

Dr. Patricia M. Blanco


Education for Undocumented Students: DACA

I have researched that in most Universities or community colleges they do permit

undocumented students to enroll and others that do not offer or aid for that student to enroll.

Some colleges do offer scholarships to students that do not qualify for FAFSA. The fact that they

do not qualify for FAFSA does not mean that they must not enter or enroll. In the United States

of America there is not written law that prohibits undocumented immigrants to any public,

private school or university. DACA has become a worldwide organization that had developed on

June 15, 2012 by President Barack Obama. This program was presented with the Dream Act as

well. DACA is not an immigrant VISA. It is an exercise of discretion by immigration services

granting temporary and legal presence in the United States with an authorization to work.

Who qualifies for DACA

Many people are asking themselves if DACA qualifies for citizenship and the answer is

no. DACA does not create a path to permanent residence but “green card”. However certain

individual might qualify for permanent residence in the United States if the spouse of a US

citizen is considered and immediate relative under immigration law. Anyone who meets this

criterion will qualify for this program. People that are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012.

The came to the United States under the age of 16. Finally, they have continuously resided in the

US since 2007. DACA has a period to renew every two years. People that already have this

permit can renew from 120 to up to 365 days prior to their expiration date. Since DACA is

unclear for the future, no delays are recommended and renew as soon as possible to prevent any

future problems this may cause. After you have qualified for DACA you will receive, and social

security number and DMV may issue you an Identification number or ID or a driver license.

After your document DACA has expired you will be allowed to work after asking for a work

extension. You will be allowed to work even if your document has expired and your applications

is being processed.

Traveling is another issue that is not settled just yet. If you are planning to travel outside

of the United States to Hawaii or Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, the

commonwealth, or the Northern Mariana Islands you must have advances parole with the UNCIS

prior to departure and with any other international travel. DACA even allows unemployment to

those people that were unemployed through no fault of their own. In the case of and application

to a new employer, the employer must accept the original documents that are up to date and are

not expired. However, you may be able to accept employment Authorization Documents and

permanent resident cards from DACA candidates.

Continued education

DACA program allows students to further continue their education in a state college or a

university. Nevertheless, do not qualify for FAFSA but may qualify for a student grant or other

assistance. In my point of view, it is extremely hard to find a job here in the United States

regardless if you have proof of citizenship there is many people to there applying for the same

job position. I think that itself we struggle in a daily basis and how do you get “the job” if you

don’t have and major education on hand that you could present to be able to get the job. College

is beyond my budget and I believe other single parents and full-time employee might think

similarly to me. How could you afford to pay for college tuition when all you make is enough to

provide the essential needs for your children food and to make the monthly payments like rent,

light, and water and maybe a car payment as well.


I think that a solution to this program would be to provide and certain amount or a grant

for these your people for college tuitions and fees. The best way to become independent is by

obtaining a higher education or degree. The program itself offers the opportunity to have a job

and be able to work in the United States but that is it. DACA does not provide citizenship after a

certain amount of years like the Dream Act.

Proposed solution

There are many ways to make this program better. If Barack Obama created this program

was to help those children be someone and free themselves from not being able to work here in

the US and can make a dream come true and become someone. If the help was already intended

to be made for those children that were brought here t his country by their parents or relatives,

they should be allowed and be granted the help to participate in a college or university to better

themselves their families and help this country grow.

The idea that the government wants to make a wall and think that is a perfect idea to do is

wrong. Their many much more important situations to deal with like education for all, no child

left behind, UNICEF, UNESCO, Save the Children, Plan International, Global Partnership for

Education and the Association for Childhood education International. Partial criticism to my

solution would be that people that are given the help do not accept it or take advantage of it.

Many of the people are layback and are conformist of what they have obtained or achieved so far

in their life. Not many people view their education as important and for those they might not

really be interested in my solution to help those that would be interested in obtaining this type of

heavenly help I would say.



As a conclusion to my findings, I have found that education is promoted to everyone in

this country. I would strongly recommend for people to keep encouraging their children to

generate a plan for the future of their children and impulse them to dream big. No dream is too

big or too small if everyone is given the opportunity to enhance their learning abilities. Anyone

is capable of successfully becoming an important figure to society if they only begin with a goal.

I am truly an education supporter and hopeful to see in the news future programs and

organizations that help those who dream big and have a wish to become someone important to

help inspire others like your parents, friends and future generations.

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