Virus Tvri

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Muhammad Fiqri Firmansyah

XII TEDK 2 (20)

1. How do viruses attack our body?

When the virus gets into the body, they go straight to the lungs and attack
the cells that are in our body, starting we may conquer the virus that is
growing a little, after a few days the virus will develop reaching millions to
billions of viruses. If our immune system is strong, enough to fight the virus,
but if immune system weak, the virus will develop to meet the lungs and will
continue to damage cells, making it difficult for us to breathe.

2. How do you increase the body's immune system?

Sports and eating nutritious food, are no longer 4 sehat 5 sempurna but
follows the guidelines for balanced nutrition.

3. Tell the virus that has been a pandemic in hundreds of years!

The virus known as "Black Death" in the 14th century, this virus originated
from fleas and mice, victims infected with their bodies were black due to
their bacterial infections causing fever, headaches and lung infections until
they died. Within 4 years, half of the population in Europe fell victim.

4. What message can you write and apply in life, from watching a video
about bacteria and viruses?

I understand the difference between bacteria and viruses, and how to

overcome and fight them. Use antibiotics, vaccines, soap or even keep your
distance and stay at home.

5. Why does Mr. Sudirman say that 'health science is only medical
science' and 'if you want to enter the medical faculty it is enough to
study biology and chemistry only myths'.

Health science is the study of how a damaged human body can function
again and how to prevent it from being damaged again. Medical science
must study the anotonym of the patient's body, the patient's illness, to the

Medicine focuses on patient recovery, while health is focused so that there

are no more diseases or such as prevention.

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