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A long time ago, there was an old man who had two wives. Each of wife had a beautiful
daughter, bawang merah and bawang putih.

One day, the old man passed away. He left his wives and his daughter who never agreed with
one another. Shortly after that, a tragic accident befell the first wife, leaving bawang putih at the
mercy of her cruel stepmother and step sister. Actually, the death of bawang putih’s mother was
not an accident. She was killed by bawang merah’s mother. She was drawned in a pond.

Bawang merah and her mother hated bawang putih alot. Bawang putih should do all the
housework with little food and short rest.

One morning, bawang merah asked bawang putih to water her plants.

“Bawang putih, look all my plants. They gonna die if you do not water them. Now, take water
can and water them, NOW!”

“I’m sorry my sister, I forgot. I will do it now” answer bawang putih.

Bawang putih water the plants patienly. At the same time, bawang merah’s mother called her

“Bawang putih...bawang putih... where are you?”

“I’m here mother” answer bawang putih.

“Stupid, you come here! Where have you been? I called you many times. Don’t you hear me?”
asked her step mother.

“I’m sorry mom, I’m watering plants” answered bawang putih.

“bawang putih, wash my clothes. And remember, don’t make any mistakes. You got it?” asked
her step mother.

“yes I got it mom” replied bawang putih

Month passed. Bawang merah and her mother threated bawang putih like a servant. Bawang
putih was very sad, but she couldn’t do anything.

One day, when she was washing in the pond, she prayed.

“Oh my lord, I’m so tired. My lord, show me your miracle” she cried.

Suddenly, she heard a lullaby that always be sung by hermother when she was still alive.
“Oh god, that lullaby. That lullaby remind me to my mother” said her

Something most particular happened. A strange looking fish appeared and sang that lullaby.
There was something very familiar about the fish.

“Mother is that you?”asked her

“Yes honey, I’m here. I’m here for you” replied the fish

“Oh mother, I’m so happy. Mother, why do you become a fish?” asked bawang putih

“I was drowned by bawang merah’s mother here. But don’t die. I change into a fish” replied the

“What a cruel stepmother” replied bawang putih

“Bawang putih don’t tell her if I still alive and become a fish now. This is our secret. If you miss
me, you may come here. We will play together and I will help your works.” Said the fish

“Of course I will never tell her mom, I’m so happy” said bawang putih

Month passed. Bawang putih often visited her mom in the pond. They were very happy. They
played joyfully. You know,, all her house works always done well and on time because
hermother helped her.

Bawang merah and hermother felt streng about that.

“My lovely daughter bawang merah, do you feel something different with bawang putih? She is
more cheerful recently and all works are always on time” asked bawang merah’s mother.

“Yes mother, I also feel streng about that” replied bawang merah.

Then bawang merah’s mother called bawang putih.

“Bawang putih...bawang putih...”

“I’m here mother, what can I do for you?” asked bawang putih

“Bawang putih, I always give you much work and you always do well and on time. Did
somebody help you? I asked you to do those by yourself.” Said bawang merah’s mother.

“Tell us the truth bawang putih” asked bawang merah

“I did those by myself. Nobody help me. I don’t have friend and my mother was gone.”said
bawang putih

“Don’t lie bawang putih. Tell me the tuth” asked bawang merah’s mother
“I don’t lie mom. I tell the truth” replied bawang putih

One afternoon, bawang merah and her mother had a plan to follow bawang putih to a pond. They
really wonder want to know what she do there. So bawang merah’s mother asked bawang putih
to wash her clothes in the pond.

“Bawang putih, wash my clothes in the pond now. Remember, in the pond. Understood?”

“Alright mom, I will do it now.”answered bawang putih.

Bawang putih went to the pond. She didn’t realize that bawang merah and her mother would
follow her.

“Bawang merah, it’s time for us to follow her. Lets go” said bawang merah’s mother

Bawang merah and hermother followed bawang putih. They were very surprise to see bawang
putih and a fish in the pond. The fish could talk and helped bawang putih. On that time, bawang
merah’s mother had a plan to catch the fish.


In the evening, bawang merah and hermother went to a pond. Upon arriving there, bawang
merah’s mother called the fish.

“Fish...small fishhhhh... where are youuuu??? I’m here with your friend, bawang putih”

Suddenly the fish appeared and bawang merah catch the fish with a net.

“I got you ugly fish. Haaahaaaaa” said bawang putih

“Bawang merah, lets go home. We will fry this fish and give to bawang putih” said her mother

In the night, bawang merah and her mother were very nice to bawang putih. Bawang putih didn’t
allow to do anything.

“Bawang putih, to night is your special day. You don’t need to cook for us. You just sit down
here, I will cook special food for you” said bawang merah

“Thank you so much my sister. Actually I’m tired” said bawang putih

Bawang merah and her mother, went to kitchen and started to fry the fish

“Ugly fish, do you have any last word before die? Come on, speak up” asked bawang merah’s

“mom, lets fry now” said bawang putih

Then bawang merah’s mother fried the fish. And bawang merah gave the fish to bawang putih.
“Bawang putih, I have something spcial for you. Mmmmm.... its delicious. This is for you” said
bawang merah.

“Thank you my sister” said bawang putih

Bawang putih ate the fish. There was only bone left. Then bawang merah said

“Bawang putih, you know... I got that fish in the pond. That’s your friend. You have eaten your
friend. Hhaaahhaaa.....”

“” she cried

Bang putih run out the house. She cried loudly in the pond. She was very upset.

“Mom, I’m sorry. I don;t know it was you. What should I do mom.” She cried louder.

She buried the bone. She wanted to give hermother a proper resting place. She slept on it during
the night.


The next morning, bawang putih woke up to the most enchanting sight. A magnificent tree had
grown where she had buried her mother bones. And a beautiful swing hung from its branches.
Bawang putih tried the swing. The swing swayed back and forth joining her in tune. Bawang
putih played the swing joyfully.

At the same time, a handsome prince was hunting nearby and was enchanted by her beauty. He
tried to get closer to her. Before he could approach her, bawang putih saw him and she run as
fast as she could.

The prince called out. “Wait... lady.. wait”

The prince gave chase. Determined to find who she was. Bawang putih got into her house and
hid in that. The prince met bawang merah’s mother.

 The prince questioned her “Who was the gorl I had seen in the pond”

Seeing the opportunity, she immediately said.

“She is my own beautiful and talented daughter, bawang merah”

“I’m the girl you are looking for” said bawang merah.
Although charmed by her beauty, the prince still requested that she sing for him once again on
the golden swing. “To prove that, I want you to sing once again on the swing”

They went together to the pond

“now you sing the lullaby in that swing” asked the prince

Bawang merah started to sat on the swing and she tried to sing. But the swing stood still. The
swing didn’t move.

“What a treacery is this? Catch them!” the prince said angrily.

Bawang merah’s motherbegged for forgivness. She admitted that she had another daughter
Hidden in her house.

“I’m sorry my prince, forgive me. Actually I have another daughter in my house. She is bawang

“Bring bawang putih here now”asked the prince

Bawang merah’s mother and pince’s guard brought bawang putih

“I’m bawang putih. I’m the girl you are looking for.”said bawang putih.

“I want you to sit on that swing and sing the lullaby I have heard.” Asked the prince.

Bawang putih sat on the swing and she began to sing. The swing swayed back and forth joining
her tune. Bawang merah and her mother were surprised because there was a sound from the tree.
They knew that it was the sound of bawang putih’s mother.

The prince was very happy bacause finally he found a girl who had captured his heart with her
beautiful voice and beautiful face. The prince immediately asked for her hand in marriage.

“Bawang putih, will you marry me? Will you be my wife? You will be the next queen of this

Bawang putih accepted that. They marriage and live happily forever.

Do you know what happen to bawang merah and her mother?

They would be punished by the prince but bawang merah fogave them. Since that, no one know
about them.

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