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originated in Switzerland in 1970 by Dr. Herman Brandt who was a sports physician and had seen too
many injuries in contact sport, so he decided to make a game that was not as aggressive and defensive
against another person but defense is played more against the ball instead of the other teams players. So,
it still has a lot of the elements of a game, team play, rules, point system etc. but no contact, to reduce the
injury. This game is legit, people play it at a high level, and it is awesome to watch and play! It’s called
tchoukball because of the sound that the ball makes after it hits the frame. 

 Forbidden zone around net (poly spots) 
 3 rules of 3 
o 3 steps only with the ball
o 3 seconds to hold onto the ball
o 3 passes and then you must shoot
 *No designated sides - The field is an open space for both teams and either team can
shoot on either net
 You start by passing it in beside a net and the first pass in doesn't count towards the 3
 *You do not defend each other - passes are free you do not intercept them, but what you
do on defense is defend around the net and try to catch the rebound of the ball after the
other team shoots - so think about the angles, if someone comes at it from the side the
ball is probably going to bounce towards the other side so you need players over there to
catch it! 
 Turnovers 
o 3 rules of 3 broken
o Incomplete passes
o Ball goes out
o Ball rebounds off the outer rim of the net
o Interfere a pass
o A shot goes out of bounds
o A shot hits someone on the same team
 Points
o 1 point to your team if you shoot it and it hits the net and then the ground outside of the
forbidden zone
o 1 point to the other team if:
 you shoot the ball and it doesn't hit the net at all
 The ball falls into the forbidden zone after a shot
 The ball hits the person that threw it
 After a goal, the ball must go past half before you can shoot on either net.
Tchoukball 1
Grade: Gr. 9  Unit: Fitness   Lesson Duration: 71Mins

  Specific Learning Outcomes:      

A9-1 Apply and refine locomotor skills and concepts to a
variety of activities with increased control to improve
personal performance 
LO’s A9-5 Apply and refine ways to receive, retain and send an
  object with increased speed, accuracy and distance in skills ASSESSMENTS 
  specific to an activity 
A9-6 Apply and refine manipulative skills by using elements
  of space awareness, effort and relationships, with and without
  objects, to improve performance. 

Learning Objectives
Students will:

  understand the 3 rules of 3 in tchoukball Observation/question  

  apply simple tactics in tchoukball  Observation  

Perform defensive rebounds Observation
  Keys                                                        Tchoukball & nets  
Attendance list                                         Music - dongle, remote

White board marker                               Clipboard

Rule poster                                               Team Shake 


Introduction (17 mins):  

Welcome  Assessment:   
Attendance squads – Students sit in assigned rows for attendance
- Row 4 is on clean up today

Questionnaire bowl – Pick a student to pick out a question from the bowl
and ask it (get to know you)

Daily schedule on board

- Pre-write the daily schedule on the board before class
o Fit 15 – Exploding turnips
o History of Tchoukball
o Passing drills
o Mini games
o Clean-up & cool down

Fit 15 - Exploding Turnips (9:15-9:30)

 Reason for playing = reinforces 3 second rule
 Play in 2 groups of 10 with one different colored ball per group
 In a circle with your team, count how many passes you make
while music is playing 
 When the music stops the player with the ball must run around the
circle three times and chuck the ball 
o Players can squish in to make it easier for their runner
o Throw the ball away from the other two teams 
o Give good passes so you have the best opportunity to gain
 Each team must run together and find a new ball than
they had before and start passing in a circle again (music
playing again). Keep track of your number of passes and
continue counting up from your last round EX. You got
to 28 passes the first round now you start with 29,30,31…
 Passes must be across the circle, not to your neighbours.
Try to pass to everyone each round and if you haven't
touched the ball yet call for it, it’s on you to get it each
 When the whistle goes three times the team with the most
points gets to pick an exercise for the losing teams to do -
must include reps and exercise explanation 
Lock Change Rooms while they play

Essential question - What is the purpose of having rules in a sport

setting and in life? 

Transition to white board 

Body (40 mins):  

Intro history of Tchoukball (9:30-9:37) Assessment  

 Dr. Herman Brandt in Switzerland 1970, sports physician 
 Less injury
 Includes all the elements of sport without aggression
 Name = the sound the ball makes after a rebound
 Video 3:24 mins
o What are some of the rules you heard them explain in that
video?  Questions
 Show them the poster of rules for the game and go over
any they missed

Passing Drills 
 Reason = improve passing, movement and rebound skills in
1. Catch & Spread (9:45-9:50)
 With a partner, students will toss the ball underhand or
overhand to their partner and with each catch they take a
step backwards, if the ball hits the ground the two start
back at the beginning.
 If there’s a group of 3 you will throw the ball and follow
your pass and stand behind your teammate on the
opposite side, so you are all getting a chance to throw

**While students are playing get out tchoukball nets for demonstration
Transition to half court in front of net – Students put balls away

2. 3 Person passing - 333 rules (9:50-10:00)

 In groups of 3 (if a group of 4 just do the same thing as
everyone else just with another person) Observation
 Put 3/4 of the groups to each net - one ball per group, rest Checklist
of the balls go in the bucket
 **DEMO both stage 1&2 movements - 2 volunteers
 Stage 1: In groups of 3 you must pass the ball 3 times (at
least once to each member), only taking 3 steps if any
while holding the ball, and you can hold the ball for a
max of 3 seconds before passing or shooting at the net.
You can pass in any order but must follow the 3 rules of
o Questions for understanding - Raise your hand if Questions
you know the 3 rules of 3… call on one student
to share. 
 Stage 2: Students will pass the ball and follow their pass
increasing their movement and getting ready for the next
pass/getting open
 Stage 3: Students will continue to do stage 2 but this time
the two players who are not shooting the ball will get in
position to catch the rebound. They get a point for
completing each pass (max 3) and 2 points for catching
the rebound.
 Ask for points and see who is getting it

Mini Games (10:00)

 Reason = Practice rules and skills of game 
 Concentrate on 3 rules of 3 and rebounds today Checklist
 Reference rules poster for any questions during the games
 3 teams to each court - 2 play and one refs the 3 rules of 3 for both
teams /retrieves balls when they go out/take a water break. Make
sure the refs are spread out and actually participating
 Team Shake the teams and hand out pinnies.
 Put on a timer for each 3-minute game, and rotate teams

Clean up (10:18) - ROW 4 puts away equipment 

Closure (5 min.):  

Cooldown (10:19-10:23) Assessment  

Unlock change rooms
 Dynamic stretches to half and back 
o Arm circles
o Toe touches (stay upside down for a second and slowly
come back up)
o Waist high kicks
o Lunge and twist
o Slow jog
Change (10:24)
 Thanks for the great work today, see you tomorrow for more

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