Medicinal Plants Used in The Treatment of Malaria, A Key Emphasis To Artemisia, Cinchona, Cryptolepis, and Tabebuia Genera

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Received: 27 October 2019 Revised: 14 December 2019 Accepted: 14 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ptr.6628


Medicinal plants used in the treatment of Malaria:

A key emphasis to Artemisia, Cinchona, Cryptolepis,
and Tabebuia genera

Samin Mohammadi1,2 | Behzad Jafari3 | Parina Asgharian1,4 | Miquel Martorell5,6 |

Javad Sharifi-Rad

Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz University of
Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran Malaria is one of the life-threatening parasitic diseases that is endemic in tropical
Student Research Committee, Tabriz areas. The increased prevalence of malaria due to drug resistance leads to a high
University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
incidence of mortality. Drug discovery based on natural products and secondary
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty
of Pharmacy, Urmia University of Medical metabolites is considered as alternative approaches for antimalarial therapy. Herbal
Sciences, Urmia, Iran
medicines have advantages over modern medicines, including fewer side effects,
Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz
University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
cost-effectiveness, and affordability encouraging the herbal-based drug discovery.
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Several naturally occurring, semisynthetic, and synthetic antimalarial medications
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of are on the market. For example, chloroquine is a synthetic medication for antimalar-
Concepcion, Chile
6 ial therapy derived from quinine. Moreover, artemisinin, and its derivative,
Unidad de Desarrollo Tecnológico (UDT),
Universidad de Concepción, Chile artesunate with sesquiterpene lactone backbone, is an antimalarial agent originated
Phytochemistry Research Center, Shahid from Artemisia annua L. A. annua traditionally has been used to detoxify blood and
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran eliminate fever in China. Although the artemisinin-based combination therapy
against malaria has shown exceptional responses, the limited medicinal options
Parina Asgharian, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz demand novel therapeutics. Furthermore, drug resistance is the cause in most
University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. cases, and new medications are proposed to overcome the resistance. In addition
to conventional therapeutics, this review covers some important genera in this area,
Miquel Martorell, Department of Nutrition and including Artemisia, Cinchona, Cryptolepis, and Tabebuia, whose antimalarial activi-
Dietetics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile. ties are finely verified.
Javad Sharifi-Rad, Phytochemistry Research
antimalarial therapy, Artemisia, drug discovery, malaria, medicinal plants
Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Funding information
Number: AFB170007

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N phases: In the first phase, the pharmacophore or the core structure,

which gives the pharmacological activity, will be identified; in the sec-
In recent years, despite the advances in treatment strategies, there ond phase, the identified lead compound will be evolved to a novel
are still challenges to discover and develop new therapeutics in order medicine (Giang & Otsuka, 2018). Designing drugs with the highest
to improve the quality of life and increase the survival rate (Pan et al., selectivity to the target molecule is one of the main concepts of drug
2010). Drug discovery and development can be divided into two main discovery (Gertsch, 2011). In this regard, medicinal plants are among

Phytotherapy Research. 2020;1–14. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

the key sources to produce new pharmaceuticals with high selectivity According to different drug sensitivity of various species and the
(Balunas & Kinghorn, 2005). probability of mixed infections, primary diagnosis is essential (Mueller,
Herbal medicines have advantages over modern medicines, Zimmerman, & Reeder, 2007). The detection of malaria infection in
including fewer side effects, cost-effectiveness, and affordability, the bloodstream is based on light microscopy, which is suitable for dif-
encouraging herbal-based drug discovery (Chakraborty, 2018; ferential diagnosis of various Plasmodium species, highly accurate, and
M. Sharifi-Rad et al., 2018). Plants have always had therapeutic appli- cost-effective (World Health Organization [WHO], 2015). Infected
cations. Some of these applications have come to us orally or through red blood cells (RBCs) have different appearances depending on the
herbal books (Balunas & Kinghorn, 2005; Salehi, Fokou, et al., 2019; pathogen that can lead to identifying the type of the parasite (Table 1;
Salehi, Venditti, et al., 2019; J. Sharifi-Rad et al., 2018). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).
Plants produce several types of metabolites. The secondary According to the World Health Organization report, there were
metabolites of plants, such as phenolic compounds and alkaloids syn- 219 million malaria infection cases worldwide in 2017, which showed
thesized for various reasons such as fighting against pathogens, can a reduction compared with 2010 (239 million infections). Moreover,
be used for therapeutic purposes (Chakraborty, 2018; Salehi et al., 92% of infected cases in 2017 have been reported from African conti-
2018). Natural compounds can also be useful in identifying the func- nent, in which most of the patients were infected by P. falciparum par-
tional pathways of receptors; for example, the acetylcholine receptors asites. In 2016, malaria caused 451,000 deaths worldwide, whereas
were classified into two distinct categories according to the stimula- in 2017, this number decreased to 435,000 deaths. Understanding
tion of the receptors with muscarine and nicotine isolated from Ama- the malaria parasites' life cycle can lead to a useful treatment discov-
nita muscaria fungi and Nicotiana tabacum L., respectively (Gertsch, ery. The proliferation and transmission cycles of these parasites were
2011; Otvos, Still, Somsen, Smit, & Kool, 2019). The isolation of the shown in Figure 1 and explained in the following paragraphs
materials with pharmacological functions from different parts of (WHO, 2018).
plants was first performed in 1803 where morphine was extracted Following the infected female Anopheles mosquito bite, sporozo-
from opium. Later, digoxin and quinine were derived from Digitalis ites enter the bloodstream and attack hepatocytes. Sporozoites prolif-
and Cinchona genus, respectively (Balunas & Kinghorn, 2005). erate in the liver and convert to schizonts, and then schizonts rupture
Which plant to start with? The idea to screen the large herbarium and release merozoites into the bloodstream (exoerythrocytic cycle).
for a specific effect without any clue is not rational, however in some Merozoites enter the erythrocytes, and the asexual proliferation cycle
cases, it is necessary to do this. Another strategy is investigation of begins. Inside the erythrocytes, trophozoites become schizonts, which
some species of plants which formerly indicated valuable medicinal then rupture and release merozoites. Some merozoites released from
applications. Moreover, traditional medicines are the best source to infected erythrocytes turn into gametocytes, which enter peripheral
begin the discovery with (Lemma et al., 2017); for instance, Egyptian blood. Following the mosquito bite, the matured gametocytes were
traditional medical books mentioned the application of plant mixtures then transmitted to Anopheles. Each gametocyte forms a macroga-
in their prescriptions.Additionally, Chinese herbal formulations, which mete or eight microgametes in the mosquito's midgut, and then
developed over thousands of years, were evaluated for their thera- female and male gametes fuse and become an ookinete while passing
peutic potentials (Gertsch, 2011; Zhou, Li, Chang, & Ben- the midgut wall. In the next phase, ookinete is converted to an oocyst
soussan, 2019). and gradually enlarged. Finally, it bursts and releases sporozoites. The
Malaria is one of the life-threatening parasitic diseases. The sporozoites, which migrated to mosquito's salivary glands, start the
increased prevalence of malaria due to drug resistance leads to a high next cycle of infection through mosquito's bite to humans (sporogonic
incidence of mortality (Heshmati Afshar et al., 2018). The use of natu- cycle; Bousema & Drakeley, 2011; Miller, Good, & Milon, 1994).
ral compounds originated from plants is one of the strategies to dis- Female Anopheles nourish from blood in order to produce eggs.
cover novel antimalarial agents (Willcox, 2011). Artemisinin was firstly Parasites do not cause severe problems in the mosquito, unlike
isolated from Artemisia annua L. in 1972; this molecule and semisyn- human. More than 30 Anopheles species are malaria vectors.
thetic derivates such as artemether, arteether, artesunic acid, and
dihydroartemisinin are quite effective against multidrug-resistant
T A B L E 1 Infected RBCs characteristics (Centers for Disease
malaria strains (Dharmendra Kumar et al., 2014; Gaur et al., 2015;
Control and Prevention, 2019)
Qidwai, Yadav, Khan, Dhawan, & Bhakuni, 2012; Tiwari, Yadav, &
Chaudhary, 2019). This review introduces some important plants such Infected Infected RBC Schüffner's
Parasite RBC size shape dots
as Artemisia spp., Cinchona spp., Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl.)
Schltr., and Handroanthus impetiginosus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos (syno- Plasmodium Normal Crescent No
nym Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb.), which are frequently
assessed for their antimalarial activities in the literature. Plasmodium vivax >>Normal Ameboid Yes

Malaria is a prevalent disease in the tropics and a critical factor in Plasmodium ovale >Normal Fimbriation Yes
and elongated
increased morbidity and mortality in these regions. Parasites of the
Plasmodium malariae <Normal, Normal — No
Plasmodium genus, including Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax,
Plasmodium ovale, and Plasmodium malariae, cause malaria in humans. Abbreviation: RBCs, red blood cells.

F I G U R E 1 Malaria pathogenesis:
Sporozoites are transmitted to humans
through infected Anopheles bite and invade
liver cells. In the hepatocytes, sporozoites
mature into schizont form, and then the
infected liver cells rupture and release
merozoites. Merozoites enter RBCs and first
convert to trophozoites and then to schizonts.
Infected RBCs rupture and release
merozoites. Moreover, some trophozoites
turn into gametocytes. Ingestion of
gametocytes leads to the infection in
Anopheles mosquitoes. A macrogamete and a
microgamete fuse in the mosquito gut and
eventually create oocysts, which release
sporozoites after maturation

Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus are the main species medicine were screened for their antimalarial activity (AMA), which
responsible for malaria transmission. These species are mostly finally resulted in introducing artemisinin as a novel antimalarial agent
anthropophilic (prefer to bite humans than other animals). Mature (Muangphrom, Seki, Fukushima, & Muranaka, 2016). Yadav, Kumar,
female mosquito lives more than 10 days in the tropical regions; Teli, Yadav, and Chaudhary (2019) proposed the following targets to
therefore, they have enough time for transmitting parasites. Using develop new antimalarial drugs: membrane biosynthesis, mitochon-
insecticide-treated nets, long-lasting insecticidal nets, and indoor drial system, apicoplasts, parasite transporters, shikimate pathway,
residual spraying can reduce the incidence of disease. Pyrethroids are hematin crystals, parasite proteases, glycolysis, isoprenoid synthesis,
used for insecticide-treated nets, and all four classes of insecticides, cell cycle control/cycline dependent kinase, redox system, nucleic acid
including pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates, and organo- metabolism, methionine cycle and the polyamines, folate metabolism,
chlorines, can be used for indoor residual spraying. the helicases, erythrocyte G-protein, and farnesyl transferases.
Therefore, given that Anopheles mosquitoes multiply several times According to the World Health Organization guidelines on
throughout the year, they can develop resistance to insecticide agents chloroquine-resistant malaria, artemisinin-based combination ther-
quickly. In this case, the insecticide class should be changed (Centers apies (ACTs) were recommended as the first line of treatment.
for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018; Malaria Consortium, 2011). Table 2 shows the antimalarial therapeutic programs involving one
of the artemisinin derivatives, such as artemether, artesunate, and
dihydroartemisinin (WHO, 2015). Artemisinin has a short half-life;
2 | ANTIMALARIAL AGENTS WITH THE therefore, to prevent drug resistance and preserve the adequate
HERBAL ORIGIN blood concentration of antimalarial agents, the secondary medicine
was added to the therapeutic regimen (Smithuis et al., 2010). For
For many decades, chloroquine was the first choice of malaria treat- example, lumefantrin was introduced as the secondary agent into
ment; the quinine derivative originated from the Cinchona tree was the ACT regimen. Lumefantrin was first synthesized during the
an active drug until chloroquine resistance arose due to incorrect Vietnam War in China to prevent death of soldiers from malaria
usage and monotherapy. Currently, chloroquine indication is limited (Cui & Su, 2009). In addition to lumefantrin, pyrimethamine/
for the treatment of malaria caused by P. vivax and is no longer used sulfadoxine, the synthetic pyrimidine derivatives, are among the
for P. falciparum (Skrzypek & Callaghan, 2017). To overcome the drug antimalarial agents administered along with artesunate (Burrows,
resistance, a large number of antipyretic herbs in Chinese traditional Rosowsky, & Modest, 1967; Kapoor, 1988). Previously, several

TABLE 2 Recommended medications for malaria therapy based on the WHO guidelines (WHO, 2015)

Recommended medication based on the WHO

Clinical situation Statement malaria guidelines
Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Children and adult Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs):
malaria 1. Artemether and lumefantrine
2. Artesunate and amodiaquine
3. Artesunate and mefloquine
4. Dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine
5. Artesunate and sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine
First trimester of pregnancy Quinine and clindamycin
Uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax, Chloroquine susceptible areas An ACT or chloroquine
Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae, Chloroquine-resistant areas An ACT
or Plasmodium knowlesi
Relapse prevention of Plasmodium vivax Children and adult Primaquine
and Plasmodium ovale malaria Pregnant and breastfeeding women Chloroquine (until delivery and breastfeeding are
completed), then primaquine
Severe malaria Children and adult (including pregnant and Artesunate (parenteral, for at least 24 hr), then an
breastfeeding women) ACT (oral, for 3 days)
Low transmission areas Artesunate (parenteral, for at least 24 hr), then
primaquine (oral, single dose)
When artesunate is not available Artemether (parenteral), or quinine (parenteral). In
this case, artemether has priority over quinine.
Pre-referral treatment of severe malaria Children and adult Artesunate (single dose intramuscular)
When artesunate is not available Artemether (intramuscular) or quinine
(intramuscular); Artesunate (single dose rectal, for
children <6)

Abbreviation: WHO, World Health Organization.

studies reported the resistance to artemisinin derivatives and other artemisinin derivatives. Although the cost of conventional antimalarial
ACTs, indicating the necessity of new antimalarial agents (Ashley & medications is lower than ACTs, in the case of chloroquine-resistant
Phyo, 2018). infections, ACTs are the best therapeutic choices (Douglas, Anstey,
Angus, Nosten, & Price, 2010). The extensive application of antimalar-
ial agents on the one hand and the resilience of Plasmodium parasites
3 | ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES on the other hand leads to short-term efficacy of quinine-based medi-
OF ACTs VERSUS CHLOROQUINE cations. A proof of the concept to the stated fact is the major rise of
malaria incidence after a significant reduction in the 1950s through
After a therapeutic course and elimination of parasites from periph- using chloroquine (Price & Douglas, 2009). Artemisinin derivatives
eral blood, there is a significant possibility of disease recurrence due and chloroquine are almost safe medications. However, clinical trial
to the presence of hypnozoites in the liver stage. Reinfection is also documents are not sufficient to approve the safety of artemisinin
possible in the case of patients living in endemic regions. On the derivatives. There are controversial reports about the neurotoxicity of
other hand, postponing disease recurrence and reinfection is an artemisinin derivatives following high dose administration in animals
important issue that provides a great chance for the hematologic and human studies.
recovery of patients and prevention of anemia (Price & Douglas, Moreover, the indication of artemisinin derivatives during preg-
2009; White, 2018). Artemisinin derivatives cause a more significant nancy is a challenging issue; however, available data reported mini-
parasitemia reduction compared to chloroquine; however, due to mal teratogenic effects for artemisinin derivatives (Mutabingwa,
their short half-lives, another antimalarial agent is usually added to 2005). Further studies showed minimal side effects followed by
the ACT regimens to prevent disease recurrence and drug resistance. taking chloroquine in comparison with other antimalarial agents
This includes piperaquine with eliminating half-life of 23 to 28 days such as mefloquine, which causes central nervous system, gastroin-
(Mutabingwa, 2005). testinal and skin disorders, as well as tinnitus and myalgia. Diarrhea,
Nonetheless, ACTs can treat fever and lower gametocytes in the dizziness, arrhythmia, and hepatitis are rare adverse effects of chlo-
bloodstream more efficiently than chloroquine, and in turn, the inci- roquine (Braga et al., 2015; Petersen, Rønne, Rønn, Bygbjerg, &
dence of parasite transmission from humans to the mosquito vector is Larsen, 2000).
reduced. On the contrary, chloroquine has an extended half-life of Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine (DHA-PQ) and artemether–
1–2 months, and in turn, the possibility of malaria relapses is less than lumefantrine (AL) are the most common ACT regimens formulated as

T A B L E 3 Advantages and disadvantages of antimalarial medicinal plants in comparison with fully synthetic drugs (Karamati, Hassanzadazar,
Bahmani, & Rafieian-Kopaei, 2014; Wells, 2011; Willcox et al., 2011)

Advantages Disadvantages
1. The most effective agents for the treatment of malaria, even in 1. The higher cost of production for some herbal medicines, such as
resistant cases. artemisinin from herbal sources, leads to synthetic endoperoxides
production to be in priority.
2. Due to the compatibility with human physiology, they cause less 2. Herbal sources may not be available in all countries, unlike
serious side effects. nonherbal drugs.
3. Patients have higher compliance. 3. In some herbal medications, patients should take more than a
single dose per day due to short drug half-lives and probable drug
resistances, unless in multidrug forms.
4. Novel antimalarial pharmacophores can be designed based on 4. Generally, the application of medicinal plants does not have any
natural products. limitations; therefore, their safety and usage restrictions can be
neglected, and in turn, misuses and abuses can arise.
5. Because medicinal plants are commonly used by local populations, 5. Lack of high-level clinical studies and validation methods for
by monitoring these patients, more clinical information can be antimalarial medicinal plants.
achieved even before going to be used in clinical practice.

polypills and have shown considerable efficacy in several studies mefloquine (Leverrier, Bero, Frederich, Quetin-Leclercq, & Palermo,
(Bassat et al., 2009; Dama et al., 2018). The multidrug form of the 2013; Parhizgar & Tahghighi, 2017). Chloroquine and primaquine are
medication has some obvious results; patients are adherent to admin- quinine derivatives with 4- and 8-aminoquinoline backbone, respec-
istered medication, and there are fewer concerns about drug misuse tively. Quinacrine is a synthetic 9-aminoacridine demonstrating an
(Price & Douglas, 2009). DHA-PQ is suitable for regions with a high inadequate therapeutic profile (i.e., minor AMA with higher drug side
transmission probability due to its long half-life, whereas AL is more effects) as an antimalarial agent (Figure 2; Foye, 2008). Piperaquine,
effective than DHA-PQ in reducing the bloodstream gametocytes. compared with other quinine derivatives, has a complex structure
This is the main reason for the physicians to consider AL as a notable consisting of two quinoline units and two piperazine rings. The bulky
option in nonendemic areas to reduce parasite transmission to mos- bisquinoline structure reduces the efflux (the main reason for chloro-
quitoes (Okell et al., 2014). The incidence of the side effects is the quine resistance). Therefore, piperaquine can be administered in drug-
same in both multidrug forms (DHA-PQ and AL). It is worth to say that resistant cases (Davis, Hung, Sim, Karunajeewa, & Ilett, 2005).
gastrointestinal side effects are the most common adverse effects of Malaria parasites form acidic vacuoles inside the erythrocytes in
these medications. Additionally, dermatitis, hypersensitivity, and order to breakdown and convert hemoglobin into toxic heme and
altered alanine aminotransferase levels have been reported as rare then inert hemozoin (Coronado, Nadovich, & Spadafora, 2014). The
side effects (Bassat et al., 2009). The advantages and disadvantages of uncharged nature of chloroquine facilitates the entrance into the vac-
antimalarial medicinal plants in comparison with fully synthetic drugs uoles, which then is protonated and accumulated in acidic locale of
are summarized in Table 3. vacuoles. Chloroquine prevents the heme conversion to hemozoin.
Some parasites can remove chloroquine from their vacuoles, which
the drug does not accumulate there consequently, resulting in chloro-
4 | PHYTOCHEMICALS WITH AMA quine resistance (Bray et al., 2005).

From a structural viewpoint, artemisinin is a sesquiterpene lactone

(Figure 2). Artemisinin and all of its derivatives have a peroxide bridge. 5 | I M P O R T A NT GE N U S E V A L U A T ED F O R
Reduction of this bridge with Fe2+ ion causes the production of radical THEIR ANTIMALARIAL PROPERTIES
compounds, which subsequently alkylate proteins and kill parasites in
the blood stage of malaria (Tilley, Straimer, Gnädig, Ralph, & Fidock, 5.1 | Artemisia spp.
2016; Van Agtmael, Eggelte, & van Boxtel, 1999). Several derivatives
were produced by simple chemical reactions on the artemisinin struc- Table 4 shows the selected commercially available artemisinin deriva-
ture; dihydroartemisinin, a water-soluble derivative, was produced by tives dispensed for malaria therapy. Artemisinin was first separated
reducing the carbonyl group in artemisinin. Artesunate is the steric from A. annua (Figure 3b). Artemisinin is also found in other species of
form of dihydroartemisinin, and artemether is obtained by adding a Artemisia, including Artemisia apiacea. Generally, extraction of Artemi-
methyl group to the artemisinin's carbonyl group (Figure 2; Loo, Lam, sia's dried leaves was performed using nonpolar solvents such as
Yu, Su, & Lu, 2017). petroleum ether or hexane followed by the separation and purification
Quinoline is the basic structure for a number of antimalarial of the compound by column chromatography or high performance
agents such as quinine, chloroquine, piperaquine, amodiaquine, and liquid chromatography (Stringham, Moore, Teager, & Yue, 2018; Tian

F I G U R E 2 Chemical structures of some antimalarial agents, including artemisinin-based compounds, an indoloquinoline named cryptolepine,
an iridoid obtained from Scrophularia lepidota, artemisinin like arteflene, which possess better anti-Plasmodium effects in comparison with the
original compound (yingzhaosu), a naphthoquinone known as lapachol and its derivative, atovaquone with further oral bioavailability, and
quinoline-based antimalarial drugs

et al., 2012). In addition to sesquiterpenes, Artemisia genus contains other (Czechowski et al., 2019; Rasoanaivo, Wright, Willcox, & Gilbert, 2011;
compounds, including flavonoids such as artemetin, chrysosplenetin, and Tan, Zheng, & Tang, 1998).
cirsilineol, which also have beneficial effects on malaria; therefore, these The essential oil of A. annua has been investigated for its antimicrobial
compounds may synergistically increase AMA along with artemisinin activity (Bilia, Santomauro, Sacco, Bergonzi, & Donato, 2014). Although

TABLE 4 Examples of artemisinin's commercial derivatives (, 2018)

Artemisinin's commercial derivatives Brand name Manufacturer Pharmaceutical dosage form

Artemether Artenam Arenco Pharmaceutical (Belgium) Ampoule
Artem Hilton (Pakistan) Ampoule
Larither IPCA (India) Ampoule
Paluther Sanofi Aventis (Bangladesh) Ampoule
Artemether plus lumefantrine Coartem Novartis (Bangladesh, United States, etc.) Tablet
Lifart-L Iscon Life Sciences (India) Oral suspension and tablet
Lumartem Cipla (India) Tablet
Riamet Novartis (Belgium, Bulgaria, etc.) Dispersible tablet
Artesunate Artesun Guilin Pharmaceutical (Shanghai) Vial for injection
Asunate Adley (India) Vial for injection
Falcigo Zydus Cadila (India) Vial for injection
Plasmotrim Acino Switzerland (Myanmar) Rectal capsule
Artesunate plus amodiaquine Co-Artesun Guilin Pharmaceutical (Shanghai) Tablet
Artesunate plus mefloquine Artequin Acino Switzerland (Myanmar) Tablet
Falcigo plus Zydus Cadila (India) Tablet
Dihydroartemisinin Alaxin GVS Labs (Kenya) Tablet
Dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine Eurartesim Sigma-tau (Germany, France, etc.) Tablet
P-Alaxin Bliss GVS Pharma (India) Oral suspension and tablet

F I G U R E 3 Images of Cinchona
calisaya Wedd. (a) and Artemisia annua
L. (b). The figures are obtained from
“African plants - A Photo Guide” by
getting the required permissions
(Latham, 2014)

the essential oil contains different percentages of components according Artemisia genus. Table 5 summarizes some clinical trials that studied
to the plant's growing site (China, India, Iran, etc.), the major components the efficacy and safety of artemisinin derivatives. Bamunuarachchi,
of the essential oil are common such as camphor, germacrene D, artemisia Ratnasooriya, Premakumara, and Udagama (2013) evaluated the in
ketone, and 1,8-cineole. Recent studies have indicated the significant anti- vivo AMA of the ethanolic extract of Artemisia vulgaris leaves con-
microbial activity of monoterpene- and sesquiterpene-rich essential oil of taining alkaloids and coumarins based on preliminary phytochemical
A. annua, regardless of the growing site, against Gram-positive and Gram- screening results on infected mice. Various doses of A. vulgaris extract
negative bacteria and fungi (Bilia et al., 2014). were administered orally in mice, and the data showed that the
The discovery of artemisinin from A. annua has a substantial extract reduced the amount of Plasmodium berghei parasites in the
impact on malaria therapy, which in turn boosted the research on the bloodstream in a dose-dependent manner by 80%; however, the drug

TABLE 5 Some completed randomized controlled trials reported ACTs efficacy and safety in malaria

Trial title Enrollment Treatment Reported outcomes NCT identifier

Artemisinin-resistant malaria in Cambodia 561 • Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine Infection relapse percent differs from a minimum of 2% up to NCT01736319
a maximum of 46% in various regions of Cambodia.
Treatment efficacy and malaria transmission after 219 • Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine In 31.8% of Kenyan children (6 months–10 years) with NCT01939886
artemisinin combination therapy 2 (TRANSACT2) • Artemether–lumefantrine Plasmodium falciparum infection, residual parasitemia was
detected on Day 3 of ACT therapy.
In addition, after Day 42 of treatment, recurrent infection risk
is higher in children treated with AL regimen than patients
treated with DP regimen, but transmission risk is lower by
using AL.
Safe and efficacious artemisinin-based combination 3,428 • Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine According to the results, DP was the most effective and safe NCT00852423
treatments for African pregnant women with malaria • Artesunate–mefloquine regimen in pregnant women with Plasmodium falciparum
(PREGACT) • Artesunate–amodiaquine mono-infection; however, regimens were not that much
• Artesunate–amodiaquine different in adverse effects on fetus.
Evaluation of 4 artemisinin-based combinations for treating 4,112 • Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine This study carried out in different regions of sub-Saharan NCT00393679
uncomplicated malaria in African children • Amodiaquine–artesunate countries on 6- to 59-month-old children with Plasmodium
• Artemether–lumefantrine falciparum infection. Pairwise comparison of regimens was
• Chlorproguanil–dapsone–artesunate conducted. DP indicated the lowest relapsing rate followed
by AA.
Artemisinin resistance in Cambodia II (ARC II) 143 • Artesunate Even in ACT-resistant regions, increasing the usual artesunate NCT00722150
daily dose (4 mg/kg) was not beneficial in lowering residual
parasitemia evaluated on Day 3 of treatment, but it could
predispose patients to neutropenia. Therefore, the
administration of artesunate along with another potent
antimalarial agent could be a better solution in this situation.
Artemisinin resistance in Bangladesh 126 • Artesunate The results did not confirm resistance to artesunate in NCT00639873
• Quinine–doxycycline Bangladesh.
Clinical investigation of in-vivo susceptibility of P. falciparum 40 • Artesunate Resistant Plasmodium falciparum was detected in Cambodia NCT00493363
to artesunate in western Cambodia • Artesunate–mefloquine through prolonged parasitemia in comparison with patients
in Thailand.
Artemisinin resistance in Cambodia 94 • Artesunate Three percent of patients treated with artesunate indicated NCT00479206
• Quinine–tetracycline drug resistance. Prolonged parasitemia and increased IC50
are resistance criteria.
Efficacy and safety of a single low-dose primaquine for the 220 • Artemether–lumefantrine Followed by adding a single dose of primaquine to the AL NCT02090036
clearance of gametocytes • Artemether–lumefantrine–primaquine regimen, the results did not show any significant effect.
Artemisinin-based antimalarial combinations and clinical 720 • Artesunate–amodiaquine AA, DP, and AL regimens were administered to three groups NCT01845701
response in Cameroon • Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine of children from 6 months old to 6 years old in Cameroon;
• Artemether–lumefantrine the results did not show significant difference in efficacy
and adverse effects between these groups.
600 • Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole SP and DP regimens administered to infants monthly and TS NCT00948896
• Sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine administered daily as prophylaxis. The therapy was

dose could not be increased significantly due to the possible adverse

NCT identifier effects such as hematotoxicity and hepatotoxicity (Bamunuarachchi
et al., 2013). In another study, Artemisia afra was investigated for

Abbreviations: AA, amodiaquine–artesunate; ACT, artemisinin-based combination therapies; AL, artemether–lumefantrine; DP, dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine; NCT, National Clinical Trial Identifier; SP,
potential antimalarial function. Although the infusion of A. afra has
been used to treat malaria in southern Africa, the results of the study
indicated that A. afra's infusion did not have antimalarial effects in
continued until 24 months of age. The results indicated 58%

respectively. Adverse effects were not significantly different

This study was conducted in Vietnam (Quang Nam Province).

Although DP regimen was still effective, some cases with a vitro.

observed. The results indicated the importance of novel

prolonged parasitemia (>72 h) and increased IC50 were On the contrary, the nonpolar extract of A. afra's different parts
protection for DP and 28% and 7% for TS and SP,

such as roots and leaves were effective in vitro against chloroquine-

sensitive P. falciparum parasites. In a study conducted by Liu et al.
(2010), the AMA of the chloroform extracts was assessed by estimat-
ing the Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase activity, and the results
indicated the effectiveness of the extracts. In one recent study, Arte-
misia herba-alba Asso has been studied for insecticidal activity (Aziz
antimalarial drug discovery.

et al., 2018). The results indicated adequate insecticidal effects for

in the mentioned groups.

this plant. The A. herba-alba extract eliminated Anopheles stephensi

Reported outcomes

with an LC50 value of 9.86 μg/ml when used in a nanoparticulated

form. Nanoparticles of this extract can also be effective against other
insects such as Aedes aegypti being responsible for yellow fever
spread (Aziz et al., 2018). Recently, the AMA of Artemisia armeniaca
Lam., Artemisia aucheri Boiss., Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kitam., and
Artemisia spicigera K.Koch were studied using β-hematin formation in
vitro assay, and the results showed that the dichloromethane extracts
of the Artemisia genus have the capability of inhibiting the conversion
• Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine

• Dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine

of heme to hemozoin at high concentrations (Afshar et al., 2011;

Mojarrab, Shiravand, Delazar, & Heshmati Afshar, 2014). β-Hematin is
used to assess the antimalarial potential of novel compounds so that
β-hematin has a regular crystalline structure similar to that of
hemozoin, and it can be produced in vitro under a special chemical
reaction in acidic acetate solution. Giving a brief description of

β-hematin formation assay, various concentrations of the extracts, as

well as positive and negative controls, are incubated with hematin,
oleic acid, hydrochloric acid, and sodium acetate buffer. Then, centri-
fugation is performed, and the formed β-hematin pellets are attained

and then washed. Finally, the absorbance of samples at 400 nm is

read, and the results are calculated compared with the negative con-

trol as percentages of crystallization inhibition (Afshar et al., 2011;

sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine; TS, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole.

Tekwani & Walker, 2005).

Chemopreventive therapy for malaria in Ugandan children
(PROMOTE-Chemop) Chemopreventive therapy for

Plasmodium falciparum artemisinin resistance Vietnam

malaria in Ugandan children (PROMOTE-Chemop)

5.2 | Cinchona spp.

The bitter-tasted Cinchona bark was used for beverage manufacturing.

Additionally, bitters have been used as medicines for recurrent fevers
as well as tonics; the effect of Cinchona bark on periodic and relapsing
fever treatment and prophylaxis has been proved in the early 18th

century. Quinine is the main alkaloid of Cinchona bark mainly

extracted from Cinchona pubescens Vahl. and Cinchona calisaya Wedd.
(Figure 3a) for antimalarial therapy (Cosenza, Somavilla, Fagg, &
Brandao, 2013). Several factors influenced the considerable indication

Trial title

of quinine as an antimalarial agent, including short half-life, bitter

taste, and numerous side effects such as headache, dizziness, nausea,
vomiting, and hemolysis. Furthermore, the encountered resistance to

medicine limited effective malaria treatment (Shanks, 2016). Recently, as a prophylaxis for malaria (Figure 2; Cruz, Spangenberg, Lacerda, &
various novel antimalarial therapies with quinine scaffold have been Wells, 2013). In addition to atovaquone, other derivatives were devel-
synthesized such as hydroxyethylapoquinine, to reduce side effects oped from lapachol, and their antimalarial effects were assessed. de
and prevent drug resistance (Sanders, Meyers, & Sullivan, 2014). Souza et al. (2014) synthesized some quinone-based compounds
and their activities were evaluated against chloroquine-resistant
malaria by determining histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP-2) secretion
5.3 | Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl.) Schltr level from P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Among them, two
compounds with 2-hydroxy-3-methylamino naphthoquinone deriv-
For a long time, roots and leaves of C. sanguinolenta (Lindl.) Schltr. atives showed IC50 values less than 5 μM. in vivo studies revealed
have been extensively used in Traditional West African medicine in that the developed compounds could reduce parasitemia by 63% in
the treatment of malaria. Cryptolepine has an indoloquinoline basis mice with chloroquine-sensitive P. berghei (de Souza et al., 2014).
and performs its antimalarial effect by connecting to the column HRP-2 seems to play an important role in the conversion of heme
chromatography sequences and preventing DNA synthesis to hemozoin in P. falciparum parasites present in all strains of the
(Lisgarten, Coll, Portugal, Wright, & Aymami, 2001; Osafo, parasite. In the anti-HRP-2 test, samples and controls were poured
Mensah, & Yeboah, 2017). Cryptolepine was first derived from the into a 96-well plate. Then, the parasites were added to the plate as
roots of C. sanguinolenta. Grellier et al. (1996) provided the root samples with 1.5% hematocrit and 0.05% parasitemia. After incuba-
extract of C. sanguinolenta and examined its AMA. The results indi- tion, the cells were lysed through freeze–defreeze cycles, and a
cated that the extract and cryptolepine, the main alkaloid in the certain number of the lysed cells from each well were added to
plant roots (Figure 2), have significant antimalarial effects by another plate, coated with anti-HRP-2 antibody. The secondary
inhibiting the sensitive and even resistant species of Plasmodium antibody was added to the plate after blocking and washing steps.
parasites (Osafo et al., 2017). An in vitro assay, based on calculated Eventually, tetramethylbenzidine was added to the wells, and then
IC50 values, showed a greater potency for cryptolepine in killing the absorbance amounts were measured at 450 nm, and AMA of
P. falciparum parasites compared with isocryptolepine, the other the samples was calculated according to the results of negative and
alkaloid existing in the C. sanguinolenta extract. Therefore, crypt- positive controls (de Souza et al., 2014; Noedl, Wernsdorfer,
olepine antiparasitic activities were evaluated by additional in vivo Miller, & Wongsrichanalai, 2002).
experiments in the infected mice against P. berghei and Plasmodium
vinckei petteri using the classical 4-day suppressive test, and the
results indicated higher suppression percentage against P. vinckei 5.5 | Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.f.) Bhandari
petteri (Grellier et al., 1996). In this method, a quantified number of
parasitized RBCs were intraperitoneally injected into the model Yingzhaosu is a natural and also synthetic antimalarial herbal com-
mice, followed by the administration of various concentrations of pound originated from A. hexapetalus (L.f.) Bhandari and is structur-
cryptolepine saline solution through intraperitoneal injection for ally related to artemisinin. From a structural viewpoint, yingzhaosu
3 days. In the next step, growth inhibition percentages by increas- is a nonalkaloidal antimalarial agent with an endoperoxide group,
ing concentrations of cryptolepine were calculated compared with as well as artemisinin and its derivatives (Zhou & Xu, 1994).
the control group (Grellier et al., 1996; Peters, 1965). In a clinical Arteflene is a synthetic peroxide-containing compound derived
trial, the plant's root powder was formulated as tea bags and pre- from yingzhaosu (Figure 2). An in vivo study conducted in mice
scribed to 44 patients. The results showed at least 50% reduction showed fourfold to fivefold higher antimalarial potency for paren-
in parasitemia rate in all the patients after 7 days; however, two teral injection than orally administered arteflene, which was associ-
cases of recurrence have been reported after 25 days (Bugyei, ated with the rapid metabolism of the drug to a weaker compound
Boye, & Addy, 2010). The essential constituent of C. sanguinolenta in the stomach (Girometta, Jauch, Ponelle, Guenzi, & Wiegand-
has several other effects, including antibacterial and cytotoxic Chou, 1994). In one clinical trial conducted on 23 patients with mild
actions. Moreover, recent studies have revealed the importance of malaria, the results indicated that 48 hr after a single dose adminis-
C. sanguinolenta as an anticancer, antihypertensive, and antipyretic tration of arteflene, P. falciparum parasites were completely cleared
agent (Osafo et al., 2017). from the bloodstream in 53% of the patients (Salako et al., 1994).
There were also failed outcomes in the application of arteflene in
malaria treatment. In one clinical trial, the efficacy of arteflene was
5.4 | Handroanthus impetiginosus (Mart. ex DC.) assessed in comparison with mefloquine for the treatment of chil-
Mattos dren with uncomplicated P. falciparum. Following a single oral dose
administration of arteflene, drug resistance occurred in eight out of
H. impetiginosus contains a naphthoquinone known as lapachol. Inter- 21 patients, whereas there was no drug resistance to mefloquine.
rupting the parasite's electron transport chain is the mechanism of Moreover, after 28 days, only one patient who received arteflene
lapachol's AMA. Atovaquone with better oral bioavailability was was completely cured, whereas all the patients were cured in the
developed by applying changes to the structure of lapachol to be used case of mefloquine (Radloff et al., 1996).

6 | OTHER HERBS WITH ANTIMALARIAL 6.3 | Astrodaucus persicus (Boiss.) Drude

Goodarzi et al. (2017) assessed the anti-Plasmodium activity of the
In addition to the previously discussed plants and their antimalarial various extracts of A. persicus (Boiss.) Drude using in vivo tests in
constituents, other herbs were also studied in terms of AMA. In this mice. The results indicated significant differences on the fourth day of
section, we intend to highlight a number of these studies. therapy between the negative control group and the test group.
Root's hexane extract and fruit's ethyl acetate extract showed approx-
imately 73% and 72% of parasitemia suppression, respectively
6.1 | Syzygium cordatum Hochst. ex Krauss (Goodarzi et al., 2017).

S. cordatum Hochst. ex Krauss is a highly important medicinal herb in

southern and eastern Africa regarding its antimalarial and antibacterial 6.4 | Eremostachys molucelloides Bunge
effects. In addition, the plant's fruits have nutritional value. A number
of traditional medical applications have been reported for S. cordatum, E. molucelloides Bunge was investigated for antimalarial effects in an
including antibacterial, antidiarrhea, and wound healing boosting in vitro study. The dichloromethane extract of plant rhizomes has
effects. been found to have stronger AMA than the other extracts of
Furthermore, in Tanzania and Zambia, decoction of bark and E. molucelloides (IC50 = 0.324 ± 0.039 mg/ml). However, the antimalar-
leaves of this herb is consumed to treat malaria, and recent studies ial effect of the extract was less than control (i.e., chloroquine
have confirmed the effectiveness of the method (Maroyi, 2018). IC50 = 0.014 ± 0.003 mg/ml). Moreover, in this study, IC50 value for
Nondo et al. (2015) investigated the antimalarial efficiency of the the 6:4 ethyl acetate/n-hexane fraction of dichloromethane rhizome
ethanolic extract of S. cordatum bark using the Plasmodium lactate extract was 0.047 ± 0.0003 mg/ml (Asnaashari, Heshmati Afshar,
dehydrogenase assay. The results showed that the percentage of Ebrahimi, Bamdad Moghadam, & Delazar, 2015).
growth inhibition by the extract against chloroquine-resistant
P. falciparum parasites was approximately 55% (Nondo et al., 2015).
In another study, the AMA of the dichloromethane extract of 7 | CONC LU SION
S. cordatum's leaves was assessed through [3H] hypoxanthine incor-
poration method. The results also indicated that the leaves extract Nature has always inspired scientists in many fields; drug designing is
could inhibit the chloroquine-sensitive P. falciparum parasites with not an exception. The great portion of the medications available in
IC50 of 6.2 μg/ml (Bapela, Meyer, & Kaiser, 2014). Hypoxanthine is the market either is natural or originated from natural products. Drug
usually one of the most important members of P. falciparum culture resistance always rises, and new medications are proposed to over-
because P. falciparum parasites require a hypoxanthine source for come the resistance. High throughput drug screening to find second-
nucleic acid synthesis. ary function for the available drugs is considered as an efficient
For this reason, to assess growth of parasites, [3H] hypoxanthine method to develop a lead compound to fight against diseases. Malaria
radioisotope is added to their microculture. In the mentioned study, treatment is based on herbals; nevertheless, the impact of modern
the parasites were cultured in RPMI medium, and RBCs were used medicines should not be overlooked. This review provided some
as the host cells. Then, the samples and a standard medication like important herbals with AMA and introduced some others with poten-
chloroquine were added to the plate. After incubation under a cer- tial AMA. The important thing here is that the traditional medication
tain condition, [3H] hypoxanthine was added to the wells. In the for malaria therapy is a gold mine, and it is reasonable to see more of
next step, harvesting was performed after further incubation. these medications in the market in the near future.
Finally, the erythrocytes were filtered, and the parasitized RBCs
were detected and counted (Bapela et al., 2014; Chulay, Haynes, & AC KNOWLEDG EME NT
Diggs, 1983). This work was partially supported by CONICYT PIA/APOYO CCTE

6.2 | Scrophularia umbrosa Dumort CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST

The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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