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Moon Landing

A. Introduction
1.Do you think that the moon landing is real?
2.background info/ some believe that the U.S. government staged the moon
landing to win the space race with the Soviets.
3.thesis/ I believe that the moon landing wasn’t staged and Neil Armstrong and
Buzz Aldrin did step foot on the moon in 1969.

B. Foot Prints
1.The footprints that are on the moon, to this day are still there because of the
weather that doesn’t occur on the moon.
2.On the moon, it is said that there is no weather, so there would be no wind, rain,
snow, glaciers (Siegel) or any other weather to move or affect the moon's surface.
3. NASA has sent out satellites and got many clips and pictures where you can
still see where the orbiter landed and the footprints around it.

C. They installed equipment on the moon

1. NASA has left behind things to stay on the moon over time.
2.(Dunbar) Apollos 11, 14 and 15 left behind Laser Ranging RetroReflectors that
are still working after three decades. These arrays provide information about the distance to the
Moon and how that distance expands over time. The reflectors are so small that aiming lasers at
them from Earth is like using a rifle to hit a moving dime two miles away.

D. Photographs

1.There were 8,000 images of everything we did on the moon and a lot of satellite
2. We also took back some of the things we took pictures of, proving even more
that's it is real

E. Counterclaim

There are many people saying “The moon landing is fake because the American
flag looks like it is flapping in the wind” or “The moon landing is fake because you can’t
see the stars” or “The moon landing is fake because the shadows aren’t right”. People are
saying all of these things on the internet and making others believe them when we should
all know that the moon landing wasn’t staged. There is more than enough evidence to tell
the moon landing isn’t staged but a lot of people are still believing that it was. NASA
actually made a special flag so that it would stay up because there is no wind. If that
wasn’t made, it would have just flopped down like when it’s on earth with no wind. Also,
the reason you couldn't see the stars is because “All of the exposures of the astronauts on
the moon are daylight exposures,” he explains. “The surface was brightly illuminated
[from the sun]. And the astronauts are wearing bright white space suits that are highly
reflective.” said Fieberg(Little). With all of that evidence, I believe that the moon landing
is real and all of the assumptions of it being staged, have been answered and proved

F. Conclusion
I believe that the moon landing is real because of the footprints, the equipment they left
on the moon, and the photographs that have been taken. In my opinion, that is enough
evidence to persuade someone that believes the moon landing is fake, that the moon
landing is real.
Works cited page

“Apollo 11 Mission.” Apollo 11 Landing Site Overview,

Dunbar, Brian. “Apollo's Lunar Leftovers.” NASA, NASA,

Dunbar, Brian. “The First Person on the Moon.” NASA, NASA,

Little, Becky. “The Wildest Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories, Debunked.”, A&E

Television Networks, 10 June 2019,


Siegel, Ethan. “Here's Your Proof That We Landed On The Moon, Steph Curry.” Forbes, Forbes

Magazine, 12 Dec. 2018,

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