CBT No 241 Development of Heavy Weather

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Which of the following options best completes the following statement? ‘With waves ahead a
vessel with a very fine bow will... ...cut through the waves relatively easily’.

Select an option that best answers the following question. In low equatorial latitudes which
pressure system is associated with extremely strong wind? A tropical revolving storm

Which of the given options can be considered a definition of temperate latitudes? Latitudes
between 30 and 70 degrees north and south

Select the option which correctly completes the following statement. ‘The strongest winds in
a temperate latitude depression often occur... ...behind the cold front’.

Select the option which correctly completes the following statement. ‘The Beaufort scale is
used to... ...indicate wind strength’.

Select the option which correctly completes the following statement. ‘A Beaufort wind force
10 will have a velocity of… ...48 – 55 knots’.

Select the option which correctly completes the following statement. ‘A Beaufort wind force
10 will have associated deep water waves of average height... ...9 metres’.

Which one of the given options can be considered a definition of fetch? The distance which
the wind has been blowing over the sea surface

Which of the given options is correct in relation to the following statement? ‘Fetch is the
important factor in allowing the formation of fully developed waves’. The statement is only part
correct as water depth is also important to wave formation

Which of the given options best describes the location of the world’s Tropical Revolving
Storms. In lower latitudes across all oceans

Which of the given options best describes what happens to a wave entering shallow water. It
feels the bottom and it’s characteristics change

Which one of the given options best describes swell waves found at sea? Waves resulting
from previous wind or wind in another area

Which of the given options correctly identifies the speed of a deep water sea waves of 150
metres length and period 10 seconds? Approximately 30 knots in deep water

Which of the given options best describes wind against tide effect? Wind blowing in an
opposite direction to water flow

Select from the following options why very large waves build up in the sea. It is because all
required environmental factors are present

Select the option which correctly completes the following statement. ‘The group wave period
of a deep water wave explains why... ...there are bigger and smaller waves in the same wave

Select the option which correctly completes the following statement. ‘Very large waves can
be destructive because they have... ...lots of energy’.

Which of the given options is correct for a local name in Australia for a Tropical Revolving
Storm? Willy – willy
Which of the given options is correct in relation to the following statement? ‘Storms causing
heavy weather conditions occur seasonally’. The statement is part correct – it depends upon

Which of the given options best describes a katabatic wind? A wind that blows from the land
towards the sea

Which of the given options best describes a Tsunami sea wave? A long wavelength wave
caused by an earthquake

Which of the given options is the most accurate in relation to the following statement? ‘A
vessel when sailing deep sea may not notice a Tsunami wave passing’. A correct statement –
because of the wave characteristics

Which of the following options best completes the following statement? ‘A seiche is... ...the
oscillation of water in a harbour’.

Which of the given options best completes the following statement? ‘A high pressure centre
will... ...temporarily depress the sea surface’.

Select from the given options the statement that best describes water force on a vessel. The
force is made up from form drag and skin friction

Select from the given options the statement that best describes how much water force there
can be on a vessel compared to wind force. Water force can be considerably more than wind
force on some vessels

Which of the given options is correct for the following question? ‘If the wind force on a
vessel is calculated to be 50 tonnes how many 50 tonne tugs will be required with 25%
redundancy to overcome the wind force? A minimum of two tugs

Which of the given options can be considered correct to complete this statement? ‘The bow
of an aft accommodation vessel with wind on the beam when moving ahead... ...will probably
seek the wind’.

When manoeuvring a vessel in a shallow water tidal area with tugs where should the tugs be
positioned, select the best option? In positions to control the water forces

Which of the given options can be considered correct to complete this statement? ‘Breaking
water on the deck of a vessel... ...can impose enormous loads on deck and deck machinery’.

'When there is moving water on the deck from breaking waves the force it generates will be
insufficient to knock a person over‘? Select the best option that comments on this
statement. The statement is incorrect as the force may be sufficient to knock a person over

Which of the given options best completes the following statement? ‘Water breaking over
the bow of a large vessel with aft accommodation... ...may be causing damage not seen
immediately by the crew’.

Select from the given options the best definition of a vessel slamming. The bow re-entering
the water when the vessel is pitching

Which of the given options best describes when a large vessel will start rolling in waves?
When the encounter angle is near the beam and waves have sufficient force

Which of the given options most accurately completes the following statement? ‘The
transverse GM of the vessel... ...has an influence on a vessel rolling in waves’.
Which of the given options best describes parametric rolling on a vessel? Very heavy rolling
when ahead or astern waves are encountered

Which of the given options correctly completes the following statement? ‘On a large
container vessel in heavy weather with waves ahead slowing down may... ...increase the
likelihood of parametric rolling’.

Which of the given options correctly describes a vessel broaching? An uncontrolled

manoeuvre putting the vessel beam on to waves

Which of the given options correctly describes a vessel being pooped? When a wave breaks
on the stern of a vessel

Which of the given options correctly describes what happens to a vessel’s stability in heavy
weather? Passing waves cause increases and decreases in the vessel’s transverse GM

Which of the given options best describes the direction of wind circulation in a tropical
storm in the southern hemisphere? Clockwise when viewed from above

Which of the given options most accurately completes the following statement? ‘A category
5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale is... ...a severe tropical storm’.

Which of the given options best describes an anabatic wind? A wind that blows towards land
from the sea

Which of the given options best describes the motion of water particles in a shallow water
wave? They move horizontally only

Indicate from the given options the definition of phase wave period in relation to sea waves.
The time for two successive crests to pass a fixed point

Which of the given options best describes why a vessel may be rolling or pitching when
there is no wind? The vessel is suffering swell waves

Which of the given options correctly describes a standing wave in a harbour? One that has
vertical movement only

Select from the given options the statement that best describes wind force on a vessel. The
force is made up from form drag and skin friction

Select the option that completes the following statement. ‘If the wind speed doubles... ...the
force on the vessel increases by an approximate factor of four’.

Which of the given options is the most accurate for the following statement? ‘Slamming is
an acceptable part of being in big waves’. The statement is not correct as slamming can cause
major damage

Select from the possible options one definition of heavy weather given in this module. When
the wave height exceeds 4 metres

Which of the following statements best explains why some vessels cope with heavy weather
better than others? Heavy weather effects can be relative to the vessel

Which of the given options best describes the direction of wind circulation in a tropical
storm in the northern hemisphere? Anti clockwise when viewed from above
Which of the given options can be considered the best answer to a definition of the
dangerous semi circle in a Tropical Revolving Storm (TRS)? It is the semicircle where the wind
is in the same direction as the TRS movement

Select the option which correctly completes the following statement. ‘Wind waves are
classed as gravity waves because... ...gravity is the restoring force when wind stops’.

Which of the given options best completes the following statement in relation to sea waves?
‘The height of a wave is the distance from... ...the crest to the trough vertically’.

Which of the given options best describes the significant wave height in relation to sea
waves? The mean height of the third largest waves

Which of the given options is the most accurate in relation to the following statement? ‘Very
large waves can be encountered in any sea area regardless of environmental conditions’. Not
correct - as environmental conditions have to be right

Which of the given options best describes a cross swell in relation to sea state. Two swells
from different directions meeting at a large angle

Which of the given options best describes the speed of swell waves? Long wavelength swell
travels faster than short wavelength

Which of the given options is the most accurate in relation to a rogue wave? There will often
be a large trough before the wave front

Which of the given options correctly describes a standing wave at sea? One that moves in the
same direction and speed as the vessel

Which of the given options best describes a tidal storm surge? Raising or lowering of the
predicted tide height

Which of the given options best completes the following statement? ‘A low pressure centre
will... ...temporarily raise the sea surface’.

Which of the given options can be considered correct for the time when a large vessel starts
to feel the bottom and have increased drag? When the depth becomes less than six times the

Which of the given options can be considered the most accurate for this statement? ‘The
position of the centre of water pressure will affect how the vessel handles when being
berthed’. A correct statement – as a berthing vessel usually has force from moving water on it</txt>

Which of the given options is the most accurate in relation to the following statement?
‘Synchronous rolling only occurs with beam seas’. It is not correct as quartering seas can
produce the same affect

Which of the given options correctly completes the following statement? ‘There is a risk of
parametric rolling if... the natural roll period is twice the wave encounter period

Which of the given options most accurately completes the following statement? ‘Water on
deck of a vessel... ...can increase top weight reducing the vessel’s stability

Which of the given options correctly describes why fin stabilisers are sometimes not as
effective in heavy weather as in calmer conditions? If the vessel slows down lift from the fin is

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