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Handsome I

t’s been said before that history repeats itself. If you look
back in history, you’ll find powerful men who built the Great

Pyramids, conquered nations, and reigned over kingdoms

all while wearing makeup.  For millennia, history was forged
by leaders including the Pharaohs of Egypt, Alexander
the Great, and King Louis the Eighth, all of whom proudly wore
makeup as a sign of dignity and distinction. Unfortunately, that

Made Easy
view faded over time as a result of societal categorization of what
defines masculinity and what is feminine. But, could history be
repeating itself? 

According to Google Trends, based on the most popular searches

from around the world, men are searching for skin care products
now more than ever. In fact, American consumers spent over $5.0
Billion in 2017 on men’s grooming and cosmetics products, a sharp
increase from $2.4 Billion in 1997, a doubling of demand in just
ten years.
Pioneering men’s cosmetics... Why? A new generation is coming to the forefront of culture
elegant and refined tools for the modern man. ushering in a new era that questions gender roles between men
and women, fostering an acceptance in society that encourages

Kyle Curtis individuals to express themselves and to embrace and celebrate

their individuality. Society is now rethinking what it means to be
masculine and what characteristics it takes to be a “man”.  And, in a
society where there is the large and increasing presence of social
media, where every moment is subject to being immortalized in a
selfie or a snap, is it any surprise that men today are paying more
attention to their appearance and beginning to embrace the world
of cosmetics in increasing numbers? 

As a pioneer in men’s cosmetics, Stryx is engineering elegant and

refined tools for the modern man. They have created a new line
of category-defining products tailored to fit the ease of a man’s
lifestyle while complementing the uniqueness of a man’s skin. 
Rushing out of the house with a bad hair day is one thing, but being
able to slip a discreet and sexy product into your pocket that will
make you look more alive… now thats life changing. Move over
hair products… skin is in for men! “Handsome Made Easy” - a
concept developed by Stryx that is revolutionizing the way the
world sees men’s cosmetics products.                                      

Don’t think of it as “makeup” …Stryx’s well-designed and packaged

tools allow men to enjoy the confidence boost that comes with
using their products in a way that compliments a man’s everyday
attire and environment. Their specially formulated concealer is the
perfect way to hide blemishes like zits or razor burn or just give
your face a quick “glow- up”… literally, this product can brighten
even those late nights that turn into early mornings just before you
have to be at work kind of days. This incredibly crafted product
comes in a sleek pen-shaped package, with clip, that is so discreet
it fits perfectly in your blazer pocket for the on-the-go guy. And
let’s talk about the second part of this famous Stryx product duo ;
their Tinted Moisturizer… Who doesn’t want to look better in all of
30 seconds? It is just that easy! Stryx’s tinted moisturizer has a very
dynamic formulation and color that is light weight and is as easy as
pump the product, rub in your hands, and even out your skin tone
all while moisturizing your skin.

Our appearances are constantly being posted, tweeted,

Instagrammed, snapped, streamed, and emailed… usually daily.
So why wouldn’t men want to use tools to make us feel attractive
look healthy, and improve our self-confidence. You never know
who is watching and who you will inspire. 

It’s never a bad idea to look to history as we make our own....and

as we do, maybe we too will do it wearing Stryx.

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