Student 4 Essay

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Do you ever wonder if the moon landing was real or fake?

Well, many people have

different standpoints on the moon landing because of several reasons. For one people believe that

if they were able to go to the moon then, well why couldn’t they go 40 years later after lots of

technology advancements, The best reason would be we already completed their mission so

hence they had no reason to go back so they moved onto exploring other things in deep space.

Another reason to prove that the lunar module on the Apollo 11 mission did, in fact, go to

the moon because according to ​​ “​The first footprints put on the moon will probably be

there a long, long time — maybe almost as long as the moon itself lasts.” They had live footage

of the moonwalk and the astronauts brought back pictures and footage of the footprint itself.

It would be quite difficult to fool millions of people around the world of something as big

as the moon landing, President Nixon had a televised conversation with the Apollo 11 crew

which is the longest phone call in human history, some might say they all staged it in Hollywood

but why to try to lie to the whole world about something like that, it just wouldn’t be worth it.

You can’t argue the facts, its recorded government documents, and open public

information that if anyone had a question about anything along the lines of the moon landing

they would somehow get an answer if they truly looked into it.

There are objects on the moon you can see with a telescope on the moon, they left it there

on the Apollo 11 mission when they finished. All the facts head towards that the moon landing

was real.

In conclusion, the moon landing is, in fact, real, you can not deny the facts of that

statement, Have a great day.

Works Cited

“Google Unveils Stunning Tribute for Apollo 11 Engineer - CNN Video.” ​CNN,​ Cable News

Network, 19 July 2019,


Hermosillo, Danny. “How Did President Richard Nixon Place a Phone Call to the Moon?”​, Houston Chronicle, 19 July 2019,


Staff, “How Long Do Footprints Last on the Moon?” ​​, Space, 1 Mar.


Wall, Mike. “It's 2019. Why Haven't Humans Gone Back to the Moon Since the Apollo

Missions?” ​,​ Space, 21 July 2019,

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