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My communication whit my parents is very good, I am very special whit my sister,

my brother, my mom, my dad, and my grandfather, they are very important in my
life, but whit my friend is more relax, I sometimes use bad words when talk whit my
friends, but I think those words aren’t important for an effective communication
because the language whit my friends would be cordial.
I communicate most often is talking whit the people but, if I couldn´t communicate
that way I use the body language or signals.
I think about of online communication these is very good because you can talk whit
your friends en others countries for chat or video but disadvantages is ,the people
use the social networks for upload photos but not use for communicate whit your
In the year 2050 the people will communicate alone using your cellphone, laptop,
and others articles technologic in this era, the people not speak face to face.
I believe in animal intelligence because all animal have brain and have skills, the
animal most intelligent is the dolphin because they use the secret language for
communicate whit other dolphin and the sea.
I treat my pet as a family member because my dog Kira is very friendly my family
love Kira, we don’t speak to plants, but we speak to animal and they are
communicate whit the body language this is fabulous!.
The animal can express emotions, one day my dog was sad and sick, she was not
playing and was always alone, and my parents took her to the doctor after she is
very friendly and gratitude. I imagine my pet can speak this is incredible and
I think about the movie “the planet of the apes”, that the primates don’t is possible
control humans because we are more intelligent and can talk, and this animal not
speak, they use other language for communicate.

Daniela Perdomo L.

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