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ID Language Map

Question Syllabus Vocabulary Grammar Speaking & Skills

➤➤ What’s really important in life? ➤➤ Life priorities ➤➤ Verb + infinitive (have to / need to / ➤➤ Talking about life priorities ➤➤ L
1 1.1
want to)
➤➤ Verb + gerund (enjoy / mind)
➤➤ Creating a personal profile ➤➤ M

➤➤ Both (love / like / start)

➤➤ What’s your favourite item of ➤➤ The senses + verbs & ➤➤ Talking about & aspects of life & working ➤➤ F
1.2 clothing? adjectives from home
➤➤ Talking about your favourite sensations & experiences

➤➤ What’s your favourite advert? ➤➤ Will for predictions / ➤➤ Promoting a product ➤➤ F

1.3 unplanned decisions / future plans ➤➤ Writing an advert ➤➤ A
➤➤ What should you do when you’ve ➤➤ Common illnesses ➤➤ Should ➤➤ Giving advice ➤➤ C

got a headache? ➤➤ Making suggestions ➤➤ S

1.4 ➤➤ Agreeing & disagreeing

➤➤ Will there be TV in 2030? ➤➤ There will be ➤➤ Giving advice & making predictions ➤➤ ID

1.5 ➤➤ Shall I switch on the light? ➤➤ Reflexive pronouns ➤➤ Offering, accepting & refusing help ➤➤ O

➤➤ Where do you get your news ➤➤ News media ➤➤ In / On (news media) ➤➤ Talking about the media you use ➤➤ H

2 2.1 from? Talking about different types of news stories N

➤➤ ➤➤

➤➤ Answering a news survey

➤➤  hat were you doing at 8

W ➤➤ Global problems ➤➤ Present continuous / Past ➤➤ Talking about global problems ➤➤ G
2.2 o’clock last night? continuous / Past simple ➤➤ Describing photos using the past continuous ➤➤ P
➤➤ State vs action verbs

➤➤ Are you afraid of lightning? ➤➤ Natural phenomena ➤➤ Describing TV programmes ➤➤ W

2.3 ➤➤ Talking about the scariest natural phenomena w
➤➤ N

➤➤ What were you doing when you ➤➤ Past continuous vs past simple ➤➤ Asking & answering about particular moments ➤➤ P

2.4 heard about 9/11? in the past s

➤➤ Talking about dramatic interruptions ➤➤ Ja

➤➤ What have you got in your ➤➤ Reacting to news

2.5 ➤➤ Are you a good listener? ➤➤ Expressions to show you ➤➤ Understanding and retelling a story ➤➤ ID
are listening n
➤➤ B

Review 1
➤➤ Do you get stressed when ➤➤ Travelling expressions ➤➤ Telling travel stories ➤➤ S

3 3.1 travelling? ➤➤ Comparing feelings about travelling h

➤➤ Q

➤➤ Have you ever been to Australia? ➤➤ Past participle verbs ➤➤ Present perfect for past ➤➤ Talking about past experiences ➤➤ T

3.2 experiences ➤➤ P

➤➤ Have you visited London yet? ➤➤ Travel tips ➤➤ Present perfect for completed ➤➤ Listing ten things to do before you die ➤➤ L

actions (already, just, yet) ➤➤ W

3.3 th

➤➤ How long have you had ➤➤ Points & periods in time ➤➤ Present perfect (for, since) ➤➤ Talking about unfinished events ➤➤ In
3.4 that hairstyle? ➤➤ Unfinished past T

➤➤ Have we really been to the moon? ➤➤ Word formation ➤➤ Finding relevant information
➤➤ How much personal information ➤➤ Asking & answering personal questions ➤➤ ID
3.5 have you got online? ➤➤ Reacting to unexpected information ➤➤ T
➤➤ Clarifying meaning

➤➤ Were you a spoiled child? ➤➤ Childhood ➤➤ Talking about childhood ➤➤ W

4 4.1 ➤➤ Personality

➤➤ Did you use to like school? ➤➤ Do vs make ➤➤ Talking about childhood habits ➤➤ T
4.2 ➤➤ Telling stories about childhood

➤➤ Did you use to wear a school ➤➤ Used to vs past simple Talking about past habits
➤➤ ➤➤ L
4.3 uniform? Talking about childhood memories
➤➤ ➤➤ V
➤➤ Are you as tall as your parents? ➤➤ Adjectives ➤➤ Comparatives / superlatives / as… ➤➤ Making comparisons ➤➤ (n
4.4 as… ➤➤ Talking about tweets

➤➤ Have you ever had a pet? ➤➤ So / but ➤➤ Talking about pets

➤➤ Which animal makes the best ➤➤ Prepositions + -ing ➤➤ Making recommendations ➤➤ ID

4.5 pet? ➤➤ M
➤➤ S

Review 2
➤➤ What do you like to study? ➤➤ School subjects ➤➤ Talking about school / university life & ➤➤ S

5 5.1 choosing a course

➤➤ Talking about life choices
➤➤ L

➤➤ What must you do to ➤➤ Class activities ➤➤ Modals of obligation & ➤➤ Talking about class activities ➤➤ C
learn English well? prohibition ➤➤ Talking about rules where you live ➤➤ M
5.2 ➤➤ M

➤➤ Why do people drop out of ➤➤ Phrasal verbs ➤➤ Too / Enough, Too much / ➤➤ Giving tips about school ➤➤ T
school? Too many ➤➤ Talking about dropping out of school

➤➤ What will you do when you pass ➤➤ Zero & first conditionals ➤➤ Talking about best friends ➤➤ Z
this course? ➤➤ Talking about your workplace ➤➤ O
5.4 ➤➤ Making suggestions to your boss / head teacher

➤➤ How do you prefer to ➤➤ Pronouns & referencing ➤➤ Comparing generations ➤➤ Z

5.5 communicate with people?
➤➤ Do you often take risks? ➤➤ Warning phrases ➤➤ Making warnings & promises ➤➤ ID
Review 3

650347 _ 0004-0007.indd 4 22/12/15 10:36

Audio / Video / Pron. Reading / Writing Common Mistakes Box Box & World of English
➤➤ Life in ten seconds ➤➤ Enjoy + -ing ➤➤ Verb + to + infinitive (want to, need to)
➤➤ Messages for Jenny ➤➤ Studying is very important to me. ➤➤ Verb + -ing (enjoy, mind)

➤➤ Have to + infinitive ➤➤ Verbs + to / -ing (love, like, start)

➤➤ Want to + infinitive

➤➤ Five adverts ➤➤ Do you want to work or study ➤➤ Look at vs watch vs see ➤➤ Sight & hearing verbs
from home?
➤➤ Five extracts ➤➤ Adverts of the month ➤➤ Will + bare infinitive ➤➤ Going to vs will
➤➤ Adverts ➤➤ Write a short advert
➤➤ Common illnesses ➤➤ Letters to Lori ➤➤ Advice (uncountable) ➤➤ Silent letters & linking of sounds in connected
➤➤ Should ➤➤ Should + bare infinitive speech
➤➤ Going to vs will

➤➤ When + present simple + will + verb

➤➤ ID Café 1 – Old school ➤➤ I can’t believe they said that! ➤➤ Future form of there is / there are =
➤➤ Write a piece of advice There will be
➤➤ Offering help ➤➤ Reflexive pronouns

➤➤ How do you get your news? ➤➤ Piece of news (uncountable) ➤➤ On + electronic devices & digital media
➤➤ News stories & genres ➤➤ Lose vs waste ➤➤ In + paper items
➤➤ The news is really interesting today.

➤➤ Past continuous, subject-verb

➤➤ Global problems ➤➤ Stative verbs vs action verbs
➤➤ Past continuous agreement ➤➤ A few verbs can be both states & actions
➤➤ Past simple vs past continuous

➤➤ Which programmes were they ➤➤ TV guide ➤➤ Get together vs reunion vs meeting ➤➤ Expressing words you don’t know
watching? ➤➤ Spelling of ou
➤➤ Natural phenomena

➤➤ Past continuous vs past ➤➤ What were you doing when…? ➤➤ Past continuous vs past simple
➤➤ Jane’s story

➤➤ Strange things happen! ➤➤ Light a fire (intentional) vs catch fire (accidental)

➤➤ Write a blog ➤➤ Be on fire
➤➤ ID Café 2 – Nature boy &
natural woman
➤➤ Being a good listener

Review 1
➤➤ Seven extracts from Steve’s ➤➤ What’s your level of travel ➤➤ I only packed a small bag. ➤➤ Love / like / hate + to or -ing
holiday stress? ➤➤ Enjoy / don’t mind + -ing
➤➤ Quiz

➤➤ Talking about Cathy ➤➤ Past simple for complete actions ➤➤ Been vs gone
➤➤ Present perfect – past ➤➤ Present perfect for past experiences
➤➤ Lisa & Meg in London ➤➤ How to travel together without ➤➤ It depends on your budget.
➤➤ Which activities haven’t killing each other! ➤➤ Present perfect for completed actions
➤➤ She hasn’t rung me yet.
they done?
➤➤ We’ve already worked together.

➤➤ Interviews with Rita & ➤➤ The gap year: a waste of time ➤➤ Lose vs waste ➤➤ Have as an auxiliary verb vs have as a main verb
Tina or the time of your life? ➤➤ I have studied English since last year.

➤➤ How long have you lived in Birmingham?

➤➤ Have we really been there?

➤➤ ID Café 3 – Under the moon ➤➤ Latin words that appear in English
➤➤ Two conversations ➤➤ Suffixes & prefixes

➤➤ Word stress – adjectives ➤➤ What kind of child ➤➤ Meet vs know ➤➤ Suffixes are unstressed
were you? ➤➤ How old were you?
➤➤ To be + age + years old

➤➤ I don’t make a lot of mistakes

➤➤ Two conversations ➤➤ Were you a weird kid? ➤➤ Do vs make
when I speak. ➤➤ Make somebody do something
➤➤ Different ways to express ‘approximately’

➤➤ Listening about Julia ➤➤ Usually vs use to ➤➤ Because, ’cos, ’coz, ’cuz, cause

➤➤ Vinyl or digital? ➤➤ I usually listen to MP3s.

➤➤ (not) as ... as ➤➤ Twitter, hashtag, trending
➤➤ #vinylsucks or #Lovelps?
➤➤ Comparatives / Superlatives / as … as

➤➤ Weird Sophie ➤➤ So / but

➤➤ ID Café 4 – Animal instincts ➤➤ Verb + -ing after prepositions & certain verbs
➤➤ Making recommendations ➤➤ Stressed vs unstressed words

➤➤ Stressed / unstressed words

Review 2
➤➤ School subjects ➤➤ Possessive ➤➤ Suffix -ology
➤➤ I have a Bachelor’s degree in history.
➤➤ Listen to a student ➤➤ Suffix -ics
➤➤ Stress in words with suffixes

➤➤ Class activities ➤➤ List five things you have to do ➤➤ How long have we got? ➤➤ Have to vs must to express obligation

➤➤ Marla & Chris & five things you can’t do ➤➤ I haven’t done my homework. ➤➤ Can’t vs must’nt to express prohibition

➤➤ Modals ➤➤ He doesn’t have to work today.

➤➤ You can’t do that here!

➤➤ Too & enough ➤➤ How to pass! Top tips from our ➤➤ Assist / come to vs attend ➤➤ Do it in advance vs do it on time
students ➤➤ Miss vs lose ➤➤ Till = until
➤➤ List five tips ➤➤ I’ve got a lot of friends. ➤➤ Verb & preposition combinations & phrasal verbs

➤➤ I’m not tall enough. ➤➤ Too vs enough

➤➤ If I go on holiday, I’ll buy you ➤➤ Zero & first conditionals

➤➤ Zero & first conditionals ➤➤ Best friends forever?
➤➤ Order the dialogue ➤➤ Are you worried about losing a souvenir. ➤➤ Use of comma & rising intonation in conditional

your best employees? Here are sentences

the best ways to keep them.
➤➤ Akil’s blog: Good communication
➤➤ Zack’s email
–or not!
➤➤ ID Café 5 – Man and Cyberman! ➤➤ Write a warning & a promise ➤➤ Expressions for warnings
Review 3

650347 _ 0004-0007.indd 5 22/12/15 10:36

ID Language Map
Question Syllabus Vocabulary Grammar Speaking & Skills
➤➤ Have you ever been to Florida? ➤➤ Leisure time activities ➤➤ Go + -ing ➤➤ Talking about leisure time activities ➤➤ W
6 6.1 ➤➤ Talking about holiday F

➤➤ Would you like to try hang-gliding? ➤➤ Verbs of movement ➤➤ Prepositions & adverbs ➤➤ Talking about dangerous sports ➤➤ V
6.2 ➤➤ Compound nouns ➤➤ Asking & answering personal questions ➤➤ P

➤➤ Do you feel like going out tonight? ➤➤ Prepositions of movement ➤➤ Verb + gerund ➤➤ Doing a class survey ➤➤ V
6.3 ➤➤ Expressing likes & dislikes

➤➤ What do you enjoy doing on your ➤➤ Sports equipment ➤➤ Verb + infinitive or + ➤➤ Describing sports ➤➤ S
birthday? ➤➤ Phrasal verbs -ing ➤➤ Replying to invitations

➤➤ Have you ever done a bungee jump? ➤➤ Talking about extreme sports
➤➤ Would you rather travel to the US or ➤➤ Would rather / prefer ➤➤ Expressing preferences ➤➤ ID
the UK? ➤➤ Talking about difficult decisions ➤➤ E

Review 4
➤➤ How often do you go to the cinema? ➤➤ Film genres ➤➤ Describing & guessing the film ➤➤ W
7 ➤➤ What are you really into? ➤➤ Like phrases ➤➤ Any / Every / No / Some ➤➤ Talking about films
➤➤ F
➤➤ C
7.2 ➤➤ Talking about fans & idols
➤➤ Have you ever collected anything? ➤➤ So & such ➤➤ Talking about obsession ➤➤ T
7.3 ➤➤ S

➤➤ Who was the iPad created by? ➤➤ Numbers & fractions ➤➤ Passive voice – present ➤➤ Talking about piracy ➤➤ In
& past ➤➤ Creating a trivia quiz ➤➤ W


➤➤ Are you into reality TV? ➤➤ Pausing devices ➤➤ Talking about reality TV ➤➤ T
7.5 ➤➤ Are you a good singer? ➤➤ Giving opinions ➤➤ ID
➤➤ T

➤➤ How much technology do you use? ➤➤ Technology ➤➤ Present participle ➤➤ Creating new inventions ➤➤ T

8 8.1

➤➤ How often do you charge up your ➤➤ Phrasal verbs ➤➤ Pronouns in phrasal ➤➤ Conversation between man & machine ➤➤ P
8.2 mobile phone? verbs ➤➤ In
➤➤ In the future, will space holidays ➤➤ Future forms 1 ➤➤ Talking about predictions
be popular?

➤➤ Is technology making us stupid? ➤➤ False cognates ➤➤ Future forms 2 ➤➤ Talking about conversation habits ➤➤ F
8.4 ➤➤ Role-playing future situations
➤➤ Talking about personality types

➤➤ Do you believe in fortune-telling? ➤➤ Reduced sentences ➤➤ Talking about fortune-telling

8.5 ➤➤ Will you ever get married? ➤➤ Expressions for certainty & ➤➤ Making predictions ➤➤ ID
doubt ➤➤ M
Review 5
➤➤ What do you think of marriage? ➤➤ Wedding words ➤➤ Be vs get ➤➤ Talking about marriage & weddings ➤➤ W
9 9.1 ➤➤ Comparing weddings ➤➤ M

➤➤ Do you get bored easily? ➤➤ Romance ➤➤ -ed & -ing adjectives ➤➤ Talking about romance ➤➤ P
9.2 ➤➤ Intensifiers ➤➤ Comparing feelings ➤➤ Jo

➤➤ If you had three wishes, what would ➤➤ Second conditional ➤➤ Talking about unreal situations ➤➤ S
9.3 you wish for?
➤➤ Do you like to perform in front of Performers Probability – may, might, Talking about performers
➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤ ➤➤ P
9.4 people? could, must, can’t + be Talking about celebrity gossip
➤➤ ➤➤ P
➤➤ How do you get on with your siblings? ➤➤ Birth order ➤➤ Talking about siblings ➤➤ B

➤➤ If you had no money, what would you ➤➤ Giving advice ➤➤ ID

do? ➤➤ G

Are you under much pressure right

➤➤ ➤➤ Causes & symptoms of stress ➤➤ Talking about stress causes ➤➤ C
10 now?
➤➤ Would you like to change anything
➤➤ Word formation – over- / under-
➤➤ Lifestyle changes ➤➤ Relative pronouns
➤➤ Talking about ways to cope with stress
➤➤ Talking about lifestyle changes
➤➤ R
➤➤ R
10.2 in your life? ➤➤ Describing holiday photos using relative pronouns

➤➤ What’s your attitude towards money? Money ➤➤ Talking about a film

➤➤ ➤➤ M
10.3 Alternative lifestyles ➤➤ Comparing attitudes towards money
➤➤ ➤➤ W
➤➤ How often do you check your Facebook ➤➤ Questions review ➤➤ Talking about school reunions ➤➤ R

page? ➤➤ What vs which ➤➤ Chatting with an old friend ➤➤ H

➤➤ How + adjective / q
10.4 adverb

➤➤ Do you enjoy reading in English? ➤➤ Reading faster ➤➤ D

10.5 ➤➤ Are you similar to most of your friends? ➤➤ One / Ones ➤➤ Describing people & things ➤➤ ID
Review 6

650347 _ 0004-0007.indd 6 22/12/15 10:36

Audio / Video / Pron. Reading / Writing Common Mistakes Box Box & World of English
➤➤ What did tourists do in ➤➤ Let’s go clubbing. Verbs used with or without go

Florida? ➤➤ Yesterday I went running with some friends. ➤➤ Go + -ing

➤➤ Would + verb to express imaginary situations

➤➤ Dived into the water (prepositional phrase) / ➤➤ Prepositional phrases

➤➤ Verbs of movement ➤➤ Dictation
➤➤ Pronunciation of each sport ➤➤ Charity challenge – five dived in (adverb) ➤➤ Adverbs

➤➤ Compound words
crazy extreme sports!
➤➤ Writing nouns & ➤➤ I can’t stand swimming.
➤➤ Verb patterns
gerunds ➤➤ We adore playing basketball.

➤➤ Before going to school, I had a shower.

➤➤ I looked up the word in the dictionary. ➤➤ Phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable
➤➤ Six items to play the game ➤➤ Writing simple instructions
➤➤ Emoticons ➤➤ Catch / Hit / Shoot / Kick
➤➤ Laura’s email
➤➤ Writing your own reply ➤➤ I decided to do something.

➤➤ Don’t forget to ring.

to Laura
➤➤ All radical blog ➤➤ Informal American expressions: wuss / screw up

➤➤ ID Café 6 – Brains vs brawn ➤➤ I prefer to eat eggs. ➤➤ Would + infinitive

➤➤ Expressing preferences ➤➤ I’d like to drive. ➤➤ I like to vs I’d like + to + verb
➤➤ Would you prefer to watch TV?

Review 4
➤➤ Word stress ➤➤ Great films ➤➤ I think most men enjoy action films. ➤➤ The suffixes -or, -er, -ure, -ive, -y are never stressed
➤➤ Films ➤➤ Watching films with subtitles in English
➤➤ Creature from the Black Lagoon ➤➤ What? Obsessive? Me? ➤➤ I’m a big fan of action films.
➤➤ I’m really into going to the cinema.
➤➤ Don’t use ‘such a’ with plural or non-
➤➤ Ten obsessive fans ➤➤ ’s or s’ to show possession
➤➤ So & such count nouns ➤➤ Without the ’s the name becomes an adjective
➤➤ I’m not a Coldplay fan.

➤➤ Infographic ➤➤ Online piracy ➤➤ Singular vs plural in passive voice ➤➤ Use dot (not comma) with decimals

➤➤ Weak forms ➤➤ How to write numbers in formation ➤➤ You can sometimes omit and between numbers

➤➤ Two billion songs were downloaded ➤➤ In fractions, the second number is ordinal
the infographic
illegally last year. ➤➤ After numbers, use hundred, thousand, million

➤➤ Lots of films are shared illegally every day.

& billion in the singular
➤➤ Infographic / streamed ➤➤ Silent e in -ed endings

➤➤ Regular & irregular verbs

➤➤ Tips to improve fluency in a monologue

➤➤ Two callers ➤➤ Your voice
➤➤ ID Café 7 – Sound tracks ➤➤ I thought the performance was very good.
➤➤ Talent show

➤➤ Technology, word stress ➤➤ Thursday ➤➤ I think the story takes place in 2040 / ➤➤ Household equipment & devices
the 21st century. ➤➤ Using -ing to describe what things do
➤➤ In compound nouns, stress is on the first word

➤➤ Use self- when no one else is involved

➤➤ Phrasal verbs ➤➤ How long have you lived in L.A.? ➤➤ The most common phrasal verbs

➤➤ Intonation in Yes / No vs Wh- ➤➤ Where was Madonna born? ➤➤ Pronouns in phrasal verbs

➤➤ Intonation at the end of Yes / No & Wh- questions

➤➤ Future perfect? ➤➤ There will be no more CDs or DVDs in 2020.
➤➤ Computers will be able to read our minds one
➤➤ I think so. / I hope not.

➤➤ Future forms ➤➤ Is technology making ➤➤ Success vs exit ➤➤ Latin-based words & false cognates
us stupid? ➤➤ Intends vs pretends

➤➤ Fortune-telling ➤➤ Omission of auxiliary verbs, articles & beginning

of questions in adverts
➤➤ ID Café 8 – Back to your future ➤➤ Writing three questions ➤➤ Will I find a better job? ➤➤ The stressed syllable doesn’t change in

➤➤ Making predictions about your future ➤➤ Is it going to rain tonight? adjectives & adverbs
Review 5
➤➤ Wedding planner ➤➤ Angelina got married to Brad in 2012. ➤➤ Be + adjective is a state
➤➤ Michaela & her wedding planner ➤➤ Get + adjective means ‘become’ (get tired of)
➤➤ To talk about relationships, use get (get married)

➤➤ Participle adjectives ➤➤ A wedding that is up in the ➤➤ I’m interested in science, but today’s class was ➤➤ Boring vs bored

➤➤ Jon’s diary air! boring. ➤➤ Intensifiers

➤➤ Jon’s diary ➤➤ I’m really excited. I’m going to be an aunt. ➤➤ Recognising adverbs

➤➤ If I saw him, I would tell him. ➤➤ Choosing the right conditional: zero, first &
➤➤ Second conditional ➤➤ Are you the jealous kind?
➤➤ What would you do if you were rich? second
➤➤ He could / might / may be tired. ➤➤ Modal verbs express different degrees of
➤➤ Performers ➤➤ Celebrity rivalry!
➤➤ Probability ➤➤ Do you think they’re German? certainty
➤➤ Birth order ➤➤ Birth order and you
➤➤ ID Café 9 – Green-eyed monsters ➤➤ You’d better listen. ➤➤ The subjunctive (If I were you, I’d…)
➤➤ Giving advice ➤➤ If I were you, I’d go to the party.
➤➤ My mum made me clean my room.

➤➤ I have a lot of pressure to succeed.

➤➤ Causes & symptoms of stress ➤➤ Underpaid, overworked, oversleep, overeat,
➤➤ Relieving stress ➤➤ I pay for things with a credit card. underachieve, lack of respect
➤➤ Relative pronouns ➤➤ Is this you? Do you need to ➤➤ Relative pronouns which / that ➤➤ Omitting the relative pronoun (She’s the
‘turn your life around’? ➤➤ Are you the person who / that works here? lady I met yesterday.)
➤➤ If I get another job, I can earn more money. ➤➤ When you’re listening, concentrate on
➤➤ Money ➤➤ Film review
➤➤ What’s a freegan? ➤➤ I have 50 euros, but I won’t spend it yet. general meaning, not specific words
➤➤ How many people were there?
➤➤ Reunion ➤➤ Dictation ➤➤ What fruits do you like?
➤➤ How often do you eat pizza?
➤➤ How + adjectives / adverbs – ➤➤ Simulating a chat ➤➤ Which apple would you like? The red one
question stress ➤➤ Where did you go? or the green one?
➤➤ How long have you lived here?

➤➤ Use abbreviations and don’t use upper

case letters. (ur = you are)

➤➤ Dr Marshall’s tips ➤➤ How to be a better reader ➤➤ Tips to help you read in English
➤➤ ID Café 10 – The dog days of ➤➤ Relative pronouns which / what ➤➤ To avoid repetition, use one & ones
Review 6

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