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Influence of Social Media Marketing on Fashion and Brand Consciousness: A
Study of Cosmetic Industry in Delhi
Colossal changes are occurring in the realm of apparel retail. Web and web based life play

fundamental job in helping shoppers discover the things they are searching for. Clearly

organizations will acutely attempt to hold a solid nearness in the web based life stages; generally

the intended interest group can without much of a stretch change providers. The present

investigation is expected to investigate the influencer showcasing methods utilized by design

enterprises and furthermore the effect of influencers on the buyers purchasing choice procedure

in design industry. during the most recent five years, the spread of web based life Dhas further

changed purchasing and selling methods. With stages like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube,

buyers can remark on their encounters with items and organizations and to share them

with their companions. This has prompted the developing requirement for organizations to create

positive client encounters in request to limit negative verbal messages, which would effectively

be spread inside the internet based life stages to other, potential clients. Another type of web

based life that is well known with style cognizant ladies is blogging. Style web journals have

become one of the best methods for sharing encounters and suggestions over the web and they

are a successful method for promoting items directly to the target client with minimal effort. It

isn't just a spot where ladies go to discover explicit items to purchase, yet additionally a spot to

meander around and inadvertently discover something alluring. It can build the measure of web

store purchasing, since it can interface the client straightforwardly to the spot of procurement.
Over the previous years there has been a huge change in innovation and most organizations need

to grasp this change and move away from customary advertising techniques (Ahlberg, 2010).
This has accordingly made ready for advertisers to move towards coordinating internet based life

into the promoting system.

Ellison (2007) characterizes informal communities as an online help that permits people to

express a rundown of other client with whom they share an association. Clients can share words,

pictures and recordings and with regards to a commercial center, it is the encounters of the

purchasers that identify with brands, items and administrations that are shared (Evans 2012).

With 75% of Internet utilizing grown-ups in the US being dynamic via web-based networking

media, customary promoting is currently on the decay with the ascent of web-based social

networking in the UK and USA (Bernoff et al. 2008). In this way, internet based life gives

organizations a superior stage to speak with customers and fabricate brand devotion past

customary techniques (Jackson 2011).

Excellence marks over the world are currently expanding their online nearness as the devices and

approaches for speaking with clients have changed significantly with the rise of internet based

life (Mangold and Faulds 2009). Executing web-based social networking efforts are vital for

marking, showcasing and advertising and organizations, both little and huge can draw in

potential clients by taking part in online web based life (Smith 2009). Alongside promoting their

items and making brand mindfulness, it is likewise significant for organizations to comprehend

what the buyer needs and addition their input on items. While internet based life is less

controlled than conventional research, it permits organizations to comprehend the most energetic

knowledge into client discernments and encounters (Sharma 2013).

It is well said that branding means naming a new born baby. Let’s think this in the context of

business, before any product is primarily launched into a market, it is to be named or in most of

the cases mark or symbol is to be fixed so that it can easily be differentiated from the

competitor’s products. And simplifies customers purchase decisions and makes them confident

about their purchases. “A brand is a name, symbol, design or mark that enhances the value of

product beyond its functional purpose”. (Farquhar, 1989) Another aspect which is closely related

to brand is building a brand loyalty for a product which requires careful planning, distinct skills

and investment. Making a product known in market and getting it registered in customer’s mind

is not over night journey. It takes a time for a brand to be popular among definite group of

customers and It has been found in most of surveys that major share of consumer products is

consisted of cosmetic or beauty products, no single individual is deprived of consuming such

products. The success of a firm depends largely on its capability to attract consumers towards its

brands. In particular, it is critical for the survival the brand. Firms selling brand with high rate of

loyal consumers have a competitive advantage over other firms. Brand loyal consumers reduce

the marketing costs of the firm as the costs of attracting a new customer have been found to be

about six times higher than the costs of retaining an old one. According to Kumar et al. (2006),

brand loyal consumers are willing to pay higher prices and are fewer prices sensitive. Brand

loyalty also provides the firm with trade leverage and valuable time to respond to competitive

moves. In sum, loyalty to the firm's brands represents a strategic asset which has been identified

as a major source of the brands' equity. Given the importance of brand loyalty, it is not surprising

that it has received considerable attention in the marketing.


The excellence business endured an especially colossal shot, as the ascent of influencers and

computerized mediums started infringing on age-old shows. Web based life's unexpected

prevalence messed up very much oiled motors, and popular excellence behemoths — adored by

this present age's moms — wound up in an unsafe position. The class was moving and adjusting

was imperative to endurance, however getting a titanic machine in rigging can be, um, testing.

Exchanging headings after life in one path isn't an undeniable assignment in corporate America.

This brought about monsters losing ground to blossoming independents noting the call of

millennial shopper requests. The newbs were not just beginning in a place that seemed well and

good in the present market, yet they likewise demonstrated adequately deft and responsive — a

significant bit of leeway in our quick paced, regularly advancing social condition.

Transformed philosophies rose up out of the late the aughts' advanced upset, coming full circle in

business practice changes in the beauty care products area. Visual social channels like YouTube

and Instagram were the essential courses for change by giving a voice to impossible specialists.

Unexpectedly, anybody could ascend to fame and become an expert on a particular theme with

the minor snap of a catch. Which was the sensible result considering the class' whole center

rotates around feel and friend proposals.

The excellence business has built up a biological system where a social crusade and the best

substance promoting methodology can raise a business to religion status. This once

unconventional method for working has become the main strategy for the present top cosmetics

brands and skincare super players.

A part that was once considered stuffed has now been attacked by another harvest of free brands

that isn't clinging to the ancient standards of yesteryear. Revolting has driven their prosperity,

with social as an essential promulgation stage. Nouveau magnificence organizations are utilizing

Instagram as a take off platform just as a continuous brand vehicle — a methodology that has

demonstrated to be very successful for development and publicity. It's a channel on which they

can share their qualities and story, construct a brand world, make an excursion, and, all the more

significantly, set up an exchange with their locale.

While the millennial shopper is unwilling to conventional publicizing, to the intensity of good

advertising she isn't. Peruse: delightful bundling and feel are a higher priority than any time in

recent memory in case you will make an entire visual brand world on Instagram (point

demonstrated by Suave not long ago). What's more, we're not talking nonexclusive innovative

resources produced by confused promotion executives at agonizingly costly organizations. No

sir, no ma'am.

The magnificence brands making waves today are conversing with their crowd, not at them. That

means marked photographs and recordings that depict a way of life, that vibe natural, and that

encapsulate the message. They use client created substance to populate their photograph displays

in light of the fact that their clients are a piece of the excursion. These organizations have

planned photogenic bundling for maximal social shareability potential.

Face book
Facebook broke down their own information and authorized GfK to study 3,648 female

magnificence customers over the UK, France, Germany and the UAE, a genuinely enormous

information pool to draw from.

Their first significant discovering identifies with the pervasiveness of cell phones, and how being

constantly associated gives new chances to advertisers.

"Six of every ten magnificence customers overviewed concur they couldn't live without their cell

phone. 45% of excellence customers concur that their cell phone (cell phone or tablet) is rapidly

turning into their most significant shopping device, and the rate is much higher for Millennials


That is no genuine amazement, individuals are utilizing their cell phones to an ever increasing

extent, for an ever-growing scope of purposes. In any case, Facebook's examination additionally

indicated that online networking is assuming an expanding job in giving motivation, specifically,

with multiple quarters of excellence customers confessing to being enticed by an item that they

didn't plan to purchase since they saw it on social.

As far as how social impacts genuine purchasing conduct, Facebook's information shows that

regardless of directing a greater amount of their exploration on the web, 68% of excellence

purchasers despite everything buy in store as it were. Be that as it may, the exploration procedure

is as yet a basic thought - almost 75% (72%) of magnificence customers demonstrated that they

have been impacted by advanced sooner or later in the way to buy.

"Millennial ladies (matured 18-34) are especially enthused about utilizing Instagram for

excellence motivation. 37% of ladies under 34 years of age say they use Instagram to be

motivated by looks and magnificence patterns contrasted with 25% of ladies more than 35 years

of age. Youngsters are likewise bound to watch online magnificence recordings; a fourth of

excellence purchasers matured 18-34 watch recordings to move them (24%) contrasted with 16%

of those matured 35-64 years of age."

Once more, a large number of these discoveries would be normal, however it's imperative to take

note of the ascent of social research which goes with in-store purchasing. Social stages are

attempting to improve their measures to legitimately connection such practices - Facebook, for

instance, is refining its Conversion Lift measurements, which coordinate Facebook

advertisement conveyance to genuine in-store deals, through retail location information.

As those estimations develop, we'll have more approaches to legitimately associate on the web

and in-store activities, which is essential to completely understanding social ROI and boosting

advertising venture.

Furthermore, one last key note - Facebook's exploration shows that extraordinary events drive

excellence research and buys.

"An up and coming occasion is the main event for individuals to purchase a marvel item, trailed

by Christmas, a wedding welcome and a night out." Facebook is likewise utilizing the
examination to guide excellence brands to their committed 'Versatile Makeover' smaller than

usual site, which gives a scope of assets to those in the magnificence business.

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty occurs when a customer chooses to repeatedly purchase a product produced by the

same company instead of a substitute product produced by a competitor. For example, some

people will always buy Coke at the grocery store, while other people will always purchase Pepsi.

Brand loyalty is often based upon perception. A consumer will consistently purchase the same

product because she perceives it as being the superior product among the choices available. You

should note that brand loyalty usually relates to a product, not a company. For example, while

you may be loyal to your Honda Accord, but when it comes to motorcycles, you might believe

that a Harley leaves a Honda motorcycle in the dust.

Brand loyalty is important for several reasons. First, it reduces the cost of production because the

sales volume is higher. Second, companies with brand-loyal customers don't have to spend as

much money on marketing the product, which will permit the company to either retain more

earnings or to invest resources elsewhere. Third, companies may use premium pricing that will

increase profit margins. Finally, loyal customers tend to recommend products that they like.

Businesses have to exert significant effort to facilitate brand loyalty. You need to convince

potential customers that your product has a significant advantage over other products to justify

consistent purchases of your product. Businesses also will attempt to leverage brand loyalty

developed for a product to other products offered by the company. The hope is to create brand

loyalty for as many products as possible.


Cosmetics, also known as makeup or make-up, are care substances used to enhance the

appearance or odour of the human body. They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds,

some being derived from natural sources (such as coconut oil) and many being synthetics. In the

U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates cosmetics, defines cosmetics as

"intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness,

or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions."

The word cosmetics derive from the Greek κοσμητικὴ τέχνη (kosmetikē tekhnē), meaning

"technique of dress and ornament", from κοσμητικός (kosmētikos), "skilled in ordering or

arranging” and that from κόσμος (kosmos), meaning amongst others "order" and "ornament".

The cosmetic market comprises:

 Skin care,

 Hair care,

 Fragrance,

 Deodorant,

 Colour cosmetics and

 Oral care.

Bearing the long glowing heritage of cosmetic and beauty, aesthetic makeup products is being

used since old days and now a days it appear like a booming economy in India which would be

the largest cosmetic consuming country in the next few decades. Whale the demand of

beautifying substances are growing day by day, a large number of local as well as international

manufacturers gradually extend their ranges and products in India.

Since 1991 with the liberalization along with the crowning of many Indian women at

international beauty pageants, cosmetic industry has come to the in a bigger way. Subsequently

there has been a change in the cosmetic consumption and this trend is fuelling growth in the

cosmetic sector. Indian herbal cosmetic product has a tremendous demand in international

market. The herbal cosmetic was first introduced by Shahnaz Husian, way back in 1970. Today

the Indian cosmetic has a plethora of herbal cosmetic brands like Lotus, Himalaya, Dabur,

Blossom Kochhar etc.

The cosmetic industry in India is growing at a break-neck pace, almost twice as fast as that of the

markets in the United States and Europe. According to recent research, the overall Indian

cosmetic market is currently pegged at INR 60 billion and is expected to reach INR 170 billion

by 2020; growing at the rate of 15-20% per annum.

The consumers of the Indian cosmetic industry have come a long way. From being satisfied with

a simple red lipstick and black kohl eyeliner, they now want the whole package, with products

ranging from an inbuilt sunscreen foundation to shampoos that not only cleanse the hair but

enhance hair growth. One of the major evolutions the industry has witnessed is that beauty
products are no longer restricted to women; men have taken to grooming and preening as well.

The rise in the number of men’s salon these days bears testament to this fact. Services like

manicure, pedicure, facial, and hair styling, which were once exclusively for women, have

become part and parcel of men’s grooming routine too.

Cosmetic industry in India can be divided into some major segments like baby care, bath and

shower, colour cosmetics, deodorants, depilatories, fragrances, hair care, men’s grooming, oral

care, sets/kits, skin care, and sun care. The number of beauty salons in the country is increasing

at a rate of almost 35 percent annually. According to research, in India, the market for hair care

alone is valued at INR 36billionand growing annually at a rate of 20 percent. Another segment of

the beauty industry which has become highly profitable in the recent years is bridal makeup. A

typical bridal makeup package can cost anything between INR 50000 and INR 500000.

 The prospects of the Indian cosmetic industry look bright, with the colour cosmetics segment

predicted to continue its dominance over the market landscape. Valued at INR 3.8 billion, the

colour cosmetics market accounts for 90% of the cosmetics market share. Especially with the

advent of low and medium priced cosmetic goods that are high on quality, the colour cosmetics

market is expected to bring in substantial revenue in the coming years.

. The list of top ten Cosmetic brands in India:

 1. Lakme

A Brand of Hindustan Unilever Limited, Lakme is the leading

cosmetic brand in India and accounts for the major share of products in the cosmetic segment.
Introduced in the year 1952, Lakme grew into a major cosmetic brand in a few decades and

presently it is one of the most preferred cosmetic brands in India.

Some of the Lakme products are Lipsticks, Nail Paints, Eye Liners, Face Wash, Sunscreens,

Creams, etc. Apart from making good quality cosmetic products, Lakme actively participates in

promoting the fashion events and is a co-organizer and a sponsor of “Lakme Fashion Week“.

2. Maybelline

Maybelline, a cosmetic brand of L’Oreal is next on this list, which was introduced in the year

1915. Maybelline products have made a distinct image in the market by offering an innovative

products of premier quality. The product line of Maybelline is wide and consist of face care, nail

care and eye care products.

Some of its newly launched products are Glitter Mania, Colossal Liner, Color Show and Colossal


3. L’oreal
L’Oreal is ranked 3rd in the list of top 10 best cosmetic brands in India. L’Oreal is a French

Cosmetics Giant started in the year 1909 and is presently a leading brand in the cosmetic

segment in India. L’Oreal is a brand that stands for quality, reliability and innovation.

L’Oreal makes a high quality cosmetic products like Mascara, Lip Sticks, Eye Liner, Nail

Colour, Creams, etc. Apart from beauty products, L’Oreal also performs its Corporate Social

Responsibility well by providing skill development

4. Revlon

Next on this list is Revlon, an American Cosmetics Company, whose history dates back to the

year 1932, when the company started with the launch of its first product in the market. Revlon

made its debut in India in the year 1995 and presently stands among the leading cosmetic brands

in the country.

Revlon offers a complete solution for Eye Care, Face Care, Nail Care and Skin Care.

5.  Elle 18

Another brand of Hindustan Unilever Limited, Elle 18 has made into this list.
Elle 18 is a cosmetic brand, which focuses on teenage girls and offer products that are full of

color, style, quality and innovation such as Lip Balm, Foundation, Nail Pops, Color Pops and

Eye Liner.

6. Avon

Avon is known for offering good quality cosmetic products at optimum price. Some of the latest

products introduced by Avon are White Timeless Cream, Extralasting Lipstick, Extralasting

Eyeliner and White Timeless Serum.

Avon is another American Cosmetic Company in this list, incorporated in the year 1886.

7. Biotique

Biotique is a brand known for offering great quality ayurvedic beauty products, which are

highly effective and reasonably priced. The Biotique products are natural and do not constitute

any chemicals or preservatives thereby making the cosmetics safe for use.

Some of the products of Biotique are Lip Balm, Sunscreen, Kaajal, Face Wash and Face Pack.
8. Amway

Another American Company, Amway has made into this list, which came into existence in the

year 1959. Amway is known worldwide for its high quality products and consist of a diverse

product line.

Amway offers beauty products under two range Viz. Artistry and Attitude.

9. M.A.C

M.A.C (Make-up Art Cosmetics) occupies the ninth position in the list of top 10 best cosmetic

brands in India. Founded in the year 1984, M.A.C makes cosmetic products, which are widely

used by makeup artists. M.A.C offers a wide range of products for Eye Care, Skin Care and Face


10. Shahnaz Herbals

Last on this list is Shahnaz Herbals, a cosmetic brand started by Shahnaz Husain and is presently

a popular cosmetic brand in India. It offers excellent quality beauty products under various range

like Diamond, Honey Collection, Sun Collection, Flower Power, etc.


Literature Review

Elif A. Ergin (2005),

He carried on a research study with view to determining brand loyalty among Turkish women

with respect to skin-care products and enabling cosmetics players to penetrate to the Turkish

market and to shape marketing strategies. The results showed that there is a brand loyalty

among Turkish women for cosmetic products.

Sondoh Jr., Stephen L (2007),

Examined the impact of brand image benefits on satisfaction and loyalty intention for color

cosmetic product. Results revealed that brand image benefits viz. functional, social, experiential

and appearance enhances are positively related to overall satisfaction and loyalty intention is

significantly influenced by functional and appearance enhance.

Hamza Salim Khraim (2011),

Analysed how factors of brand loyalty towards cosmetic brands influence the consumer buying

behaviour. The findings of this study disclose that there is positive and significant relationship

between factors of brand loyalty namely brand name, product quality, price, design, promotion,

service quality and store environment with cosmetics brand loyalty.

Yousaf, Usman (2012)

He tried to know the brand loyalty and affirmed that brand credibility, brand awareness, brand

association, perceived quality and product knowledge are important to build brand

loyalty. Result of this research indicated that there is a positive relation between brand

credibility, brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, product knowledge

(independent variables) and brand loyalty (dependent variables). It has also been concluded that

brand awareness has the highest impact on brand loyalty and L’Oreal consumers are more than

other brands.

Anjali Sharma (2013),

She made an attempt to investigate the impact of brand loyalty on consumer buying behaviour

for beauty products and aspects involved while purchasing cosmetic products. Majority of

respondents opined that quality is the most important factor at the time of purchasing of

the beauty products followed by brand and price. However, small group of women feel

packaging is the key factor for decision making. Researchers concluded that these factors are

generally responsible for switching to other brands and friends are the most powerful reference


K. G. Sankaranarayanan & Nandakumar Mekoth (2014),

The study found significant difference between the usage and attitude of the clusters. This

analysis resulted into the formation of three clusters viz. medium self-directed, heavy other-

directed & occasional nonbelievers with varying characteristics. In addition, brand preference for

body spray was found to vary by cluster and brand preference for face wash, shaving cream and
face cream was not varying by cluster. Surprisingly, heavy other directed were reported to be the

lowest spenders while occasional non believers were the highest spenders.

SushilKumar N. Parmar- International Journal for Research (2014),

The study revealed that young consumers are well aware about different cosmetic brands and

products category available in market. Majority of consumers’ buying behaviour is influenced by

friends followed by parents. The result also indicates that excellent quality plays a vital role in

building brand loyalty, on contrary, quality, allergic reaction and recommendation cause to

switch over to other brands. Amazingly, creative advertisement and celebrity marketing do not

greatly affect buying behaviour of youth. Therefore, marketer as well as producer should place

more emphasis on quality factor.

Lydia K. Mwai,

Results of the study conclude that factors such as brand trust, brand perceived quality and brand

price of a cosmetic product play a very important role in strengthening customer brand loyalty.

Long-term success and sustainable reputation of an organization depends on customer loyalty.

This study supports the view that brand trust, brand perceived quality and price should remain

prime focus for the salons in nyeri town to maintain market share in today’s competitive business


Doniyor Azuizkulov, MSc. Universiti Utara Malaysia,

The study suggests that in order to create a successful brand loyalty in a highly competitive

marketplace, marketing managers should be more devoted to building brand loyalty, customer
satisfaction and country of origin as part of their branding strategy. By maintaining and

strengthening the brand loyalty, it will position the brand positively in the minds of consumers.

Therefore, there is a need to understand the important roles of each dimension of brand loyalty

i.e. brand reputation, brand origin, price-value for money, brand’s sales personnel, product

ingredients, after-sales service, functional, symbolic and experiential benefits, brand satisfaction

and brand loyalty in order to enhance brand appeal.

Ateş Bayazıt Hayta (2013) studied that social media is on the most important tools

communication channels. Consumers do access to information about goods and services to be

purchased as per need by means of social media to a great extent. Also studied social media

which affects our live in recent years that brings a new dimension to Internet and determine the

effects of social media networks on purchasing behaviours of consumers.

Priyanka P. (2015) studied that social media can be used for increasing customer loyalty. With

the help of continuous customer support services leads to improvement in customer retention.

New applications and social platforms will flourish and allow even greater personalization and

real-time, location-based engagements in media.

R.A.Gbadeyan (2010) study examined that there are opportunities for businesses in the market,

businesses can grow with the help of social media marketing. Uses of SNS explored that

organization can do direct marketing for online social network there are people who spend more

time on SNS. Study also finds the reasons for people were using social networking sites due

tosafety concerned reason, technically inexperience due to lack of confidence in using internet,

intellectual rejecters who feel waste of time.

Russell S. Winer (2008) described the different kinds of new media which was used by

companies to engage customers that is social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, Second
Life, and You Tube etc have generated perhaps the most publicity and also describe challenges

that these media were present from the perspectives of the marketing.


 To study the influence of Facebook on brand conscious and Fashion consciousness of

consumer for cosmetic products in Delhi

 To study the influence of Instagram on brand conscious and Fashion consciousness of

consumer for cosmetic products in Delhi

 To study the influence of YouTube on brand conscious and Fashion consciousness of

consumer for cosmetic products in Delhi


Research Methodology

Research Plan

An assessment plan is a short chronicle, which sets out basic contemplations on an investigation

adventure in a clever and concise manner. It is a thought paper, which may be shared, in

conviction, with associates and potential partners. A couple of patterns of an investigation plan

may be major before it may be considered as complete.

An investigation plan in explore focus medicine joins the considered supposition of its maker in

an assessment area of his/her choice. It is maintained by evidence from the consistent or

potentially on the other hand restorative composition. It may be created in the going with course

of action:

• The investigation question

• The hypotheses

• Aims and goals

• Research plan
An investigation plan is definitely not a proper research suggestion, regardless of the way that it

likely could be the foundation report from which an unmistakable research recommendation may

be made. Having a clear research plan may make the path toward creating an assessment

suggestion more straightforward and snappier.

Inspecting Plan

Inspecting is a strategy used in verifiable examination in which a destined number of

recognitions are taken from a greater people. The method used to test from a greater masses

depends upon the kind of examination being performed at this point may consolidate direct self-

assertive analyzing or precise investigate.

Testing plan is a point by point outline of which estimations will be taken at what times, on

which material, how, and by whom. Testing plans should be organized with the goal that the

resulting data will contain a specialist trial of the parameters of interest and consider all requests,

as communicated in the destinations, to be answered.

The means related with working up an analyzing plan are: recognize the parameters to be

evaluated, the extent of potential characteristics, and the necessary objectives plan a testing plan

that nuances how and when tests will be taken select model sizes plan data storing structures

apportion employments and commitments

Test Size
The information was for the most part gathered from the study of 55 Consumer

Examining Method is a factual report, inspecting strategies allude to how we select individuals

from the populace to be in the investigation test isn't haphazardly chosen, it will likely be one-

sided somehow or another and the information may not presentative of the populace.

Comfort test: The analyst picks an example that is promptly accessible in some non-irregular


Intentional reaction test: The scientist puts out a solicitation for individuals from a populace to

join the example, and individuals choose whether or not to be in the example .

Basic arbitrary example: Every part and set of individuals has an equivalent possibility of being

remembered for the Sample. Innovation, arbitrary number generators, or some other kind of

chance procedure is expected to a basic irregular example

Stratified arbitrary example: The populace is list part into gatherings. The general example


Bunch arbitrary example: The populace is first part into gatherings. The general example

comprises of each part from a portion of the gatherings. The gatherings are chosen aimlessly.

Deliberate irregular example: Members of the populace are placed in some request.
of individuals from each gathering. The individuals from each gathering are picked arbitrarily

Collecting the Data

 Primary data

 Secondary data

Primary data:

Through survey researcher obtains primary data directly from the customer through following


 Questionnaires

Research instrument is Questionnaires for collecting the primary data. This is very common and

flexible instrument.

Through Questionnaires:

Researcher collects most of the data through questionnaires; researcher went to women of age

group above 18 and requested them to fill the questionnaires.



Q1. Which cosmetic brand do you display loyalty towards?

Lakme 22 27.5%
Colorbar 11 13.8%
Maybelline 32 40%
L'Oreal 4 5%
Other 11 13.8%

 In the above pie chart, four top cosmetic brands are being chosen mostly by 80 women

respondents. Other represents 11 respondents, in other category organic brand ‘Himalaya’

chosen by most. Here ‘Maybelline’ tops the Cosmetic’s Brand Loyalty; moreover

because this survey is mostly filled by young women and Maybelline as a brand is

popular among young women. The brand is endorsed by youth icon ‘Alia Bhat’.

 Q2. Do you consistently use this same brand?

Yes 78.8%
No 21.3%

 The above pie chart represents, women who have chosen the particular brand towards

which they feel loyal in previous question, out of 80 respondents 63 said yes they

consistently use this same brand. Rest 17 respondents said no.

 Q3. How many times do you repurchase this brand in a month?

None 4 5.1%
Once 45 57%
Twice 24 30.4%
More than
6 7.6%

 The above pie chart represents, out of 80 respondents 45 respondents said they purchase

this brand once in a month. While 24 said twice in a month, only 6 said more than twice

in a month and rest 4 said none.

 Q4. What aspect of this brand appeals to you and inspire loyalty?

Product 63 79.7%
Place 0 0%
Price 5 6.3%
Promotio 10 12.7%

Other 1 1.3%

 The above pie chart represents, out of 4 P’s of marketing 63 respondents has given vote

for Product aspect which helps in appealing the customers towards a particular cosmetic

brand and inspiring loyalty in them. Product always comes first in marketing, rest P’s

follow it. Rest 10 respondents voted for Promotion and 5 respondents voted for Price. No

vote for Place.

 Q5.which of the following attributes do you associate with this brand?

Safe 42 53.2%
Affordabl 6 7.6%

Popular 4 5.1%
Modern 3 3.8%
Stylish 24 30.4%
Other 0 0%

 The above pie chart shows the five reasons for which the following attributes are

associated with this brand. Out of 80 respondents, 42 respondents said the reason is

simply ‘Safe’. ‘safe’ matters the most in cosmetics because of sensitive skin type. While

24 respondents said the reason is ‘stylis’, means this brand products complement their

skin with no side effects.

 Q6. For which reason you will switch to different brand?

Price discount 8 10.5%

Desire to try different
43 56.6%
Advertisement 16 21.1%
Unavailability 8 10.5%
Other 1 1.3%

 The above pie chart shows the four reasons for which a customer switch to different

brand. Out of 80 respondents, 43 respondent said the reason is simply ‘desire to try

different brand’ because there are large number of national & international cosmetic

brands offering different variety of products in the Indian market. Consumers have so

many choices. 16 respondents said the reason is catchy ‘advertisement’, which generates

interest in them to try that brand.

 Q7. How likely would it be for you to switch brands if an alternative brand is cheaper?

Very likely: 1 5 6.5%

2 11 14.3%
3 13 16.9%
4 45 58.4%
Very unlikely: 5 3 3.9%

 The above graph shows how many respondents will switch to alternative brand if it’s

cheaper than their loyal brand. Out of 80 respondents, 45 respondents will ‘unlikely to

switch’ just because alternative brand is cheaper. Total 16 respondents fall in ‘very likely

& likely to switch’ category. Generally in cosmetics it’s not about the price, it’s about the

quality & product-skin type match.

 Q8. If your brand is not available in a particular shop than you: ?

Will purchase a different brand 22 28.2%

Will keep going to other store until you find your
56 71.8%

 The above pie chart shows that what a customer will do if her favourite brand of cosmetic

is not available in a particular shop. Out of 80 respondents, 56 respondents will keep

going to other store until they find their brand. While 22 respondents are not brand loyal,

will not go to other store and purchase a different brand. This shows the level of brand

loyalty, they will work hard for getting that brand, no matter how many stores they have

to visit for getting their brand. But if the customer finds regular unavailability of her

brand from store then maybe she will switch to different brand.

 Q9. What will be your reaction when your brand has a price discount?

Will Not Purchase the Product If They Don’t Need It At That 1

Moment 0
Will Purchase Just As Much As They Need 30.8%
Will Take Advantage of This Discount Offer and Stock Up 56.4

 The above pie chart shows the reaction of customers when there will be a price discount

on a brand. Out of 80 respondents, 44 respondents will take advantage of this discount

offer and stock up, 24 respondents will purchase just as much as they need and only 10

respondents will not purchase the product if they don’t need it at that moment. This

shows maximum women will take the advantage of discount, because women always like

to have lots of cosmetics products.

 Q10. If a brand is endorsed by a popular celebrity will it increase your loyalty towards a

particular cosmetic brand?

Yes 61.5%
No 38.5%

 The above pie chart shows the impact of celebrity endorsement on increasing the brand

loyalty. If a cosmetic brand is endorsed by a popular & gorgeous actress, it definitely

gives a much needed hype to brand. For e.g. Alia Bhatt brand ambassador of Maybelline

India, she is the youth icon that’s why the brand is popular among young ladies. Out of

80 respondents, 48 respondents think that popular celebrity endorsement helps in

increasing the brand loyalty.

 Q11. Do the loyalty program provided to you by a brand make you purchase that brand

again and again?

Yes 74.4%
No 25.6%

 The above pie chart shows the impact of loyalty programmes on the repurchase of

cosmetic brands. Definitely good structured loyalty programme helps in attracting

customer to purchase the brand again & again. Out of 80 respondents, 58 said yes and 20

said no, loyalty programmes are ineffective.

 Q12. Do you buy cosmetics online?

Yes 19.2%
No 80.8%

 The above pie chart shows the purchase of cosmetic products online by women. Out of

80 respondents, only 15 said yes for purchasing cosmetics online. While 63 respondents

said no for purchasing cosmetics online. Now a day, people do online shopping a lot, but

for cosmetic the response is not good, because in cosmetic a demo of product is very

important. Women first apply it and then only purchase it. The sales person advice also

plays an important role during cosmetics purchase. Thus women are still not very

confident in purchasing cosmetics online.



 The analysis of data reveals that women are well aware about different cosmetic brands

and products category available in market.

 Majority of women respondents are loyal towards Maybelline. The reason for this is

respondent’s age, maximum of them are in their 20s. Maybelline is a popular brand

among young women.

 The result also indicated that excellent quality plays a vital role building brand loyalty,

more than 50% consumers buy the same cosmetic brand consistently for its quality.

 Product-Skin type match is also very important factor in consumer buying behaviour.

 On the other hand, desire to try different brands and advertisement cause switch over to

other brands.

 Amazingly, consumers will not switch from their loyal brand, just because the other

brand is cheaper.

 The level of brand loyalty is high, as maximum (78.1%) respondents proved that they are

brand loyal. These people stated they would keep going to other stores until they find the

particular, desired brand they consistently use.

 Surprisingly, consumers stated that loyalty programmes gives them reason to buy that

brand again & again, it affect their buying behaviour.

 Celebrity endorsements are effective in building up brand loyalty.

 Consumers are apprehensive about purchase of cosmetic products online.

On the basis of the findings of the study, the researcher has put forward following suggestion in

order to build brand loyalty among women:

 Marketers and producers of cosmetic brands should focus more on quality of products

since cheap price will not attract consumers.

 A cosmetic brand must offer products for different skin types, since consumers buy a

particular brand because of perfect product-skin type match.

 Innovative brand loyalty programmes should be undertaken to create a class of stable and

steady group of consumers.

 Focus on creative advertisement and celebrity endorsement; it will compel consumers to

try your brand.


 Small Sample size:

In my survey, I have taken a sample size of 80 customers, but only with these samples I

can’t make a proper conclusion.

 It is difficult to cover all parts of India & all age group of women (above 18).

 It is difficult to narrow down & access brand loyalty in various cosmetic products, so I

have taken cosmetic industry as a whole.


The success of most businesses depends on their ability to create and maintain customer loyalty.

Companies have realized that selling to brand loyal customers is less costly than converting new

customers. Brand loyalty provides companies with strong, competitive weapons. The concept of

brand loyalty is so important that managers must give it sufficient consideration before they plan

and implement their marketing strategies.

It is the dream of any marketer to create a strong connection with consumers and to have a long

term relationship. This dream can only come true if his efforts are completely diverted towards

those factors which are responsible for building a brand loyalty. The researcher has reported that

excellent quality factor plays a key role. Besides this, cosmetic manufactures are required to

understand thoroughly the buying behaviour before implementing any marketing strategy.

Cosmetics sector is a very dynamic sector in India. Indian consumers are introduced to all of the

new and existing products of the well-known brands in this market just like other consumers

elsewhere in the world. However, Indian market has a special significance. Compared to other

countries in the region, India has a huge population, half of which is made up of women. The

availability of such a big target market and the increasing demand for cosmetics products make

India an interesting potential for global multinationals as well as domestic companies.

Companies invest a lot of money in this market to find out as much as they can about the

characteristics of their consumers. A major goal of marketing is to be able to satisfy the needs of

consumers as effectively as possible.

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