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Luong Hoang Vinh - 201760402



Listening Reflection #10

Video Link/ Source: PRACTICE TEST 2 IELTS Recent Actual Test With Answers
Volume 2


Section 1:

1. Reception Assistant
2. driving license
3. heavy lifting
4. meals
5. certificate
6. staff uniform
7. personal information form
8. questionnaire
9. roleplay activities.
10. video

Section 2:

11. temporary visitor

12. allergies
13. current medication
14. registration card
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. C

Section 3:

21. Beeswax
22. avocado pear
23. 200 billion
24. A
25. D
26. F
27. D
28. E
29. B
30. B

Section 4:

31. Millennium
32. River Thames,
33. 3.5 million
34. British airways
35. 135 metres
36. Tension piles
37. A-Frame
38. Rim
39. Passenger Capsules
40. Boarding

Section 1:

Trap 1: And many guests, of course, travel by car, and you may have to take their
vehicles around to the car park, so you will need to have a valid driving license, and
you will not be allowed to do the job if you haven’t.

Trap 2: As you know, this hotel is popular with exclusive travelers and so you’ll need
to wear the distinctive staff uniform – which you’re provided with.

Paraphrase/ Vocabulary.

-point out : Khiến ai đó ý thức, hiểu ra điều gì.

-Distinctive /dis'tiɳktiv/ (adj): đặc biệt , để phân biệt

-recruitment /ri'kru:tmənt/ (n): sự tuyển dụng

-straightforward /'streit'fɔ:wəd/ (adj): không rắc rối, phiền phức

-Complete = fill in.

Section 2:
Trap 1: On Friday afternoons we have an open surgery which means you can come
along and just wait to see a doctor, but you may have to wait for several hours, so
it’s much better to make an appointment and come at the specified time.

Trap 2: However, you need to pay for the prescription and the cost varies with the
medicine, but its usually just a few pounds. Nevertheless, in some situations, such as
pregnancy, the prescription is then free.

Vocabulary/ Paraphrase:

-Clinician (n): Thầy thuốc

-Inquiry /in'kwaiəri/ (n) : cuộc điều tra

-Registration /,redʤis'treiʃn/ (n) : sự đăng kí

-Can help you with a small injury = looks after minor injuries .

-your late’ sixties = you’re over 65.

-pharmacist in :

- a special form = a repeat prescription form.

Section 3:

Trap 1: An outbreak of parasitic mites has caused a steep decline in North American
populations of honeybees. But parasites aren’t the only factor.

Trap 2 :Both wild and domesticated bees are in serious trouble because of
pesticides. In California, farm chemicals are killing around 10% of all the honeybee

Vocabulary/ Paraphrase.

- Domesticate /də'mestikeit/ (v) : thuần hóa.

-Avocado peer /,ævou'kɑ:dou/: lê tàu

-Animal pollination contributes =value of animal pollination has been estimated

-more organic approach of cultivation. = more pollinator-friendly organic methods of

-mistaken for a similar animal. =feed on,having a tough time

-smuggling traded: buôn lậu

Section 4:

Trap 1: The starting point was, of course, the ground, and while parts of the wheel
itself were still being constructed in various countries, tension piles were being
driven into the ground beside the River Thames.

Trap 2: Now the project really was in business, and the vast rim with spokes like an
outsized bicycle wheel could be brought in.

Trap 3: And the view was enhanced by the capsule design; unlike traditional ferris
wheel designs that you might see at a local fairground, the passenger capsules were
not suspended under the wheel,


-Permanent /'pə:mənənt/ (adj): vĩnh cữu, tồn tại trong 1 thời gian dài

-blimp /blimp/ (n) khí cầu nhỏ.

-spindle (n) /'spindl/: (kỹ thuật) trục.

-panoramic (adj) /,pænə'ræmik/ : có tc toàn cảnh

- rotation /rou'teiʃn/ (n) : sự quay

-capsules (n) : bao con nhộng



Section 1:

21. Reception Assistant

22. driving license
23. heavy lifting
24. meals
25. certificate
26. staff uniform
27. personal information form
28. questionnaire
29. roleplay activities.
30. video

Section 2:

31. temporary visitor

32. allergies
33. current medication
34. registration card
35. C
36. B
37. A
38. B
39. B
40. C

Section 3:

31. Beeswax
32. avocado pear
33. 200 billion
34. A
35. D
36. F
37. D
38. E
39. B
40. B

Section 4:

41. Millennium
42. River Thames,
43. 3.5 million
44. British Airways
45. 135 metres
46. tension piles
47. A-Frame
48. Rim
49. Passenger Capsules
50. Boarding Platform

Section 1:

Trap 1: And many guests, of course, travel by car, and you may have to take their
vehicles around to the car park, so you will need to have a valid driving license, and
you will not be allowed to do the job if you haven’t.

Trap 2: As you know, this hotel is popular with exclusive travelers and so you’ll need
to wear the distinctive staff uniform – which you’re provided with.

Paraphrase/ Vocabulary.

-point out : Khiến ai đó ý thức, hiểu ra điều gì.

-Distinctive /dis'tiɳktiv/ (adj): đặc biệt , để phân biệt

-recruitment /ri'kru:tmənt/ (n): sự tuyển dụng

-straightforward /'streit'fɔ:wəd/ (adj): không rắc rối, phiền phức

-Complete = fill in.

Section 2:
Trap 1: On Friday afternoons we have an open surgery which means you can come
along and just wait to see a doctor, but you may have to wait for several hours, so
it’s much better to make an appointment and come at the specified time.

Trap 2: However, you need to pay for the prescription and the cost varies with the
medicine, but its usually just a few pounds. Nevertheless, in some situations, such as
pregnancy, the prescription is then free.

Vocabulary/ Paraphrase:

-Clinician (n): Thầy thuốc

-Inquiry /in'kwaiəri/ (n) : cuộc điều tra

-Registration /,redʤis'treiʃn/ (n) : sự đăng kí

-Can help you with a small injury = looks after minor injuries .

-your late’ sixties = you’re over 65.

-pharmacist in :

- a special form = a repeat prescription form.

Section 3:

Trap 1: An outbreak of parasitic mites has caused a steep decline in North American
populations of honeybees. But parasites aren’t the only factor.

Trap 2 :Both wild and domesticated bees are in serious trouble because of
pesticides. In California, farm chemicals are killing around 10% of all the honeybee

Vocabulary/ Paraphrase.

- Domesticate /də'mestikeit/ (v) : thuần hóa.

-Avocado peer /,ævou'kɑ:dou/: lê tàu

-Animal pollination contributes =value of animal pollination has been estimated

-more organic approach of cultivation. = more pollinator-friendly organic methods of

-mistaken for a similar animal. =feed on,having a tough time

-smuggling traded: buôn lậu

Section 4:

Trap 1: The starting point was, of course, the ground, and while parts of the wheel
itself were still being constructed in various countries, tension piles were being
driven into the ground beside the River Thames.

Trap 2: Now the project really was in business, and the vast rim with spokes like an
outsized bicycle wheel could be brought in.

Trap 3: And the view was enhanced by the capsule design; unlike traditional ferris
wheel designs that you might see at a local fairground, the passenger capsules were
not suspended under the wheel,


-Permanent /'pə:mənənt/ (adj): vĩnh cữu, tồn tại trong 1 thời gian dài

-blimp /blimp/ (n) khí cầu nhỏ.

-spindle (n) /'spindl/: (kỹ thuật) trục.

-panoramic (adj) /,pænə'ræmik/ : có tc toàn cảnh

- rotation /rou'teiʃn/ (n) : sự quay

-capsules (n) : bao con nhộng


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