Listening Project #5 Video Link/ Source

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Full name : Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Student ID :

Class : TA1A Version : 1

Video Link/ Source:
I. The brief content of the video:
Everyday, people have to make many decisions, which has important impacts on their lives. To
make a perfect choire, people should apply an effective technique called critical thinking. It’s a
way to help people think hard about any problem before making the final decision. And it is
neccesary to know 5 basic steps to improve your critical thinking:

your question

other points Gather your
of view imformation

Consider the Apply the

implications imformation

II. The discoveries in the video:

A. Vocabulary
No Pronunciation Meaning Example
to make something
longer, wider or
looser, for example This sweater has
1 Stretch (v) /stretʃ/
by pulling it; to stretched.
become longer, etc. in
this way
to attack somebody
We are bombarded
with a lot of
daily with propaganda
2 Bombarde (v) /bɒmˈbɑːd/ questions, criticisms,
about what we should
etc. or by giving them
too much information
(in literature and
philosophy) to
analyse a text in order
to show that there is The critical thinking
3 Deconstruct (v)  /ˌdiːkənˈstrʌkt/ no fixed meaning allows us to carefully
within the text but deconstruct situatuons.
that the meaning is
created each time in
the act of reading
Her argument doesn't
careful and thorough
4 Scrutiny (n) /ˈskruːtəni/ really stand up to
behaviour that
controls or influences
Advertising like this is
Manipulation /məˌnɪpju somebody/something,
5 a cynical manipulation
(n) ˈleɪʃn/ often in a dishonest
of the elderly.
way so that they do
not realize it
easy to do or to It is not a
6 /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd/ understand; not straightforward
complicated process.
an attitude of
doubting that claims Other scientists have
7 Skepticism (n) /ˈskeptɪsɪzəm/ or statements are true expressed skepticism
or that something will about these results.
to think or accept that
It is generally assumed
something is true but
8 Assume (v) /əˈsjuːm/ that stress is caused by
without having proof
too much work.
of it
to limit the size, We restrict the number
9 Restrict (v) /rɪˈstrɪkt/ amount or range of of students per class to
something 10.
The pyramids are an
a thing that shows
eloquent testimony to
10 Testimony (n) /ˈtestɪməni/ that something else
the ancient Egyptians'
exists or is true
engineering skills.
11 Eliminate (v) /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ to remove or get rid The police have
of eliminated two
suspects from their
/ˈfɔːmjuleɪt/  to express your ideas
He struggled to
12 Formulate (v)   in carefully chosen
formulate an answer.
The development of the
a possible effect or site will have
13 Implication (n) /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn/ result of an action or a implications for the
decision surrounding
closely connected
with the subject you
Do you have the
14 Relevant (v) /ˈreləvənt/ are discussing or the
relevant experience?
situation you are
thinking about
a strong feeling in
favour of or against
Employers must
one group of people,
consider all candidates
15 Bias (n)  /ˈbaɪəs/ or one side in an
impartially and without
argument, often not
based on fair

B. Grammar
- This isn’t always as straightforward as it sounds.

C. Background information
Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. Some are small and unimportant, but others
have a large impact on our lives. For example, which politician should I vote for? Should I try
the latest diet craze? Or will email make me a millionaire?
We’re bombarded with so many decisions that it’s impossible to make a perfect choice every
time. But there are many ways to improve our chances, and one particularly effective technique
is critical thinking. This is a way of approaching a question that allows us to carefully
deconstruct a situation, reveal its hidden issues, such as bias and manipulation, and make a best
If the critical part sounds negative that’s because in a way it is. Rather than chosing an answer
because it feels right, a person who uses critical thinking subjects all available options to
scrutiny and skepticism. Using the tools at their disposal, they’ll eliminate everything but the
most useful and reliable imformation. There are many different ways of approaching critical
thinking, but here’s one five-step process that may help you solve any number of problems.
III . Reflection
 How did I learn to listen :
- I started with listening without subtitles and write what I can hear on a paper. I can
hear and understand the main idea, but not all words
- After that, I turned on the English subtitles and checked what I heard.
- Next, I recorded words or sentences I did not hear well and checked their
pronunciation on the dictionary.
- Finally, I listen again without subtitles and repeat the talk at the same time.

 Some things I can’t hear: I can’t hear some new words and phrases: Implication,
Testimony….”. Besides, there were some words connected in pronunciation that makes
me hard to hear and understand.
 I think the reason I can not hear is related to my vocabulary and pronunciation skills.
There are some new words used so I did not know them. In addition, the wrong
pronunciation also affects the understanding of the content. There are some familiar
phrases I can hear but I do not understand the meaning. Finally, speaking fast also
makes it difficult to hear the full dialogue.
 From those mistakes, I find that the vocabulary and pronunciation are important in
listening and understanding. In addition, regular listening practice will give me more
skills. So, I think I should improve my vocabulary and practice listening more.
 After finishing the listening process, I could understand about 70% of the video content
without looking at the transcript.

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