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Dosen :Dr. Sc. Syahril, S.

si, MT

Tugas Fisika Bahasa Inggris


NAMA : Salsadila Safitri

NIM : 1805124208

Kelas :6B

Prodi : Pendidikan Fisika







Physics is a science based on the observation of natural phenomena. The whole

point of observation is measurement. Thus, physics is a science that is based on
the measurement. The highest truth in physics from observations (experiments).
This means that if there is a theory that his predictions are not in accordance with
the observations, the theory was rejected however good the theory. This shows
how the observations in physics is very important. That is why the knowledge
about how to measure an important requirement.

In everyday life we are always dealing with living things and inanimate objects.
One time we sometimes have to communicate something objects, both living
object (moving) as well as inanimate objects (silent) to others. If information
about an object we communicate the complete lack of the person who received the
information it is possible to further inquire lagi.Misalnya we communicate big and
heavy truck, quickly run a car, away trips, the heat of an object, and so on. People
who receive the information will certainly ask more
about how the truck weighs, how fast the car is, how far the journey is, how high
the body heat, and so on.

The above question is very tmemungkinkan arise if the object is communicated

not equipped with complementary objects. These complement its usual places
stated in terms of size and the unit so that the object yangdiinformasikan has a
wider meaning.

A measurement is always accompanied by uncertainty. Some of the causes of

these uncertainties include their Value Smallest Scale (NST), error calibration,
zero point error, error springs, friction, parallax error, measurement parameters
and environmental fluctuations affect each other as well as the skill of the

In the measurement, is required to have uncertainty value. If there is uncertainty,

the data is questionable even unused. This measurement is performed to determine
how to use the measuring tool, capable of determining the value of the uncertainty
in a single measurement and repetitive, and can process the data and write it in
raw form.

Measurement is an activity that aims to get the value of a quantity. Measurement
activities have a broad impact on science, human personal life and community in
improving efficiency. Modern life is increasingly characterized by sophisticated
devices to obtain data. Modern humans increasingly dependent on mandapatkan
activity data that is technically called measurement.

Measurement is the process of obtaining information about a certain physical

quantities, such as pressure (p), temperature (T), voltage (V), current (I), and so
forth. The information obtained can be a value in terms of numbers (quantitative)
or in the form of a statement is a conclusion (qualitative). To obtain this
information, then we need a measuring instrument, for example, to know the
voltage V, current I, resistance R we can use a multimeter.

A measurement is always accompanied by uncertainty. Some of the causes of

these uncertainties include their Value Smallest Scale (NST), error calibration,
zero point errors, errors of parallax, fluctuations in the measurement parameters,
and an environment of mutual influence and skill levels of different observers.
Thus it is difficult to get the true value of a quantity by measurement. Some
guides how to obtain measurement results expeditiously as may be required and
how to report the uncertainty that accompanies it.

Some basic measuring tools are often used in the lab is a vernier caliper,
micrometer screw, barometer, technical balance, a ruler, a protractor, a stopwatch,
and some electrical quantities measuring instrument. Each measuring instrument
has a way to operate and also how to read the results are measurable.
Smallest Scale Values

At each measuring instrument there is a value scale that can not be divided again,
this is called the Smallest Scale Value (NST). Accuracy of measuring instruments
rely on this NST. In Figure 3 below appears that NST = 0:25 units.

Figure 3 - major scale with a measuring instrument unit NST = 0:25


Ii In the picture below, the readings without Nonius is 17 units and with Nonius
was 16.5 + 4 x 0.1 = 17.4 units, because of the scale Nonius which coincides with
the major scale is the scale of the 4 or N1 = 4

There are some terms and definitions in the measurements that must be
understood, including:

1. Accuracy, the proximity of the measuring instrument to read the actual

values of the measured variable.
2. Precision, the results of measurements resulting from the measurement
process, or the degree to distinguish one measurement to another.
3. Sensitivity, or the ratio of the output signal response measuring instrument
inputs or variable changes measured.
4. Resolution, the smallest change of value of measurement taken by the
measuring instrument capable.
5. Errors, figures deviation of the actual value of the measured variable.
Direct and Indirect Measurement

Judging from the way of measurement, there are physical magnitudes measured
directly and there are (more) measured indirectly.

 The direct measurements are measurements of a quantity that does not rely on
measuring other quantities.

- Measure the length of the stick with a ruler,
- Measure the time with a stopwatch / stopclock.

So the direct measurement of a quantity is comparing these quantities directly

with the amount of reference.

 indirect measurement is the measurement of physical quantities in an indirect

way to compare it with the amount of reference, but
with other quantities.
- Measuring the temperature by measuring the change in the volume of mercury,
- Measure the weight of the object by measuring the length of spring,
- Measure the speed, heat, etc.

Various kinds of Measuring and Functions

1. Micrometer Screw

This tool is used to measure the thickness of the diameter of an object or anything.
The scale used in measuring devices is 0.01 mm. This tool is an important thing
when you are dealing with small items.

For example, you need a cable diameter of about 0.75 mm to ensure the incoming
cable neatly into the electronic device. It is certainly difficult to measure if you
only use ordinary ruler.
To use it, you only need to clamp the object to be measured in the jaws of this
tool. To ensure the proper size, you need to lock the object by turning the screw

From the turnover, you will see the scale is already listed on the measuring rod for
the value of a decimal value in millimeters and screw the dial.

2. Ruler or Ruler

The length gauges have often you use a day - day. This tool is a long rod with a
size value listed in the lengthwise along the body. The level of accuracy of this
measure approximately 0.5 mm, so arguably not too appropriate for measuring
small objects.

But to measure everyday objects - day or sketch drawings, the size of the existing
centimeters is quite effective.

To use this tool, simply specify the starting point size on a value of 0 on the ruler.
The long coherently by looking at where the object ends. Length value it will be
seen from the numbers listed in the bar at the end point.

3. Term Sorong

Similarly, the crossbar and screw micrometer, calipers can be used to calculate the
length, thickness and diameter of an object. The difference is, the level of
accuracy of this tool is 0.1 mm. So it is more appropriate than the rule but not as
accurate micrometer screws.
How to use this tool is quite easy. Enough with flanking measure whatever you
want in between the jaws of this tool. Make sure the root object jaw tight hold
accurate size. The size will be shown in which the jaws are in when holding the
object being measured.

4. Voltmeter

This tool is useful for measuring electrical voltage. Usually used when dealing
with electrical circuits in a car, motorcycle or home. To use it, you simply pinch
the wires measuring at +/- indigo power source.

The size will be directly listed on the movement of the needle. Voltmeter now
there is also a digital form so you can instantly see the numbers.

5. ammeter

Just as voltmeter, ammeter still measure the electric scale. This tool is used to
measure the strength of the electrical current. To use it, you just need to connect it
to the electricity grid to be measured as voltmeter. After that you can directly read
the movement of the needle or digital numbers that appear.
6. ohmmeter

This tool is still dealing with electricity, but it is used to determine the amount of
electrical resistance of an object. This tool is essential to find the value of the
conductivity of an object. To use, just as voltmeter and ammeter.

You simply connect the electrified objects and the size to be visible from the
needle or digital numbers.

7. Thermometer

The gauges are used to determine the temperature value. Depending on the
sensitivity of the device, Thermometer can be used for different purposes. For
example, to measure the air temperature in the room, measure body temperature
and body. To measure the temperature of the object, there is a thermometer used
to measure extreme temperatures such as geothermal.

This tool is different from how to use depending on the species. For air and indoor
thermometer, automatic size seen only by leaving the device in the room. For use
in the body and objects, typically these tools must be posted for a few moments.
8. Barometer

The next measurement tool is the Barometer. This tool is used to calculate air
pressure. To measure commonly contained in this tool is MB. This tool is more
often used for meteorological purposes.

To use it, you just need to leave this equipment in an area that will measure. After
some time, this tool will show the air pressure in the area.

9. Stopwatch

Stopwatchi used to measure time. Usually it is used to measure the travel time of
something. For example on a 100-meter race, rally racing and travel time someone

To use it, you simply press the start button in the tool. For analog stopwatch, the
key is tilted lever protruding above. If it is pressed, the time will be running, to
stop press the stop button or by pressing the start button. The travel time will be
shown in the form of needle analog or digital numbers.
10. Hygrometer

This tool is used to measure the humidity of an enclosed space. This size is
important for the process of special goods storage. Examples are the electronics
and groceries. If the air is too wet electronic device may be impaired while the
food is so perishable.

To use it, you simply put the tool in a closed room to be measured. After a while,
Hygrometer will indicate the size of the moisture.

11. Densitometer

Densitometer is an instrument used to measure the density of the liquid. To use it,
you simply insert the tool into the fluid to be measured. Typically for this you
need a fluid sample quite a lot.

When inputting a densitometer make sure the appliance does not touch the
container for the liquid. After allowed to be in liquid, you will see displayed on
the tool size.
12. Scales

This tool can be shaped wide - range, but the goal is to calculate the weight of an
object. Traditional forms of scales can be seen using a ballast, but for much more
detail, you can use the scales Digita.

Use of this tool is different depending on the species. If the traditional scales, you
compare the weight of the ballast used goods. If the position timbanga balanced,
meaning the same thing with a unit weight of ballast used. If the digital tool, you
just need to put objects on the scale and size will appear immediately.

Measurement uncertainty

1. Common Mistakes

common errors is an error that caused the current limitations on observers

measurement, This error can be caused due to an error reading the small scale, and
kekurangterampilan in preparing and tool wear, especially for a tool that involves
many components.

2. Systematic Errors

systematic error an error caused by the tools used and or the environment
surrounding the device affect the performance of the tool. For example,calibration
error, zero-point error, tool component errors or damage to the equipment,
parallax error, Changes in temperature and humidity.

a. Calibration error

Calibration error occurs because the grading scale at the time of manufacture or
calibration (standardization) is not appropriate. This resulted in the reading of the
measurement results to be larger or smaller than the actual value. This error can be
resolved by re-calibrate the instrument using a standardized tool.
b. Zero Errors

Errors occur because of zero point zero point on the scale that is used is not
appropriate tool coincide with the stylus or pointer that can not be returned
exactly on a scale of zero. As a result, the measurement results can undergo
addition or subtraction in accordance with the difference of scale of zero should
be. Zero point error can be resolved by making corrections to the writing of the
measurement results.

c. Error Component Tools

Damage to the appliance is obviously very influential in the reading of the

measuring instrument. For example, on a spring balance. If the spring is used is
old and worn out, it will affect the reduction of the spring constant. This makes
the needle or scale pointer is not exactly zero which makes next-scale shift.

d. Parallax error

Parallax error occurs when there is a distance between the pointer with the lines of
the scale and position of the observer's eye is not perpendicular to the needle.

3. Random error

random error is some issue that occurs because of the fine at the time
fluktuasifluktuasi measurement, This error may be due to the motion of air
molecules brown, power voltage fluctuations, lkitasan vibrating, noisy, and

a. Air molecules Brownian motion

Air molecules, as we know the situation is always moves erratically or rambang.

This motion can fluctuate very rapidly and cause a very fine needle like on
mikrogalvanometer disrupted because of collisions with air molecules.

b. Voltage Fluctuation

Voltage electricity grid or other voltage sources such as batteries and battery
always changed little irregular and fast to produce electrical quantities
measurement data are inconsistent.
c. Lkitasan the Vibrate

Lkitasan vibration in place could result in the device is reading a different scale,
especially tools that are sensitive to motion. Tools such as seismographs needed a
stable and does not wobble. If lkitasannya vibrate, it will affect the appointment of
scale in the event of an earthquake.

d. Noisy

Noise is a disorder that is always encountered in electronics. This disorder can be

rapid fluctuations in voltage due to temperature equipment components.

e. Background Radiation

Radiation of electromagnetic waves from the cosmos (space) can interfere with
the reading and disrupt operations tools. For example, mobile phones should not
be used at the pump and the air because it could interfere with the measuring
instrument in a gas station or shuttle. This disorder is due to electromagnetic
waves in mobile phones can disrupt mengasilkan wave radiation measuring
devices at the gas station or shuttle.

The existence of many factors that cause the risk of error in the measurement,
makes us impossible to get the exact measurements correct. Therefore, we have to
write the uncertainty each time reported the results of a measurement. To declare
the resultsuncertainty of measurement can use for writing x = (xo ± Δx), where x
is the value approach to the measurement results to the true value, xo is the value
of the measurement results, and Δx is the uncertainty (uncertainty estimate

Uncertainty in Measurement Single

single measurement the measurement is only performed once. In a single

measurement, the value is used as substitute for true value is the result of the
measurement itself. While uncertainty is obtained from half the value of the
smallest scale of the instruments used. For example, we measure the length of an
object using a ruler.

The length of an object measured using the ruler

In the picture above the tip of objects visible on the 15.6 cm mark less. How much
is the excess? Remember, the smallest scale bar is 1 mm. We agreed that the
uncertainty in a single measurement tool is half the smallest scale. Thus, the
uncertainty in the measurement are as follows.

Due to uncertainty value has two decimals (0.05 mm), then the measurement
result must we have reported in two decimal places. That is, the value of x should
we have reported in the three figures. The third number we reported we have a
crush, but estimates can only be 0 or 5. Since the end of the object less than 15.6
cm, then the value of the estimate is 5. Thus, the measurement of objects using a
ruler can we report as follows.

The length of the object (l)

l = X0 ± Δx

= (15.6 ± 0.05) cm

The meaning of the measurement report is we do not know the value of x (length
objects) that actually. However, after one-time measurement we get a value of
15.6 cm or less between 15.60 cm to 15.70 cm. Statistically, this means that no
100% guarantee that the objects found on the hose length 15.60 cm to 15.7 cm or
(15.60 ≤ x ≤ 15.70) cm.

Uncertainty in Measurement Repeats

In order to obtain accurate measurement results, we can make measurements

repeatedly. So how do I report the results of repeated measurements? At repeated
measurements we will get as much as N times the measurement results. Based on
statistical analysis, the best value to replace the true value x0adalah average value
of data obtained (x0). As for the uncertainty value (Δx) can be replaced by the
value of the standard deviation of the average value of the sample. Mathematically
it can be written as follows.

x0: Results of the measurement approach the true value

Δx : measurement uncertainty
N : The number taking the measurements performed

In a single measurement uncertainty value (Δx) is calledabsolute uncertainty,

The smallerabsolute uncertaintyachieved in a single measurement, the
measurement results are even more closer to the truth. The uncertainty value also
determines the number of digits that should be included in the report measurement
results. How do I determine the number of digits on repeated measurements?

How to determine the number of digits that should be included on repeated

measurements is to find the relative uncertaintyThe repeated measurements. The
relative uncertainty can be determined by dividingmeasurement uncertaintywith
an average value of measurement. Mathematically it can be written as follows.

uncertainties relative =

after learning the relative uncertaintyHer, we can use the rules agreed upon
scientists to look for the number of digits that may be included in a report of
repeated measurements. Rule number of digits that can be reported in repeated
measurements are as follows.

 the relative uncertainty 10% are entitled to two digits

 the relative uncertainty 1% are entitled to three points
 the relative uncertainty 0.1% are entitled to four points

In this measurement can be concluded that every measurement must be worth
uncertainties. For direct measurement of the relative uncertainty of the values can
be directly obtained by the formula. As for the indirect measurement can be
obtained with the formula. In the direct measurement of value can be directly
searched measuring devices, while the indirect measurement should be with a
1 Δx
formula NST ,
2 x0
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Indonesia.Vol. 6, No. 2, Hal. 25-28 pada tanggal 06 april
2020 pukul 15:09 pada tanggal 06 april
2020 pukul 15:20

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