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PC|SCHEMATIC Automation is a CAD solution for documentation of automation, installation, pneumatics and hydraulics.
The software enables you to use your resources as effectively as possible, which allows extra energy for other im-
portant tasks. In this folder you get an introduction to Automation, see which functions are included, and learn how
the specially designed PC|SCHEMATIC databases save many work hours when performing your daliy tasks.

Focus on the electrical aspects for PLC’s, sensors and transducers, intel-
PC|SCHEMATIC Automation is designed ligent building installation, computer and
from the basic concept of setting you telecommunication, alarm installations, as
free to focus on the electrical aspects, well as symbols for ground plan drawings.
while the program handles the practical You can easily create your own symbols,
side. Beyond the basic drawing functions, and have your symbol libraries docu-
Automation offers you a comprehensive mented automatically.
series of functions specially designed for
electrical projects. 48 component databases
In Automation you can create your own
Customized for electrical projects component databases. As an extra ad-
Among these functions you will find vantage, several leading component man-
automatically updated references be- ufacturers have created their own com-
tween electrical symbols for the same ponent databases for the programme.
component, automatic PLC functions, Beyond common component informa-
survey symbols for PLCs, automatic line tion - such as part number, descriptions, minals lists, PLC lists, cables lists, labels,
drawing (router), intelligent renaming of component vendor and prices - these data- connections lists and tables of contents.
components when copying, support of bases contain both electrical and mechani- These lists are updated automatically by
mounting correct drawing and single-line cal symbols for the individual components. the programme. Unit drawings can also
diagrams, design check, control of color Using these databases, you can therefore be a part of the projects.
codes for cable wires, automatic replac- easily and safely create diagrams and me- The lists can both be created as pages
ing of symbols, automatic wire number- chanical drawings, and generate lists. in the projects, and as user-defined files,
ing, automatic generation of graphical Along with the program you also get which can easily be imported into other
terminal, cable and connection plans, as PC|SCHEMATICs own database pro- systems - for instance as order files.
well as automatic updating of project- gram. Automation can use Access data-
and page information. bases directly, and is also open to other Subdrawings with article data and
You soon become confident with the database systems supported by MDAC automatic project generation
programme, and the programme but- or ODBC. You will therefore be able to You can easily create subdrawings with
tons and menus follows common Win- use all major database systems in con- article data for each individual symbol in
dows guidelines. junction with Automation - such as for the subdrawing. You can then drag the
A project file can contain an infinite instance MS-SQL and Oracle. Therefore, subdrawings directly into any of your
number of pages, each page containing the databases can become an integrated projects. When dragging a subdrawing
up to 255 layers. You can also work in dif- part of the database into a project, you can furthermore select
which set of model data to attach to
the symbols in the subdrawing. This is
called Module and Model Based drag’n
draw. Based on these subdrawings, you
can generate projects containing thou-
sands of pages automatically.

ferent elevations, and draw isometrically. system of the Intelligent reference designations
company. In Automation you can automatically as-
Plenty of Standard IEC/EN symbols sign reference designations on project,
With the programme you get the standard Automatic page, area and symbol level.
IEC/EN symbols for automation, installa- update of all Lists When placing a symbol on a page or in
tion, hydraulics/pneumatics and flow dia- In Automation you can design your own an area with reference designations, the
grams. Furthermore, you will find symbols parts lists (BOM), components lists, ter- symbol is automatically assigned the
reference designations of the page or networks facilities, such as extended
area (IEC/EN 61346). Succedingly, you file security and a flexible sharing of
can have lists filled out according to the floating licences and administrator
applied reference designations auto- control.
matically. When you change a reference
designation, the program can alter this Create your own applications
reference designation in the full project Automation is designed so openly, that
accordingly. you have the option of creating your
own applications. If you miss a specific
Intelligent chapters function in the program, you therefore
You can further structure your projects by have the option of creating it yourself.
applying Automation functions for creat- Please contact PC|SCHEMATIC A/S for
ing chapters. Tables of contents and lists further information.
can be created for both each individual
chapter, and for the full project. Flexible licenses
When you purchase a floating license,
IEC/EN standards supported intel- you get the option of allowing others to
ligently tank/borrow licenses via the network.
In all parts of the program, structuring the If a collegue needs to update an elec-
documentation has been made as easy trical documentation abroad, you can
as possible. In Automation you can follow also mail a time limited license to your
the present electrical standards, hardly collegue.
without noticing it.
Repetitive strain Injuries
Import/export of DWG/DXF files To reduce the use of the mouse, Au-
You can import DWG/DXF files, and ex- tomation has included the program
port DWG/DXF files. Naturally, only ele- Mouse Chasing System, for learning
ments known by both programs are ex- program short-cuts while working.
changed. Short-cuts in the program are predom-
inantly single keys - such as „s“ for the
Inserting OLE objects „Symbols“ command.
Documents from for instance Word or Ex-
cel can be inserted directly on the project Languages and character sets
pages, because the program handles You can easily install the English ver-
so-called OLE objects. If for instance you sion of the program, including online
insert an AutoCAD document, you can manuals. Danish, German, Czech, Pol-
draw on top of the inserted document in ish, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Por-
Automation. tuguese and Chinese versions are also
Interfacing to PLC tools The program includes a number of
You can interface to PLC tools and to di- character sets - for instance Russian,
mensioning tools. During import from PLC Polish, Czech and Baltic characters.
tools, the connected PLC data are cor- Furthermore, a program for transla-
rected directly in the diagrams - of course tion of project texts is included. In this
under strict control. program you can add new languages

See the get started videos at
or at
Networks when necessary.
As a consequence of the many major Automation was first created 25 years
customers, Automation has extended ago, and is now used worldwide.
Functions in Automation
Avialable Allowed number of Allowed number of Also available as
functions symbols / connections diagram + mechanical net version
Automation 40 - free version All 40/200 10 No
Automation Flex versions All 150/750 or 350/1750 Unlimited No

Automation Smart versions All Unlimited 20 or 40 No

Automation Advanced versions All Unlimited Unlimited Yes

Overview and navigation • Existing documentation reused intelligently

• Project oriented: All parts of a project gathered as pages in a single file • Automatic naming of all types of symbols
- including diagrams, mechanical pages, lists, tables of contents, chap- • Handling of subnames on symbols - including individual references
ter dividers etc. • Automatic update of current path numbers in symbol names possible
• Enhanced Explorer window: For easy navigation between projects and • Reference crosses or contact mirrors with online references
project pages, and for finding symbols etc. in project pages • Replace symbol function: On project or page level, and for individual
• Object Lister for survey of any type of object in the documentation symbols
- and for editing texts. (Texts can also be edited by clicking on the indi- • Handling of multi-layer terminals - electrically, mechanically and in lists
vidual texts) • Mounting correct drawing - w. option to display in “dot” drawing mode
• Online references: Click and jump to the other symbols for a compo- • Counting functions in numerous numbering systems
nent, or click in a list and jump to the component • Single-line diagram features
• Show available window: Direct access to all components used in the • Lines are closed automatically when moving symbols or areas
project, which still have available symbols • Router: Automatic drawing of connecting lines when placing symbols
• Aligning, spacing and trimming functions
Templates, subdrawings, automatic project generation • Handling of jumper links and busbars
• Project, page and list templates - just drag them into your projects • Automatic wire numbering function
• Subdrawings/subdiagrams with attached article data - also with differ- • Intelligent handling of reference designations - also when you make
ent sets of model data for each subdrawing changes and merge project files
• Create full projects just by dragging in pages, subdrawings, lists and • Designcheck
subprojects (Module and Model Based Drag’n Draw)
• Automatic project generation via project definition file - e.g. via Excel PLC
• Easy to handle which product options to include in the documentation • PLC survey symbols
• Panelrouter (optional) • Automatic PLC I/O addressing
• Online updated references between PLC symbols
Drawing headers, lists, import/export • Import/export PLC I/O files to/from diagrams - e.g. via spreadsheet/
• Automatic list update: Of tables of contents, parts lists (BOM), compo- Microsoft Excel
nents lists, terminals lists, cables lists, labels and PLC lists. Any of these • Open integration with PLC configuration tools - e.g. for Simatic ET200S
lists can be defined by you
• Excel/XML/text files can be exported for all of the mentioned list types Electrical installation
• Drawing headers for any type of project page can be defined freely • Import/export of DWG/DXF files (Member of OpenDWG alliance)
• Automatic generation of graphical terminal, cable and connection plans • Drawing with elevation displayed in 2D or isometrically
• Export of wirenumbers • Pages for mechanical layout and groung plan drawings
• Print labels via Excel or via e.g. CLIP PROJECT Marking or M-Print PRO • Measurement objects
• Drawing in layers
Databases, components and symbols • Unit drawings
• 48 component manufacturer databases for PC|SCHEMATIC • Design a panel, and the panel layout is generated automatically
• Electrical and mechanical symbols for each component in the database • Single line diagrams drawn automatically based on panel layout
• Symbol pickmenu for all multi-function components in the database • Document small switchboards and panels according to EN61439-1 and
- just click and place the symbols (with attached article data) 3 concerning power dissipation calculation and more
• Advanced copying: All symbols are renamed intelligently - e.g. when
copying symbols and areas, or when inserting subdrawings, sub- Revision control, passwords etc.
projects and projects. Attached article data are included when copying • Revision control and revision clouds
• Automatic load of mechanical symbols for the used components • Password protection of files
- handled by the database • Translation of texts on project pages
• Number of cable wires and colour codes controlled by the database • Handling of OLE objects
• Easy search for / editing of data for symbols and components • OLE automation: Create your own applications for Automation
• Automatic documentation of symbol libraries and symbols in projects
• Comprehensive IEC/EN symbol libraries Using the program
• Component Wizard for easy creation of database components • Single-key keyboard short cuts - you can define them easily
• Database program Included - for handling e.g. Access files • Mouse Chasing System for reducing repetitive strain injuries
• ODBC + MDAC interface for communication with database systems
Netversions only
Drawing functions • Flexible sharing of net licenses
• Easy to get familiar with the program • License tanking/borrowing
• Easy to create and maintain the documentation • Administrator control

Automation 40 can be downloaded for free at • Automation Flex & Automation Smart are economy versions
Our databases are different. This saves time
Automation gives you a unique workflow, which saves you lots of time every single day. The unique databases plays
a major role. 48 leading component manufacturers have created them specially for PC|SCHEMATIC.

Automation has a unique workflow, which schematic diagrams - so that the article symbols in the project, suggests the next
automatically handles all article data. This data from the database remains attached available symbol name etc.
takes effect from the moment you select to the symbols Because the program handles all these
the first electrical symbol via the compo- 3) Attached article data etc. for the sym- trivial details, it sets you free to focus on the
nent database, to the moment where all bols are automatically transferred to the electrical aspects of your job.
of your project lists are updated automati- project lists, and to list files which can be
cally with component and article data. forwarded to e.g. purchasing and storage Mechanical symbols for mechanical
management systems panel layouts
Major timesaver The databases for Automation also con-
Three main factors make it possible to Handles all trivial tasks tain mechanical symbols for the compo-
save so much time: When you place symbols in the schemat- nents. The program can therefore auto-
1) The comprehensive manufacturer da- ic diagrams, the program automatically matically supply mechanical symbols for
tabases for Automation, containing both keeps track of which of the symbols for the components you have used in your
article data and electrical symbols for all the component are used in the project, project - to insert directly in a mechanical
components updates references between symbols panel layout.
2) Easy access to finding these compo- for the components, creates a survey
nents, and placing their symbols in the of which components still have available

The 48 component manufacturers have includ-

ed ordering data, as well as electrical and me-
chanical symbols for the components in their
databases for PC|SCHEMATIC.
When you click on a component in the data-
base, you automatically get a menu contain-
ing all of the electrical symbols for this specific
When you subsequently place the symbols in
your diagrams, the program memorizes which
components these symbols represent.

Just place the symbols

- all article data are included

Parts list
When you have completed your electrical dia-
grams, the program can therefore automati-
Parts list
cally fill out components lists and parts lists
etc. - and need not type in any component in- Components list

formation. Thus, you can focus on the electri- Components list

cal aspects, and let the program deal with the
Originating from the electrical symbols in the
diagrams, the program can also fetch the me-
chanical symbols for the components auto-
matically. These symbols can for instance be
used for mechanical layouts.
Let Automation revolutionize your job
PC|SCHEMATIC Automation is revolution in electrical CAD software. No less. You can now arrange your work-
flow, so that you practically speaking have created 80% of the documentation before you get started.

When creating electrical documenta- subdrawing is automatically connected You can therefore start a new project
tion, you typically apply the same 30-40 to the drawn diagram - e.g. to the elec- by dragging a project template into Au-
subdrawings, which you use in different trical potentials on the page - and the tomation. This project can contain the
combinations. These subcircuits / sub- applied symbols are named intelligently project pages you always need when
drawings can furthermore have different by the programme. (The free tutorial vid- starting a project, such as tables of con-
sets of article data attached, depending eos at shows tents, chapter front pages, schematics
on which physical components the sym- this workflow visually). pages and selected list pages. When you
bols in the drawings represent. subsequently need for instance more di-
In PC|SCHEMATIC Automation you can No need to draw any more agram pages with already inserted elec-
therefore drag these subdrawings di- The revolutionary aspect is therefore trical potentials, you also drag these into
rectly into the project pages, and at that you can now create a complete the project. Then you drag the desired
the same time select which models of electrical documentation by just drag- subdrawings directly into the project
the subdrawings you wish to use - and ging all of the desired documentation pages, where they connect to e.g. the
hereby which article data to attach auto- parts/elements directly into the project, electrical potentials on the page, and the
matically to the individual symbols in the and the program draws them for you. symbols are renamed intelligently.
selected subdrawing. Practically speaking, you hardly need to
draw any longer. Article data included automatically
Just drag in the subdrawings And it is not just subdrawings you can Because the subdrawings have at-
In Automation, this is called ”Module and drag into the active project. You can also tached article data, you then just update
Model Based Drag’n Draw”. Applying this drag full pages into the project, such as the project lists automatically, and the
function, you drag subdrawings into the chapter front pages, tables of contents, documentation is now complete. All lists
project from a window in the right-hand all types of lists and complete diagram are now filled with article data etc., and
side of the screen, and Automation plac- pages. Furthermore, you can even drag you can send the order requisitions to
es the selected subdrawing on the active other projects into the project. the component vendors.
project page. During the tendering phase of a project,
At the same time, the symbols in the Workflow revolutionized you can therefore quickly get a survey
subdrawing are assigned article data, To truly grasp the full extent of this, it is of the total cost of the components, be-
depending on which model of the sub- important to understand that it opens for cause it can be calculated automatically
drawing you choose. Furthermore, the a revolutionary fast and simple workflow. in the lists.

Just place the subdiagrams

- all article data are included
This is how fast and simple it is. This also has the consequence that new
users can get started creating complete
All parts of the electrical documentation
Concurrent creation of libraries of electrical documentation projects really can now be created as modules:
subdrawings quickly. • Sub drawings / sub diagrams
In order to make this possible, you must, In larger companies, this way of working • Project pages for inserting sub drawings
quite obviously, first have created a li- might result in that one(!) single person • Chapter front pages and chapter tables
of contents
brary containing the set of subdrawings, is pointed out as the main responsible
which your company applies in its elec- for creating the company subdrawings,
• Lists and information pages
• Project templates / sets of project pages
trical documentation projects. while the others in future almost only will
This could sound like a bit of a mouthful, need to create documentation by drag-
but this has been taken into considera- ging templates and subdrawings into
When you drag in a sub drawing, you also
tion in the development of the program projects.
select the sub drawing model:
functions. It is therefore easy to create Experiences from the industry suggests • The symbols in the sub drawing gets
subdrawings as they should have been that the documentation time can be re- article data according to the model

created in the documentation anyway. duced by up to 80 percent. • The symbols in the sub drawing are
Having drawn them once, you can
• Wire numbers in the sub drawing are
subsequently apply them with different Mitsubishi and Siemens subdraw- renamed
sets of model data in all future projects. ings • Reference designations are updated
Furthermore, it is really simple to copy At present 48 component manufactur- • The sub drawing is automatically con-
subdiagrams from existing Automation ers have created component databas- nected to the diagram on the page

projects. es for PC|SCHEMATIC, including article

data as well as electrical and mechanical MMB Drag’n Draw
Save 80% time symbols for all components in the data- Create full electrical documentation pro-
jects by dragging in modules and models:
To make it possible for existing and bases.
• Drag in a template project containing
new users to get started quickly, Furthermore, Siemens and Mitsubishi the pages you typically use
PC|SCHEMATIC - and its distributors have created selected subdrawings, • Drag in e.g. some extra schematics pages
- offers a consultation service, consist- including attached article data, ready to with electrical potentials, which you
need for this particular project
ing of an analysis of the already existing be dragged directly into your diagrams.
• Drag the desired sub drawings into the
electrical documentation. Based on this - So, with a little luck, you might not even pages, and select which models to apply
analysis, the optimal set of subdrawings, have to create some of the subdrawings • Update the project lists automatically.
models and project templates can be ef- yourself. (Possible because the sub drawings con-
tains article data from the database)
fectively created.
The documentation is now complete.

Support, training and webinars

Support and upgrade

When you purchase an Automation license, you can also purchase an Automa-
tion maintenance agreement. With the maintenance agreement, you secure the
latest versions and access to our unique support.
The telephone, e-mail and web based support ensures you, that you never grind
to a halt. Instead, you are quickly and effectively assisted with the best imaginable
solutions to your challenges.
The Automation software is updated every year, so that you can work compe-
tently and comply with the latest standards.

Training and webinars

Automation training is arranged at a regular basis. We also arrange custom
made webinars for companies all over the world. Please contact your local
PC|SCHEMATIC agent, or contact PC|SCHEMATIC A/S, for further details.
PC I SCHEMATIC A/S Bygaden 7 4040 Jyllinge Denmark T: +45 4678 8244

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