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BPJS Should Be Deleted

Lecturer:Mr.Amir Hamzah M.Pd

Anis Fitria (19134530005)

Ariska Damayanti (19134530007)
Siti Fariyani (19134530025)


BPJS Should Be Deleted
Jakarta-A total of 5,227,852 people registered in the BPJS Health Contribution Receipts (PBI) were
disabled as of today. This was done because the Ministry of Social Affairs found invalid population data to
participants who had died. "We want to help complete the explanation. developed related to the press
conference at BPJS yesterday. That is indeed one of the tasks of the Ministry of Social Affairs to determine
the results of verification (verification and validation of data). So the 6 social materials have been
perfecting the updating of PBI data. In the 6th decree, there were 5,227,852 people as of August 1, 2019,
changes were made to PBI data, "About the Head of the Ministry of Social Affairs Public Relations Sonny
Manalu, at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Jakarta, Thursday (1/8/2019).

Sonny explained, out of 5,227,842 people who were deactivated from the PBI BPJS health, there were
5,113,842 people who had an invalid Population Number (NIK). clear. For BDT (Integrated Database), the
NIK must be clear, click on the number, there is the name of the person. Also, during 2014 until now they
have never accessed PBI Health, ”explained Sonny.

Then, the remaining 114,010 people who have died can no longer be able to get assistance. While there are
those who live in poverty and it is he who has the right to be. "Sonny said.

Sonny said, this disabling does not mean removing these people in BPJS PBI services. That is caused based
on the cases above that have been submitted. "What is it that 5.2 million can not be a help? It's as if it was
released. Whereas in fact, firstly it is impossible for the Ministry of Social Affairs to unilaterally determine
who continues to get contribution assistance or not. Whereas actually it was not issued because it did not
receive assistance. Because based on the BDT, it was accessed, it did not show its name. , there are about 6
million who already have valid data and are entitled to get BPI BPJS Health, but not yet included in the
PBI quota. For this reason, one of the purposes of this deactivation is to make the 6 million people receive
assistance according to their rights. "On the one side of the Ministry of Social Affairs, there are six million
data people who have valid data, who are eligible to receive contribution assistance. He has the right, he is
poor, the data - the data is complete, but not yet included. On the one hand there are those who are included
but do not meet the requirements. Certainly on the basis of justice the Social Minister has the responsibility
to give the widest possible opportunity to those who are most entitled. "
BPJS harus di hapuskan
Jakarta-Sebanyak 5.227.852 jiwa yang terdaftar dalam Penerimaan Bantuan Iuran (PBI) BPJS Kesehatan
dinonaktifkan mulai hari ini.Hal tersebut dilakukan karena Kementrian Sosial menemukan adanya data
kependudukan yang tak valid hingga peserta yang sudah meninggal dunia.”Kami ingin membantu
melengkapi penjelasan yang berkembang terkait konferensi pers di BPJS kemarin.Bahwa memang betul
salah satu tugas kementrian sosial adalah melakukan penetapan hasil verivali (verifikasi dan validasi
data).jadi sudah ke-6 materi sosial menyempurnakan pemutakhiran data-data PBI. Pada surat keputusan ke-
6 itu,terdapat sebanyak 5.227.852 jiwa terhitung 1 Agustus 2019 di lakukan perubahan terhadap data-data
PBI,”Tentang Kepala Biro Humas Kemensos Sonny Manalu, dikantor Kemensos, Jakarta,Kamis

Sonny memaparkan,dari 5.227.842 jiwa yang dinonaktifkan dari PBI BPJS kesehatan,terdapat 5.113.842
jiwa yang memiliki Nomer Induk Kependudukan (NIK) yang tak valid.dan selama empat tahun tak
menggunakan layanan PBI BPJS data kemensos,di temukan ada status NIK tak jelas. Kalau BDT (Basis
Data Terpadu) itu kan harus NIK-nya jelas,di klik nomernya ada nama orangnya. Juga yang selama 2014
sampai sekarang mereka semua tidak pernah mengakses PBI Kesehatan “terang sonny.

Kemudian,sisa 114.010 orang yang sudah meninggal dunia tidak dapat dapat bantuan lagi.sementara ada
yang hidup miskin dan dialah yang berhak dapat.itu juga termasuk yang datangnya ganda itu kan harus di
buang,kemudian yang berpindah segmen,naik kelas atau di anggap sudah mampu.”ujar sonny.

Sonny mengatakan, penonaktifkan ini bukan berarti mengeluarkan orang-orang tersebut dalam dalam
layanan PBI BPJS. Hal tersebut di sebabkan berdasarkan kasus-kasus di atas yang sudah disampaikan.”itu
apa yang 5,2 juta sekian itu menjadi tidak dapat menjadi bantuan? Kan begitu se akan-akan dikeluarkan.
Padahal sebenarnya,pertama tidak mungkin kemensos secara sepihak menentukan siapakah yang lanjud
mendapatkan bantuan iuran atau tidak.Padahal sebenarnya bukan dikeluarkan karena supaya tidak
menerima bantuan.karena berdasarkan BDT dia terakses,di klik pun tidak muncul namanya.ada data itu
dahulu”paparnya.padahal,terdapat sekitar 6 juta yang sudah memiliki data valid dan berhak mendapatkan
PBI BPJS Kesehatan,tetapi belum masuk dalam kouta PBI. Untuk itu,salah satu tujuan dilakukannya
penonaktifan ini agar 6 juta jiwa tersebut dapat memperoleh bantuan sesuai haknya.”Disuatu sisi Kemensos
terdapat enam juta sekian data orang yang punya data valid,yang memenuhi syarat menerima bantuan
iuran.Dia memiliki hak,dia miskin,data-datanya lengkap,tapi belum masuk.Di satu sisi ada yang masuk
dalam tapi sudah tidak memenuhi syarat.tentu atas dasar keadilan Mensos memiliki tanggung jawab untuk
memberi kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada mereka yang paling berhak.”tandasnya.

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