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Candidate’s Name: Rishika Yadav Candidate’s Number: 0020

Centre Number: IN920


If you don't enjoy eating your vegetables from a pile on your plate, try placing them atop your
pizza. When combined with cheese, sauce, and dough, vegetables can take on a whole new life.
We ignore the fact that we eat more veggies while eating a pizza than consuming these veggies
raw in our daily diet thus pizza is a solution for people who hate vegetables and at the same time
desire a healthy and toned body. Ordering a pizza that’s loaded with vegetables and lean proteins
can provide ample nutrients that a person needs in his or her daily diet. The basic notion
regarding pizza is that “When we think of pizza, we typically think of greasy comfort food. Pizza
doesn’t deserve to be demonized the way it’s often portrayed,” but in fact pizza can be seen as a
balanced meal. The average slice of pizza has about 12 grams of protein, largely coming from
the cheese and meat used in the toppings. It is recommended that an adult should consume 7
grams of protein for every 20 pounds of his or her body weight. The cheese used in pizza for
which everyone craves pizza for is a good source of calcium which ultimately reflects on our
bones and make them strong, it does contain fat thus cheese shouldn't be overdone in any pizza.
And even excess of anything is harmful. Likewise, the tomato sauce used in pizza has some
essential antioxidants namely lycopene which helps to lower blood pressure and bring down high
cholesterol rates and lycopene is more readily absorbed from cooked tomatoes as compared to
the raw ones, according to US national library of medicine. Whole wheat dough if used in pizza
adds to the high fibre content making it a much healthier choice instead of products made from
white bread.

Keeping aside the health concerns aside, pizza also promotes social behaviour as pizza is one of
those foods best savoured with other people. If you’re eating pizza with a group of your friend or
with someone you love, you’ll get a pleasant dose of oxytocin’ the bonding hormone. Pizza can
actually enhance the quality of your life by promoting socialization and in fact it is also good for
our soul, as there is no denial in the fact that every single soul loves eating pizza and when you
eat something you love, your brain and body are flooded with the “happy chemicals” of
dopamine and serotonin. The pleasure centers in the brain light up, promoting the well-being,
gratitude and enjoyment in life.

Common sense is the key to enjoying pizza. You should not eat it every day, especially if it’s
loaded with double cheese and greasy meats. However, a slice now and then can actually do you
some good, as described by these pizza health benefits. So, savour every bite with a clean
conscious keeping in mind your health.

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