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Republic of the Philippines

Region II
Division of Cagayan
Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan

Name: ________________________________________________ Section: _______________

Date: ____________________ Score: ________________
Pre-Test in
Grade VIII- English

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. From the given choices, encircle the best answer.

1. Stress in the right syllable helps to show contrast and emphasis in meaning. If the word permit has a stress on the last
syllable as in permit’, what does it mean?
a. a notice c. to request
b. to give consent d. a written grant/authority

2. Your teacher asked you to recite an excerpt of the speech of the Prime Minister of Japan in your literature class as part
of your “Team Asia” activity. Your teacher is expecting you to:
a. copy the full text of the speech c. make an outline of the speech
b. interpret the speech d. make the speech short including only the key points

3. When reading researches, you may have noticed website reference at the end of a topic or article as in this example:
Prosodic features are features that appear when you put sounds together in connected speech. It is as important for you
to learn the prosodic features as a successful communication depends as much on intonation, stress and rhythm as on the correct
pronunciation of sounds.

What is the purpose of putting this website reference?

a. to promote the website and its links
b. to recognize source thus avoid plagiarism
c. to make researches look more formal
d. to provide additional information

4. What is the major language of Japan?

a. Farsi c. Hindi
b. Nihongo d. Bahasa

5. Why are references included in a research project?

a. To give courtesy to the authors of the works that you have read.
b. To keep a record of everything that you have read in writing the report.
c. To impress lectures.
d. To fully identify the source of information and ideas in the report so that others may check for themselves.

6. If you are asked to use conditional sentences to talk about uncertain events and situations, which of the sentences
below would best convey your message?
a. If I see Mia, I will ask if she wants to join our research group.
b. I will join the research team tomorrow, if my Mom will let me go.
c. If she won’t come, then she will have to join the group on line.
d. If I knew her Mom’s number, I would talk to her.

7. When you’re served a plate of sushi or sashimi, a Japanese food, how will you go about eating it? Here’s how:

__________, pour soy sauce on the small individual plate. __________, hold one piece of sushi (including the ball of
rice on the bottom) and dip the fish side into the sauce. Avoid dipping the rice into the sauce. Place the whole piece of sushi in
your mouth. __________ refresh your mouth with a slice of ginger. __________, eat sashimi sushi (individual slice of raw
fish) by dipping the fish slices into soy sauce. If desired, order a side dish of rice and take a few bites after each slice of fish.

What words will you use to fill in the blanks to show proper sequence of events in the paragraph?
a. Now, Afterwards, Then, Lastly
b. First, Second, Third, Lastly
c. Now, Then, Afterwards, Lastly
d. First, Next, Then, Finally

8. In the sentence “I don’t think he should get the job”, where will you put the stress if you mean “Somebody else
should get that job.”?
a. I c. Job
b. He d. Don’t

9. Research is best regarded as a skill because it ________________________________.

a. involves special ability and training.
b. is developed in school.
c. is updated from time to time.
d. Is a God-given talent.

10. How do you characterize Persian Women in general?

a. good for little more than decorating the harem
b. good for little more than having priorities
c. royal women were thought to be corrupt control freaks
d. had a great deal of personal freedom

11. Most of the themes in African literature focus on freedom, independence, equality and economic freedom to name a
few. What do these lines from the African story of creation reveal about their values?
A West African creation tale explains how two spirit people were accidentally sent down to earth by the sky god. Lonely,
the people decided to create children from clay, but feel they must hide them when the sky god comes down. Because they are
hidden in fire, the children soon turn to various shades based on how long they had been exposed to the heat. Over time, these
clay children grow up and move to various regions of the earth, ultimately populating it. (Fader)
a. Africans value people’s differences.
b. Africans follow their religion.
c. Africans entertain themselves through tales.
d. Africans are hardworking people.

12. Here are some English translations of the Japanese Haiku:

1. a clear waterfall-
into the ripples
fall green pine-needles

2. low tide morning…

the willow skirts are tailed
in stinking mud

3. your hermitage
the moon and chrysanthemums
plus an acre of rice fields

Haikus are traditional Japanese poems. What do these three Haikus say about the Japanese?
a. They are inspired by nature.
b. They are moon worshippers.
c. They like to view low tide.
d. They write about water, moon, and mud.

13. As part of the Asian continent, Filipinos share the same values and traditions with Chinese and Japanese. What values
are common among the three groups of people? Choose from the items below.
a. family oriented, religious and hardworking
b. family oriented, superstitious, hardworking
c. goal oriented, hardworking, and nature enthusiasts
d. hardworking, religious, and goal oriented
14. Oral literature includes folktales, myths, and legends. Myths are often sacred within the culture of a group of people
and are incorporated in their religion. Legends include familiar landmarks and/or known historical events. Folktales
deal with everyday lives that can be used to pass on moral values or for entertainment purposes.

One common characteristic of myths and legends is that:

a. They are meant to be read by kids.
b. They are written by the ancestors.
c. They are believed to be true.
d. They deal with animals and extraordinary people.

15. “Be as Rama, be as Sita.” This is one of the famous sayings that the Indians taught to their young ones. What specific
value is imparted by this quote?
a. Be a perfect son and an ideal husband like Rama; and be a faithful wife like Sita.
b. Be a strong man like Rama and be submissive as Sita.
c. Be a herolike Rama and a heroine like Sita.
d. Be exiled like Rama and be dependent like Sita.

16. Your Iranian friend messaged you in Facebook. He said he will be having a vacation here in the Philippines for a
week. You offered him to stay in your house. Your mother was having a hard time already thinking of the menu you
will have during your friend’s visit. Since you have learned their customs in your literature, what is the best food you
can offer to him?
a. Rice, unleavened bread, fried chicken, black tea, fresh fruits
b. Rice, fried pork, coffee, fresh fruits
c. Bread, fresh fruits, black tea
d. Rice, fried pork, unleavened bread, coffee

17. You are the feature editor of Philippine Daily Inquirer. You are tasked to make a write up about the Muslims. You
want the public especially the Christians to be familiar with their customs because it will guide them to understand
Muslims better. You will focus on their:
a. history c. problems of the people
b. culture d. leaders

18. You are a columnist in your school paper and in your column, you give advice on appropriate acts to be done based
on one’s traditions and values. What tip should you give your reader who wrote….

Dear Ask Me,

Hi! My Chines friend whose birthday falls on the same day as mine has given me a gift. I learned in my English 8 class that
reciprocating is one of the Chinese values, so I have bought a gift for her too. How should I give my gift? I understand Chinese
has a rich culture and tradition. I want my friend to be happy. Thanks!


Hi Thelma! Like the Filipinos, Chinese would appreciate gifts that are given wholeheartedly. However, you’d show how much
you care for them more by considering their culture. One way of doing that is by wrapping your gift
a. with white paper
b. in colorful wrappers
c. in transparent plastic
d. in red and gold

19. You are a graduating linguist student. In your thesis, you decided to conduct an in depth study of the culture and
history of a particular group in Asia. To be able to do it, you have to read Arabic articles. For you to achieve your
goal, the first thing you need to do is _____________________________.
a. identify the leaders of the group
b. learn their language first
c. ask help from the translators
d. know their interests

20. You are a Language instructor and you are to make an assessment of the proper use of stress in speaking. You decided
to have a collaborative activity. What are the possible activities you can give them to show that they learned it?
a. Do interactive storytelling.
b. Give them statements and let them give the meaning that way it was said.
c. Let them write a script and do a short skit.
d. Provide activity sheets to answer.

21. In a plot of the story, the logical arrangement of events is presented. It has five parts except __________.
a. denouement c. atmosphere
b. exposition d. climax

22. Setting is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the time and place where the story happens. It may be the
following except __________.
a. mood c. atmosphere
b. climax d. social condition

23. We went to the _______________ hotel in the city.

a. most cheap c. cheaper
b. more cheap d. cheapest

24. Which of the following is a compound- complex sentence?

a. Sang Buaya was the culprit that made Sang Kancil afraid.
b. The delivery truck dropped its load of sand in the backyard where the plumber stood, and then the delivery truck
drove off.
c. GawadKalinga, which gives invaluable aid, was flown into help people who were made homeless by the typhoon.
d. We went to the forest yesterday, but we did not find anything.

25. The point of view is defined as the angle from which the story is told except ________.
a. first person c. omniscient
b. innocent eye d. static

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