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Aprila 2018.C.10a.0985
Fitrialiyani 2018.C.10a.0967
Igo Gunawan 2018.C.10a.0969
Melatia Paska 2018.C.10a.0977
Rivaldo Setyo P 2018.C.10a.0982
Sarpika Yena Amalia 2018.C.10a.0985
Thomas Erick Helvin 2018.C.10a.09
Yuni Elia Kartika 2018.C.10a.09


TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020

Praise our prayers for the presence of God Almighty for all His grace This
paper can be completed on time even though there are several obstacles that
interfere with the process of making this paper, but the author can overcome it of
course the intervention of God Almighty.
The author hopes that this paper will be useful for students, especially
those who are in STIKes Eka. Hopefully the material on "Team Work and The
Patients Care Experience" so that it is expected that with this paper, students and
other readers will gain additional knowledge.
The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect, the authors hope for
criticism and suggestions from various parties to improve this paper in the future.
Final words from the authors thank all those who have helped in the process of
preparing this paper so that it becomes useful for us all.

Palangka Raya, 12 March 2020



TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………iii
1.1 Background.................................................................................................1
1.2 Formulation Of The Problem......................................................................2
1.3 Purpose.......................................................................................................3
1.4 benefit ........................................................................................................3


2.1 Definition team work..................................................................................…..4

2.2 Perception team work.................................................................................…..5
2.3 Types team work.........................................................................................…..7
2.4 Stage of development team work...............................................................…..8
2.5 The role of team members..........................................................................…..9
2.6 Factors that influence team work................................................................….10
2.7 Nurse responsibility....................................................................................….14
2.8 Components needed for effective teamwork to be achieved...........................18
2.9 The importance of collaboration between the health team and patient
2.10 What are the benefits of team collaboration..............................................….19
2.11 How to build and maintain effective health team collaboration…................20


3.1 Conclusion............................................................................................….21
3.2 suggestion.............................................................................................….21




1.1 Background
Nursing is an integral part of health services, therefore the purpose of
nursing services is one of the main objectives of health services. The
complexity of hospital resources as a result of the expanding role and scope of
activities of a hospital, requires great attention, improvement and major
changes in management. When compared with other resources, human
resources are high-value assets because they have the potential to continue to
grow. Among the human resources directly involved in providing services to
hospital patients are nurses and midwives.(MOH RI, 2010)
Supporting the service process requires motivation, work environment
and work groups. Nursing in carrying out services must always be done in a
team work. Collaboration has been widely applied to health settings in the
present. In the context of work and organization a health institution is run by a
multi-professional team which handles a variety of patient care procedures. In
this case the team consists of various professions which are responsible for
different duties and obligations. Ideally there is no overlapping between one
profession and another. Collaboration cannot be formed by itself in an
organization. Certain factors are needed to bring it up. Although in reality, it is
still very difficult and is a challenge to implement it. Because every profession
in a team has its own professional standards and culture. (Setyo, 2015)
According to Nursalam 2013 teamwork is a group of businesses that
produce higher performance than the number of individual input teamwork
has the ability to quickly gather, spread out, refocus and disperse. In addition,
teamwork is an effective way to provide nursing care, document and improve
the work of nurses' teams and facilitate nurse participation. According to As'ad
2000 in Suarli 2011 performance is the result that someone has achieved
according to the standards applicable to the work in question. Something that
influential with someone produced from his work behavior. People with high

levels of performance are productive, in contrast to people with low
performance levels. This depends on the group work situation as well as
individual motivation. (Setyo, 2015)
According to Nursalam 2011 motivation is something in human beings
that gives energy, activities, and movements that direct behavior to achieve
goals, but the willingness to direct these efforts is very dependent on one's
ability to satisfy a variety of nee
Nursalam 2013 explained that the performance implementation was
determined by individual motivation in the organization. Besides motivation
as a driving force also determined how the team's performance and nurses'
Sayuni's 2014 research also proved that competence and teamwork affect
performance. The 2013 Everistal study proved that knowledge and motivation
were largely lacking so that the implementation of performance was less than
optimal. (Sayuni, 2012)
1.2 Formulation Of The Problem
1.2.1 What is meant by team work?
1.2.2 What is perception team work?
1.2.3 What are the types team work?
1.2.4 What is the stage of development team work?
1.2.5 What is the role of team members?
1.2.6 What are the factors that influence team work?
1.2.7 What is the nurse's responsibility?
1.2.8 What components are needed for effective teamwork to be achieved?
1.2.9 What is the importance of collaboration between the health team and
patient safety?
1.2.10 What are the benefits of team collaboration?
1.2.11 How to build and maintain effective health team collaboration?
1.3 Purpose
1.3.1 To find out the definition team work.
1.3.2 To find out perception team work.
1.3.3 To find out the types team work.
1.3.4 To find out the stages of development team work.
1.3.5 To find out the role of team members.

1.3.6 To find out the influencing factors team work
1.3.7 To find out the nurse's responsibility.
1.3.8 To find out the components needed to achieve effective teamwork.
1.3.9 To find out the importance of collaboration between the health
team and patient safety.
1.3.10 To find out the benefits of team collaboration.
1.3.11 To find out how to build and maintain effective health team
1.4 Benefit
Benefits of writing this paper so that students know about the concept of
team work in nursing and understand what the roles and responsibilities of team
members in an organization.


2.1 Definition Team Work

Team Work is a form of work carried out together to achieve
agreed targets. Every nurse has different understanding and knowledge in
perceiving teamwork so that teamwork perceptions are also different.
(Nursalam, Nursing Management; Application in professional nursing
practice. Editor Dripa Sjabana, 2011)
Teamwork is the interaction or relationship of two or more health
professionals who work interdependently to provide care for patients. The
purpose of this collaboration is to provide care to patients, share
information to make decisions together, and find the optimal time to
collaborate in patient care. (Fundation, Canadian Health Service Research,
Teamwork are groups whose individual efforts produce higher
performance than the number of individual inputs. Teamwork generates
positive synergies through coordinated effort. This means that the
performance achieved by a team is better than the performance of
individuals in an organization or a company. (Judge, Stephen P. Robbins
and Timothy A., 2008)
Teamwork is a form of work in groups that must be well organized
and managed. The team consists of people who have different expertise
and are coordinated to work closely with the leadership. There is a strong
interdependence of one another to achieve a goal or complete a task. By
doing teamwork the results are expected to exceed if done individually.
(Dewi S., 2007)

2.2 Persepsi Team Work

The results of the study found that the perception of team work was
mostly good in 18 respondents (56.2%). This shows that the nurses'
responses in teamwork are in accordance with the standard ie every

contribution from the nurse is very important to complement the
performance in a group. This good perception is shown by the respondents'
answers, namely always prioritizing cooperation, skills in teamwork,
mutual trust, agreement, use of group time, group decisions, the benefits of
working in groups, more productive in achieving goals and handling
patients. (Wahyu Yusianto, 2015)
According to Nursalam 2013 teamwork is a form of work carried
out together to achieve the agreed targets. Every nurse has a different
understanding and knowledge in perceiving teamwork so that the
perception of teamwork is also different. The aspects of team work
according to Kritner and Knicki 2007 include the provision of information
and input on the responsibility in making decisions, the responsibility in
doing daily work, solving problems together and the responsibility in
carrying out activities in providing services.
Dewi 2013's research proves that the professionalism aspect of
nurses is done through teamwork, skills, workload, work decisions and
work performance. This shows that teamwork is very important to support
the implementation of nurses' performance so that later it will affect the
quality of services that will be provided to patients. Team work is also an
indicator of the quality of service in nursing. Nurses who lack
understanding and misperceptions about the importance of teamwork will
have a poor view of teamwork itself. (Dewi A. R., 2013)
The results of the study found that the perception of team work in
the medium category was 10 respondents (31.2%) and the less category
was 4 respondents (12.5%). This shows that the aspect of respondents'
understanding of the contribution of teamwork in achieving goals is still
lacking as evidenced from the answers, namely from the respondents who
have never carried out cooperation, pay less attention to teamwork, have
conflicts within the group of nurses, give less priority to togetherness, do
not prioritize group decisions (working alone) and working individually.
(Wahyu Yusianto, 2015)

According to Nursalam 2011 the organization is a social system
with human resources (HR) being the main factor to achieve effectiveness
and efficiency. The organization is a very complex system that brings
together many individuals, work teams, structures, systems and rules that
have been agreed upon and implemented by all members of the
organization. The performance of nurses with less money does not seem to
be a problem in groups that is lacking that is still the personal interests of
each individual.
The 2010 Gustomo study shows that a small proportion of the
team's work is lacking in categories that are proven to be lack of planning,
trust in groups, ability in groups, sources of investigators and monitors in
teamwork. Lack of this aspect will lead to lack of teamwork. The
dimensions of the level of confidence in the careerist in applying ethics in
the workplace are important factors and have a significant influence on the
work unit's performance. Honesty, the opportunity to adapt, work together
with the same aspirations are the main components of work ethics in a
group. This gives the effect of perception of teamwork. (Gustomo, 2010)
2.3 Type Teamwork
According to Daft (2000) the type of teamwork consists of 6 (six) types,
1. Formal Team A formal team is a team formed by an organization as
part of a formal organizational structure.
2. Vertical Team A vertical team is a formal team consisting of a
manager and several of his subordinates in the formal organization's
chain of command.
3. Horizontal Team Horizontal team is a formal team consisting of
several employees from almost the same hierarchical level but come
from different areas of expertise.
4. eams with Special Tasks Teams with special tasks are a team formed
outside the formal organization to handle a project with special
interests or creativity.

5. The Mandiri Team The Mandiri Team is a team of 5 to 20 workers
with various skills who undergo job rotations to produce a complete
product or service, and its implementation is overseen by an elected
6. Problem-solving Team The problem-solving team is usually
composed of 5 to 12 employees who are paid hourly from the same
department, where they meet to discuss ways to improve quality,
efficiency, and work environment.
There are 3 (three) types of teams, viz:
1. Problem solving team
A team formed to overcome various problems that arise in an effort to
improve productivity. Basically, the activities of this team are to
identify various problems, discuss how to solve these problems and
take action to improve. Team members usually come from a
department of about ten people who have regular meetings every
2. Self managed team
A team that is intended to improve productivity by giving authority to
the group to manage their work, for example scheduling work,
determining work methods, supervising members, giving rewards and
penalties for members and recruiting members. This membership
usually comes from one department that performs the same task.
3. Cross functional team
A team devoted to completing specific tasks, for example developing
new products or planning and changing compensation systems. These
team members come from various departments with different
expertise and orientation who work together to achieve a goal.
(Hariandja, 2006)
2.4 Stage of Development Teamwork
The very basic thing in realizing the integrity of a team in order to
be able to perform and be effective is to do a good team design. The

importance of good team design by dividing into 4 (four) stages of
development, viz:
1. Forming (pembentukan), is the stage at which members agree to join a
team. Because new groups are formed, each person carries his own
values, opinions and ways of working. Conflicts are very rare,
everyone is still shy, shy, even there are often members who feel
nervous. Groups tend not to be able to choose a leader (except the
team that has been chosen by the group leader first).
2. Storming (merebut hati), is the stage where chaos starts to arise in the
team. Leaders who have been chosen are often questioned about their
abilities and group members do not hesitate to replace leaders who are
deemed incapable. Factions began to form, there were conflicts
because of personal problems, all insisting on their respective
opinions. Very little communication occurs because each person no
longer wants to be a listener.
3. Norming (pengaturan norma), is the stage where individuals and
subgroups in the team begin to feel the benefits of working together
and struggling to avoid the team from being destroyed (broken up).
Because the spirit of cooperation has begun to emerge, each member
begins to feel free to express their feelings and opinions to all team
4. Performing (melaksanakan), is the stage is the culmination point
where the team has succeeded in building a system that allows it to be
able to work productively and efficiently. At this stage the team's
success will be seen from the achievements shown. (Griffin, 2004)

2.5 Peranan Anggota Tim

There are 5 (five) things that indicate the role of members in
building effective team work, viz:
1. Members understand well the team's goals and can only be achieved
well with mutual support, and therefore have a sense of
interdependence, a sense of team ownership in carrying out the task.

2. Members contribute to the team's success by applying their talents and
knowledge to the team's goals, being able to work openly, being able
to express ideas, opinions and disagreements, their roles and questions
are welcomed.
3. Members try to understand each other's perspectives, are encouraged
to develop their skills and apply them to the work, for that to get
support from the team.
4. Members acknowledge that conflicts are normal, or normal, and try to
resolve conflicts quickly and constructively (to be ameliorative).
5. Members participate in team decisions, but understand that their
leader must make the final rules every time the team fails to make a
decision, and the final rule is not a match. (Stanto, 2008)
2.6 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Team Work
1. Internal Factors
Internal factors are everything that comes from oneself that can give
pressure or encouragement to do something diligently to achieve
a. Ability
Ability is the capacity of individuals to carry out various tasks
in certain jobs. The overall ability of a person is essentially
composed of two factors, namely intellectual ability and physical
ability. Intellectual abilities are the abilities needed to carry out
mental activities, the seven most frequently cited dimensions that
shape intellectual abilities are numeracy skills, verbal
comprehension, perceptual speed, inductive reasoning, deductive
reasoning, visualization of space and memory.
Work imposes different demands on the performer to use
intellectual abilities, meaning that the more demands for
information processing in a particular job the more intelligence
and general verbal skills needed to be able to successfully
complete the work.

Whereas physical ability is to the same degree as intellectual
ability to play a greater role in complex jobs that require
information processing requirements, special physical abilities are
important for the success of carrying out less demanding and
more standard jobs, for example jobs whose success demanding
stamina, physical dexterity, leg strength, or similar talents
requires management to recognize an employee's physical
capabilities. Specific physical abilities are the ability to carry out
tasks that require stamina, skills, strengths, and similar
b. motivation
Motivation is the will or desire in someone that drives him to
act. Motivation is a condition or energy that moves employees
towards or directed to achieve organizational goals. Motivation is
the result of interaction between the individual and his situation,
so that every human being has a different motivation from one to
Two factors that influence motivation, which are intrinsic, are
factors that encourage outstanding employees who come from
within oneself, including achievement, opposing creative work,
responsibility and improvement, while extrinsic factors, namely
factors that come from outside are seen as improving employee
performance, including administrative policies , quality control,
working conditions, work status, job security, personal life and
2. Faktor Eksternal
External factors are all things that come from other influential parties
or from the environment, for example parents, coworkers or leaders
who influence someone to be able to try harder to achieve something.
a. Supervision
Supervision is to make direct and periodic observations by
superiors of the work carried out by subordinates so that if

problems are found immediately given instructions and guidance
or direct assistance to overcome them.
Supervision is a process of facilitating the resources needed by
staff to complete tasks. Supervision as an activity of coaching,
guidance or supervision by the program manager towards the
implementation at the lower administrative level in order to
determine the activities in accordance with the stated goals and
Supervision is one of the activities in personnel management
and management in general. In personnel management, the main
focus is directed at human resources (human resources) in the
hope that a competent force can be obtained. With the existence
of a power unit like what was stated above, it is hoped that the
organizational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently
through the optimal development of all personnel in relation to
The aim of supervision is to increase and stabilize the
management of health development efforts in an effective and
efficient manner, increase and use of resource managers at all
levels of administration in the context of fostering the
implementation of health efforts, enhancing and strengthening the
management of programs at all levels of administration in the
context of fostering health efforts , improvement and monitoring
of community participation managers at all administrative levels
in the context of fostering health efforts.
The principle of nursing supervision is supervision conducted
in accordance with the organizational structure:
1) Supervision requires basic management knowledge, human
relations skills and the ability to apply management
principles and skills.

2) The supervision function is clearly explained and organized
and stated through instructions, regulations or policies, job
descriptions, standards.
3) Supervision is a democratic collaborative process between
supervisors and implementing nurses (nursing staff).
4) Supervision uses management processes including
implementing a mission, philosophy, goals, specific plans to
achieve goals.
5) Supervision creates an environment that supports effective
communication, stimulates creativity and motivation.
6) Supervision has the primary or ultimate goal of providing
security, usefulness, and efficacy of nursing services that
gives satisfaction to patients, nurses, and managers.
b. Leadership style
The style of leadership developed by a leader is influenced by
three main factors (strengths). All three will determine the extent
to which he will conduct oversight of the group being led. The
first strength factor comes from himself as a leader. The second
factor comes from the group being led, and the third factor
depends on the situation.
Leadership is the process of developing directly by
coordinating with group members and having the characteristics
to be able to increase success and development in achieving
organizational goals. Leadership means involving other people,
namely subordinates or employees who will be led. Leadership
also involves the division or delegation of authority.
Leadership styles can be divided into two styles viz:
1) Leadership style with a task orientation is a leader who is
oriented towards directing and supervising innately to ensure
that the tasks carried out in accordance with the wishes and
pay more attention to the implementation of work rather than
employee development and growth.

2) Employee leadership style that is leader oriented to efforts to
further motivate and encourage members to participate in
decision making, create an atmosphere of friendship and
relationships of mutual trust and respect for group members.
Employee-oriented leadership style is a leadership style that is
more effective than the leadership style that is oriented to production or
tasks. Effective leaders have good relationships with subordinates, and
in decision making depends on the group not on the individual. The
leader also encourages employees to set and achieve high goals and
achievements. (Hasmoko, 2008)
2.7 Nurse Responsibilities
1. Responsibilities of team members:
a. Provide nursing care to patients under his responsibility.
b. Collaborate with team members and between teams.
c. Give a report..
2. The responsibilities of the team leader :
a. Make a plan.
b. Make assignments, supervision and evaluation.
c. Know / know the patient's condition and can assess the level of
patient needs.
d. Develop the ability of members.
e. Hold a conference.
3. The responsibility of the head of the room:
1. Planning
a) Appoint a team leader who will be assigned in their
respective rooms.
b) Following the handover of patients in the previous shift.
c) Identifying the level of client dependence: distress, transition
and preparation to go home with the team leader.
d) Identify the number of nurses needed based on client
activities and needs with the team leader, arranging
assignments / scheduling.

e) Planning an implementation strategy.
f) Following the doctor's visit to find out the condition,
pathophysiology, medical actions taken, treatment programs
and discuss with the doctor about the actions that will be
taken against patients.
g) Manage and control Nursing Care:
- Guiding the implementation of nursing care.
- Guiding the application of the nursing process and
assessing nursing care.
- Hold discussions for problem solving.
- Provide information to patients or families who have just
entered the hospital.
h) Help develop the value of education and self-training.
i) Help guide nursing students.
j) Maintaining the realization of the vision and mission of
nursing in the hospital.
2) Organizing.
a) Formulate the assignment method used.
b) Formulate the objectives of the assignment method.
c) Make details of the tasks of the team and team members
d) Making the span of control of the head of the room in charge
of 2 team leaders and the team leader in charge of 2-3 nurses.
e) Manage and control the nursing staff: make the service
process, manage the existing staff every day and others.
f) Arrange and control the logistics of the room.
g) Manage and control the situation of the practice.
h) Delegate the task of the head of the room is not in place, to
the team leader.
i) Give authority.
j) Identification of problems and how to deal with them.

3) Direction
a) Give direction to the team leader.
b) Give praise to team members who carry out the task well.
c) Provide motivation in increasing knowledge, skills and
d) Informing matters that are considered important and related
to the patient's nursing care.
e) Involve subordinates from the beginning to the end of the
f) Guiding subordinates who have difficulty in carrying out
their duties.
g) Increase collaboration with other team members.
4) Pengawasan
a) Through communication: supervise and communicate
directly with the team leader in the implementation of nursing
care provided to patients.
b) Through supervision:
- Direct supervision through inspection, observing by
yourself or through direct reports verbally and fixing /
monitoring the weaknesses that exist at that time.
- Indirect supervision, namely checking the attendance list
of team leaders, reading and checking nursing plans as
well as notes made during and after the nursing process
is carried out (documented), listening to the team leader's
report on the implementation of tasks.
- Evaluate implementation efforts and compare with
nursing plans that have been prepared with the team
leader. (Nursalam, Nursing Management Application in
Professional Nursing Practices, 2002)
2.8 To Achieve Success In Building Teamwork, There Are Some Things That
Need To Get Attention:

1. Set clear goals or objectives to be achieved by the team, team
members must understand and agree on goals in order to work
2. Divide the tasks and responsibilities of each team member and appoint
leaders in the team;
3. All members obey the rules / agreement of the team, a team must have
rules or rules or agreements so that it can form a framework for
achieving its goals;
4. People adapt to change, change is not only unavoidable but also very
necessary, it's just that generally people often reject change. Therefore
each team member must be able to help each other in adapting to
changes positively;
5. Up-to-date information from each process carried out in the team in
the aim of each member knowing the progress of the project being
worked on, wrong information results in wrong decisions;
6. Building self confidence from each team member, "Be a person who
can be trusted and relied on" is an attitude that must be possessed by a
leader. This process is very decisive in building the morale of each
team member;
7. Leaders must have an Open attitude, Give support and always be able
to give Rewards, Recognations and Celeberations "to team members;
8. Conduct scheduled and planned reviews and process improvements
9. Creating a conducive atmosphere of activities so that each team
member is able to provide the best in their work (cooperative and
collaborative) (Muslihah, 2016)
2.8 Components Needed for Effective Team Collaboration
Components of effective teamwork,viz :
1. Open communication.
2. Free environment.
3. Have clear goals, roles and clear tasks for team members.
4. Mutual respect.

5. Sharing responsibility for team success.
6. Balance the participation of each member in carrying out tasks,
procurement and conflict management.
7. Clear specifications of authority and accountability.
8. Know clearly the procedures for decision making, communicating and
sharing information regularly and routinely,
9. a supportive environment (including access to needed resources), and
10. Mechanisms to evaluate results and adjust according to applicable
regulations. [ CITATION ODa08 \l 1057 ]
2.9 The Importance of Collaboration of the Health and Patient Safety
Health team collaboration is very important because each health
worker has different knowledge, skills, abilities, expertise and experience.
In collaboration with the health team, it has the same goal, which is safety
for patients. In addition, the collaboration of the health team can improve
performance in various aspects related to the health care system. All health
workers are required to have good qualifications in their respective fields
so as to reduce the human error factor in providing health services.
Collaboration is important for the implementation of patient safety, such
1. Health services are not possible by 1 medical person.
2. Increased patient awareness of health.
3. Can evaluate mistakes that have been made so as not to repeat.
4. Can minimize errors.
5. Patients will be able to discuss and communicate well to be able to
convey their wishes.
2.10 Manfaat Kolaborasi Tim Kesehatan
Benefits from the collaboration of the health team, viz:
1. The abilities of different health services can be integrated so that a
functional team is formed.
2. The quality of health services and the number of service offerings
increase so that the community can easily reach health services.

3. Medical teams can share knowledge from other health professions and
create compact teamwork.
4. Provide quality health services by combining unique professional
5. Maximizing productivity and effectiveness and efficiency of
6. Increase professionalism satisfaction, loyalty, and job satisfaction.
7. Increased access to various health services.
8. Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of health services.
9. Provide a clear role in interacting between health professionals so they
can respect and cooperate with each other.
10. For health teams having knowledge, skills and experience.
2.11 How to Build and Maintain Effective Collaboration of Effective
Health Teams.
Building and maintaining health team collaboration is needed to be
able to provide optimal health services to patients. There are several ways
you can do to build and maintain a health team collaboration:
1. Make sure all team members can meet regularly to discuss future
2. Make sure all health teams are involved in every plan.
3. Get to know each other among team members so they can contribute
4. Communication must be well established and routine.
5. Mutual trust, support and respect.
6. Conduct periodic evaluations to improve the situation in the future.
7. Respect all opinions and contributions of all team members.

3.1 Kesimpulan
Team Work is a form of work carried out together to achieve agreed
targets. Every nurse has different understanding and knowledge in
perceiving teamwork so that teamwork perceptions are also different.
(Nursalam, Nursing Management; Application in professional nursing
practice. Editor Dripa Sjabana, 2011)
Teamwork is the interaction or relationship of two or more health
professionals who work interdependently to provide care for patients. The
purpose of this collaboration is to provide care to patients, share
information to make decisions together, and find the optimal time to
collaborate in patient care. (Fundation, Canadian Health Service Research,
The types of teamwork are divided into: Formal Teams, Vertical
Teams, Horizontal Teams, Teams with Special Tasks, Independent Teams.
The stages of teamwork development are divided into: Forming,
Storming (winning hearts), Norming (setting norms), Performing
3.2 Saran
From the preparation of this paper the author is aware that there are
still many shortcomings and errors both in writing content, material and
others. Expected constructive criticism from readers.
With the aim for the reader to understand what is meant by nursing
team work from the definition, perception, types, stages of development,
the role of team members, nurse responsibilities and the components
needed for the achievement of an effective teamwork.


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