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The Arrogant Ant

Somewhere, there is a very dense forest , staying there various kinds of animals.
There are tigers, goats, birds, monkeys, wolfs, giraffes, panda, crocodiles. Yeah, those are
animals that usually we knows live in the forest. But, wait, we forget about two animals.
Caterpillar and The Ant. And we will talk about these two of animals.

One day, a very strong storm came instantly.


All animals panicked and ran in fear avoiding the coming storm.
“ have to safe ourself from this storm,”, said some animals.
The next day, the sun appeared very warmly with the bird song. Yes, the storm has
stopped. But what happened? A lots of trees fell because of the storm. It was a messy forest.
On a corner in the forest, A Cocoon was crying and saddened by what has happened
on a fallen tree.
"Hu..huu ... how sad I am, hit by a storm and there is no safe place to take shelter..huhu ..."
The Cocoon was so sad by the situation.

From behind the ground, there appeared An Ant who arrogantly said...
"Hi Cocoon, look at me, I was protected from the storm yesterday, not like you who are on
the ground. Look at your body, you just stick to fallen trees and can not find a safe place from
the storm, hahahaha".
Of course The Ant can survived from the storm because they had nest underground. The
other hand, Cocoon did not have a nest because it just hanged on a tree branch.
“Why are mocking me? Why don’t you just help me? Offering shelter for me maybe”. Said
The Caterpillar.
“Im so sorry, Caterpillar. Im hungry now. So I have to find food immedietly. So, bye bye”
The Ant left The Caterpillar.
Fifteen days later, The Caterpillar turned into a Cocoon. As we know, A Cocoon can only
hang on the branch. It can’t walk, it can’t run, and certainly it can’t fly.
Unfortunately, a very strong storm came again.
“” all the animals in the forest was panicked.
All the animals ran to safe themself from the storm. But The Cocoon can’t do anything. The
worse, the tree where it hang fell.
The next morning, The Ant walked through the fallen tree and he saw A Cocoon was crying.
“Huuu huuu...How sad I am. I lost my place again. Huuu huuuu huu”
“ Hi Cocoon. You lose your tree? Again?. Hmmm, How lucky I am. I have a perfect shelter
that can safe me from the storm. Again”. The Ant mocked The Cocoon arrogantly.
“Ant, You mock me? Again? I hope you are hungry now, so you have to find food
immedietly. So you can leave me quickly”.
Answer The Cocoon sadly. He knew The Ant just wanted to insulted him instead of helped
“Ooohh. Poor Cocoon! Yeah you’re right. I’m hungry and I’m in a hurry now. I just passed
by and I saw you so I greeted you as a friendly friend. So, bye bye”.
“Greet me? No, Ant, you mocked me. And you’re not a friendly friend, at all. Because friend
dont mock”.
The Ant leave The Cocoon.
Two weeks passed. It was a sunny day. As usual, The Ant were looking for food. He walked
around the forest casually. But suddenly...
The Ant did not know if he walks on mud that can swallowed and pulled all of creature that
passed above it.
"Aaaaa help...Please ... please .... I'm stuck in the mud...please help", shouted The Ant.
Then a voice came from above,
"Are you in trouble, Ant?" The Ant looked up looking for the source of the sound. The sound
came from a butterfly that was flying over the mud.
"Who are you?" asked The Ant upset.
"I am The Caterpillar that you were insulting at the time" replied the Butterfly.
Ant feel very embarrassed and asked butterfly to help him from the mud.

"Please help me Butterfly, I'm sorry that at that time I was very proud to survive the storm
just because I have shelter underground."
The butterfly finally helped The Ant so The Ant can survived and promised he would
not insult all God's creatures in the forest.
Well, the lesson that we can learn from the story above is that we must love and
respect all of God's creatures. We should not insult other creatures.

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