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Capital Letters

Capital letters atau huruf kapital merupakan bagian penting dalam penulisan.

Mengapa penggunaan huruf kapital penting? Huruf kapital menjadi tanda bagi pembaca

untuk mengetahui makna. Contohnya perbedaan dari the White House dan the white house.

a) White House = the official residence and workplace of the president of the United

States. (istana kepresidenan Presiden Amerika Serikat.)

b) White house = the house that the color is white. (Rumah dengan warna putih.)

Kedua contoh di atas menggambarkan pentingnya huruf kapital. Kapan saja huruf kapital

dibutuhkan? Selanjutnya akan dibahas kapan saja kita membutuhkan huruf kapital

1) The first word in every sentence.

Daily workouts have many benefits. For instance, they can help you sleep better at


2) The first word of a quoted sentence.

Felipe said, “We have two dogs, one cat, and two parakeets, for a grand total of five.”

3) Salutations and closings of letters.

Dear Sir:

My dear Brenda,

4) The pronoun I

When I visited Denver, I went to the zoo and to the museum.

5) Name of person

Eric, Samuel Bill, Nancy Pipkin.

6) Names of mountains, mountain ranges, hills, and volcanoes

Mt. Olympus and Mount Vesuvius

7) Cities and countries

Karawaci and Indonesia

8) Names of bodies of water, including rivers, lakes, oceans, seas, streams, and creeks

Ciliwung River and Muscogee Creek

9) Names of buildings, monuments, bridges, and tunnels

the Statue of Liberty and Holland Tunnel

10) Street names

Manhattan Avenue and Oxford Street

11) Days, months, and holidays

Monday, May, and Christmas

12) Schools, colleges, and universities

Harvard University and Boston College

13) Political divisions, including continents, regions, states, counties, and towns

North America and the Wayne County

14) Nationalities and languages

French and English

15) Abbreviations

UN (United Nations) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

16) Person’s titles

Mr. Jim, Judge Katy, Mayor Bill, Miss Jane, Aunt Lim

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