Finish Each of The Following Sentences So That It Means The Same As The Printed One

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Finish each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the printed one.

1. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.

(The last thing
you could do is to call the police.
2. Sam didn’t celebrate until he received the prize. (It was not until
Sam received the prize that he celebrated.)
3. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did. ( Against
everybody’s expectation, she lost)
4. You’ll learn the basic rules. Then you’ll find it easy to play. (Once you have learnt the
basic rules, you’ll find it easy to play.)
5. If nothing unfortunate happens, I’ll see you next week. (All
being well, I’ll see you next week.)
6. The government have been reviewing their education policies recently. (The
government’s education policies have been under review recently.
7. When the policeman appeared at the door. I was pretty taken aback. (Imagine my
surprise/ astonishment when a policeman appeared at the door.)
8. My protests were ignored. (Nobody took notice of my protests.)
9. It’s what people eat that betrays their social background, not their table manners.
(What gives people’s social background away is what they eat, not their table
10. The chances are a hundred to one against you. (It’s most difficult for you to get the
11. Giving fair warning, I could have avoided that date. (If you could tell me in advance, I
could have avoided that date.)
12. I would do anything for you. ( There’s nothing I would not do for you)
13. Ann’s mother gave her a gold watch. (What Ann’s mother gave her was a gold watch)
14. It’s only when you’re ill that you start to appreciate good health. (It isn’t until you are
ill that you start to appreciate good health.)
15. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t open the door. (Try as hard as I might, I could
not open the door.)
16. The last time I go to that restaurant. (I certainly won’t go to that restaurant again)
17. The rail workers do not intend to call off their strike. (The rail workers have no
intention of calling off their strike.)
18. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly. (I object to people criticizing me
19. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic. (We were not able to
have our picnic because of the heavy rain.)
20. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport. (He regretted not saying
goodbye to her at the airport.)
21. Mosquitoes cause malaria and this is well known. (That mosquitoes cause malaria is
22. Her husband died. When she heard the news she fainted. (On hearing the news of her
hushand’s death she fainted)
23. Jerry’s salary as an accountant is two thousand dollars a month. (Jerry makes 2,000
dollars a month.)
24. I only recognized him when he came into the light. (Not until he came into the light
did I recognize him.)?
25. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week. (There has been a
considerable fall in the value of sterling in the past week.)
26. He refused to help, which surprised us. (His refusal to help surprised us.)
27. It is said that there is plenty of oil off our own coast. (There is said to be plenty of oil
off our own coast.)
28. Can we trust her? (Is she trustworthy?)
29. Driving fast is dangerous whether you are an experienced driver or not? (However
experienced you are, driving fast is dangerous.)
30. I don’t want to go to that party last night. (I don’t feel like going to that party last
31. We’ll always remember these days together at our meeting in the future. (Whenever
we meet again in the future, we’ll always remember these days.)
32. The police are advising vigilance, as there have been more robberies lately. (Due to
the recent increase robberies, the police are advising vigilance.)
33. Next year’s turnover and profits can’t be forecast. (It’s impossible to forecast next
year’s turnover and profits.)
34. Nobody helped me to build this. (I built this on my own.)
35. The realisation that I had made a big mistake came later. (Only later did I realise that I
had made a big mistake.)
36. No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship. ( It’s a
foregone conclusion that Mansell will win this year’s championship.)
37. Her success went beyond her expectation. (Never had she expected that she was so
38. If we wait long, we’ll get what we want. (It’s just a question of waiting long enough
to get what we want.)
39. The rumour about the politician and construction contract is absolutely false. (There is
absolutely no truth in that rumour about the politician and construction contract.)
40. They couldn’t find the manager anywhere. (The manager was nowhere to be found.)
41. More people are infected with HIV this year than they were 5 years ago. (Not as many
people were infected with HIV 5 years ago as they are this year.)
42. Just after solving one problem, I was faced with another. (Hardly had I solved one
problem when I was faced with another.)
43. It was his incompetence which led to their capture. (Had he been competent, they
wouldn’t have been captured.)
44. I don’t understand a single word of this letter. (I can’t make head nor tail of this
45. The hurricance blew the roof off the house. (The house had its roof blown off by the
46. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life. (Martin’s poor health
does not prevent him from enjoying life.)
47. If the work is finished by lunchtime and you can go home. (Get the work finished by
lunchtime and you can go home.)
48. You pay 20D a month for a period of one year. (You pay in twelve successive
monthly installments of 20D
49. The chances are that the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term. (In all
probablity the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term.)
50. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect. (But
for his command of the local dialect we would have been jailed.)
51. This affair does not concern you. (This affair is not business of yours)
52. The fate of the two climbers is unknown. (It is a mystery what has happened to the
two climbers.)
53. That dress has only the slightest mark on it. (I can barely see any mark on that dress.)
54. It is thought that the accident was caused by human error. (The accident is thought to
have been caused by human error.)
55. He did not pass his driving test until he was nearly 30. (It was not until he was nearly
30 that he passed his driving test.)
56. It was the weakness of the foundations that led to the collapse of the building. (If the
foundations hadn't been weak, the building wouldn’t have collapsed.)
57. The police let him leave after they had questions him. ( He was allowed to leave after
he had been questioned by the police)
58. He was very sorry that he didn’t see Andrey on her trip to London. (He greatly
regretted not seeing Andry on her trip to London.)
59. It was his lack of confidence that surprised me. (What I found surprising was his lack
of confidence.)
60. Despite having a lot of money, he wasn’t happy. (Even though he had a lot of money,
he wasn’t happy.)
61. They will not announce the decision formally. (No formal announcement of the
decision will be made.)
62. They believe that the robbers got into the bank through the roof. (The robbers are
believed to have got into the bank through the roof.)
63. Karajan was the first person to recognize her extraordinary musical gift. (It was
Karajan who first recognized her extraordinary musical gift.)
64. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto a unique language. (Unlike other
languages, Esperanto has no irregular verbs.)
65. Thanks to Laura’s support I was able to finish the project. (Had it not been Laura’s
support, I would not have been able to finish the project.
66. It was his over-confidence that led to his defeat in the Wimbledon final. (If he hadn’t
been so over-confident, he would not have been defeated.)
67. They have been living in Germany for five years now. (It’s 5 years since they moved
to Germany.)
68. I have never been to Paris before. (This is the first time I’ve been to Paris.)
69. The football team have won all their matches this season, and their manager is a
famous Spanish footballer. (The football team, whose manager is a famous Spanish
footballer, have won all their matches this season.)
70. I think you should buy a new pair of shoes and get rid of those trainers. (It’s high time
you bought a new pair of shoes and got rid of those trainers.)
71. A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1600s. (The destruction of most
of the old city of London was brought about by a fire in the 1600s.)
72. The presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a
standstill.( So many people turned out to see the president that all …)
73. There has been a considerable fall in the value of these goods in the past week. (The
value of these goods has fallen considerably in the past week.)
74. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year. (The exhibition has not been so
well attended this year.)
75. We have 6.00 deadline for this work.(This work must be finished by 6.00)
76. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. (Much to our
regret, we have to/ are obligated to inform you that your...
77. It might be a good idea if trucks were sent there to help in the distribution of food
supplies. (It was suggested truck should have been sent there to help in...
78. Please let me know if you wish to keep the book any longer. (Should you wish to keep
the book any longer, let me know.)
79. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing on this weather. (They can’t have been
playing in this weather.)
80. She didn’t shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy. (Not a tear did she shed
when ...
81. You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong.(Contrary to your
opinion, fat people are not always jolly)
82. I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics. (I am utterly/totally ignorant about
83. It is not certain that John will get the job. (It is open to question whether John will get
the job.)
84. We weren’t surprised by his success. (It came as no surprise to us that he was
85. The flowers are beautiful in spring. (Beautiful are the flowers in spring.)
86. The war with French didn’t end as early as we had expected so not many children
were sent to school. (If the war with French had ended as early as we had expected,
many children would have been sent to school.)
87. He is so stupid that he can’t remember his lessons. (So stupid is he that he....)
88. After the beginning of the opera, latecomers had to wait before taking their seats.
(Once the opera had begun, late-comers had....)
89. There was never any answer when we rang. (Every time we rang, there wasn’t any
90. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected. (The patient made a more rapid
recovery than expected.)
91. My boss works better when he pressed for the time. (The less time my boss has, the
better he works.)
92. It isn’t necessary for you to finish by Saturday. (You don’t need to finish by
93. The poor should not be despised. (Do not despise the poor.)
94. It is useless to waste time in arguing with him. (Why waste time in arguing with him?)
95. His life was despaired of. (All hope that he was alive was in vain.)
96. He knew the subject inside out. (He knew the subject well.)
97. The chances are a hundred to one against you. (It’s most difficult for to get the
98. It was his incompetence which led to their capture. (If he had been competent, he
would not have been captured.)
99. The true only came out on the publication of the general’s person diaries. (Only when
the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.)

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